MTL - Stone Age Husband Raising Journal-~ 121|Bring back

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All plants with powerful energy are called beasts by the people of the Beast Temple. The grass in front of them should be one of them.

Compared to the fruit that Zhou Mou had eaten last time, the grass in front of him obviously knows how to protect himself - all its energy is condensed in his body, and it does not spill out. It is common in the beasts. It is difficult to find out when the perception of energy is very slow.

Speaking of it, if the sea breeze is not a beastmaster, you may see this grass and treat it as an ordinary weed.

Zhou Mou carefully observed the grass with his mental strength. After confirming that it had no problem, he carefully took it and dug it with the soil below.

When he came out this time, he planned to look at the situation and make sure that the sea breeze did not lie to him. The beast was really there. Then he brought the bear wild or brought the beast fruit back. Now it seems... he can bring it back.

The last time he picked the fruit, it made a lot of noise, but this time it was silent. Nothing happened when the grass was taken off the stone.

It is not very eye-catching, fearing that no one can think of it, it contains enormous energy.

Zhou Lian determined that the energy in this grass can make Xiongye become the Beastmaster, but this is not easy. If Xiongye directly eats this grass, the energy in the body will definitely skyrocket. If it is not absorbed in time, it may cause problems.

Holding this grass, Zhou stood on the back of the sea breeze: "Let's go back."

Before the sea breeze almost killed himself, Zhou Lian did not kill him for various reasons, but his heart also had opinions on him. Otherwise, he would not let him be seriously injured before lying on the ground, but no matter what.

But now that the beast **** is in the hand, his opinion on the sea breeze will dissipate more than half.

Zhou Lian even gave the sea breeze a little energy to help him treat the wound.

The sea breeze was grateful, and after feeling grateful, he felt a little wrong - he was injured by Zhou Lian, and now he is being tortured by Zhou, why should he be grateful?

Of course, he is grateful for it. It was his first shot. In the end, he was wrong. Zhou did not kill him. It was already good for him...

When I went back, the sea breeze suddenly thought of something: "Adult, can I go to eat the marine beast that you killed? I think its meat should still have a little left."

When he and Zhou Mou fight, Zhou Moe killed a beastmaster-level marine behemoth, and also dug the nucleus of others.

The crystal sea breeze is not expected, but the body of the marine behemoth... he especially wants to eat.

People's flesh also contains powerful energy.

"Go." Zhou Lian saw that the time was still early, and promised to come down, but although he promised, he felt that the body of the marine behemoth was mostly gone.

How can the surrounding fish pass such an energy-rich corpse?

Zhou’s thoughts are correct. When they used to, the marine behemoth had only a skeleton and a little meat left, but the sea breeze was not nothing. It was around the ocean beast with only the skeleton left. There is a marine beast at the level of a high-level beast warrior who is swallowing the flesh of the great beast.

Obviously, after the death of the giant beast, the giant beast in front of him ate the flesh of others and occupied the territory of others.

The shape of the sea breeze is very large, and it is usually eaten. I have been on the shore for a few days. He has never been full. He has become a beast and has gone through such a long way. He is even hungry.

When he opened his mouth, he rushed toward the marine beast of the high-level beast warrior level, and swallowed it.

The behemoth was swallowed by him with the nucleus, and all the energy entered his body... The injury of the sea breeze almost immediately improved.

After the injury, the sea breeze suddenly wanted to escape.

Followed by Zhou’s silence to listen to Zhou’s silence, he was a little used to such a day... not to mention, the sea is so big, if he flees to the deep sea, Zhou’s absolute can’t find him...

But the people of the beach tribe...

The sea breeze is hesitating, a powerful energy is falling from the sea to his body... OK, no hesitation, Zhou is so strong, he can't escape.

He is still waiting for it, lest he lose his life...

The sea breeze floated to the surface of the sea.

Orc continent, the beast temple.

The lion stayed in a room specially prepared for the Beastmaster in the Beast Temple, eating the delicious food in front of him.

Shelled barley cooked rice, a lot of seasonings, a variety of fruits... These foods are also placed in beautiful pottery!

The lion took a sip of the rice bowl and looked at the spacious, sturdy room he was living in, and he was very satisfied with his life.

