MTL - Super Devouring System-Chapter 5104 The magic hall bans the ground

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On the left bank of the right bank of the Milky Way, the magic hall is forbidden! Count

Counting time, Ye Xuan left with a group of elites, and now it has been more than a month...this

For more than a month, the Forbidden City has been banned from calm. According to Ye Xuan’s instructions before leaving, in addition to the necessary scouts, the entire Great Hall, no other strong man is walking outside...

Today's Forbidden City is indeed the same as the situation in the wild, and Ye Xuan is not sitting in the forbidden place, but it is not without strong people. in

In the eyes of the wilderness, it seems that the Emperor Ye Xuan has always been with him, but in fact, this time he left, Ye Xuan left the emperor in the Forbidden City. emperor

The beast is the powerful existence of the second order of the heavenly environment. Besides him, he has the ruling nine-order great consummation, that is, the four kings who have been repaired in half-step heaven and earth, and now in the body of the beast. leaf

Xuan now sends the beast to the body of the engulfing treasure, that is, let him stay with the engulfing treasure, sit in the magical hall and ban the land, the beast can fight alone, or wave the four kings to sacrifice, differentiate four缕 Electronic consciousness entered into it, together with the four kings, a large four small five mechanical beasts, fighting together.

In this way, even the third-order heavens, no matter what, the emperor and the four kings joined forces, enough to protect themselves from the front. again

Coupled with the devour of the treasure and the old pig essence, the magical hall is forbidden to naturally no longer have to worry.

Although the engulfing treasures and the old pigs are still only half-steps of the nine-order grand perfection, in fact, the realm of the two people's cultivation is only one line away from the real heaven.

There are emperors sitting in the town of the Forbidden City, they can completely take turns to retreat, impacting the heavens. when

However, it is impossible to close the customs at the same time, because the emperor will not pay attention to the customs in the forbidden place of the imperial palace. It narrows its figure in the weekdays and sits in the interior of Ye Xuan’s Dongfuxing, and basically does not show up.

In fact, after Ye Xuan left, even if the old pig Jingjing entered the retreat, his magic pig turned into a sixth change, and in the sixth change state, he possessed the absurd ninth-order great perfection. And its own cultivation is the realm of the second step!

The second-order absurd, once he activates the **** magical power of the magic pig, he will be able to enter the third stage of the desert, and then the subsequent six changes will improve the strength of the six small steps, which is just the absurdity. The nineth order is perfect.

However, after Ye Xuan left, the old pig essence took only three days to break through a small order of cultivation, and his own realm reached the third stage of the desert, so in the state of the sixth change of the magic pig, his The peak force has reached the first level of heaven and earth...when

However, if it is in the vast world of the wild, this is impossible, because it has been suppressed by the heavens of the big world, the magical effect of the magical pigs has only stopped in the heavens. With

After the old pig fined out, Ye Xuan’s engulfing treasure immediately retreats, and his nine-step grand perfection of the ruined peak is actually real, which has even surpassed Ye Xuan’s deity.

Therefore, this time, engulfing the treasure retreat is to attack the real heaven and the environment, and walked to the front of Ye Xuan’s deity...

Nowadays, there have been more than a month of engulfing the treasures of the treasures, but they have not yet gone through the customs. In the sixth change of the magical pigs, they have already possessed the first-class combat strength of the old pigs, which is also in the whole month. Force to promote the follow-up three changes of the magic pig nine changes. or

Xu is because the self-cultivation is the strength to break through the heavens in the sixth state of change, and the power of the gods has skyrocketed several times. This time, it only took one month, the last three changes of the magic pig nine changes, They are all derived from the old pigs.

This is absolutely extraordinary. Although he is not reconciled, his own cultivation is still in the third stage of the past, but since the last three changes of the nine changes of the magic pig are all derived, they immediately make their own peak strength. , skyrocketing three small steps. One

A month ago, after he broke through to the third stage of the desolation, in the state of the sixth change of the magic pig, the peak power has reached the first level of the heavenly state, and now it has skyrocketed again, reaching the fourth stage of the heavenly state.

