MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 587 Call of Life Book

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There is a saying that the happy time is always short.

After a day of happily playing, the people who ate a meal in the ruins of Casablanca finally recovered their vitality. The next morning, they no longer delayed, but began to help Rod find the whereabouts of the Book of Life. According to Lilian, the Book of Life was enshrined in the Temple of Light Temple not far from the royal palace, so Rhodes and others immediately searched for the nearby wreckage, but unfortunately, this seemed to be more than What Germany imagines is even more difficult.

"I said, how long are we going to turn, head."

Yesterday, the little bubble gum that had been in trouble for a whole day seemed to be listless. At the moment, she turned over the pile of stones in front of her, and groaned boringly.

"Until now, don't talk about the book of life here. Even a living person hasn't seen it. The skull has found a lot of ......... Ah, another, it looks like it was broken by the neck. It feels terrible, it's almost as if it's a disappointment to pack up trash after going out in school. "

"Cleaning up garbage is a must. To protect the environment, garbage cannot be littered randomly, the teacher said."

Upon hearing Little Bubble Gum, Bing Xue on the other side frowned, and then replied. And when she heard Bingxueer's answer, Little Bubble Gum shook her lips boringly. Obviously she did not put Bingxue's words in her ears at all.

"Yes, yes, there are three good students here. Anyway, I have a low level of consciousness. I just have the inferiority of human beings ... Qi, not everyone is like you. Wouldn't you be so positive if the head asked you for help? What you ordered was a bald old man with a general belly. I don't think you have time to hide. "

"I wouldn't do that!"

Hearing the bubbles complaining, Bingxue jumped up like a cat stepping on his tail.

"Whether it's the big brother or the others, as long as it's the thing entrusted to me. I will do it seriously!"

"Look at your stupid look. It was sold and helped the people. I see that after the leader sends the Dragon Soul continent to the earth, you still have time to go back and see if the deity has been sold to which ravine. Let ’s raise children as children. Really, no matter how good the academic performance is. Is n’t it fooled when people do n’t understand the world? Just like those female college students, all the books have been read into the pig ’s brain, but it turns out to be When people abduct, they are abducted, and I do n’t know how my brain grows. I think when you grow up, you will definitely be the same ......... Forget it, for the sake of being trafficked by traffickers sooner or later, I will not be with you Don't worry, I'm different from you anyway, I'm already a very mature man. "

As she said, Little Bubble Gum lifted her almost pitiful unworthy chest. Turning his head to continue doing his own thing. Bing Xueer, who only left a gritted teeth, glared at her in the back, watching Little Bubble Gum as a dead pig is not afraid of boiling hot water, Bing Xue Er was also angry, she stared at the back of Little Bubble Gum, after a while This humming "Hum" stomped his feet. I turned my head to do my own thing.


Seeing these two enemies turned on the daily mode again, Rod next to him shook his head helplessly, but he would not be stupid to go up and ask for trouble. So he simply didn't see it, but continued to look for signs that the Book of Life might exist in this one-third of his acre.

According to Lilian, the temple dedicated to the Book of Life is not the possession of the church, but always within the jurisdiction of the Council of Light. This temple is also the same, it is said that the Council of Light used it as a warehouse. Many precious magic items and equipment are stored in it. In fact, Rhodes did find a lot of precious props-fragments.

It's no wonder that no matter how powerful these magical equipment items are, as long as they do not reach the level of the artifact, then there is only one option to completely die under the bombardment of Rhodes' magical cannon. Unfortunately, the area where the temple is located is close to the Council of Light. Therefore, it is also the most dense area of ​​artillery when Rhodes attacked Casablanca. It can even be said that under the double crushing of Rhodes artillery and the Devil's Army, there is almost nothing left here, only from time to time. The broken walls and broken stairs show the glory and secrets once here.

"It still doesn't work ........."

Rhode dropped his hand. Along with his actions, centering on Rhodes, the summoning circle that enveloped the surrounding earth also disappeared. Originally, Rhodes also planned to use the soul awakening of the swordsman to find the hidden soul in the book of life, but he did not expect that Carlin's seal was really so powerful. He could not even touch the book of life with his own induction and soul awakening. Signs of soul, so Rhodes had to take this manual operation and slowly find it. Although he also summoned his Divine Sword Card Elf to scatter and search, but it seems to have no results yet ... It seems that this is indeed a very difficult thing.

