MTL - Sugar Baby-Chapter 78

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In the morning, Fu Ryan turned off the alarm before the alarm sounded, and went out of bed with a light hand. ---End this beautiful, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance Even if he is so Be careful, still wake up Qiu Qiu.

The morning sun was naughty and fell on Qiu Qiu’s face. Qiu Qiu’s shrimps bowed and stood uncomfortably.

Fu Ryan's sitting on the edge of the bed, picked him up and kissed him, and the big hand pressed slowly around his waist to relieve his muscle discomfort.

Qiu Qiu’s screaming, fascinated and blind, looked at him. “Why don’t you wake me up?...I haven’t had time to cook for Cognac.”

Fu Ryan smiled and kissed his forehead. "The last night's night was too much to eat, and I wouldn't eat it this morning."

Qiu Qiu understood, blushing to the quilt.

Fu Ruien deliberately asked him. "How, Qiu Qiu does not like to dry up to feed you to eat supper?"

"Like... but can't eat too much." Qiu Qiu looked out of his quilt and looked serious. "If you eat too much, you will lose your boyfriend forever!"

"What?" Fu Ryan didn't understand.

"--and then harvest a male fat friend!"

Fu Ryan smiled and hugged his head and kissed his male fat friend.

His male fat friend has no abdominal muscles, only a layer of fleshy belly. Every time the climax, the body is tight, and even the toes are curled up. Only a small stomach is still a soft flesh, tremble and tremble, don't mention more love.

The gold does not change, and Wanjin does not change.

When Fu Ryan went to work, Qiu Qiubai was bored in the bed, and rationally let him get up and practice singing, but inertia made him roll again in bed.

He rolled around in bed with his quilt and fell asleep soon.

Waking up again because of the ringing of the cell phone ring. He touched it and saw that the accidental discovery was actually made by Xiaoli.

This is really strange. Since they officially broke up, Xiaoli has consciously set a clear line with him. She has never contacted Qiu Qiu again. Every time she is on WeChat, she talks about the preparation of the fan group. She abides by the bottom line of the powder and does not interfere with the life of the beans. If other idols have such a powder, I really don't know what to be happy.

Qiu Qiu worried about something big, and quickly picked up Xiao Li’s phone.

When the phone was connected, Xiaoli was anxious.

"Qiu Qiu Qiuqiu Qiuqiu! You didn't see Weibo?!!"

"Ah...? I don't often go to Weibo..."

"Do you have the consciousness of being an idol! You can watch Weibo quickly!" Xiaoli said anxiously. "That sweetheart started pulling you CP!!"


Qiu Qiu was completely awake. He and Xin Tian did not meet in private, and the well water did not make sweet water, so that they could be fired into CP? ? ?

Xiaoli gave Qiuqi a connection. Qiu Qiu took a look and found that the content was a microblog of Xintian Fa in the early morning.

@辛田小甜甜 v..Thank you, come to me when I am most painful and hurt. [Kiss] [Kiss] [Kiss]

This Weibo is equipped with three photos.

The first one is a pair of white legs like her jade, but she is now injured on her left knee and her right ankle is swollen into a big girl.

The second one is a picture of Qiu Qiu’s silhouette. The sky is very dark. In the photo, Qiu Qiuzheng talks with Aiguo’s big brother. The two don’t know what jokes are said. Aiguo laughed, Qiu Qiu was grinning and very delicate. The dress should be photographed by her when she recorded the show last night.

The third one is very intriguing - that is the selfie of Xin Tian and Qiu Qiu in the quarter-finals! At that time, Xin Tian was teaching Qiu Qiu to use the self-timer software. The software can show the kitten's ears and beard on the human face. The two men and women in the photo are the same cute and cute with the animal headwear.

Xintian's microblogging is very "exquisite", whether it is text or graphics are on the verge of shackles, further can be said that AUO and above are not satisfied with the lover, step back can be said that the players help each other. In short, the right to interpret is in her, and everyone wants to understand how to understand nothing.

