MTL - Summoner of Miracles-Chapter 2559 Roman's Secret

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Hearing the sound, Luo Zhen first froze, then turned his head and looked at the source of the sound.

At this point, Luo was really surprised.

"Fortunately, you didn't go far."

A dark shadow flew over in the direction of the control room.

Yes, it flew over.

Because the other person's appearance is flapping owl.

Who can be but Olga Marie?

"You looking for me?"

Looking at Olga Marie flying towards her, Luo could hardly conceal her surprise.

"What? Am I strange to you?"

Olga Marie questioned frowned.

"Isn't it strange?"

Luo Zhen asked back instead.

Olga Marie was speechless.

If you think about it, it's really strange.

"The grown-up will actually stop me alone, but I can't help wondering."

Luo Zhen shrugged, telling the truth.

Luo Zhen and Olga Marie did not deal with each other. This was something that the entire Chaldeans knew, and it was even more clear to each other.

Therefore, even if it wasn't as tough as it used to be, Luo Zhen and Olga Marie still couldn't get along. So far, they haven't talked face-to-face like this. Except for the singularities of Winterwood, there have been some intersections, and the rest are basically the same. Occasion and identity of official affairs.

Under such circumstances, Olga Marie came after him alone to stop herself, and Luo really wasn't surprised.


"So far, I have something that I need to discuss with you."

Olga Marie raised her eyes and looked over.

The sense of seriousness and heaviness suddenly diffused.

Luo Zhen frowned and didn't speak.

Seeing this, Olga Marie hesitated a bit, and dared to go straight to the subject.

"I want to talk to you about Romagna Achman."

At this point, Luo Zhen's eyes flashed suddenly.

"Brother's affairs?" Luo Zhen looked at Olga Marie, and after watching for a while, he said, "What can happen to Brother?"

For the time being, Luo really said so.


"Don't tell me you're not clear." Olga Marie bluntly said, "Your brother has a secret."

Upon hearing this, Luo Zhen was silent.

He knew, of course, that Roman had a secret.

This is something that always shows signs.

For example, Roman knew about Luo's "miracle".

For example, Roman also knew some of his secrets.

Another example is that Roman hasn't behaved like an ordinary medical staff so far.

Although, from the surface or from the inside, Roman is a very unreliable guy, that is, he has no extraordinary talents, and he is not a remarkable person. At best, he is a doctor who is a little bit able. There are also things that cannot be explained.

Olga Marie said so.

"Since the fifth singularity, I have been investigating him secretly, and wanted to see some of his intelligence records or identity information in Chaldea, but found nothing."

Olga Marie stared at Luo Zhen tightly.

"I didn't say this casually. I didn't really find anything. I didn't find the detailed identity information before I came to Chaldea. All the information after I came to Chaldea was also managed by the highest level. It's very likely that some of it was falsified, and the really important information has been set up with permissions that I can't even watch. "

This is a very scary thing.

Because, in Chaldea, the highest authority is undoubtedly Olga Marie as the director.

As a result, even Olga Marie, the director, did not have permission to access this part of the data. What does this mean?

"It means someone with more authority than me has deliberately concealed your brother's information."

With that said, Olga Marie's voice became heavy.

"Although such people are not present in the Chaldeans, they are not necessarily what they were before."

After all, Olga Marie was not Chaldea's first director.

Chaldea's first director was Olga Marie ’s father. The person who built Chaldi ’s human security organization also established a call system for “Destiny” and a human experiment for “A follower”. And so many unspeakable underground mechanisms of the appointment of Animusfia as the head of Marisbili Animsfia.

This former Chaldi director who was inexplicably found dead in the director's room three years ago in the event of a blaze of fire happened to be the character of the highest authority in Chaldi.

After Marys Billy died, Olga Marie, who was still studying at the time, had to take over her father's duties in the Clock Tower and Chaldea, and became the director of this person's continuation and security agency.

At that time, Roman was already serving in Chaldea.

"According to sources, it was my father who decided to hire your brother, the former director of Chaldea, Marisbili Animsfia."

Olga Marie said with her lips pursed.

"After that, all the information about Romaigny Achman appeared unremarkable and inconspicuous, but after careful investigation, it was found that he was involved in the secret matters of all unreliable people in the Chaldeans, such as Matthew, Another example is you. "

Olga Marie's words made Luo Zhen clenched [] unconsciously.

This is a fact.

Obviously, Roman was just an ordinary doctor, but he knew the experiment of the "A follower" and knew the existence of Matthew. He was also responsible for bringing Matthew to the working level of Chaldea, allowing her to contact outsiders and become a then Candidates for the Royal Master also have an inseparable relationship with Luo Zhen. How could this not be abnormal?

Luo Zhen is very clear about his life and knows why he was born and why he appeared in Chaldea, but he has no idea why he and Roman became brothers.

It seems that Roman is indeed a real brother of Luo. This can be investigated from both DNA and blood type.

For this reason, Luo Zhen was also very confused before, and then gradually let go.

Such a person who is so deeply involved with himself cannot be an ordinary doctor.

Olga Marie also confirmed this.

"The database in Chaldea locked his true intelligence with permissions that I could not access, but outside the Chaldean, that is, the data before Romani Achman came to Chaldea. , I can't find it at all. "

Olga Marie was breathing shortly.

"Before Romani Achman joined Chaldea, there was no record of the person's origin, experience, etc., it seemed like he had emerged out of thin air, but he could become Caleb in his twenties. Chief physician at the bottom, it is really difficult to publicly indicate normal personnel changes. "

Roman was like this, full of mysteries.