MTL - Sugar Baby-Chapter 43

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The two stood on the tree-lined road of the school and tried to find a way to a broken cell phone. (((卡蒂诺小说网

It’s just a frowning face, and it’s not a shock.

A is a top-ranking university in the country. The campus is large and beautiful. When there is a big summer vacation, there will always be big waves of tourists. When the school did not limit the flow, it often hit the inexplicable tour group. Later, the school issued regulations, the tour group could not enter, but the scattered individual customers would not stop.

The lost man, with his assistant, came to A city for a business trip, and sneaked around to visit A, and he thought that the accident and the assistant had gone away.

The good-hearted Qiu Qiu offered to help him. "Where was the last time you saw the assistant? I will take you to find it, maybe he is still waiting for you there."

The man also had some troubles in the current situation. He resigned twice and finally accepted Qiu Qiu’s kindness.

He threw the dirty phone into the trash can and replied. "The last time I saw him was in front of a blue-grey building, about five or six stories, and there was a very high staircase in front. I was walking in front of me. When I look back, I can't find him."

The building he described, there are three in the A campus, and it is not too late. Qiu Qiu immediately took the man to the nearest teaching building.

Although the man looks indifferent, his temper is not bad. I can't say enthusiasm when chatting with each other, but it is very polite.

Because Qiu Qiu took the initiative to help, the man had a good impression of Qiu Qiu. He took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Qiu Qiu.

The business card design is extremely simple, light blue is the bottom, the back of the company printed the logo and the full name of the English, a big Lee on the front, the title below is the CEO.

"Sorry, it’s too hasty to come out. There is only an English business card on the body." The man apologized. "My name is Li Weizhen, and it is good to call me Li Ge."

"Li Weizhen..." Qiu Qiu followed the name of the man twice, and he was surprised to praise. "Li Ge, your name is really good, and you will read your mouth."

Li Weizhen glanced at the dimples that Qiu Qiu inadvertently revealed, and felt that the boy in front of him was really cute.

Qiu Qiu came to A from childhood, and he was familiar with A's big grass and trees. He walked with Li Weizhen in the path and soon reached the first teaching building. Unfortunately, they were looking for In a circle, Li Weijun’s assistant was not found.

The two went from the big campus to the west, but unfortunately, after repeated expectations, they were disappointed again and again.

Seeing that the sun is getting bigger and bigger, both of them are very tired.

Qiu Qiu got up and filmed in the morning. In order not to get edema on the mirror, he didn't even eat dinner yesterday. He only ate a piece of bread this morning. Now he is hungry and staring at Venus. There was a scream in his stomach, and his voice was like a thunder. He hugged his stomach and pressed the hungry stomach.

Li Weizhen only noticed his negligence. "I have trouble looking for you for a long time. Otherwise, let's go eat, do you have any good restaurants around your school? I invite you."

“You don’t have to use it!” Qiu Qiu said quickly, “We still don’t go out of school. Our school is big, there are eight in Guangdamen. I’m afraid we can’t find anyone when we go out again... Li Ge, you’re hungry. If you take me to the cafeteria, the amount of our school cafeteria can be big!"

"I am not hungry. I got up late in the morning and ate brunch before going out." Li Weizhen shook his head. "When you eat, I am looking for a place to wait for you. You eat slowly, don't worry."

Qiu Qiugang began to wonder why Li Weizhen refused to enter the cafeteria, but when his eyes fell on Li Wei's white snow-like shirt and polished shoes, he realized it all at once.

The smoke in the canteen is big, and Li Ge is dirty.

The two came to the entrance of the canteen, and Li Weizhen found a shady place to stay - there was a stone chair half a meter away from him. Li Weizhen looked away and took another one.

Qiu Qiu has not been exposed to such a clean person. He and the King of the Kings spent three years as roommates. They saw the big bear wearing a three-day **** and then wearing a three-day brilliant record. If Li Weizhen and the big bear are placed in a room, it is estimated that Li Wei You will always wear a gas mask.

