MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 352 Take a picture

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Since it was decided to help Sahara wash away his grievances, Zheng Tan immediately began to take action. He had to hurry up, and in a week, a large number of students would start to go home. Even then, even if the truth was disclosed, the effect would be much worse.

Uncertainly, in the future, Sahara's goods are not expected to sacrifice in school, but they have to be ridiculed. Although it can't understand those people's words that are too complicated, many animals, especially those who have lived in human society for a long time, are very sensitive to people's emotional sight, affection and maliciousness, and they will have a certain resolution. Zheng Tan has seen many examples. Sahara is also in this category.

Being an animal is not easy.

Those who stole the cars also seem to plan to pay more before the winter vacation because some of the more expensive bicycles will be moved to the student dormitory before the students leave the school. Especially the floor where you live is relatively high, but you will not be able to wait until the holiday. You will be moved to the dormitory or the dormitory of the students who live on the lower floor to prevent the theft and wind and rain outside. It was safe in the dormitory.

Good cars have been moved to the dormitory and locked up, and the housekeepers have followed them. Those who steal the cars will not start there, and those old cars that are still outside will not be able to sell them for much money. Willing to do so, so they will do more in this time.

Zheng Tan is not a professional in this field, plus the way she is now, the methods that can be used are relatively limited. The most powerful evidence is photos and video screens, but Zheng Tan cannot set up a camera or eavesdropper here. He wasn't that capable without equipment. However, secretly taking a few photos is still possible.

When it comes to taking pictures, the tools around you seem to use only mobile phones.

Came to the old tile room area, squatting in front of the old wooden table, Zheng Tan looked at the open drawer and thought.

There were two mobile phones in the drawer, one that he had used before and one that was left by six or eight.

I thought it would not be used for a long time, but now it seems that it really needs to be used.

After thinking about it, Zheng Tan still installed the new phone card together.

After the battery is installed. Turn on your phone. There are several softwares that Zheng Tan doesn't know what function. I tried the camera, and the shooting function was not bad. Even if it is not as good as the mobile phone four years later, it still has great advantages compared with other mobile phones of the same period.

The upgrading of electronic products is too fast. Three or five thousand in the past two years can now be bought for hundreds of dollars. Zheng Tan's old mobile phone was still a high-priced mobile phone. I can't keep up now. As someone here. Zheng Tan knows better that even with this new mobile phone, he will soon be eliminated in June or August.

Keeping up with the times, nothing more.

Fortunately, Zheng Tan has few requests. As long as you can call and send a text message to shoot, the pixels of the old phone are not enough, you can only use six or eight.

Zheng Tan didn't dare to come boldly during the day and had to wait for the night.

Zheng Tan didn't know what the four people were called. They didn't call their full names when they called each other, and they didn't know which college they were. To be sure, these four people were all students of Chuhua University.

When returning to school, Zheng Tan saw the old car that had been **** by Sahara. An unfamiliar student rode the car and talked to his classmates. When he arrived at the school gate, he parked the car in a shed near the school gate.

"Can you ride out? Why stop here?" Said the man riding the old car.

"Brother, it doesn't matter where your broken car is parked, I can't afford to lose it. I heard that it is not safe outside the school, but it is better to park it in the school." The person riding a variable speed car parked the car and locked it. Locked, "My girlfriend's folding bike that I didn't buy for a long time was stolen. When I bought the car, I bought the eighty locks. I didn't buy the thirty or fifty locks. I parked near a restaurant outside, and I have n’t found it yet. Parking is still looking for a place with a camera, and the chance of being stolen is lower. "The man pointed at the camera not far away.

"I think it ’s better to buy a car or an old car. Like me, I just bought it for 50 yuan, and I ’m not afraid of being stolen.

"It's just a broken car. Thirty is good. Fifty. Are you pitted? Where did you buy it?"

"It's not far from the horse-racing carriage, but people said that the brakes just changed, with locks and keys."

"It costs only one or two dollars to change the brake to another line in the school to repair the car. The cost is even lower. As for locks and keys, who sells cars without locks and keys?"

When the two men walked away, Zheng Tan got closer to the old car. The smell of dog urine was still on the wheels. It was not easy to smell. The body is not refreshed, it is estimated that those people are too troublesome. As for the horse racing carriage that the student said just now, that is the carriage where Zheng Tan was staring, and the places where the cars were stolen and handled.

Zheng Tan went out in the vest in the evening after eating dinner, installed a cell phone in the old tile house, and then headed for the "horse racing".

No one noticed Zheng Tan at night, and the black vest he wore was not easy to be seen, and no one stared at a cat at night.

When I came to the horse racing car shop, the shop was not closed yet. There were a few people in the car shop, except for the boss sitting in the shop who had seen him during the day. There are no four students who steal cars.

Zheng Tan entered the alley next to the shop and jumped onto the courtyard wall of the shop's backyard.

Several bicycles were parked in the yard, because they were painted during the day and smelled a little bit.

