MTL - Strange Worlds: The Sequence-Chapter 66 make

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  Chapter 66 Making

  The sky is getting dark.

  The fallen leaves are all over the ground, and the afterglow of the setting sun sees Guiya away. Along the official road, there are some families near the water in twos and threes.

   Arriving outside Qingke County, Chen Yuyan first changed her identity, then disguised herself before entering the county.

  Everything is ready.

  First configure the secret medicine [Great Freedom], and then get started with the practice of "Tianmo Strategy Chaos Chapter".

   However, Chen Yuyan couldn't guarantee whether the grief collected from Su Ru would be useful.

  After walking around the county town for seven or eight times, Chen Yuyan returned to the courtyard. At this time, Murong Yue and Sang Zhi were having dinner.

   Murong Yue made all the rice by himself.

  Although she loves to eat, she really doesn't have any talent in cooking. At least she has been in the kitchen for so many days, and her performance is very bad.

   Stewed river fish, when it comes out of the pot, most of the fish that can be served on the plate are left with white fish bones.

  The chef who instructed her blew his beard and stared, hating that iron can't be made into steel, and was directly **** off by Murong Yue.

   All in all, this foodie is only suitable for eating, not for cooking. After studying for so many days, the meals he makes are just so-so, not delicious.

  But it has almost reached the standard of "introduction to cooking".

   Because of eating so many delicacies before, Murong Yue's mouth has already been raised.

  It’s okay to let her eat the dishes she cooks herself. She is not picky, and she is very happy to eat, but it is still far from being able to feel satisfied.

  Finally, Chen Yuyan thought of a way.

  Teach Murong Yue how to make soup.

  Chen Yuyan, who was born in a soup-making province on the southeast coast in her previous life, has a special emotion for drinking soup.

  And making soup is really simple.

   A little pacai like him who has always only cooked instant noodles can make delicious soup after making soup a few times.

Drinking soup pays attention to the original taste, no need to add any seasoning, simply blanch the meat, and then add various medicinal materials such as angelica, wolfberry, astragalus, codonopsis, Tongcao, tea tree mushroom, heterophylla, lotus seeds, Smilax cocos, jade Bamboo, Fushen and so on.

  Of course not all of them are put in, just match the main ingredients of the soup.

  For things like making soup, the upper limit is very high, and the lower limit is also very high.

  As long as the quality of the ingredients is excellent, the soup will definitely not be unpalatable.

  Chen Yuyan used to feed Murong Yue by cooking soup every day.

  When he drank the soup he made for the first time, Murong Yue's eyes lit up, and he was addicted to making soup ever since.

  Of course, she completed the ceremony.

  【Food Sequence】: Deep Pollution

  Promotion requirements: Introduction to innate skills + introduction to cooking + taking secret medicine [Jinwei]

  Promotion Ceremony: Rely on mountains to eat mountains, rely on water to drink water, choose the ingredients in the area, cook by yourself, until you can feel satisfied when you taste the food you make.

  Secret medicine [Jinwei] Chen Yuyan also prepared it for Murong Yue a long time ago.

  Sequences with low force value like [Eat Sequence], whether it is a promotion ceremony or the configuration of secret medicine, are not difficult.

  Now Murong Yue is already a martial artist on location.

  After awakening the characteristic "Glutton", her strength has made a qualitative leap.

  Characteristic "Gluttony": Unrestrained greed, unrestrained eating, can store the internal energy converted from food in the body, there is no upper limit, and at the same time, your appetite will never be satisfied.

  After being promoted to location, Murong Yue's biggest change is that his appetite has become bigger.

  In the past, she ate at most four or five hours a day, but now she doesn’t stop talking wherever she goes.

   One more thing, now Chen Yuyan can no longer defeat Murong Yue.

  After recovering from the injury, Chen Yuyan practiced with Murong Yue, and the latter used forty or fifty moves in one breath to slam the stele hand and directly beat Chen Yuyan.

   But that was also because neither side used weapons, and Chen Yuyan only fought against her by throwing down the stele hand, icy muscle and bone body.

  Finally, Chen Yuyan was exhausted by Murong Yue alive, and then caught by the latter with a slamming monument, sitting on his waist and laughing loudly.

   What a shame.

  However, this also reflects the strength of Murong Yue's talent and the horror of the characteristic "Glutton".

   "Are you back? Come and eat!"

  Murong Yue's sharp eyes saw Chen Yuyan come back first, and called him over for dinner.

  Chen Yuyan took the main seat, and Sang Zhi who was beside him immediately brought him a bowl of soup thoughtfully.

  After thanking Sang Zhi, Chen Yuyan also started to eat.

  Fighting with Su Ru for a long time, fighting desperately, his physical strength was also exhausted.

   After eating, go back to your bedroom.

  After she settled down, the first thing Chen Yuyan did was to configure the secret medicine [Great Freedom].

Use the bark of the red elm tree as the raw material, grind it into powder, add a small amount of deer bone from the wind deer, re-grind and grind the fine powder, add an appropriate amount of talisman water to stir, and at the same time, collect the sad The psychic jade pendant was thrown into the powder and buried for half an hour.

  Finally put it into a tubular mold, and after extrusion, it will come out as a thin strip with the shape of incense.

   After cutting and air-drying, the secret medicine [Da Zi Zai] is made.

  Looking at the secret medicine that looked like incense sticks in front of her, Chen Yuyan carefully inserted it into the incense burner, and lit it with a candle.

   Misty white smoke swirled around his body.

  Chen Yuyan held his breath, not daring to breathe.

  If this smoke is sucked in, it will fall short.

   After about half an hour, the foggy white smoke seemed to come alive, clinging to Chen Yuyan's skin, and then gradually sinking into his body.

   After all the smoke disappeared, Chen Yuyan resumed breathing.

  After taking the secret medicine [Da Zi Zai], he felt his mind became much clearer.


Chen Yuyan was overjoyed. He used the grief he collected from Su Runa to successfully produce the secret medicine [Da Zi Zai], which means that the grief he obtained by defeating the [Sword Sequence] warriors can be used to promote the [Conspiracy] Sequence] on.

   This is definitely great news for Chen Yuyan.

   [Scheme Sequence] warriors are rare, especially high-sequence [Scheme Sequence] warriors, it is almost impossible to find a few.

  If this attempt is unsuccessful, it will not be easy just to find a suitable challenge target when [seeking sequence] promotion in the future.

   Now, there is only one last thing left to meet the promotion conditions of [Must Sequence] Deep Pollution.

  Introduction to the Heavenly Demon Strategy Chaos Chapter.

  Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Chen Yuyan kept thinking about the Heavenly Demon Strategy·Chaos Chapter that she had memorized.

  This weird and strange spiritual secret method focuses on emptying people's consciousness, breaking people's consciousness into "chaos", and then filling in this blank space with their own content, so as to achieve the effect of controlling people's hearts.

  The main way of performing it is to use the "heavenly magic sound" spoken out as a medium to perform hypnosis.

   This martial art can be said to be the most tedious and difficult martial art that Chen Yuyan has encountered so far.

  To master the celestial magic sound, you need to master 3,600 celestial syllables first, and also be proficient in the pairing and combination of each syllable.

  At the same time, its own timbre must be able to move people's hearts and souls.

   Seeing this, Chen Yuyan frowned.

   Isn't this asking me to learn clip sounds?

   If you don’t understand, just ask, is it only Fujian and Guangdong who eat soup at every meal in the whole country? I went to Xi’an to study in university for more than a year and didn’t drink soup. I was dying (angry)



  (end of this chapter)