MTL - Still Explosive-~ ☆Chapter 46

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Gu Yu took Gu Qingan back to the bedroom, watched him lie down, sat on the edge of the bed and muttered: "Grandpa, you are so old, you need to lose your temper in the future. It's not good for your health, do you know?"

Gu Qingan listened to be funny, reached out and patted him lightly, and said angrily: "Who are you talking to, no big or small."

Gu Yu laughed twice, looking at the old man on the bed, his cheeks were deeply sunken, and the wrinkles on his face were attached to the skin like a knife, and a burst of sadness filled his heart.

"Grandpa, when we get back what belongs to the Gu family, what do you want to do?"

This is just a euphemism for expelling Meng Huaizhen's mother and son from the Gu family.

Gu Qingan let out a long sigh, and his thoughts followed Gu Yu's vision of the life at that time, "Then I can retire, raise fish every day, tease the great-grandson, and enjoy the family's happiness, and leave the Gu family to you to take care of it, I I’ve been in charge of it for a lifetime, and I don’t want to care anymore.”

Gu Qingan watched Gu Yu grow up since he was a child, and saw that he had never been ignorant of the world until he had experienced ups and downs. The storm did not dampen his enthusiasm, but created his more tenacious character. It made him a little more tactful and kind than his younger self, and more forbearance and tenacious than Gu Ming.

Gu Qingan didn't say anything, but in his heart he was very satisfied with the young man in front of him. Such a person can do great things. Gu Qingan gave it to him, and Gu Qingan was relieved.

A smile appeared on the corner of Gu Yu's mouth, "Don't worry, I will work hard to let you live this kind of life earlier."

Both grandfather and grandson laughed.

Gu Yu remembered something, his smile gradually faded, and he asked, "Grandpa, I have never understood why my father's shares were suddenly transferred to Gu Lang a few days before his death? I had no relationship with him at that time, you know this The reason for that?"

Gu Qingan looked at the ceiling, "There is indeed something unreasonable about this matter, even if your relationship with him deteriorated at the time, and Gu Lang's mother and son were blowing his ears, he was still the chairman of the Gu family, and such a large share transfer was not good for the company at that time. The stock price of the company has caused turmoil. It is impossible for him to ignore the consequences, but he still does it. A few days after completing all the equity transfer procedures, he had a car accident, and the reason for this is estimated that no one knows. "

Gu Yu asked, "What about before the equity transfer? Did he behave abnormally?"

Gu Qingan shook his head, "Since the mother and son moved into your original home, he has rarely come back. Before the equity transfer, I hadn't seen him for a long time."

Gu Yu's brain twitched quickly, he felt sensitively that something was wrong, but there was one missing important line to connect the whole thing, he tried to straighten it out, "On the day of the car accident, the road monitoring showed that he drove from his home, then went to In the company, because it was a weekend, no colleague saw which floor or office he went to, but after he came out of the company, he called me in the car, and the accident happened not long after."

After the car accident, Gu Qingan followed Gu Yu's suggestion and moved to Gu Ming's office before his death. In the past year, he was not well and worked from home, so he had the office locked up and kept away from anyone.

He thought that Gu Ming must have realized something at the time. Maybe he knew that someone would threaten his life, so he pointed out the location of the office on the last phone call. But after the car accident, Gu Yu went to that office countless times, but found nothing. something of value.

What message does Gu Ming want to convey to Gu Yu? Gu Yu subconsciously felt that that thing would definitely help him bring down Gu Lang.

He sighed silently in his heart. It's been a long time since he went to that office. If you have free time recently, let's take a look.

It was getting dark and the old man went to bed early. Gu Yu accompany Gu Qing'an to say a few more words, then went to the room and gently closed the door.

He walked to the living room and saw Gu Lang sitting on the empty sofa just now. He didn't know how long he had been sitting. He took a cigarette between his fingertips and took a breath from time to time. Shrouded in it, it's not real.

Gu Yu's footsteps paused for a while, then he regained his composure, walked to the sofa, and sat down at the other end.

He doesn't smoke, and hates the smell of smoke. He thinks it is a personal hobby that harms others and himself. At this moment, Gu Yu fanned the smoke floating in the air twice with his hands, with an impatient expression.

Gu Lang took a breath and said with disdain in his tone, "I heard that you made a big news today, and even brought Gu's stock price up."

He glanced at Gu Yu out of the corner of his eye, "Gu's shareholders will thank you, and I thank you too."

Gu Yu tapped his fingers on the armrest of the sofa, and when he heard this, he raised his brows and said, "Of course the shareholders of Gu's will thank me, you don't have to."

Gu Lang's face darkened, he flicked his fingers and casually flicked the ash on the carpet, Gu Yu frowned and glanced at him.

Gu Lang quickly regained his composure, showing an almost invisible smile, and said, "She's still a good girl, but she shouldn't be your tool for revenge on me, it's not fair to her."

Gu Yu turned to look at him, the expression on his face seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world.

He looked at Gu Lang inquiringly, "Do you think I'm with her to get revenge on you?"

Gu Lang put out the burnt cigarette **** on the table, and the expression on his face was as it should be: "Didn't you approach her after I said I was interested in her?"

Gu Yu sneered, looking at Gu Lang with disdain in his eyes, "She and I are in love with each other, what does it have to do with you?" It’s as if you took the shares of the Gu family and thought you were the Gu family, don’t be sentimental, the Gu family has never been as low-quality as yours.”

Gu Lang's face was embarrassed, he put away his fake smile, and his face was gloomy. "What's the use of not admitting it? Don't I still hold Gu's shares and manage Gu's company?"

Gu Yu's hand suddenly clenched, he tried his best to restrain his desire to rush over and punch him.

He knew that Gu Lang was deliberately angering him, and Gu Yu held her breath and told herself that this was not the time for an attack.

Gu Yu stopped talking nonsense with him, stood up, and walked towards the door.

Gu Lang suddenly said from behind, "I know you're checking me."

Gu Yu stopped and turned to look at him.

Gu Lang looked at him with a fierce look on his face: "I know you didn't find anything important, just the smuggled oil won't bring me down, even if you report me, so what? Some money, since I can smuggle or smuggle it, do you think it doesn’t matter if I am in the sea or customs?”

There was a strong warning in his tone, "What's the name of that manager, Lu Zheng? You want him to continue the investigation, I can't guarantee what will happen to him, let me show you an example, who will I see then? Dare to help you."

Hearing this, Gu Yu suddenly smiled invisibly, he didn't say anything, turned around and walked out of the door. The more Gu Lang wanted to provoke him, the more calm he wanted.

Gu Lang seemed to hit the cotton with a punch, but he couldn't use all his strength. He grabbed the cigarette case on the table and smashed it into pieces.