This microblog was sent in the early morning of this morning. Most of her fans are secondary audiences. They are all night owls. They are more and more terrible at night. At that time, they put "Xintian boyfriend" "Xintian Qiuqiu" on the hot search. When I arrived in the morning, many people who were eating melons followed the trend, which led to the hotter topic of this topic, going straight to the top ten.

Before Xintian was on the show, it was a small net red. It had never been overheated before. This time, I can get so much attention. Of course, she has to take the opportunity to add firewood.

@辛田小甜甜 v.. I did not expect to wake up, the sweet topic actually entered the top ten... People are really scared. I hope that you don't pay too much attention to my private life and listen to my songs. The only wish for sweetness now is to let the topic heat up quickly. I don't want to be famous. For everyone. [grievance] [grievance] [grievance]

Xiaoli admired on the phone.. "I thought that even if I was a master of drama, I didn't expect the method of sweetheart to add drama. It was fresh and refined. I have to take a small notebook and write it down. There is a villain in the script. Match it, you must use it."

Qiu Qiu was quite angry, who would be happy to pull CP with Xin Tian, ​​but he has a target person, for fear of jealousy at home.

But Xiaoli’s spit was too much, and he couldn’t help but laugh.

Xiaoli listened to him and said, "Yes, you call the big bear and persuade the bear."

"What happened to the big bear?"

"He knows that his best brother and his goddess messed up and cried again in the live room for another morning." Xiaoli said disdainfully.

Qiu Qiu seriously thought about it.. "...oh, what is the live broadcast of the app? Is his ID not called "straight male bear big", so there is still someone concerned?"

Xiao Li smiled.. "Maybe those basics like the bear character of the big bear like Ke Feiji. This week, the editor gave him a home page push, and the fans rose tens of thousands every day."

Qiu Qiu is a bit strange. "You haven't driven him out of the fan group yet, how do you still pay attention to his live room every day?"

Xiaoli.. "...I am happy to be an old lady!"

She snorted and hung up the phone directly.

Qiu Qiu did not call the big bear, afraid of affecting his live broadcast, only sent him a WeChat.

Autumn is autumn autumn.. Big Bear, don't worry, I don't match the gender of your goddess...

The big bear quickly returned to WeChat.

Big bear big.. But you are obviously being bent by you! Didn't you still interact with Xiaoli before?

Autumn is the autumn of autumn.. um [捂脸], after the bend, the sexual orientation is fixed [捂脸]

Big bear big.. Sex is male? [捂胸]

Autumn is the autumn of autumn.. Sexuality is dry [捂 face] [捂脸] [捂脸]

Big bear big.. [surprised] [surprised] [surprised] It turned out that you are a sex.

Autumn is autumn autumn........

It’s a very romantic love story, it’s strange to say it from the big bear’s mouth.

Qiu Qiu thought about it and decided to remind him.

Autumn is autumn autumn.. Big bear, you may not be happy to hear this, but Xintian may not be as perfect as you think...

Big bear big.. I know.

Big bear big.. I like her looks, like her dance, like her sweet smile at the handshake meeting, say thank you for supporting me.

Big bear big.. Like you who are born to look good, do not understand our mortal chasing the little fairy.

Autumn is the autumn of autumn.. Hey... you don’t want to say that, you are also very handsome. You see so many basics like you.

Big bear big........

Big bear big....................

Big bear big..........................

Qiu Qiu really will comfort people.

Autumn is the autumn of autumn.. Really, you look for me to play you very much.

Big bear big.. out of 100?

Autumn is the autumn of autumn.. No, the perfect score is very, you are the perfect score in my eyes.

Big bear big.. Brothers go together for a lifetime! We will be brothers in the next life!

Autumn is the fall of autumn.. [Kiss] [hug]

Big bear big.. Right, how many points do you give to you?

Autumn is the fall of autumn.. 100 million points.

Big bear big..............

Big bear big.. You added too much friendship.

Autumn is the autumn of autumn.. No, it is love points for cognac.

