MTL - Summoning In the Snow, My Harem is Too Dangerous-Chapter 172

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[I write Spring and Autumn to respect heaven and earth, and heaven and earth naturally respect me! 】

The sound of the system sounded, and Xia Ji immediately understood who the person he had summoned was.

In any case, he never thought that he would be able to summon this one!

It is recognized that the nineteenth is the first!

Cursive script and yin and yang prophecy are the first!

He used to be the most proud student of Shangyin Academy, and together with Han Ren Mao and Xu Rentu, he was known as the three major demons that everyone in Jianghu could kill.

The Nine Kingdoms War in the Snow started because of him, and millions of Dawn people died because of him.

The Spring and Autumn Thirteen Tops, one person monopolizes chess, books, and arithmetic, three of the three tops!

The person is the book-turner in the rivers and lakes in the snow.

Yellow top!

A big dream spring and autumn, the book-turner enters the book.

Strategize and decide thousands of miles but do not enter a high place in the temple, dance and write ingeniously, but do not sing for the emperor.

This is a scholar who has calculated for a lifetime, just to calculate a world of peace!

Some people say that Huang Longshi is a transmigrator who knows the outcome of everything.

He is also the mastermind behind the promotion of the temples in the world in the snow.

Does not know this world, the ending of this book, does he know?

Xia Ji was very interested in this.

"Huang Longshi, I have seen Your Majesty." Huang Longshi said respectfully.

At the same time, everything about this world continued to emerge in his mind.

Soon, he knew what the current situation was like.

"I heard that you are a transmigrator?" Xia Ji said with a chuckle.

Everything Huang Longshi showed in the snow world was completely different from his natives.

If he is like himself, he is really a transmigrator, but he does not seem lonely in this world.

In particular, all the people summoned by the system are 100% loyal.

He can also be completely assured of Huang Longshi.

Hearing this, Huang Longshi also laughed.

He respectfully said: "Those things are too long ago, even I have forgotten them all."

"However, since he was summoned by His Majesty, he naturally wants to help His Majesty to plan the whole world."

"Okay!" Xia Ji laughed: "Then you help me calculate, where is the thing that dragon veins nurtured now?"

Hearing this, Huang Longshi thought a little.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "Daxia divided the vassal kings, and a total of eight kinds of dragon veins were produced."

"Among them, a vassal king was destroyed decades ago, and the things that his dragon veins nurtured were swallowed up by the Daxia dragon veins and turned into dragon veins."

"And the places under the jurisdiction of the remaining seven kings 730, their dragon veins nurtured things"

Speaking of this, he frowned slightly: "The things that dragon veins nurture, except for the dragon vein seeds absorbed by His Majesty, the rest are all turned into weapons."

"Among them, the King Power Sword is the leader, and the King Dragon Armor, the King Dragon Armor, and the King Power Talisman...etc. as support, once someone gathers them together, they can obtain unprecedented terrifying power."

"Then Emperor Donghuang said that the world can be changed, but that's not wrong."

Hearing what Huang Longshi said, Xia Ji also narrowed his eyes.

He said coldly: "What effect does this kind of thing have on Da Xia?"

Huang Longshi said solemnly: "Naturally, it has an influence. These things contain a huge amount of national fortune. If you leave it alone, it will make the Daxia national fortune unable to gather."

"After my calculations, now, apart from the royal amulet held by King Ming, which is still in his territory, the other six dragon veins have been divided up by King Yuan and King Tang."

"That's true." Xia Ji said in a deep voice.

Just as he thought, King Qin got those things that condensed the dragon veins.

He gave it to the King of Yuan and King of Tang.

He was still a little unsure before.

But now that Huang Longshi said this, there is no need to send someone to investigate.

Now there is no need to scare the snakes, and they will definitely be able to give them a surprise.

Think here.

Xia Ji said lightly: "If that's the case, let Deng Tai'a and Li Chungang go for a while!".

Chapter 172 The heavy weapon of the king, the vassal king is not worthy to hold!


Xia Ji didn't do anything to those vassal kings.

On the one hand, it is because of the great power in their hands, which cannot be recovered simply by cutting down the vassal.

Once the repression is overdone, it is easy to cause resistance.

Moreover, after King Song surrendered and King Yuan died.

The rest of the feudal lords made up their previous taxes, and there was no excuse at all.

According to the laws set before, all the places where these vassal kings are located are governed by them.