"How's your situation? Xiaobing?"

"Sorry, brother, I have no clue here ..."

In the face of Rhode's inquiry, Bingxueer was also indifferent. Although Bingxueer had used his space search ability to search all this large ruins in front of him, he still did not find any similar book of life. thing. This really made Rhodes worry. If it is really not found, it will take a little more time, but if it is taken away by the devil, or if it is really flattened by the artillery of his guided fleet, as Rhodes thought, Then it's a lot of trouble ......... but it shouldn't be so bad. At the beginning, Carlin promised to herself that it would be absolutely impossible to lose half of her hair by aiming the muzzle of the magic guide gun at the book of life.

Then ...............

"Ah, head of the delegation, come and see, Annie found something very strange."

While Rhodes was thinking, suddenly Anne's voice came from the side, interrupting Rhodes' thoughts, and hearing Anne's words, Rhodes's spirit suddenly refreshed, then he hurriedly raised his head. Looked in the direction of Annie. I saw Annie at this moment standing on a pile of ruins in the distance, waving very excitedly at herself. Seeing Annie's movement, Rhode strode in the direction of Annie immediately.

After coming to Annie's side, Rhodes soon saw the "weird thing" that Annie said. That is a statue. From its appearance, it was supposed to be buried in these silts, but now it was dug out by Annie. From the appearance, the statue should be two meters high, and underneath it There is a base about three meters high. It should have been erected on the ground, perhaps because it was bombarded by Rhodes' artillery. At this moment, the statue fell down towards the ground and was buried in the debris of debris and ruins. It wasn't for Annie to clean it up. I am afraid that Rhodes would not be aware of such a statue.

"really interesting."

Seeing this "as good" statue in front of him, Rhodes raised his eyebrows, which was indeed very strange. You know, under the bombardment of your magic gun, the entire digging of Casablanca was flattened three feet. However, although the statue in front of him can be seen from the broken pillars and the remains of the wall, how it was treated when it fell, but Rhodes was surprised that even so. The statue is still intact. On the white stone body cleaned by Annie, Rhodes could not even find a trace of damage. From this point, it is already considered sufficiently abnormal.

Thinking of this, Rod also became interested in the statue at once. He made a gesture to Annie to withdraw, and then Rod reached out his hand quickly. Along with his movement, I saw Rhodes's right hand emitting a faint soul light. Immediately afterwards, he saw that Rhodes stretched out his hands like nothing, and made a false grip on the statue in front of him, then pulled up.


With Rhodes' action, I saw that the white stone sculpture that had fallen into the mud suddenly erected itself. And the dirt and debris that originally covered his body were immediately blown away by the power of Rhodes' soul, just a moment's work. The stone statue, which was originally covered with mud, finally showed its true form at this moment.

"this is……………"

And seeing this statue, Rhodes could not help but stunned. The statue was facing away from him just now, so Rhodes didn't know anything strange about the statue. But he found it when he turned the statue up and turned to the front. This statue can be said to be very strange.

It carved a beautiful-looking woman who was looking up at the moment, looking up at the sky, holding her hands on her chest, and making a prayerful look. If that's just the case, then there is no problem, but strangely, the woman itself.

There is nothing ugly about the beautiful female face on this stone sculpture. But the problem is-if this face is more than just one, then it seems weird.

That's right, the woman who appeared on the stone sculpture in front of Rhodes at this moment had three faces. The first picture was naturally on her face, her eyes opened, and she looked up at the sky with the brilliance of searching and longing, as if seeking some kind of shelter and blessing. The second face is on the chest, but unlike the first face, this face is closed with eyes closed, it seems to be praying, lowering its head while chanting something, and the third face is It is located in the lower abdomen center. This face was different from the other two faces. She frowned, as if she saw an enemy who was not enough to kill the Father, and stared at him with an expression of intimidation. Not only that, this woman's body is also very strange. Above the lower abdomen, it is no different from normal people. But there are no human legs under her body. On the contrary, her lower body is more like a burning flame, like a flowing water, like a violent hurricane and a collapsing earth-all in all, it is Not like a human.

"What the **** is this?"

