MTL - Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script-Chapter 113 ZANGKOMLU

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When that top-heavy feeling of dizziness struck again, Yan Yu knew that she was going to have some weird dreams again.

She lifted her foot into the black screen where she couldn't see her fingers. When she wanted to go further in, an invisible barrier blocked her.

She politely raised her hand and knocked, thinking that if this prophetic dream continued to continue in such a mysterious style, then she would pinch her thigh and forcefully wake herself up later.

As soon as the idea came to the fore, the barrier under the palm vibrated, and what appeared in front of him was like a stage play that had kicked off, clear and unreserved.

It's just that Yan Yu discovered that the protagonist on stage was actually herself.

"Qing'er." Still dressed in white, she raised the silver bow and arrow in her hand, and pointed the coldly shining tip at the heart of the woman opposite.

The posture is very good, but it's a pity that the arm is shaking badly.

Yin Beiqing had a certain smile on his face, as if he was sure that the arrow would not hit him.

Her smile seemed to stimulate "Yan Yu" in her dream, she gritted her teeth and tightened her strings, "Disappear."

"Don't!" Yan Yu outside the barrier failed to stop him, and could only watch the sword easily penetrate Yin Beiqing's chest.

The blood splattered from her body was as red as the clothes on her body, more red than the fire that burned her heart.

"Yan Yu" turned around and looked at her, but she backed away with trembling eyelashes and dared not face her directly.

Immediately, two lines of clear tears on the other party's cheeks fell into the collar, she opened her eyes red from crying, and stretched out her hand towards her, her voice was so ethereal that it seemed to be rubbed into the wind and dissipated immediately.

"Tell me I'm right."

Yan Yu woke up in a cold sweat, having been frightened too many times, she was no longer as frightened as before.

During this period of time, she had almost got used to those precognitive scenes that jumped around without warning, but this precognitive dream was different.

It wasn't even as real as the previous few times, but it was the feeling of being blocked outside the barrier and only being a bystander that made her powerless and flustered.

She couldn't understand why the self in the dream shot an arrow at Yin Beiqing.

That was obviously the least likely thought to appear in her mind.

correct? what is right.

"What's the matter?" Yin Beiqing, who sensed that something was wrong with Yan Yu, stretched out his hand.

Yan Yu's thoughts were interrupted by her voice, she quickly sorted out the complicated expressions on her face, and then turned her head and smiled at her.

"It's nothing, it's just a dream."

"Don't worry, dreams are dreams after all, and won't become reality." Yin Beiqing tugged at her stiff smiling face, "If you don't want to laugh, stop laughing, you're ugly like this."

In the past, the only thing Yin Beiqing envied was the "goddess" who only existed in stories, because she could be liked by everyone without doing anything.

But as the time spent by Yan Yu's side became longer and longer, seeing her working so hard, Yin Beiqing felt even more sad why he couldn't bear the pain instead of her.

"Yes." Yan Yu softened his brows and eyes, but his eyes gradually showed fatigue.

"Are you still asleep?"


Yan Yu lay down again, turned sideways, raised her hand subconsciously, and stuck it to the place where Yin Beiqing was shot by an arrow in her dream.

As expected of the arrow she shot with her own hands, it could hit the heart so precisely, Yan Yu's fingertips moved slightly, unconsciously pressing there.

"Do you want it?" While speaking, Yin Beiqing had half untied his clothes, as if he was afraid that Yan Yu would regret it.

Yan Yu closed her eyes, being disturbed by this, all messy melancholy disappeared, she quickly pulled Yin Beiqing's belt and tied it in a tight knot.

"Stay still."

"Are you worried that I will hurt you again like last time, but I learned very well, don't believe it—"

Yan Yu covered her open mouth, "Yin Beiqing, I just want to hold you and lie quietly for a while, okay?"

"Alright." In the dark night, the fire in those silver eyes finally subsided, she hugged Yan Yu's body with both hands and pulled her into her arms, "I like you to hug me."

"Yeah." Yan Yu felt the still beating heart in her chest, her eyes flickered, "I like it too."

The first thing that happened when class resumed, Yin Beiqing went to the office of the Spirit Elimination Team, and took a picture of the blood-stained task list on Ling Qi's desk.

Ling Qi knew this was the result long ago, and when she picked up the task list with the red stamp, she still felt inexplicably unreal.

