MTL - Stone Age Husband Raising Journal-~ 2. Lion

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Although the performance of the lion is strange, but Kumano did not pay attention to it, they also fought side by side this morning, now the words... probably lions have a nightmare?

Kumano continued to move forward and soon came to a cave entrance and shouted: "Ying Ying!"

This cave is the residence of the Shi Li family. The cave is not big and the location is not very good. The door with wood chips and vines at the door is very thick, and it is also covered with a layer of mud.

This is what Kumano helped them before last winter.

His mother raised a lot of children and didn't have time to take care of him. He grew up with the orphans and the old people in the tribe and learned a lot of craftsmanship.

The door was opened, a middle-aged woman who looked very thin and a bamboo pole came out of the door.

This woman is the mother of the lion's mother, Yang Ying, she saw Xiong Ye, a face pulled old: "What are you doing?"

Yang Ying is not willing to be together with Xiong Ye. Since Xiong Ye and Shi Li decided to form a partner, Yang Ying’s attitude toward Xiong Ye has plummeted.

Kumano is very puzzled about this. He is very strong. What is dissatisfied with the lion's becoming a partner, Yang Ying?

As for not being able to have children... there are so many children in the tribe, there are many orphans, and they want the children to take a few to their holes.

However, the person in front of him is the mother of Shi Li. When Kumano faced him, his attitude was still very good: "Ying Ying, I got a call to Sotron and I will give you a little more."

Yang Ying only noticed that Xiongye’s hand was holding a prey. His eyes were stuck on the Lesotho dragon and he was going to pick it up.

But Kumano did not give her.

Kumano reached out and tore the Lesotho dragon into two halves, then connected the internal organs, and more of the half gave Yang Ying: "Ying Ying, give it to you."

The Lesotho dragon had been dead for some time. When Kumano tore it in half, he did not shed any blood, but the scene was **** enough. Yang Ying was shocked and his face was disgusting. Xiong Ye did not know anything. He saw Yang Ying not picking up. He placed the half of Lesotho on the stone platform beside the door and nodded toward Yang Ying and left.

In their tribe, the child will leave his mother when he is an adult. At most, when the tribe is given enough food for the old and the weak, he will give some food to his parents. Therefore, Yang Ying does not like him. He does not care.

He is good for Yang Ying, just because Yang Ying is the mother of Shi Li.

Without a few steps, Kumano saw the doorway next to the cave. A white-skinned young man was looking at him while he was licking the fruit, or... was watching the meat in his hand?

Kumano stopped and frowned at the young man.

The young man in front of him is called "Week", which is about the same size as him, but they have never played together because Zhou is very stupid and will never leave the cave when he is a child.

Such a child, if born in someone else's home, will certainly be discarded, but Zhou's mother is different, she has been raising the week.

Zhou’s mother is very strong. Nearly half of their tribes will awaken into a variety of bears, and one in ten awakened bears have higher combat power, and Zhou’s mother is one of them.

The mother bear with the child is very difficult to provoke. Zhou’s mother is very difficult to provoke. She has always raised him very well. Even if she is an adult in the week, she will not hunt. She has not let her go hungry.

Until she died.

Two months ago, after Zhou’s mother went out alone for a hunting squad, she never returned.

In the first few days, people in the tribe who had a good relationship with his mother went to see him, but gradually, no one would care for him. Every year, the tribe will die, no one will always be immersed in the pain.

Then... I almost starved to death in the week.

He did not take the one that belonged to him when the tribe distributed food, and others thought that he had food from his mother at home, and did not care about this.

Kumano thought of it and sighed.

One and a half months ago, when he came here to find a lion, he saw Zhou crawling out of the cave, only to know that Zhou was almost starved to death.

He gave some food for the week, lived for a week, and then probably died at the moment of life and death. The week changed a lot and he was willing to walk out of the cave.

However, Zhou is an adult, has not awakened, has never received training, is the weakest adult in the tribe, so participation in hunting is not possible, usually followed by the collection team to collect nearby.

The people in the collection team are both old people and children. This is the case for an adult on a weekly basis. It is said that the week is often distracted when I collect it. I don’t know what to do.

His mind is afraid that it is not yet complete.

"Week!" Xiong Ye screamed.

"Well?" The skin is white and looks at Kumano.

Xiong Ye pulled off the forearm of his half Lesotho dragon and gave it to Zhou’s shoulder. “Satiate, exercise, and join the hunting team!”

After Kumano finished speaking, he left.

Zhou glanced at his back and went to see the front paws, his brows wrinkled.

At this moment, suddenly a 12-year-old child ran out from the side, and he was going to grab the front paw.

Seeing that the front paw was about to be taken away by the child, Zhou suddenly reached out and raised his paw before the child, and quickly entered his cave and closed the door.

"Hey!" The child spit on the door of Zhou and ran into the cave where Yang Ying lived.

At this time, Kumano has come to the cave where the tribe is on fire.

The cave where he lived was very rudimentary, and there was no fire inside, so he caught the prey and went to the place where the fire was burned in the tribe.

It was given to Yang Ying, and it was given to Zhou. The original Lesotho dragon of twenty kilograms was only five or six pounds. Xiong Ye was grilled on the fire, and even the bones were brought to the meat.

When Kumano was eating meat, Shi Li had already arrived on a hillside near the tribe and changed into a human form.

He found the leaves around his waist and looked a little shameful when he looked at himself.

He didn't even have a piece of clothing now, he could only wear a beast skirt!

But the same, the lion is also very excited.

He ran a lap and carefully looked at the mountain scorpion, which had long been obscured in his memory, and bit his mouth a few times before he realized that he had returned to a hundred years ago.