As a result, there are two powerful existies in the forbidden land in the current imperial palace.

The old pig is the most powerful, and in the state of the ninth change of the magic pig, it has already entered the middle of the heavens, which is the fourth-order heaven.

The repairing power of the beast is slightly weaker. It is a second-order heaven, but with the four kings, it can fight against any third-order heaven. Two

Respect for heaven and earth, one third-order, one fourth-order. This

Just like the strength of the blood-winged tiger and the golden-eyed beast sent out by the green eyes of the wilderness, it can be said that the two old guys may not be able to take advantage of it even if they are now on the forbidden place. to

In order to follow them, the twenty peaks of the great powers and the ancient supremes... Don’t forget that there are seven great repairs in the Forbidden City, the Kowloon Black Dragon of the Dragon Dragon, and other high-rises in the Sixth Army of the Magic Hall. Basically the strength is equal! This

One thing, I am afraid that the blue eyes of the wilderness are not expected in any case...

In fact, there is still a real fierce person in the forbidden area of ​​the magical hall. It is Ye Xuan’s engulfing treasure. It has been more than a month since the retreat of the treasure. He rebuilt as a force in the ruling before the retreat. When the great perfection is completed, it is capable of fighting the first-order heaven. This

Absolutely amazing, because he is different from Ye Xuan.

Devouring the treasure, Ye Xuan deliberately let him take a different path from the deity. Ye Xuan’s deity has various secrets, all kinds of treasures, his real combat power has been far beyond his own realm, the more the order and even the cross-border battle, right For him, it is commonplace. but

I have to say that this is basically relying on various mysteries and treasures.

The devour of the treasure is different. He does not have any treasures outside his body, nor does he have any secrets. Some of them only have a congenital engulfing treasure. His combat power is completely manifested in his own strength. This

In this case, you can defeat the first-order heaven in the ninth-order grand perfection, and the horror of its talent can be seen.

This point, although he is a avatar, but in the realm of cultivation has already surpassed Ye Xuan as the deity, and even before the retreat of Ye Xuan, it is also a circumstantial evidence.

After all, it is the innate devour of the treasure, the whole body is condensed by the purest innate phagocytic nucleus, which is different from the flesh and blood talent, but understandable...

It is said that once the treasure is swallowed up and enters the real heaven, the horror of its combat power can be expected. At least, the first step of the heavenly path is absolutely impossible to be its opponent. Even the second-order heaven may not be able to A battle with the devour of the treasure.

If you want to fight against him and not fall behind, I am afraid that at least it must be the third stage of heaven and earth...


Oh la la..." this

At this moment, the originally quiet temple of the forbidden land, suddenly burst into a crisp and fierce sound. One

The void of the road appeared, and the shackles of the mound were heard inside, and the numerous powerful people in the forbidden place of the magic hall were instantly alarmed.


"哗啦啦......" from

After leaving Ye Xuan, for more than a month, the entire imperial hall was originally quiet, but at this moment, at the edge of the forbidden land, suddenly there was a crisp sound of cracking. One

The road void crack appeared out of thin air, and there was a slamming chain slamming sound in the mound furnace. It instantly alerted the countless strong people in the forbidden place of the magic hall.


In the next moment, accompanied by a sharp and unpredictable sound, a huge figure rushed out of the void, which is a huge star-like furnace, and the 20,000-odd chain of the outer wall of the tripod is extremely strong. As long as a million miles, like a snake, it is always twisting...


As the furnace came, soon, twenty-two figures were rushed out of the furnace. The size of the body was large and small, and the shapes were different. They were all starry beasts. to

Yu Xiu is the strength, it is the two heavenly realm, the ten desolation, the ten ninth-order great perfection of the ancient power! first

I said before, this time, the reason why the ridiculous Tiandao Qingyan sent this elite team is not to ruin the magical hall, but to suppress it.

