MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-Chapter 17 Summon Master

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The first point of summoning the swordsman --- Do not go it alone at any time.

[Consumption of 1 skill point, increase Moon Shadow Sword skill 1/5, proficiency c-Yuehua unlock]

[Consumption of 1 skill point, designated talent-summon master to awaken]

[Unlocking the first-level talent of the summoning master: Soul Resonance (for every ten levels of character increase, the summonable spirit can increase),

Call of Mind (shares senses with summoned items, increases duration of mental connection),

Construction coordination (dual sprite fusion possible)]

[Acquire Permanent Ability: Soul Resonance lv1 (+1 for each level of character increase, you can summon elves +1)]

[+1 Summon Elf]

Just as the last line of system text disappeared, Rhodes's eyes flashed a huge shadow. But he did not back away, let alone timid. Instead, Rhode raised his sword and swung forward.


A turquoise figure flew from the sword's blade quickly, and rushed at the flying gargoyle.

Bird of soul.

Rhodes' biggest problem is that he cannot summon two summoners at the same time. Unfortunately, as his weapon, the star mark is one of the summoners.

The general Summoner is just like a normal swordsman and will only be equipped with a "normal" weapon. Rhodes is an exception. Although he did not think of using normal weapons, he could not give up the star mark surname bonus. It is because of his special surname that Rhodes can be destroyed so easily. Those monsters that are almost even slightly higher than themselves have gained so much experience in the early days. However, on the other hand, this also makes Rhodes unable to adopt the method unique to summoning the swordsman to “attack with the summons at the same time.” From the appearance, he is more like an orthodox swordsman.

This made Rhodes quite uncomfortable, but he couldn't help it. If he were to summon a bird of soul, he would have to give up the star marks, but then Rhodes would face an unarmed environment, although it was dominated by summons, but do n’t forget that the last two words are “swordsmen” and Not a "mage", so Rhodes can't hide behind him and do nothing like those casters. But if you want to use star marks, you must seal the soul bird, and if you fight like an ordinary swordsman, it is not good for Rhodes.

Because the summoning swordsman has one of the biggest weaknesses compared to the authentic swordsman, and that is its professional punishment --- all swordsmanship proficiency -1.

In other words, the swordsmanship of genuine swordsmen can be improved to sss at the highest level. However, even if the Swordsman summons his efforts, he can only cap ss. And from the start, the starting lines for the two sides were different. All original swordsmen's initial swordsmanship proficiency levels are d. However, Rhode's summoning swordsman can only start from e. This is the gap. It can be said that, in fact, from the beginning of this world to the present, Rhode has played very hard. If it weren't for holding star marks and understanding of Dragon Soul Continent, I'm afraid he would have been embarrassed. Because he was already familiar with the state that there were summoners fighting with him anytime, anywhere, now this state made him feel a lot of pressure.

But now, with the talent of calling the master, he finally felt a light shoulder.

That's right, summoning swordsmen is not as strong as the individual swordsman of the full-time swordsman, but they have never been alone.

Facing the soul bird that fluttered at him, the gargoyle stayed for a while, he felt the magic breath of the other person, but the unremarkable artificial intelligence had no way to judge what this fluttering thing was, but It also identified the opponent as an enemy and threw it with one claw.

But this time, the gargoyle was short.

The moment it felt its claws hit each other, the solidified form suddenly disappeared like a snowball scattered by people, and instead a faint air flow passed quickly from its claws, and disappeared. It's gone. But without waiting for the Gargoyle to react, Rhodes quickly followed, followed by a long sword in his hand, and flung forward.

A silver moon arc burst out of Rhodes' sword, flying towards a target that missed and the door opened wide.

This is the third skill of Moon Shadow Sword Skill-Yuehua.

Although it is the same as the broken blade, it is a condensed sword to attack, but the effect of the two is completely different-the shape of the broken blade is lasing forward in the form of the light blade, although powerful The transmission power is large, but the scope that can be shrouded is too narrow, and it can be easily avoided. However, Yuehua is different. The meniscus attack swept away, at least it could pose a threat to a large area in front of it, even if it was difficult to dodge.

Sure enough, in the face of the sword light coming from his face, the gargoyle subconsciously tried to flutter his wings to avoid the attack of the opponent, but its speed was still one step slower, and the silver light blade swept the right wing, accompanied by several pieces. The tiny gravel flew down, and the body of the gargoyle originally floating in the air suddenly slanted and lost its balance.

But this is not over yet, because just as he was about to maintain his balance, Rhodes had already taken the first two steps, and then his free left hand swung down and made a strange gesture.

The soul bird that originally turned into a breeze flashed past the gargoyle's attack appeared at the moment behind the gargoyle. The roaring wind once again condensed out of its body, and accompanied by a crisp tweet, was entangled by the wind The wind bird slammed into the back of the gargoyle, and the violent air waves immediately blow away the gargoyle, which made the already angry gargoyle scream angrily, but has not waited for it Expressing his anger, shining blades of light appeared in the eyes of the gargoyle.

One, two, three.

