MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 320 New year money from cats

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The surroundings were very quiet. Two people were tied to two trees in a standing position. Their mouths were sealed with tape. They could only use the nasal cavity to make sounds. The sound Zheng Zheng heard was from one of them. As for the other person, he didn't say a word, his head moved slightly, and he looked worse.

Fortunately, both of them are wearing down jackets, otherwise they would freeze to death if left alone.

Zheng Tan approached from behind the two and looked at the ropes tied. The ties were too tight, too tight, and still tied the knot. Zheng Tan didn't bring a card knife out today, and it was more difficult to help the two directly untie the rope.

Good guy? Bad guy?

They should have been **** here for too short a time, otherwise they would not have been frozen like this, and the traces around them would not seem to have just come up.

Zheng Tan slowly walked out from the side and looked at the person who was making the sound. This person should be about the same age as Dao Jiao, and he found that when Zheng Tan was originally full of sadness, anger and anxiety, he suddenly became full. Expect it.

It doesn't look like a bad person. Moreover, when this man showed anxiety, he also looked at the other person **** a few steps away. Obviously, he was worried about the health of the person next to him.

As for the second person to be bound, the younger one is also a man. Zheng Tan felt that this man was quite tragic. He was obviously severely beaten. At most, the previous person had a bruise at the corners of his eyes, but this person was stabbed like a pig's head with blood on his forehead.

There is a dirt road more than fifty meters away from here. I have n’t seen a car passing by now. Even if there is a car passing, the door is closed. It ’s hard to hear the sound outside. If it ’s not Zheng Tan, these two People don't know when they will be found. Perhaps he was dead when he was found, and maybe not.

After Zheng Tan looked at the two of them, he ran to the orchard and quickly turned over the barbed wire to find Jiao Yuan.

Jiao Yuan is helping someone take out a tool box. After moving his wrist, he was ready to move another one, but found that his trouser legs were pulled.

Zheng Tan grabbed Jiao Yuan's trouser legs, then looked in the direction of the two, and then looked at Jiao Yuan, and then pulled.

Jiao Yuan frowned. To Grandpa Jiao, who was chatting with people not far away, said, "Grandpa, I can just walk."

"Okay, pay attention." Father Jiao didn't care too much, and there was nothing dangerous in the orchard. The children couldn't rest, and they thought of it everywhere.

Zheng Tan had no intention of letting Xiaoyuzi follow. She's still young. What should I do if she meets bad people outside? I didn't expect Xiaoyuzi to notice this, he just kept up.

Bringing the two to the barbed wire, Zheng Tan turned over directly, and Jiao Yuan let Xiaoyuzi stay here. He went over to look at it, which was also due to Zheng Tan's intention.

Jiao Yuan always behaves obediently in front of outsiders. It is a good student and an excellent student in the eyes of the teacher, but in fact, this guy and Xiong Xiong did not do a few bad things, even if they are in high school now, it is the same, or even more. Looking over the wall and the net, Zheng Tan knew that Jiao Yuan's move was a master.

Bringing Jiao Yuan to the woods, a person about the same age as Jiao ’s father saw Zheng Tan and Jiao Yuan, and a strong surprise appeared in his eyes, even tears were shining.

Jiao Yuan tore the tape from his mouth and asked, "Who are you?"

The man's voice was shaking. But the regulations are very clear, "My name is Song Ting, from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It was night when I came here yesterday ... At that time, the cell phone was out of power, so I didn't call my friends here. I took a car and planned to go to the test base. There was no expectation of robbery ... When it was carried here, two other people and the driver in the car tied us here ... They had knives and sticks in their hands, and their mobile phones and wallets were searched by them The documents were put in their bags and they were all taken away ... The guy next to them should be someone from here who came back to work ... He resisted and carried me a few times ... He is not in a good condition now OK, need a doctor ... "

Jiao Yuan didn't immediately believe what the other person said. Although he felt that the person in front of him was a good person, he also saw a lot of situations where he was bitten after being rescued. Now he is only a senior student and no one else can help him. In the news two days ago, he was reported to have been rescued, but was knocked on the snow by the other party. He had to be alert, so he needed to prove the identity of the person again.

Therefore, Jiao Yuan did not continue to ask the specific identity of the person, but quickly asked the person a few questions about the antifreeze care of the fruit tree. He followed Master Jiao in the past few days and learned a lot about this.

As soon as Song Ting's eyes lighted up, he didn't think too much, and answered casually.

Are you in the circle? As soon as they hear what they say, they have their own set of terms. Some professional words are not used by many orchard village names.

After confirming that, Jiao Yuan didn't waste any more time, took out a universal knife from his pocket, loosened the person, and untied the other person, let Song Ting wait here first, and then he quickly ran back to the barbed wire and talked to Xiao Yuzu talked briefly, and then Xiaoyu ran back and called for help. Looking at those two people, under the multiple grips of fatigue, hunger, and wet and cold environment, it is not convenient to walk because the outdoor time is too long, and Jiaoyuan alone cannot move.