She could see that this group of people were not freshmen with ordinary abilities, but she didn't expect that they were so strong that they could solve tasks that even the seniors of the Red Pavilion could not do.

"Is that enough?" Yin Beiqing looked down at her.

One month later, in the candidate selection contest of the two chambers, only those who have reached 100 spirit removal points will be eligible to sign up.

She is asking this.

Ling Qi took out a prepared registration form from under the table, "In three weeks, the event information will be posted on the bulletin board. Before that, if you have any tasks you want to take on, you can always..."

"No." Yin Beiqing interrupted her coldly, pulled out the registration form, turned and left.

Ling Qi smirked, "It's really not surprising that she does her own way."

"Aren't the adults going to the Artifact class today too!"

"I'm going, but it's the instrumental technique class of the special class. Do you think anyone can join in the fun?"

"I don't care! If I skip class, I have to stand by the door and have a look at the Goddess!"

"At such a young age, she can complete special missions that only adults in the Red Pavilion can complete. The Goddess is indeed as omnipotent as in the legend."

"Suddenly, I am not afraid of the evils mentioned in the ancient books at all. With our Goddess here, we will take all the twin beast souls and Langdie Valley for her."

Coincidentally, when several people entered the classroom, the students in the room were talking about this topic.

"What, what are you talking about?" Ying Fan, who was full of curiosity, leaned forward and grabbed a girl's shoulder without any pretense.

The girl turned her head, met her beautiful eyes, her cheeks flushed, and said in a low voice, "We are discussing Landie Valley."

Yin Beiqing walked past them and found a tree to lean on. This was an outdoor class and there were no chairs to sit on.

"You should have heard of the prophecy, saying that the kingdom of Jin has given birth to a beastman with two beast souls. She is cruel and cold-blooded, and takes human life for pleasure. Her sins are worse than ghosts."

"Wow." Ying Fan cried out dryly, "There is such a thing."

She squinted at Yan Yu, beckoning her to save herself, the latter waved his hand, and walked to stand beside Yin Beiqing with a smile.

"Yes, yes! It is said that the pair of beast souls are a disaster that is once in a thousand years. How bad is this!"

"Those who have seen her say that she has long nails, her eyes are red and bloody, and her tongue is as long as her arm. If she is wrapped around her neck, she will be strangled to death."

"Not only that, but some people say that she looks more terrifying than evil spirits, with an upturned nose and mouth, and short legs, and a hulking waist. If you look at her, you will faint from fright."

Yan Yu listened, and from the corner of her eye, she looked at the cold-faced person beside her, and found that she was not unhappy at all except for her unfriendly eyes, her tight lips, and her stinky expression, as if she was about to rush out and beat someone. look.

I couldn't help but nodded in my heart, making progress.

"Hehehe...Is that so?" Ying Fan was stared at by her boss, and her back felt cold, and the smile on her face couldn't hold back anymore. She wanted to leave, but the classmates who happened to be excited were not willing to let her go.

"But we are not afraid, isn't there a goddess here?"

"That's right, that's right! I guess I'm too afraid of the disaster, that's why I've stayed in the cold Langdie Valley all year round and dared not come out."

"It's okay, even if she comes out, don't be afraid, our goddess can knock her down with a single punch!"

"By the way, you have a good relationship with the Goddess, can you get an autograph for us?" They said, looking at Yan Yu with eyes that they thought were reserved but were actually too "enthusiastic", all of them tugging at the hem of their clothes Look eager to try.

Yan Yu turned away pretending that she didn't notice anything, stretched out her hand from under her sleeve, took the hand of someone whose body was almost covered with ice, and gently squeezed it, "They're just telling stories, so they won't take it seriously. "

"Really, but one thing is right." Yin Beiqing turned his head, controlling his voice so that only Yan Yu could hear it, "I was indeed tortured to death by the goddess."

The author has something to say:

No abuse, no accidents, don't worry, it reminds me that "it's just a dream".

ps: There are small red envelopes dropped in the comment area of ​​this chapter.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-10 21:00:22~2021-10-11 21:00:22~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Dracule1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Chang Moren here; 5 bottles of Mingsheng; 3 bottles of love to eat oranges; 2 bottles of ink; 1 bottle of Shimo and choo_k;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!