Although the house and food of the Beast Temple are not as good as they are decades later, they are not bad.

What he enjoys now is what the top people in the world can enjoy!

The lion is very proud, but if Zhou Zhi knows his thoughts and sees his environment, it is estimated that he will be speechless – isn't he living in a thatched cottage and eating a rice bowl in a stone bowl? Really nothing to show off...

The lion quickly finished eating the things in front of him. After eating, his face changed. His nucleus had a problem, and the needle was hurt.

When he escaped from the pictographic tribe and was found by the elephant, he thought he could not live.

He was particularly reluctant at the time - he was born again, how can he die early?

Fortunately, the beast **** cares for him.

Xiangtian wanted to kill him at that time, but he had no problem with his hands. The energy in the body was messed up and the body collapsed. In the end, he was lying on the ground and could not move. The energy on his body also spread out... ...

At that time, he was shocked by this energy, and thought that he was going to die. In order to survive, he could only practice hard. He absorbed a lot of energy and said that he was keenly aware that the energy in the sky was not right.

Like the crystal nucleus in the sky, there are several different energies that are emitted... This person’s crystal nucleus has problems, like pieced together!

No wonder that Tian Mingming is still young, but in his memory, he died a few years later!

At this moment, the nucleus of the sky is broken, and it has lost its resistance. And the lion is fierce, he has been the Beastmaster.

Seeing the situation like the sky, he probably knows how the beastmaster of Heaven is how it is.

Like the sky swallowed the nucleus of other orcs.

After the dinosaur's death, the nucleus in the body will remain, but the orcs are different. After they die, the crystal nucleus in the body will be broken and dissipated.

But like the sky, I don’t know what method I used. I even got the crystal nucleus of others who did not dissipate, to improve my strength.

The lion knows that most of the head here involves some bloodyness that is not enough for outsiders. Probably because of this, after the death of the last generation, others will not want to mention him or even see him.

Like the crystal nucleus in the sky, it is not so fast, but before he gave the wrong cultivation method, like the sky, it happened earlier, and now...

The lion knows that he should leave here, find a place to slowly cultivate, and then step by step to become a beastmaster for ten or twenty years.

But looking like a singular look, I feel that even if there is a lot of energy in the sky, there is still a strong nuclear nucleus...

He became an animal and ate the crystal nucleus of the sky.

Like Heaven died, and he possessed a nucleus of the Beastmaster level and became a Beastmaster.

Of course, the physical dangers of the heavens also came to his body - the nucleus was not well-balanced in his body, and the powerful messy energy made him almost die.

But in the end he was a person who was deeply loved by the beasts - although it was very painful, he survived.

He also found that as long as he insisted on practicing with the cultivation method, he would not have something, and he should be able to slowly use that messy crystal nucleus for his own use.

So, in the orc continent, there is a new beast king turned out!

However, although the lion is a beastmaster, but because of the problem of the crystal nucleus in the body, the strength is actually not high, and does not dare to fight against people.

But with his past experience, he can also pretend to be a powerful beastmaster, even to the beast temple, and get the title given by the beast temple.

Not only that, because he is the youngest beastmaster of the Orc continent, and there are countless people who admire him and love him.

The only pity is the daughter of the high priest of the beast temple that reminded him of his life. This is still a little girl who is playing with mud.

Even now, the high priest of the Beast Temple is not the one in his memory.

But this is nothing... Shi Li feels that he can first have a good relationship with the current high priest of the beast temple, first smashing the daughter of the high priest of the beast temple, and then changing the high priest and then remembering his life. Give it a sigh.

When Shi Li is doing a beautiful dream and thinking about the future, Zhou Lian has stepped on the sea breeze and came to the beach.

The sea breeze was "shelved" near the beach, and Zhou Mou walked down his head and went to Kumano who ran over.

The sea breeze that was stepped on his head: "..." Forget it, who would let him beat others?

"We are still coming back!" Xiong Ye saw that she was very soon, and she was very happy. She wanted to hug Zhou’s silence, but she was holding a grass in her hand...

Kumano looked at the grass held by Zhou Silent inexplicably: "What is this?"

Zhou Liao laughed and said: "Beast God fruit."