Xiaoyuzi ran several times in the orchard and was familiar with it. He was not afraid to lose, and hurried to call someone to help.

Zheng Tan is here to help Jiao Yuan to prevent any suspicious people around. What if the black car robbers appeared again last night? A high school student in Jiao Yuan couldn't handle those occupational robberies.

It didn't take long for people to come from the orchard. They drove over in a dedicated car in the orchard, opened the door over the barbed wire, and carried the two wounded people into the car, the town's hospital.

Because of this, I originally planned to stay in the orchard for dinner before returning. Now it seems that I have to change my plan. When it is almost time to eat at noon, Father Jiao took the child back in a donkey cart.

Before boarding the scooter, Zheng Tan saw the donkey screaming with his tail beside the "fifth grandpa", which is different from the cry after teasing the cat in the morning. When he was in front of the "fifth grandpa", hey, listen ... … Zheng Tan always feels a little embarrassed. Donkeys also coquettish.

I heard that the two rescued people were quickly transferred from the town's hospital to the county's best hospital. This time the incident was quite troublesome. I heard that the leaders mentioned above had to make serious investigations.

It is rare for the Academy of Agricultural Sciences to come to an expert to guide the antifreeze and post-disaster remediation of the fruit trees here. I did not expect to encounter such a thing. If this matter is not resolved, which expert will come to guide in the future? There are many experts now, but authentic good experts are not easy to find.

Why are "authentic" "good" experts? Because now many experts who have been hired or paid directly from them, don't say how much they really learn, not only are they big. Come here and give a casual guide, you have to eat a feast, get a few red envelopes, and then leave immediately. But this one that came here is not only famous in the industry, but also well-known. Unexpectedly, when I came here, I encountered a robbery with a black car.

Although many things are not mentioned above, some clever ones can also infer some potential information from them. Song Ting has such great achievements at such a young age, and he is also well-known in the circle, besides his own ability. It can also be seen that there is someone behind, otherwise it won't move up so fast.

Song Ting's parents are experts from the older generation who are engaged in this field, and have made great contributions to the country. Now even if they are old, they have not gone offline. The elderly are full of prestige in the circle. As an agriculture-based area and an experimental base, dealing with experts is indispensable. It will be indispensable in the future, so as long as you are not stupid, you must take this matter seriously. You cannot afford to be sloppy. Although Song Ting said that there are no confidential documents, it is still a good idea to find it.

Perhaps the robbers did not expect to be able to take care of them when they were busy with the disaster relief. They also did not expect Song Ting to be discovered so soon. Several robbers were planning to change their town and do a few more votes. He was taken out of the bed early in the morning on New Year's Eve and tortured.

This group did not do this once or twice. In case of flow, do one vote for another place. If this action is not fast and vigorous, it cannot be ignored. Don't tolerate it. Coupled with someone taking the initiative to report, they may not be caught so quickly.

As for the other kidnapped, it is indeed the father of Jiao's village who just turned 20 years old. His reputation in the village was not good before, not to say how much this man did to endanger the villagers. I have n’t gone to school, I ’m not interested in reading, and I do n’t want to farm. I spend time with people outside and fight. But from the roots, this person's temperament is not wrong. Later, at the suggestion of family members, I followed a few people in the village to work in a clothing factory along the coast. I haven't returned home for two years. I came back with a snow disaster this year and had a lot of trouble. Suddenly, if it is not found in time, waiting for a little while may be life-threatening. But now it's much better, and I was joking with my family at the hospital.

But those Zheng Tan didn't care.

On New Year's Eve, Zheng Tan didn't sleep. Yesterday, he saw Father Jiao bought some red envelopes. The simple red envelope with the three words "New Year's bag" printed on it was packed tonight and waiting for the children tomorrow. In fact, many people in the village are more casual. They do n’t use red envelopes and give them directly, but Mr. Jiao went out of fashion to buy some. Zheng Tan fished two over, after Xiao Yuzi and Jiao Yuan fell asleep ~ ~ Put the money you brought in.

Zheng Tan knew that the two old people from the Jiao family had always given 100 yuan for New Year's gifts. This was the most red envelope given by the villagers, and it was fifty, twenty, ten yuan and so on. According to the habit of the village, Jiao and Jiao will not give the two children New Year's money, so Zheng Tan intends to give more money to Jiao Yuan and Xiaoyuzi this time, so he has given the most red envelopes this year. Little smug.

Zheng Tan stuffed five hundred into each of the two red envelopes. This was the overtime pay he earned from Xiao Guo. The money in Cary was not good enough, so he had to use this.

Stacked the red envelopes and thought about it, Zheng Tan made some oil in the teriyaki meat bowl that was not eaten tonight, wiped it on his hands, and printed it on the back of the red envelope, which showed a fuzzy cat claw shape. Grease. This will not confuse with others.

After handling it, when Xiao Yuzu and Jiao Yuan were asleep, Zheng Tan put the red envelope on their bed, and then hurriedly washed his hands with cold water and soap in the backyard, wiped off and went back to sleep. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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