MTL - Super Dimensional Wizard-v6 Chapter 3295 Breaking energy

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   With the "obstacle breaking" research results as bait, the "rage collector" that Yatesin described next, even though it is useless to most ethnic groups, the heat column shows no sign of declining at all.

   It can also be seen from this that "breaking barriers" is so attractive to various ethnic groups that they can ignore their own preferences.

  Rage Collector, if this invention is classified by the alchemy category, it probably belongs to the category of... biological alchemy.

  Because its main material is the organ of some unknown creature.

   And its shape is that of an angry howling human head.

  Yatexin did not introduce the specific refining method, but just said that it was made by using the organs of several kinds of creatures to match each other.

   Angel is skeptical about this. The biggest problem in bioalchemy is "organ rejection".

  Even a top alchemist like Dongla dare not easily select multiple non-exotic organs for matching when performing bioalchemy. How dare the inventor of the Changhuo Clan?

   There is a high probability that Yatesin lied about this, or exaggerated his words.

  However, the refining process itself is secret, so it doesn't hurt to play a little word games.

   What matters is the effect of the Rage Collector.

  It is said to collect anger, but its real effect is more inclined to collect negative emotions.

  As long as the collector is placed in places with more negative emotions, such as battlefields, prisons, execution grounds...these places, the scattered negative emotions can be collected.

   In the beginning, the collector looks like this: a calm human head with eyes closed.

  When the collector is full of negative emotions, its appearance becomes like that in Yatesin's hand: a head with eyes staring and howling in anger.

  A collector full of negative emotions, with three different uses:

  The first type, the Changhuo tribe will recycle the overflowing collector. By judging the quality and concentration of emotions stored inside, the recycling price is about two to ten times the original price.

   It is equivalent to saying that the Changhuo tribe has released a long-term task of collecting negative emotions. As long as the negative emotions are collected, they can be exchanged for crystals from the Changhuo tribe.

   This is a good extra money item for races that often fight or are in a negative emotional environment for a long time.

  Engages like Sipolov, who have been on the front line of war all year round, are tempted by this collector.

   It’s just that Sipolov will also suspect that the Changhuo tribe recycles these collectors full of negative emotions. What are they used for? If you buy it yourself, will you cheat yourself in turn?

  In short, although the first use has attracted many people, but because of the distrust of the Changhuo people, there may not be a few who are really willing to buy it in the end.

  The second use is no longer to work for the Changhuo tribe, but to make the anger collector have actual effects.

  —A collector full of negative emotions, which can amplify and intensify the anger of others.

  For example, when two parties quarrel, the original result may be to play tricks, but in the end it doesn't matter. But if a collector full of negative emotions is placed nearby, the quarrel between the two parties may be intensified and amplified, from a war of words to a fight with weapons, or even a fight to the death.

  In short, this is a hidden weapon that silently affects disputes.

  In many cases, it can play a role in intensifying conflicts.

  If the envoys of the two countries meet, and one of them carries a collector, it may even cause a war.

   Quite terrifying and extremely sinister.

  Although this use has received a lot of criticism on the surface, but this effect is quite useful. It is estimated that many people will curse in their mouths, and they may secretly buy it in private.

  For example, Luigi, Angel discovered through super perception, Luigi sneered at this function, but his heart was very strange.

  Estimated that the victim had already been preset in his heart.

   Next, Yatesin began to talk about the third use of the collector.

  The third use, to put it simply, is an extension of the second use.

  —A collector full of negative emotions, which can increase the possibility of conflicts.

   Also give an example, everyone in a back house is harmonious and loves each other; but the negative energy escaping from the collector can make the harmonious back house slowly become intrigues and intrigues.

  Two good friends may become suspicious of each other because of this.

   To a certain extent, this is the preposition of the second use, and it is also a supplement to the second use.

  Anger didn't know what other people thought about this use; but through super perception, he noticed that Sipolov seemed to be very interested in this use.

  Originally, Sipolov was interested in collectors because he was on the front line of the war all year round; now he seems to be more interested, and I don’t know who he thought of...or who he wanted to deceive?

  Angel glanced at Sipolov out of the corner of his eye, and thought of someone inexplicably in his mind.