Qiu Qiu went quickly and rushed to the cafeteria window to buy a bag of meat, and rushed out of the cafeteria.

When Li Weizhen saw him coming out so quickly, he was very surprised. He was very embarrassed after seeing a bag of buns in his hand.

"How do you eat buns?"

Qiu Qiu said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I am well fed."

Li Weizhen thought, the boy who is so well-fed, does not know who can be taken home in the end, watering him every day, seeing him flowering every day.

Qiu Qiu opened the plastic bag, revealing five white fat big round buns, each of which had 18 pleats, squeezing together and braving the heat, full of good food, watching it makes people move.

"Li Ge, try it. The buns in our canteen are very good. People from the surrounding neighborhoods will come over and eat." He added a special sentence, "The buns are very clean, and the canteen has a food hygiene permit!"

Li Weizhen was touched by his childishness, rubbed his hands, and picked up a steamed buns from a plastic bag.

He has settled abroad for many years, and his diet has been completely westernized. He has not eaten such a authentic Chinese meat package for a long time. One bite down, the hot fillings are exposed from the white noodles, and the very fine meat stuffing is mixed with a little bit of scallion, each mouth is solid and fragrant.

He laughed while eating. If you know that the vice president of his multinational company is actually eating buns at the entrance of the school cafeteria, it is estimated that he will be shocked.

Li Weijun was slow to eat, and he also paid attention to the manner of eating. He did not finish one for a long time. However, Qiu Qiu was hungry. This moment is like a big bear with a body, and three mouths swallow.

Don't look at Qiu Qiu's so-called teeth and claws. Even handsome people can be handsome if they eat. Two handsome guys with different styles stood at the entrance of the canteen with the most traffic in the school, which attracted a lot of attention.

Qiu Qiuzheng is going to come up with the third buns. Suddenly, two young girls, who are not very old, push me, and I push you to walk to him. I haven’t opened my mouth yet, and my face is red.

The little girl asked me in a whisper. "Senior brother, please ask... How does Ryan House go?"

Ryan House, as its name suggests, is the teaching building sponsored by A Great Honorary Alumni Fu Ruien, President Fu and Fu Ganzhen. Due to the complexity of his family, Fu Ruien’s academic qualifications were flat. After he became a president, he paid a lot of money to A. The laboratory named after him was put into use last year, the school building was just completed, and there are also student dormitory buildings.

Originally, the school intended to cast a bronze statue in front of the Ryan Building. Fu Ryan felt that he had not died yet and he did not agree.

If you have a loss, you will not agree. Otherwise, Qiu Qiu’s schooling every day must be staring at the gaze of the copper. The shame is absolutely explosive.

The girl asked for directions, Qiu Qiu played the gentleman spirit and patiently pointed the way. However, the little girl who asked for the road seemed to have a bad sense of direction, and when she repeated the route, she was upside down.

Qiu Qiu is not annoyed. He has drawn a road map from the bag with a good temper, and marked the landmark building on the map.

The girl took the picture he had drawn, and thanked him one by one.

When they finished speaking, Li Weijun’s last bun was also finished.

Li Wei said: "It seems that you are very popular."


"The two girls are not asking for directions, they are trying to talk to you, do you know?"

Qiu Qiu took the buns and nodded honestly.. "I know." He was very upset. "This is still good. Last time I had a good meal in the cafeteria. As a result, a girl fell in love with me in order to attract my attention. In my arms, I have knocked over a plate of dishes."

Li Weizhen laughed.

People who don't know how to be beautiful are very cute, but Qiu Qiu is so cute.

"Speaking... Ryan House... Is it a person named Ryan who invested in it?" Li Wei's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

When I mentioned dryness, Qiu Qiu suddenly fluttered and danced. "Yeah, it is a very powerful big boss, Li Ge, do you know him?"

Li Weizhen said coldly. "The big boss called Ryan doesn't know, but my first love boyfriend also called this name."

"...咦咦咦?" Qiu Qiu did not hold a bun, almost lost.