During the period of their communication, the hot search list has changed... The strange thing is that the option of “Xin Tian Qiu Qiu” has been reduced and replaced by “Xin Tian Ai Guo”.

Qiu Qiu quickly opened it and saw it. It was discovered that Ai Guo had forwarded Wei Tian’s Weibo.

@爱国rapper..呦,呦,呦, yesterday's video day is too dark, you fall into tears after falling, I and Qiu Qiu go to help you, your face is shy and super beautiful. There is a small problem on my feet. I have learned that a veterinarian will see a doctor. Don’t be too polite to Xintian’s sister, don’t care too much.

I don't know if Aiguo is really stupid or fake. It is easy to destroy Xintian's pull CP plan. When she is injured, not only Qiu Qiu and Xin Tian, ​​but Ai is also on the scene. There is nothing wrong with it.

So in a blink of an eye, the situation reversed. The name of Aiguo was **** with Xintian, and the name of Qiu Qiu’s name was down. A bit of Xin Tian’s commentary was full of ridicule of her bundled CP hype, a joke she was People face.

Qiu Qiu was grateful, and quickly called the country, thanking him for reversing the situation with his own efforts.

Aiguo said faintly.. "... don't thank me, I just want to be hot."

Qiu Qiu.. "...oh oh oh."


On the other side, Enru Group ceo office.

Fu Ryan finally finished the morning business. He leaned back on the back of the chair. He wanted to take a break from the lunch break. The computer popped up a message - Zheng, the person in charge of the makeup business group, made an appointment for lunch at noon today. The advertising demo of this real lipstick will be displayed.

The lunch meeting is different from the formal meeting. The lunch meeting is to talk about some work while eating. It doesn't need to be taken seriously, and the atmosphere is relatively relaxed.

The advertising demo has entered the stage of post-enhanced refinement. This report is mainly based on display. Fu Ryan is good at decentralization and will not add to this small matter. Unlike some bosses who want subordinates to report all aspects, they are hurt and hurt.

Fu Ryan packed up his desk and planned to go to the luncheon.

The result was just about to go out, the secretary rushed in, and even the door did not have time to knock.

"Fu, I just received a report. This morning, Xintian has an action on Weibo."

Fu Ryan immediately reacted.. "Is it related to autumn and autumn?"

Otherwise, it will not be so nervous.

"Yes, she wants to sneak her boyfriend, and pull Qiu Shaoye into the water..." He rushed to add, "Of course, Qiu Shaoye ignored him."

He briefly described the microblog of Xin Tian and talked about how she was mocked by Ai Guo.

He said as he carefully spies on Fu Ryan's face, fearing that the boss will rush to the crown and leave the work to do something irrational.

But when he finished, Fu Ryan didn't have any anger, but his eyebrows moved, and he said something like laughing and laughing. "Know it."

He Yu really admire, the original Fu's heart is so wide, even the sugar son and beautiful girl rumored, not angry.

It may be that the expression of the inquiry is too obvious, Fu Ryan patiently explained. "... Do you think I will be jealous? Will it be indiscriminate?"

"No, no, no..."

"The first time I heard the name of Xintian, it was in the report I saw a few days ago. Before that, I never heard this name from Qiuqiu mouth." Fu Ryan sounded quietly, "This Explain what? - Explain that in the eyes of autumn and autumn, the girl is not worth mentioning."

What an exaggerated "wow" sounded.

"Okay, I have a lunch meeting with Lao Zheng at noon. He wants to show me the demo of real lipstick. You can eat with your colleagues." Fu Ryan said, got up and walked out of the office, leaving only what happened. A floating back.

He met his back and thought sincerely that Fu Zong and Qiu Shaoye were really more than Jin Jian, and the third party’s sorrow could not be inserted.

He was blaspheming, and Fu Ryan suddenly folded back.

He Yu.. "...?"

Fu Ryan raised his eyebrows.. "Right, tell the program group, no matter what method, the top four should not let the nintian advance."

He Yu.."..."

Mr. Fu, said that good is not jealous and not angry? ?