If you want to send land gods to go, you have to follow the rules.

But in this way, it is impossible to achieve the effect of suppression at all.

Second, it is also necessary to give these vassal kings some buffer time.

Because many plans made by Xia Ji are still fermenting, it is not the best time.

But now it's different.

The so-called dragon veins, if placed in Daxia, would naturally be a weapon of magic.

But if you put it in the hands of the king, it is a hot potato.

It's good that they are vassal kings, but they can't do anything to harm Daxia.

Otherwise, Daxia can suppress them at will.

Now, it just happened to give Xia Ji this excuse.

"King Qin, he really deserves to be an emperor through the ages. I'm afraid he also knows that the king's heavy weapon will be destroyed. Such disasters lead to the east, but it also makes it a little more difficult to conquer the king of Qin."

Xia Ji spoke again.

If an ordinary vassal king had obtained such a powerful weapon, he would not be able to refuse its temptation.

After all, when Daxia was about to collapse at the very beginning, all of these vassal kings had the heart to be disobedient.

They are acting so well-behaved now, but it is only because of the power that Da Xia shows now, which makes them all jealous.

But because of the Emperor Taiyi of the East, these heavy weapons of the king are involved, and it is possible for these vassal kings to act.

Xia Ji had already noticed something abnormal about the growth of the national fortune in his hands.

It stands to reason that as the emperor, the national fortune under his control should be faster and faster.

In the beginning, he killed Cixi, pacified the harem, and then went to reform.

After this set, the national fortune under his control should exceed 30%.

Even if the remaining seven great vassal kings share 10% of the national fortune, they should reach 40% after conquering the Song king.

But now, Xia Ji is powerful and powerful, and he has such masters as Chen Zhibao, Li Chungang, Cao Changqing, Deng Tai'er, and Wang Xianzhi.

Whether it is the court, or the prestige on the rivers and lakes of various countries, it has reached its peak.

Not to mention, there was news from Wang Xianzhi yesterday.

The Manchu rivers and lakes have been completely subdued.

But even so, his national luck is only 35%.

This is not normal by any means.

Now it seems that it seems to be related to these heavy weapons of the king.

Xia Ji naturally couldn't let it go.


Both Li Chungang and Deng Tai'a were called over.

After seeing Huang Longshi, there was a little surprise on their faces.

But it soon turned into endless joy.

After all, both of them are people in the world in the snow, so they naturally know the horror of Huang Longshi.

With him as Daxia's think tank, it is impossible for Daxia to not prosper.


The two also kept a certain distance from Huang Longshi, intentionally or unintentionally.

This person is calculated, except for the emperor Xia Ji, everyone will be calculated by him.

In the snow world, there has obviously been a secret confrontation.

When the two came over, Huang Longshi didn't hide anything.

After saying hello, all the previous information was said.

After Li Chungang and Deng Tai'a heard it, they also looked surprised.

Didn't expect such a thing to exist.

It seems that this world is not as simple as they imagined.

"Wang Xianzhi has already heard the news that the rivers and lakes in the Qing Dynasty have been subdued, and it will be a matter of time before Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty will surrender." Xia Ji opened his mouth and made arrangements.

"I originally planned to go to this matter in a month, but I can leave it for now."

"But Yuan Wang Tuo Lei, and Tang Wang Li Shimin, these two people were ruthless people, and now they have the king's heavy weapon, but it is not easy to arrange."

"The two of you will set off tomorrow, and go to destroy all the heavy weapons of those kings. If they dare to disobey and disrespect, they can kill them."

"No!" Both Li Chungang and Deng Tai'a nodded.

The two also knew the importance of this matter.

What's more, with the time bomb of Tianmen under pressure, they naturally did not dare to slack off.

Only by letting all the world surrender, and the four seas return to one.

Daxia is truly at the peak.

After making some arrangements.

Li Chungang and Deng Tai'a went before leaving.

However, because of the existence of the king's heavy weapon this time.

They did not go alone.

Li Chungang went to Mengyuan with Dugu Qiufeng and Ximen Chuixue.

Deng Tai'a went to Li Tang with Dugu Juggernaut and Wuming.

As for the royal talisman in the hands of King Ming, this is nothing to worry about for the time being.

The combined power of these heavy weapons of kings is far greater than that of a single existence.

Wait until the threat posed by the heavy weapons in the hands of King Yuan and King Tang is resolved.