"Oh, I forgot that the country has not passed the same-sex marriage law. Can't you accept it?"

How could not accept it!

Every day, he is licked by a gay, licking, licking his throat and clavicle! The most horrifying thing is that the cognac is finished and the back is...

Qiu Qiu's face was reddish and stuttered. "No... I, I have an elder who is also gay."

And it happens that his elder is called Ryan...

Thinking of this, Qiu Qiu suddenly lost control of two shots. He looked at the elegant man standing in front of him, and a bold idea came to his mind.

No, it won’t be so clever.....................

Qiu Qiu didn't eat buns, pretending to ask. "... Li Ge, how was your ex-boyfriend?"

"Oh," Li Weizhen said sarcastically. "That is not an 'ex-boyfriend,' that is a 'first boyfriend.'"


Qiu Qiu heard the clouds, Li Ge means that his ex-boyfriend is no longer alive? ...but how strange his tone is.

Qiu Qiu was going to ask, suddenly a breathless voice rang behind him -


Along with the sound came a small melon with a oil head, a suit and a height of less than one meter. He was slightly fat, because he was running in the sun for a long time, and the clothes were completely soaked. He stopped and gasped with a big mouth.. "Boss, you... your mobile phone..."

Li Weizhen turned his eyes to the people, and saw that the other person was sweating. He took a step back without any traces. "Vinson, I just told you that half of the phone accidentally broke."

He introduced Qiu Qiu. "This is my assistant Vincent." He turned to Vincent again. "Vinson, this little classmate just took me to find you, he called..."

Not waiting for Li Weizhen to finish, Vinson has already called out.. "——Qiu Qiu?!"

Qiu Qiu blinked and asked unexpectedly. "Do you know me?"

Vincent rushed to stand up straight, and he subconsciously reached out his palm and flattened the hair on his head. "I have seen your performance, and I have a friend who is also a "Super New Voice" player."

In an instant, the small light bulb in Qiu Qiu’s head was lit up.. "... Are you the grandson of Huaxiang’s brother?"

Little winter melon Vincent nodded proudly.

God, how is the world so small? A few days ago, Huaxiang still complained that his death had returned to the country, and he thought that he would meet today.


After leaving Li Weizhen and Wensen, Qiu Qiu took advantage of the remaining buns in his hand while grinding his work in the school.

He is now panicked in his heart, and the speed of eating has dropped. He simply found a seat and sat down to eat slowly.

It’s also a coincidence. The place where he sat down is directly opposite the Ryan Dormitory Building under construction. Although there is no bust of the bust, the plaque has been hung at the door.

Qiu Qiu looked at the word "Ryan" as if he was standing in front of himself.

I haven't seen it for a long time, but Qiu Qiu really wants to think about him.

Just thinking about it, Qiu Qiu’s buns seem to have no taste.

He took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, hesitated, and couldn't help but sent a message to Fu Ryan.

Autumn is the fall of autumn.. Cognac... Have you only liked the same **** from the very beginning?

It’s dry.. um.

Autumn is autumn autumn.. Have you ever had a boyfriend before?

It’s a cognac.

Autumn is autumn autumn.. oh.

Is it dry?....... jealous?

Autumn is autumn autumn..? ? ? Why are you jealous? ?

Autumn is the fall of autumn.. You are all a lot of age, if you have not given a boyfriend, it must be an organ problem...

Hey, it’s dry........ Go back and let you see if there are any problems with my organs.

Autumn is autumn autumn.._(:з"∠)_

Hey, what is it? Why did you suddenly think about it?

Autumn is the fall of autumn.. I actually want to ask... How about doing your ex-boyfriend?

This is a dry 爹.. [smile]

I am dry.. My ex-boyfriend is dead [smile] [smile] [smile]

The author has something to say.. Qiuqiu.. 咦 咦 ...... ...... Li Ge’s ex-boyfriend passed away, and the coroner’s ex-boyfriend passed away... It can be seen that the base is not long.

Fu Ryan..? ? ?

Li Weizhen..? ? ?