Although the Forbidden City of the Magic Palace is also a strong forbidden land on the right bank of the Milky Way, in fact, in addition to the Lord Ye Xuan, the Lord of the Devil, and the Emperor of the Emperor in his hand, all other existences in the Forbidden City of the Magic Hall have not been blinded by the evil eye. Put it in the eyes, including the old pig essence that he thinks is only a ridiculous nine-step great consummation. can

It is said that as long as the Lord Ye Xuan of the Temple of the Devil is solved, the small magical hall is forbidden, and he can be destroyed between his thoughts, and even there is no interest at all. This

Once he sent an elite squad to come to the Forbidden Hall for the purpose of banned the aid, and forced Ye Xuan, the Lord of the Devils, to come to the rescue. In this way, naturally, it would not be possible to use the powerful force to completely suppress it. Place

In addition to the two powerful beasts of heaven and earth, this time there will be ten desolation among the teams that come here, and even there will be ten ninth-order great consummations of the ancient powers. The power of all major realms is there. In this case, it is only possible to avoid killing chickens with a knife. Do not

However, the magic hall rushed out of the forbidden area, and the arrogant beasts of the heavens and the kings will be shot, which is too boring and boring...

In fact, at this moment, after the smoldering rushes out of the crack that suddenly appears, it stops in the void, and the position of quietly hovering is not inside the forbidden place of the sacred temple, because then, the all-out war will begin in an instant. However, it is inconsistent with the task of giving them a confession.

At this time, the position where the furnace is suspended is just the inner side of the edge of the forbidden land of the magic hall. If it is to be inside the gate, the forbidden army in the forbidden place of the magic hall will be prevented from escaping...


Hey! ”


The body shape rushed out of the furnace, and the twenty-two powerful beasts of different shapes and sizes were immediately arranged in two rows in front of the furnace.

In the back row are ten desolation monsters and ten peaks of power. In the front row, there are only two beasts, all of which are 50 million miles. It is the fourth-order blood tiger and the fourth-order heaven. Blue gold clear beast...甫

As soon as they appeared, these twenty-two powerful beasts spurred the body's repairing breath to the extreme, turning it into a divergence to the front, and instantly making the entire imperial palace a forbidden place.

In the depths of the Forbidden Earth in the far distance, the sacred genus of the abandoned stars did not show up. The various warships, fortresses, stars and stars and other battleships around the stars were also suspended. Do not move. This

A level of war, they are useless to rush, naturally no need to go to death.

In fact, even the black temples in the stars of Ye Xuan Dongfu did not move. The seven major retreats in the black hall seemed to have no intention of appearing. "

Oh..." but

Almost at the next moment, Ye Xuan’s Dongfu star suddenly sounded a horrible roar, and a spur of the horror of lightning surpassed the lightning.

In the blink of an eye, it has reached the empty land on the edge of the starry field, and the invaders who control the gate of the forbidden land in the magical hall are stopped by a distance of 100 billion miles. ……emperor

The beast is the scorpion and body of the mechanical beast and the heavenly beast. It is the episode of the whole celestial family and the whole mechanical family. It is a giant of 500 million liters. It is a giant star in front of it, and it is like a small one.

It stands on its own feet, with four arms and four arms, and a pair of huge mechanical wings that are like a sickle. This pair of wings is a characteristic of a mechanical beast, and its head is a myriad of facets combined like a hive. Body, this is the characteristics of the heavenly beast. Such as

Today, Ye Xuan’s electronic avatar has settled in the body of the emperor, so that it has been repaired to reach the second level of heaven and earth. Nowadays, this repair is diffused and can be described as powerful.

Adding the body shape of the **** beast to 500 million miles, it is the giant blood tiger and the golden-eyed beast of 50 million miles. In front of him, it is like a small one, so that it is weak in a moment.

