MTL - Strong Waist-Chapter 982 super thighs are back

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  The flight from Lisbon to BJ is on the way.

  The outside world was pitch black, and the passengers around were already asleep.

   Lucky is watching the game video with a tablet in his hand.

   Beside him, Chen Man was playing with the championship trophy.

   "Tell me, why isn't this championship trophy made of pure gold?"

   Lucky ignored him.

   "I thought it was pure gold, and I saw many people go up and take a bite."

   Lucy's cheek twitched.

   "I asked you to take it before, handsome or not?"


   Lucky turned off the switch, turned to look at Chen Man and said, "You haven't seen the champion, have you? I won this trophy four years ago!"

  Hearing the words, Chen Man was deflated and said, "What a miracle!"

   Lucky; "Do you have the league championship gold medal?"

  Chen Man: "."

   Lucky; "Have you seen the Europa League gold medal?"

  Chen Man: "."

   Lucky; "Have you been selected for the best team in Europe?"

  Chen Man: "."

   Lucky: "Don't pretend!"

   After a while, Chen Slow finally recovered from the blow. He looked at Le Kai and said, "By the way, our group stage is really **** up. The defending champion Germany is in the same group as us. German chariots are difficult to deal with!"

   "Not necessarily!" Le Kai said.

  Chen Man was surprised: "Is it so inflated? Even Germany looks down on it? What are you going to do?"

   Lucky rolled his eyes angrily and said; "Take a good look at their performance in the European Cup, as well as the recent changes in Germany's skills and tactics. A German tank obsessed with transmission and control, do you think it's right?"

  Chen Slow pondered for a moment. As a player who plays for a top team, he is also very aware that the current pass control is facing a lot of embarrassment.

  For example, under high pressure, many problems will be exposed.

  Currently, the overall strength of the Chinese team is at the middle level in the entire World Cup echelon.

  Mainly, the existence of Le Kai, Chen Man and Liu Kairui abruptly increased the strength of the central axis.

  And based on the premise of the national team, teamwork cannot be as tacit as the club, so many situations depend on the individual performance of the players.

  As for the current football world, who dares to say that the popularity of performance and state is stronger than that of Lucky?

  At least in Chen Man's mind, sitting next to him was a size one thigh with the thickest size in the entire football world.

  So, even if they meet the German team, they are not completely without hope of winning.

  Chen Man: "A lot of newcomers came in this time, right?"

   Lucky nodded and said; "It's mainly some players in the World Cup qualifying stage, and many players were given up in the last World Cup. It is estimated that Lippi is thinking of reassembling a team."

  Chen Man; "You played two qualifying games, how do you feel?"

   Lucky: "It's okay, I can't say how high the technical level is, but at least run hard, and many of them are young players."

  Chen Man sighed: "It's a new face! I don't know if I can keep up with our football rhythm!"

   Le Kai squinted and said; "It's not that bad, but you have to be careful, their passing speed and rhythm transition are definitely not as fast as the league!"

  Chen nodded slowly.

   The two fell asleep while chatting.

   When they opened their eyes again, the plane was already in landing state.

"finally reached!"

  Chen slow stretched.

   Lucky also twisted his neck, the long-distance flight is always a bit tired.

   At this time, the capital airport is already crowded with people.

  The fans and media who welcomed Le Kai and Chen Man almost surrounded the airport.

  As the two biggest stars of the Chinese team at present, they are also the top players in the world. Both Lucky and Chen Slow are deeply expected by the fans.

  Zhang Chen and Fan Hongwu are still the leaders of the national team.

   The two were waiting at the exit early.

  “Four years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the last World Cup seems to be still yesterday!”

   Zhang Chen couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

  Fan Hongwu smiled; "Yes! But this time, we can go one step further!"

  Zhang Chen smiled.

  Compared to four years ago, the overall Chinese team has once again strengthened.

   Not only the core points have been strengthened, but the entire staffing has also been optimized.

  The emergence of some young stars has brought great fresh blood to the Chinese team.

   I won’t mention the three absolute core points of Lucky, Chen Man and Liu Kairui.

  Ouyang Fei will also become a key rhythm point in the midfield of the Chinese team after he has been trained in Europe.

  The little guy who was still playing as a substitute for the national team at that time, now seems to be the backbone behind his qualifications.

  Among the veterans of the previous session, very few were selected for the national team this time.

  Besides Le Kai, Chen Man and Liu Kairui, there are only Wang Yi, Gao Leiliang, Jia Zhenhua, Ouyang Fei and goalkeeper Tong Lei.