The flying and rotating broken blade hit the gargoyle's injured right wing accurately. Even the wings made by obsidian could not withstand the successive attacks. Just when the gargoyle was hit by the waves, A cobweb-like crack has spread on its wings, and soon, with the crisp breaking sound, the wings made of hard material are completely broken, which also makes the gargoyle who lost one side screams and screams loudly He fell to the ground and smashed a small hole in the bluestone floor.

It is the style of summoning the swordsman to fight more with less, bully the crowd, and combine quantity with quality.

Rhode finally found the feeling he had during the battle. In fact, if he now has normal weapons in his hands, after turning on the Summoner, he can indulge two summoners to attack at the same time. Talking about the two rare elites, even if the boss came to him in person, he would be sure to kill each other alive.

But unfortunately there is no "if" in the world, and Rhodes currently does not have a second soul core that can be used to wake up the elves.

So he had to give up the idea of ​​chasing after the victory, and turned back quickly.

Because at this moment, the second gargoyle had already dived down.

Perhaps because of seeing his companion being injured, this gargoyle's offensive is quite fierce, but Rhode, who has been able to summon the soul bird, naturally has no intention to be stupid enough to confront it, and made himself embarrassed before facing that. All that Rhodes did was look up and whistle. Immediately, a gust of wind whizzed by, suddenly pushing away the dark shadow that originally wanted to attack Rhodes, making it roll a few laps and stunned it after losing its accuracy, and then bumped into the side. Stopped on the church wall.

Rhodes certainly would not miss such a good opportunity.

Under his command, the blue whirlwind rose flatly, and the flying bird stretched its wings, and once again swooped on the enemy in front of it.

For a while, offense and defense reversed.

The two gargoyles who were still on the sky before now are as embarrassed as falling into the water, but Rhode, who was still under heavy pressure just now, turned over to the serf to sing and regained a favorable situation. He consciously let the soul bird cooperate with himself and forcibly separate the two gargoyles, so that at any time, they can maintain a "two-on-one" situation, and force one of them to come to rescue in time.

Although the scene has changed for a while, Rod has no way to obtain further results. This is because his power has already been consumed more than half of the previous, and although in the game, players can "full of blood after upgrading "Status" revived, but in reality it is obviously impossible to give you such a good thing. Therefore, although Rhodes was promoted to the tenth level and his talents were turned on, his soul power was only added to the original part of the ascension.

Relying on these alone, there is no way to destroy the two gargoyles. And indulging two summons at the same time consumes more of Rod's soul power, he even pays more attention to consumption than before to avoid himself "power failure". After all, the level difference between the two sides is too large, and the defense of the gargoyle is not blowing. Previously, Rhode's attack only broke one of the wings, and did not cause any serious damage to them. In this case, if Rhodes fires, it is indeed possible to destroy one of the gargoyles. But in this way, if he has consumed all his power, he has to face the other one without any defense-no one can think of the result.

The only thing Rhodes can do now is to make sure to suppress these two nasty guys, and wait for Li Jie and Metz to find the "control center".

Otherwise, the situation will change back to what it was.


Although a wing was abolished, the gargoyle did not lose its threat because of it. It crawled on the ground like a black stone-made giant dog, flying with its four claws, running on the ground like a ghost. This is exactly the terrible aspect of this alchemy creature. If you treat them as monsters that only shine in the air, you will definitely lose a lot.

Fortunately, Rhodes knew them well. Although he doesn't think that like a newcomer, just by knocking down the gargoyles from the sky, they can be a blessing to them, but this still makes Rod feel a lot of relief. After all, he doesn't have to devote too much energy to worry Overhead.

The dark figure appeared behind Rhodes. The gargoyle howled and stretched out his right claw to dig toward Rhodes's back heart, but at the next moment, Rhodes flashed sideways, and the white blade in his hand became A flash of lightning blocked Kan's attack. At the same time, Rhode stretched out his left hand, and the soul bird hovering around him immediately saw his gesture and immediately swept his wings to fly. It was worthy of blocking another who tried to attack him from the air. Gargoyle.

Although at the level of the soul bird, it has not been able to cause too much damage to rare elites like gargoyles, but as a pure elemental creature, just blocking it is not particularly difficult for it.

As time passed by minute by minute, Rod's heart became more and more anxious. He felt his body was a little tired, and even his spirit was a bit sluggish. This was a manifestation when the soul power was about to run out. At this moment, nothing is happening, haven't they found a control center?


The harsh wind sounded from Rod's side, which made Rod suddenly startled. He subconsciously flickered to the side and tried to start Shadow Flash, but at the moment he was about to dodge, it was a footstep that should have started. Skills have lost effect.

Soul power is about to run out!

This made Rhodes sink in his heart, but at this moment he had no time to think much, and hurriedly turned back and stabbed in the back with a sword. The hard stone claws intersect with the white long sword, making a harsh rubbing sound. The gargoyle who missed a shot quickly retreated, but Rhode had no way to pursue it.

Just then, suddenly, a voice sounded from behind him.

"Mr. Rhodes! We found it!"