It can be said that only the emperor rushed out from Ye Xuan’s Dongfu Star, and this open space on the edge of the forbidden land was only in the momentum, the forbidden place of the temple was not weaker than the other hundred billion miles away. This invading squad, and even still have it... watch

To the opposite side of the tens of billions of miles away, there is such a huge size in the void, and the strength has also reached the second-order mechanical beast of the heavenly environment. The 22 powerful beasts that have just arrived are in the forbidden land. but

It’s just a glimpse. They don’t realize that the situation in the hands of the young people in the wild is seriously inaccurate. After all, they are only just the beasts...”

call out! ""

Oh..." very

Fast, with the wave of the beast, four volleys rushed out, hovering around on the side of the body, it is the giant giant winged beast with a four-head shape of 50 million miles, the basic form is exactly the same, People stand by, wings are like knives, only subtle, different!

These four mechanical beasts are the four kings. Ye Xuan’s mechanical avatar is now extremely powerful. He can divide hundreds of millions at random. Now he has divided four electronic consciousness into the body of the four kings. Therefore, the four kings are actually Ye Xuan's electronic avatar is in sync with the consciousness of the beast. If it is to fight with the hand, the absolute match is seamless...螳

The four kings of the winged beast form have different patterns on their chests, just like a logo.

From left to right, the logos of the chests of the four-winged warriors are a purple gold veil, a skull with a one-horned beast, a full-length gray slime, and a red **** Blood

In the strength of the four kings, they are all the ruthlessness of the ruins of the ancient ruins, that is, the half-step heavenly environment, which obviously did not attract the attention of the blood tiger and the blue gold beast. After seeing the four kings, Their dawn is almost no fluctuations... with

With the arrival of the furnace, the twenty-two powerful beasts headed by the blood-winged tiger and the golden-eyed beast were born, and they radiated a sense of pressure, covering the entire forbidden place. The emperor sitting here immediately rushed out of Ye Xuan. The Dongfu stars, between the waves, the four kings also rushed out of the body, in the left and right emptiness...

The cultivation of the four great kings has not changed, and they are still all the great successes of the ruins of the ancients, that is, the half-step heaven.

This obviously did not cause the attention of the blood tiger and the blue gold beast. After seeing the four kings, their dawn has barely fluctuated! but

Then, a shocking long cymbal sounded, and the invisible scent of breath, instantly let the blood-winged tiger and the golden-golden beast shape, and subconsciously turned to follow the prestige..."


The long gongs rang, and a thousand awnings rushed out from an abandoned star in the distance. The speed was too fast, and the blink of an eye was not far from the side of the beast. It was the old pig, and the body was 60 million miles. Extremely amazing. One

A month ago, after he broke through to the third stage of the desolation, in the state of the sixth change of the magical pig, the peak force has reached the first level of the heavenly state, and now it has skyrocketed again, reaching the fourth stage of the heavenly state, and the blue The cultivation of the Golden Eye Beast is the same as the strength, and it is not weak! With

The old pig rushed out of the stars, and turned out to be born. The fourth-order cult of the heavenly environment was diffused and opened, and the twenty-two powerful beasts of the imaginary emptiness of the hundreds of billions of horns were shaken at the same time. .

Under the sudden change of color, they sighed and sighed, and then they heard the sound of the gods, all of which revealed a shock and sorrow that could not be turned away.

"What? Is this the black-skinned old pig? Isn't it only the cultivation of the nine-step grand perfection of the ridiculous? Now, at first glance, it is clearly the middle of the heavens in the fourth-order world..."

Hey, I just want to vomit blood. This information is too serious. The mid-term heaven in the fourth-order world has been said to be a half-step heaven. It is simply no reason! ""

A second-order mechanical beast of heaven and earth, a fourth-order black-skinned old pig in the heavens, and four half-step heavens with a ruthless nine-step grand perfection. These strengths are almost the same as ours... ""

So how is this battle crushed? This is clearly a fierce battle! ""


Hey! ”

"What about the two heavens? The deity and the blood tiger are enough to stop them. The remaining four desert beasts are the perfection of the ninth-order world, but we still have twenty With the big power, together with the team, should be able to suppress it..."