  The rest are all newcomers who have emerged in the past four years.

  After experiencing the baptism of the World Cup Asian Qualifiers, Chinese fans are also full of expectations for this team.

   After all, this is a rare gathering of all main players for the Chinese team in the past four years!

   While the media and fans were waiting and watching, the crowd suddenly boiled.

   At the exit, the figures of Le Kai and Chen Man appeared.

   Lucky white short-sleeved, black shorts, full of leisure, dragging a suitcase, looks extremely neat.

   On the other hand, Chen Man is in a set of expensive sportswear, with a gold medal on his neck, a flat baseball cap on his head, sunglasses, and tattoos all over his bare legs and arms.

  The two of them had already appeared, causing the audience to erupt.

   Lucky! ! ! ! ! —

   Chen slow! ! ! ! —

   Lucky! ! ! ! ! —

   Chen slow! ! ! ! —

  The fans are calling the names of the two, and the cameras of the reporters are also aimed at the two.

  Amid the cheers, Le Kai and Chen Slow walked up to Zhang Chen and Fan Hongwu.

   "Brother Zhang, Coach Fan!" X2.

  With a smile on his face, Zhang Chen walked over and said kindly; "It's been a hard journey."

   When Fan Hongwu saw his lover, he immediately gave him a big hug.

   Immediately, Le Kai and Chen Slow were dragged away.

  They did not accept any interviews, not even official interviews.

   "Lippi issued a death order, players are not allowed to accept interviews, and you are no exception!"

  Zhang Chen shook his head and sighed.

  Chen Man: "So awesome? No official face?"

   "There is no way! After all, he is famous!" Fan Hongwu laughed.

   Lucy nodded instead, feeling nothing.

  When playing in Europe, those coaches are like this.

   After the two got into the car, they drove directly to the training base.

  The training base is in the suburb of BJ, and it is still the same training base as it was four years ago.

  However, when the two arrived, they found that compared with four years ago, the equipment here had been refurbished, and many things had changed.

  Due to the Champions League, the two were the last two reported players.

  At this time in the training ground, the international players have already started training.

  After the four got out of the car, they did not report directly, but rubbed up outside the training ground.

  Most of them are strangers. Le Kai has met some, but there are also some that he has never met.

  At this time, training is underway under the leadership of the coaching staff.

  They also saw Ouyang Fei standing on the sidelines, constantly yelling loudly.

   "Be more decisive in grabbing! The opportunity waits for no one, if you miss the opportunity, it will be too late to catch up!"

   "Synergy! Synergize! Don't go it alone!"

  Ouyang Fei reprimanded the young players with his waist pierced.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Man couldn't help laughing and said: "Four years have passed, and that submissive Feifei back then can train people!"

   Lucky did not speak, but continued to watch.

   At this time, Ouyang Fei also seemed to have a feeling, and turned his head to look over.

  He saw Chen Man and Le Kai at a glance.

   "Chen Man? Brother Kai?!"

  Ouyang Fei ran over excitedly.

   "When did you arrive?"

   "Just arrived!" Lucky said concisely.

  Chen Man was dissatisfied; "Why am I Chen Man, and he is Brother Kai?"

  Ouyang Fei ignored Chen Man, looked at Le Kai and said, "Brother Kai, I watched the Champions League final. It was a great game, but it's a pity!"

   "Hey hey!" Chen Man shouted; "I'm right here, don't you think I should say something?"

  Ouyang Fei smiled and said, "Brother Chen, you also played very well."

  Chen Slow curled his lips and said, "The words are not sincere."

   Lucky glanced at Ouyang Fei up and down a lot. Compared with four years ago, he was much stronger, and it can be seen from the muscle lines that he usually does not lack of exercise.

   Le Kai immediately nodded and said, "You've practiced well!"

  Hearing this, Ouyang Fei scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Not yet, there is still a long way to go to be like Brother Kai."

   "You don't have to be like me, we are different types!" Lucky said.

   While the three of them were chatting, the novices from the national team looked over one after another.

  Some people who have never met Chen Man and Le Kai said curiously:

   "It's Le Kai and Chen Man, they're back!"

   "Our super thighs are back!"

   "So strong! It's obvious that I don't feel so strong on TV!"

   "Chen Man is so strong, he is obviously very thin on TV!"

  These young players chattered and looked at the two curiously.

   At this time, Le Kai and Chen Man also ended their conversation and walked into the building.

  The second update is here!

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