  Sipolov mentioned before that he didn't seem to want to face Ksenia, so he would rather stay in the house of masters than go out.

  So, the person Sipolov wants to cheat at this time, will it be Ksenia?

  Angel thought about it, but felt that it was impossible. Although Xenia has a bad temper, she doesn't need to use the anger collector.

   After all, it was the first time he and Sipolov met today, and he didn't know much about him, and Angel didn't bother to diverge his thinking.

   There must be a reason why he wants to buy a rage collector. Angel doesn't need to speculate too much.

  Angel himself has no idea about this kind of anger collector, because whether it is collecting negative emotions or releasing negative emotions, he can achieve them perfectly with Nightmare.

   Moreover, the anger collector is only useful for negative emotions, while Angor can not only manipulate negative emotions, but also positive emotions.

  So, he didn't have much thought about the anger collector. His only thought was: worthy of being a long-confused clan, the things he sells can also cause confusion.

   To put it in a bad way, buying a rage collector is equivalent to carrying a Changhuo with you.

  The Changhuo tribe is best at stirring up disputes and separating people's hearts. Isn't this... the effect of the anger collector.

  The appearance of the anger collector did not arouse any discussion among the people present. Angel and Laplace didn't have any ideas about the anger collector, so they didn't talk; while the others had their own thoughts and didn't want to talk.

  So, there is the current atmosphere of silence.

  The Rage Collector was so quietly passed on to the next topic—

   "Broken Mirror and Breaking Barriers".

  As Yatesin exited, the dark ink shadow who had been waiting by the side came up.

  He first introduced himself. His name is very strange, not only the pronunciation is strange, but also the meaning; in literal translation, it should be called "cowardly", which means coward.

  The dark lineage are all chaotic lawbreakers, but they call themselves "cowardly", which is really very contrasting.

  If it is normal time, it is estimated that its name alone will cause a lot of discussion. But at this moment, everyone's attention was attracted by "Broken Mirror and Barrier" introduced by cowardice, and his weird name did not cause much response.

According to cowardly, "Broken Mirror and Breaking Barriers" is the secret knowledge carefully researched by the Changhuo tribe. This time, the willingness to share it is a joint decision made by "Mother Phantom" Naluduo and "Son of Darkness" Youte , to give back to the tribes.

  In the cowardly statement, it obviously has the meaning of "for your own good" and "selfless sharing".

  But everyone who heard these words showed obvious disbelief.

  Even a little dog like Inu Deacon, who was already slightly drunk, frowned after hearing the cowardly preface, with a subtle and obscure expression on his face.

"Talking about Naluduo alone, it may be possible to make some irrelevant decisions. But adding Youte, it is basically impossible to be selfless." While talking, Deacon Dog shook his head: "It was pretty good before. Looking forward to the barrier-breaking research of the Changhuo Clan, now it seems that there must be fraud in it."

  Because there was an extra "son of darkness" Youte, Inu Deacon changed his judgment, which also made Angel a little puzzled, who is this Youte?

"If Naluduo is the leader of the Shadow Clan, then Youte is the leader of the Darkness Clan." Hearing Angel's inquiry, Deacon Dog explained: "Youte, purely in terms of strength, is far and away. It's not as good as Naluduo's. But he always implements the concept of the dark lineage, without order and reason, and without reason."

  If you compare it with the wizard system, Youte probably just passed the third-level threshold, and there is still a long way to go before reaching the peak.

  But compared to the vast majority of ethnic groups in Mirror Domain, he is already at the top.

"Youte is a cutting-edge leader who has sprung up in just a few hundred years. The reason why he can improve so quickly is that he stirs up the flames everywhere." Deacon Dog shook his head while recalling: "The House of Everything The crimes committed by Youte recorded in the book are simply too numerous to write, and it would take three days and three nights to talk about them in detail."

   "Anyway, don't think about An Sheng when he is involved in anything."

  In the same way, this time "Broken Mirror and Breaking Barriers" has Youte's participation, it is definitely not a simple "selfless sharing", there must be some unknown and unfavorable factors.

  Before Cowardly started speaking, Deacon Inu put down these words.

  As Cowardly introduced "Broken Mirror and Breaking Barriers" in detail, the words of Deacon Dog gradually came true.