"There is no other choice. This battle is imperative..."



With the fourth-order blue-and-white beast in the heavens, the blood-winged tigers on the side of the body, and the blood-winged tigers on the side of the body, and the two behind them are lined up in a row of twenty vanities and powers, while arrogant.

Without hesitation, the twenty-two powerful starry beasts all rushed out, and the power in the body was pushed to the extreme, turning into invisible pressure, enveloped this square, and the void made a low-pitched trembling voice. ......


Seeing this scene, the beast first responded, and looked up and screamed, and the huge figure made a big step and rushed out.

At the same time, his head also turned quickly. emperor

The head of the beast follows the characteristics of the original celestial beast. It has a honeycomb shape and has a plurality of facets. These facets are obviously muzzle, and can fire the gun energy beam in 360 degrees.

But nowadays, this huge head with a large number of facets is like a hive, but suddenly with the sudden low humming sounds, the violent golden awns are steeply stunned, which makes it impossible to look at it. and

Moreover, all the violent Jinmang in the face, all under the sudden flash, all pointed in the same direction, and it was the blood-winged tiger that was rushing forward to the beast..."

boom! ""


Oh la la..."

Did not wait for the blood-winged tiger to return to the gods, the earth-shattering explosion has been heard, the beast is like a hive is generally covered with a large number of faceted heads, suddenly bursts of a large number of beams. Place

Some of the light beams are the same size, about a thousand miles in diameter, about four or five thousand miles long, and the color is red gold, and the number is horrible.

However, after the beams were ejected from the general facets of the hive, they did not spread out to the surroundings, but overwhelmed, but gathered together and spurred toward the front...

The power is too amazing, the void is directly torn, the squeaky noise continues, all the speed of the red gold beam is almost horrible, and the imaginary distance of tens of billions of miles has passed to the blood. The front of the wing tiger.

"Hey..." blood

The Wing Tiger did not expect that the beast had such a long-range energy attack, and immediately fell into a void in the air.

He originally wanted to turn around and rush to the right to avoid it, but it was a little late. Although most of the body rushed out, but after the stock and one side of the wing was hit by this horrible and majestic energy light column. blink

Between the eyes, the wing of the blood tiger is melted, and the left hind limb is also half lost. It becomes a tiger. Although it has not fallen, it is not even serious, but it is unbearable. "


Under the horror, the blood screaming tiger screamed out of his hair, and once again, he rushed over to the emperor again, but because of his injury, and the lack of one wing and half leg, he is now powerful. Obviously it is not as good as before, and it is almost equal to the second-order beast of heaven and earth...


Once, the Emperor did not use the skull with a lot of facets to launch a long-range attack. The huge eyes flashed in the cold, and they immediately greeted them, just like the pillars of the right arm lifted up and punched out. The void is rapidly collapsing..."

call out! ”


At one moment, the four kings also rushed out at the same time. Their goal is exactly the 20 desolation and power..."



At the same time as the rushing out, among the four kings, the Nether King and the Blood Mosquito King, who are at the center, are screaming and screaming at the same time.

At this moment, the logo of the soldier's scoop at the chest of the Nether King suddenly stunned, and the tens of millions of soldiers in the thousands of hive nodes in the emptiness of the battle, all under the emptiness of the Nether King.

There are thousands of honeycomb nodes with a diameter of three kilometers, and each one has tens of thousands of empty squadrons at the moment, which fully stimulates the unique biological frequency of the soldiers.

These unique biological wave frequencies, guided by the scoop in each hive node, are uniformly conducted out, thousands of honeycomb nodes, and there are thousands of biological wave currents like the river.

All along the pipeline, flocked to the core nodes of the core circle, and then gathered together for one. In the end, with the sudden roar of the Nether King, this horrible mysterious creature wave frequency, like a tsunami, from his mouth, instant comprehensive Let it go..."