After all the hardships, he finally became the Beastmaster, and from the old to the old, and eventually to death. As a result, when he thought he was going back to the mother of the earth, he found himself returning to the beginning and returning to the young. .

The screaming excitement of the lion's mood, and finally shouting in the sky, shocked some of the birds on the tree next to it, one of the birds flew up, and sprinkled a bird's beak on his head.

The lion was furious and reached out to pinch the bird, but the bird had already flown away.

With the strength before his death, it is simple to grasp the death of such a bird, but now he has no such ability.

At this time, he was not the powerful beastmaster later, but an ordinary person who awakened into a good animal.

The lion suddenly woke up and looked down the hill.

The beast **** cares for him and gives him a chance to come back again. What should he do?

After just ran a lap, the lion was almost aware of the time now - he has not yet formed a partner with Xiong Ye.

In the last life, after he and Xiongye became partners, several powerful dinosaurs came near the tribe. Now the patriarch, Uncle Xiongye died in the battle with these dinosaurs, and then he became the patriarch of this tribe.

Later, their tribe was attacked by other tribes and was driven out of the mountains. Together with Kumano, he led the people who survived in the tribe to start wandering.

That wandering life was very difficult until he and Kumano accidentally found a set of cultivation methods in a cave.

He and Xiongye practiced all the way, fighting all the way, getting stronger and stronger, and finally became the Beastmaster together.

They were only in their fifties at the time.

Then, after the coronation of the high priests of the Beast Temple, they have a very large forest, and their people can live happily in this forest.

Before he died, he had been the Beastmaster for 50 years, but he was not happy. In the final analysis, it was because of Kumano.

He almost starved to death when he was a child, and Kumano saved him.

He and his mother had been wandering all the time, and Kumano asked the Horde to take them.

After that, Kumano helped him a lot. He and Kumano became partners in the testimony of the beast.

They are tied together forever.

Therefore, even if he became a beastmaster, he could not be like other beastmasters. There were many beautiful people around him. He could not even have his own children.

It was not until Xiongye died that he finally lived the life he wanted to live, but he was old at the time and could not help himself...

this life……

The lion took a deep breath.

He does not want to bind to Kumano anymore.

Others in the tribe knew nothing about the outside world, but he knew how vast the sky was outside and he knew how to get stronger.

In addition, he has never tried everything, he also wants to try it, and wants a few children who belong to him.

The lion wanted to understand, and the stomach screamed.

The feeling of being hungry is really long gone... The lion turns into an animal shape and ran to his home.

Although all this is already strange to him, he remembers his own smell and can find his own place.

The lion quickly came to his cave, and he made a cry. After Yang Ying opened the door, he immediately squeezed in.

Yang Ying is very dissatisfied: "What do you become a lion?"

The lion turned his back to Yang Ying and became a human figure, and he quickly wore clothes.

Yang Yingdao: "Xiao Ye came just now. He is too stingy. So a small Lesotho dragon, he only gave me half of it. We have three people, he is alone."

The lion frowned. He actually can't remember his mother.

In the last life, his mother died when their tribe was attacked by other tribes. Later, he always missed her, but now he saw that the other side was worried about a small Lesotho dragon, and he felt a little shameful.

This kind of thing, he has not eaten for many years!

"Brother, I saw Kumano giving me a week! He is not doing something that I am sorry for you!" At this time, the younger brother of Shi Li also said.

The younger brother of Shi Li is 13 years old and has already awakened.

What kind of animal a person will wake up to is related to his own physical condition, as well as his parents and other people he contacts.

Shi Li also knows that this is related to what the person usually eats before he wakes up. The strong person he later knows will find ways to give them dinosaur meat with powerful energy when their children are still young. This will ensure that they wake up into powerful animals.

He can awaken into a lion, because he and his mother and his brother did not leave the original tribe, their family's days are actually good.

But his younger brother is different. His younger brother was able to eat well in the years before he was awakened. He couldn’t eat dinosaur meat several times a year, so he finally became a sheep like their mother. Speed, very weak.

In his last life, Yang speed has survived and has been living with him. Although he will give him some trouble, his brothers’ feelings have been good.

And the speed of the sheep... has always liked to say bad things about Kumano.

The lion did not believe his words, but just recalled who "week" was. After thinking about it, he said: "Yang speed, don't talk nonsense! Xiongye has nothing to do with Zhou, don't worry about this!"

Zhou, this person, the lion is still impressed.

He is a waste in the tribe. However, such a waste has a particularly powerful father.

He remembers that a few months later, Zhou’s father was coming to him, and Zhou Hui followed his father to leave the tribe.

At that time, he was not envious of Zhou, because Zhou’s father was the Beastmaster, a beastmaster with territory.

Of course, he is not envious now.

Shortly after his father left, his father, the powerful Beastmaster, passed away. After that, there was still no news of Zhou... It is estimated that he was dead after his father’s asylum.

Shi Li did not take Zhou, or even Zhou’s father seriously, but he also knew that he was still weak and could not be enemies with Zhou.

"You know to help Kumano!" The sheep was dissatisfied.

Yang Ying also said: "You are a good person, I don't think we have the ability to do it, don't want to take care of us?"

The lion is a little annoyed: "You can rest assured that I will not care about you."

When I heard the lion say so, Yang Ying let go of her heart, and at this time, the lion was already seeing half of Lesotho dragon cooked by Yang Ying.

Yang Ying's craftsmanship is very poor. It makes people feel unappetizing, but he is already very hungry.

The lion took a few mouthfuls and ate the Lesotho dragon, and then said, "I am going to sleep, don't worry about me."

Yang Ying and Yang quickly nodded.