   There may be a good thing in the world, but it is absolutely impossible for the Changhuo tribe, especially the Changhuo tribe hosted by Youte.

  There are really big problems in the so-called "barrier-breaking" research of the Changhuo people.

  Why did the Changhuo tribe not write "Study on Breaking Barriers" alone, but "Broken Mirror and Breaking Barriers"? Before "breaking barriers", there will be a "broken mirror"?

  This, in fact, is the problem.

  The so-called "breaking barriers" of the Changhuo people has a necessary premise, and this premise is "breaking the mirror"!

  And what is a broken mirror? It refers to the broken mirror space.

  Through the shattered mirror space, the special energy needed to "break the barrier" is extracted.

   Literally, it is actually a bit similar to the talent of the Rongshi clan.

  The Rongshi family, known as the destroyer family, can cause shattering damage to the mirror space, and eventually cause the mirror space to condense gems.

  The fact is indeed the case. After explaining the basic principles, cowardly said clearly: "The practice method of breaking obstacles is based on the talent of the Rongshi clan."

   "It's just that after the Rongshi tribe destroyed the mirror space, what condensed were gems; and we can condense special barrier-breaking energy by breaking the mirror."

  Barrier-breaking energy is a word created by the Changhuo tribe for this display.

  In cowardly words, it is a special energy that exists exclusively for breaking obstacles.

  This kind of energy can be extracted through a special method. And this special method, the Changhuo clan will provide it almost free of charge through the press conference in the next few days.

   "Nearly free" is a cowardly word, but it's not really free, and no one knows.

   In addition to this, there is another point worth noting about "Barrier Breaking Energy".

  Barrier-breaking energy can only be obtained after breaking the mirror space. And although it can be used to break barriers, it doesn't mean it can definitely break barriers... There are purity and levels of barrier-breaking energy.

  Ordinary mirror space shattering can at most get a small ray of low-level barrier-breaking energy.

  The higher the level of barrier-breaking energy, the larger the mirror space that needs to be destroyed.

  The highest level of barrier-breaking energy must come from the mirror space with "perfect rules".

  In cowardly words, it is: "The highest level of barrier-breaking energy has the best effect on the increase of barrier-breaking. And this kind of barrier-breaking energy requires the use of a mirror world with complete laws and stable space."

   "For example, the Crystal Kingdom we are in now, as well as Piluxiu's Pipi Castle, the Ice Kingdom of the Yingji tribe, and the eternal land of the Rongshi tribe..."

   Cowardly clicked on the clan sites of several ethnic groups.

  Although Angel is in Master House now and cannot see the expressions of the ethnic groups whose names are being pronounced, it is conceivable that it is absolutely ugly at this moment.

   It can be seen from Sipolov's dark complexion.

   "Deacon Dog is right." Angel murmured in a low voice, "The Changhuo tribe is really uneasy and kind, this is putting their conspiracy on the surface..."

  Even if Angel is not a member of the Daylight Mirror Realm, he can still see his dark white fangs that are gradually becoming invisible from the corners of his cowardly raised lips.

   Regardless of whether the barrier-breaking energy is effective or not, after today, a large number of mirror spaces will inevitably be destroyed.

  If the barrier-breaking energy is as beautiful as the blueprint drawn by cowardice, then maybe some ethnic groups' clans will be destroyed because of it...

  The people who do these things must be those who have been stuck in front of the barrier for a long time and cannot make an inch.

  The Changhuo clan dropped a son, which stirred up the whole situation.

   "Even through the screen, I can smell the **** storm that is about to rise." Inu Deacon sighed with emotion, "After today, it is estimated that the pool of spring water in the mirror domain will be disturbed."

However, before Deacon Inu’s sigh was over, he heard Luigi curling his lips and said: “Even if there is no barrier-breaking method today, what should be chaotic is still chaotic, and it’s even worse than the so-called **** storm caused by the Changhuo tribe.” even faster."

  Luigi's words caught the attention of Inu Deacon and Sipolov, but they didn't ask.

  Luigi has mentioned "disaster" many times today. Compared with the disaster he mentioned implicitly, the **** storm caused by the "Broken Mirror and Barrier" of the Changhuo tribe is more clearly visible.

   It seems to be in front of my eyes.