Hey! ”


With the emptiness of the king, the invisible shock wave roared away. This horrible creature wave frequently caused a faint emptiness in the void. This

The scene is amazing, giving people an illusion, as if the entire vast expanse of the starry field, trembled under the sudden high-frequency humming. "

boom! ”

With a horrible sound that was sharp enough to tear the sky, everyone was temporarily deaf. Virtual

In front of the empty space, an invisible tidal wave like a starry sky spurts out and turns into an invisible force that plunges into the sea, covering a vast void of hundreds of millions of miles in a flash.

The twenty beasts that roared from the opposite side were absurd and powerful, and their bodies were all enveloped...

"Oh la la..."


The sound of clear and cracking sounds like the rain is overwhelming. The vast void of hundreds of millions of miles away, the moment is tearing, the sight is accessible, and a lot of emptiness flows out of the sky...

In a few large void cracks, a large number of void turbulences directly form a void vortex like a black hole. Such as

It is only the starry beasts below the mighty environment, even if it is the supreme of the universe, in the face of this black hole-like void cracks, the endless storms of the tides will be like a paper-like general, ruining and ruining, and instantly disappearing... ...

However, these 20 starry beasts are all powerful and absurd, and this range of attacks obviously declines in power, and does not reflect the ruthlessness of the emptiness of the Nineth Heavenly King. . Place

Therefore, although they are extremely embarrassed, especially the ten beasts, the **** marks have appeared on the body, and they have been ravaged by the endless emptiness of the emptiness, but they are only injured, but they have not fallen, even Not seriously injured. Do not

It doesn't matter, the four kings rushed out at the same time, and this wave of attacks is just the power of the Nether King, far from over, not all...

At the same time, the blood-mosquito king was making a terrible scream, and the blood-mosquito warfare at the chest also broke out.

The color of the blood-mosquito war is a dark red color that is black, like the dry blood, giving a very heavy feeling of depression. It doesn't look like anything unusual, just like the other three warriors. .

But in fact, the core node of the ninth ring on the inner side of the bell mouth is different from the other thousands of honeycomb nodes. The first half of the core node is densely covered with a sharp and sharp alloy. thorn.

At first glance, this core node is like a huge alloy hedgehog. straight

Although the core node with a diameter of three kilometers is only covered with alloy thorns on the side facing the bell mouth, the number is extremely shocking...

The columns are too dense, the total is more than 100 billion, and the hardness of these alloy thorns is also extremely amazing, more than several times the 100,000-meter-diameter star-studded main keel material, because these alloy thorns are all some kind of Special minerals or crystals are added to create...

Each of the alloy thorns has a length of a hundred feet. If it is projected as a spear, at a certain speed, it will be like playing with a warship or even a fortress or a starry fortress. This

It is the forging system that is specially tailored according to certain characteristics of the mosquito family. It can be said that the blood-mosquito war is definitely the only one of the four major wars that can issue physical attacks, not just the attack of energy form. . "

Roar! ""

Oh..." This

At one moment, the blood-mosquito king rushed out, and the screaming of his head was still not falling. The violent high-frequency tremors generated by the mosquitoes flapping their wings were heard in the chest. set

Looking into the eyes, like the numerous holes in the hive, the dense holes appeared, and the low humming sound made the whole piece of emptiness tremble, as if it had some kind of resonance.

The power of this kind of high-frequency vibration is obviously constrained, gathered together, gathered from one honeycomb node to the core node of the ninth circle. Otherwise, if it is divergent expansion, I am afraid that this large piece of void, at this moment I have to be disturbed and trembled. can

Even so, this invisible shock wave has already emptied the voids when it has passed the special growth of the war and left the outer ring of the largest diameter of the war.

Invisible shock waves, clearly surrounded by countless giant alloy spears made of special materials, even the stars can pierce, and now whizzing away, its momentum is simply ruined...

These alloy thorns are driven to the extreme by the invisible shock wave. When the blast is gone, there is an invisible ripple in the void. The blink of an eye is tens of billions of miles, and the blink of an eye rushes into the void in front... ...