The women's bicycle lost at the kebab shop door has now been changed, and the original paint has been worn away. The new spray is another paint. According to many people who lost their cars, the first idea of ​​finding a car is to see if it is the same color as their car, and after the new spray paint, it is no longer easy to be seen by the owner.

The yard is very quiet. There are a lot of goods and parts stacked on the back door of the shop, and no one is at the back door. The back door is closed, probably because the door is locked, so no one cares about the back door.

Zheng Tan listened to the surrounding movement and determined that no one was nearby, and then opened his mobile phone to take a picture.

At night, if I want to take a clear picture, I must turn on the flash. Zheng Tan is afraid that the flash's light will make people notice. So take a careful look at the surroundings. In addition to the side of the horse-racing carriage, pay attention to the surrounding residential and store rooms, and make sure that there are no abnormal movements before continuing to take a second.

Several people in the store were playing cards so hot that no one would have thought that at this time there would be a cat in their backyard holding a mobile phone for a sneak shot.

No more shots. After taking a few key shots, Zheng Tan jumped onto the courtyard wall and looked around.

Zheng Tan plans to take a few more photos during the day, but he doesn't have a cell phone during the day, so he plans to hide the cell phone around tonight. Tomorrow will be taken directly without wearing a vest during the day.

The balcony on the second floor of the shop is relatively narrow. There are piles of sundries that haven't been moved for a long time, and the door behind the second floor is also closed. Looking at the traces above, it seems that they rarely open.

Zheng Tan jumped to the balcony on the second floor. Carefully clear the clutter. In this way, debris can block the view from other residents on both sides. There can be a gap between the two boxes near the railing, which makes it easy for Zheng Tan to sneak a shot and it is not easy to be found by the people below.

After trying it, Zheng Tan was quite satisfied. Feeling almost, they put down their phones and went straight home.

The mobile phone given at six or eight has a mobile phone lock function. If you do not enter the correct password three times, you will directly shut down and the data inside will be cleared. Compared to other mobile phones, this one is safer. It is dedicated to this matter and not afraid of being found.

It will not rain tomorrow. If there is rain or snow, the four people will not leave the car just like this. After all, this is a car they want to sell.

The next day, Zheng Tan did not go out immediately, but secretly went online to watch the discussion of the Sahara incident in the lower school forum.

That hot post is still there, and there is another post saying that Ruan Ying apologized to the students of the school. Some students also asked Ruan Ying to take the Sahara to the veterinary hospital for examination.

If it is a person, this situation is similar to that. Others say that you are a neurosis and a lunatic, and you need to be sent to the hospital for examination. If you do n’t check, it will default to a neurosis plus lunatic. This is undoubtedly an insult to humans, but it is taken for granted on animals. Many people have asked Ruan Ying to show the health records of the veterinary hospital and the recent examination, which means a kind of indifference.

To say that nobody deliberately made troubles here, Zheng Tan was not convinced.

Students will not persecute a teacher at will, and an academician, without that courage, even if there is no need. But these not only talked about it, but also fanned other people's nonsense. Just now they were talking about dogs. They did not mention too much about the project fund, and doubts about how to use false notes to get funds for scientific research projects.

Some students have realized that something is wrong and that they are not talking nonsense.

Some major figures in colleges and universities have scandals every year, and they are all famous schools. Chuhua University has also done this, but I have n’t heard of it in recent years. Now that this is mentioned, it is not under the control of their students. Views are okay, the situation is still unknown, but it is still silent.

Offended people, they can not carry these little shrimp. There have been many examples before, where young teachers were offended and constrained by offending a prestigious and powerful ox; a graduate student was stuck for a few years to prevent graduation due to disagreement with the mentor ... Such things are common Yes, students gossip when they are together.

Although there are fewer speakers in the forum, there are a lot of followers. The students and teachers are watching it. Do n’t dare to speak or just watch? Anyway, it doesn't involve you.

Some people also said "let their dogs bite the dogs" and did not know how much grievances they had.

Looking at some recent discussions, no one mentioned the female student who was brought down by the Sahara with a car ~ ~ Saharan has mentioned less and less, this is the topic of the battle. I don't know when it will be deleted by the school.

Zheng Tan watched for a while and was about to shut down the computer to go out, but saw a post posted yesterday, just after being replied by someone, it was about the car being stolen.

I clicked in and took a look. The post was a girl who said when she lost her car and where she lost it. She also sent out a photo of the car and asked her classmates to inform her.

The picture proved that it was the one Zheng Tan saw.

Zheng Tan noticed that one of the pictures sent by the girl was the seat of the car. A string of English letters was printed on the back of the seat. It was the pinyin of the girl ’s name. It is estimated that it is the brand of the car.

It is good evidence.

When taking a picture yesterday, Zheng Tan didn't notice the seat. After looking at those pictures again, Zheng Tan shut down and went downstairs. (To be continued ...)

ps: There will be updates later, but everyone is still good to go to bed early.