Seeing this statue, Rhodes was dumbfounded. He carefully recalled the scene when he brought the Starlight Guild into Casablanca, but at that time Rhodes had no deep memory of this temple, but he was sure that he had never seen this thing at that time, or else Needless to say, Rhodes thought that he would never forget this picture.

"Wow, leader, what the **** is this? Don't show Christie, I'm afraid she won't sleep at night."

at this time. The people who had searched around were also attracted by this wonderful statue and surrounded them. Seeing this weird statue in front of him, Little Bubble Gum slipped his lips and said. But don't use her to say. This stuff has been watching for a long time, it really makes people feel a little weird.

"What the **** is this? How do I feel like she's quite familiar, just can't remember it?"

"This is a girl of light."

After asking this question in the mind of everyone, a soft voice sounded and answered their questions. Then she saw her sister coming out with a smile from the side. She came to the stone statue and looked closely, and then nodded.

"Yes, this is the statue of the girl of light, the master of the elementary world of light. I think you should have heard rumors about the girl of light in the game."

"This ......... I've heard it before."

Hear my sister's inquiry. Rhodes thought for a moment, then gave an answer. The Girl of Light is the ruler of the Light Elemental Plane. Rumors have it that she is kind, but she never treats evil. She always looks at the creatures shining under the light, and silently prays for their shelter. At the same time, he gave merciless blows to the enemies who violated the realm of light-thinking of this, Rhode involuntarily raised his head again and glanced at the statue in front of him. Didn't these three faces show the rumors of the girl of light?

"Ah .........! I remember !!!!"

Just then, Little Bubble Gum slammed his head and shouted.

"When I transferred to the Lady of Light, it seemed that I had encountered such a thing!"

Such a thing-well, let's hope that there is a large number of adult girls in Light. Don't care about this little guy.

"You are also the ruler of the light element. Didn't you see her when you were tested?"

Seeing this expression of Little Bubble Gum, the canary beside him asked curiously. Players will meet with the lords of their respective fields in the trial of awakening the supremacy of their respective fields, and complete the challenges and tasks given by them to obtain the supreme permissions. And since Little Bubble Gum is the Virgin of Light. Then I must have completed this transfer ceremony. I have never seen the goddess of light for no reason. In the face of Canary's inquiries, Little Bubble Gum lowered her head slightly, then reached out and scratched her head.

"Ahhhhh ... the people in the light element field have eyesaches. At the time, I just wanted to complete the task. I didn't notice that much. And this guy had three faces and it was ugly. I didn't plan to see her more So, it didn't happen to me for a while .... "

Well, I hope the Lord Goddess of Light has a large number, and really don't come to her for trouble.

"I think this is what we are looking for."

Rhodes also felt at this moment that the powerful energy contained in the statue is definitely not comparable to ordinary power. Even if the book of life is not in it, I am afraid there will be something good in it. After all, being able to be damaged in the slightest under the bombardment of his demon cannon and the devil is a miracle in itself. But the problem is ... how to open this thing?

"Need me to blast it?"

At this moment, Labus, who had been silent next to her, said cautiously, wondering whether it was Rhode's illusion. He always felt that Labis was eager to try at this moment. Speaking of which, since he had done that ticket in the night, Rabes seemed to be particularly interested in blowing up things ...

"The statue itself has been fused with the realm of light. The general method is not to blow it up."

But soon, the younger girl shook her head and rejected Rabis's suggestion.

"Unless you used the plane space bomb you used before, but I don't think you would want to use that, brother."

"Of course."

If he used that stuff on his territory, Rhodes would really have to suffer. But Rabis felt a little disappointed when she heard this--I hope she was not disappointed because she couldn't use the plane to destroy the bomb.

"But ... don't we have a way to open it?"

It was a moment of depression for Rhodes. He just tried to touch the other side with the power of his soul. Before trying the image, he found the secret to open the statue like Irin. But what makes Rhodes depressed is that although his soul power can enter the statue without any hindrance, it is completely like an endless ocean without end. Rhodes searched for a long time and found nothing strange or a switch. It seems that he can't count on this thing.

"It's not entirely impossible."

But, unexpectedly, her sister shook her head, and then she looked at the girl around her.

"Lillian, it's time for you to play. This is your responsibility as the Dragon of Light."