MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-v2 Chapter 311 disappear in sight

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The latest website: Li Zhenhua grabbed the protrusion and hurriedly got into the square hole. Cui Tianzhi, who was on the ground, quickly picked up the walkie-talkie at hand, and directly contacted the five soldiers on the plane.

Let them quickly control the landing of the plane, and no more test flights can be carried out. After Li Zhenhua got into the plane, he went directly to the tail of the plane. There was an emergency pilot's seat hidden here. Of course, this is also the design location of the escape pod.

And since it is the emergency driving position, the driving authority here is the highest in the whole plane, or Li Zhenhua put the front driving position of the plane in the emergency driving position.

And because it is the design of the escape pod, it is particularly strong here, because its main function is to ensure the safe position of the crew, so it is designed by him to be extremely strong.

When he was sitting in the emergency pilot position, he took back all the piloting authority of the plane. When he finished these operations, the plane was slowly descending under Cui Tianzhi's order and the pilots' control. landing.

But when he took control, the plane that was already slowly descending began to climb towards the sky again.

When Cui Tianzhi saw the plane landing on the ground, he had a smile on his face, but when the plane climbed again, the smile on his face disappeared.

In a panic, they took the walkie-talkie again, raised their heads and shouted: "What are you doing? Why is the plane still going up? Didn't I order you to control the plane to land?"

And at this moment on the plane, the five pilots sitting together in the large cockpit also became anxious, because no matter how they manipulated the joystick in front of them, the plane still did not respond.

What they see first is the altitude instrument, which also shows that the plane is climbing upwards.

"Commander, it's not that we didn't land, but that all our actions didn't work! We lost control of the plane!"

The few people who were looking up at the plane below had nothing to do now. No one would have thought that that kid Li Zhenhua would say it was very good, but in reality he would do it. It was really reckless.

Cui Tianzhi held the walkie-talkie in his hand, and slapped his thigh fiercely with the other hand. For the three people on the ground, they really had nothing to do.

While all this was happening, the plane above their heads had already risen to a height of 50 meters above the ground. At this height, if they really fell from above, something would really happen.

So now the three people on the ground don't dare to give random orders to the five people on the plane, and they can only watch the plane fly higher and higher.

At this anxious moment, Li Zhenhua's voice appeared on the platform in Cui Tianzhi's hand. Hearing his voice, Wang Yuesheng and Juntou, who were standing beside him, also came to his side together.

"Chief, please forgive me for being capricious this time, but this test flight is really important, and I don't want to just miss it.

The importance of the aircraft is too great. As its designer, I am the person who is most familiar with it, so I am also the most suitable person for this test flight.

The control of the aircraft is now under my injury, and then I will start the next test according to the test flight procedure.

And don't try to get the people on the plane to find me, because that's useless, even if you find it, it's useless, because my location is the safest place in the whole plane, and this is also the escape cabin of the plane! "

Hearing his answer, the three people on the ground have calmed down now. In fact, there is nothing they can do if they are not calm, because the three of them have nothing to do with the plane in the sky.

So now they are at the bottom, no matter what they do, it will be useless. Now Li Zhenhua can only let Li Zhenhua on the plane play by himself.

At this time, the military leader reached out to take the handstand from Cui Tianzhi's hand, and spoke to Li Zhenhua at the other end.

"Comrade Zhenhua, I know that now that we have reached the current situation, we will absolutely not be able to stop you, but I want to remind you that everything must be based on your life and safety, and your value cannot be offset by such a plane. of.

And for Kyushu, it is impossible to accept so many losses. You have to know that as long as you are there, you can still remanufacture such an aircraft! "

Sitting in the emergency pilot's seat of the plane, Li Zhenhua's heart felt warm when he heard the words of the military leader, but he still had his own persistence in his heart. If he was afraid to do some things, how could he make progress?

"I know the chief, don't worry, I actually cherish my life more than anyone else. I have complete confidence in myself this time. Don't worry, I only test one item this time. As soon as I finish testing this item, I will control the The right is returned to the comrade pilots."

The three people on the ground also knew that they let him go, and that was the reason, they had no way to stop him, they couldn't call the air force over, let's shoot down the plane!

Originally, Li Zhenhua wanted to control all the functions of the aircraft to conduct a comprehensive test, but after the chief said those words, he changed his mind, and he directly skipped the previous test. Then the last test of the heart began.

While they were talking, the plane was still rising at a constant speed, and it slowly rose to 100 meters. At the moment, the five people sitting in the cockpit of the plane were very angry, but they were still doing what Cui Tianzhi had just told them. After giving the order, sit quietly in your seat.

If it wasn't for Cui Tianzhi's order, they would have started looking for people in the plane.

When the plane rose to 100 meters in the air, Li Zhenhua also slowly controlled the plane to accelerate the speed of lift-off. Under his control, the people on the ground didn't feel much about the speed, but the five people inside the plane felt the increase in the plane's climbing speed.

The higher the plane flies, the faster the speed of lift-off.

100 meters, 200 meters, 500 meters, 1,000 meters... The plane is still climbing upwards at a constant speed. This way of climbing straight up and down to the sky surprised the three people watching on the ground.

And the current way of climbing is very similar to the way of airships and hot air balloons, but that is nothing compared to this.

Wang Yuesheng looked up at the plane that was still climbing up from below, and felt that something was wrong in his heart, because the plane was flying a little too high now, and if they watched it from the ground, it would almost shrink into a small black spot.

He hurriedly withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Cui Tianzhi. "Cui, go and check the current altitude of the plane. Why do I feel that something is wrong? Shouldn't we do a speed test at 1,000 meters in the air? Why do I feel that he has flown more than 1,000 meters long ago! "

When Cui Tianzhi heard the order, he patted his head on the spot. He also felt that he was stupid. He had unbearable data, so he just looked up at the plane in the sky.

When he came to the monitoring platform and glanced at it, Cui Tianzhi was a little uneasy. The data sent back showed that the plane had already flown to an altitude of 10,000 meters, and the altitude was still increasing!

This is beyond their previous test altitude, and now this altitude is already at a high altitude where fighter jets usually stay. Ascending upwards would be at the height of a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, but in their eyes, the aircraft in the sky was still maintaining a constant upward ascent.

When Wang Yuesheng and others heard the data exposed by Cui Tianzhi, it was beyond their expectations.

Cui Tianzhi hurriedly grabbed the platform and asked the pilots in the sky who were testing the plane: "Snowy Owl reports your current flying altitude!"

The five pilots who were ascending the plane seemed to have lost all energy, and they were all slumped in their positions, which was how they were lying flat now.

Resigning to fate is what they think now. They are not familiar with the current aircraft at all, so even if they want to do something, they dare to do anything, so they all lie flat.

After the five lying flat pilots heard their chief's question, the leader Snowy Owl, who was asked among them, glanced at the instrument.

His eyes widened in shock as he saw the altitude displayed on the gauges.

what did he see Seeing the current flight altitude of the plane, how high is the plane now? More than 13,500 meters, and the height continues to rise.

"Report, the current altitude is 13,500 meters, no, it has reached 16,000 meters now, 17,500 meters! Commander, the altitude is still rising!"

The pilot's report brought them all back to their senses, and let Cui Tianzhi know that he did not misread the data.

They were losing their minds about the current altitude data of the plane, and the five pilots who were boarding the plane indeed all straightened up at this moment, staring straight at the instruments in front of them, looking extremely nervous.

Li Zhenhua, who was driving the plane on the plane, was now quietly pushing the accelerator, and he was extremely careful when pushing the accelerator, for fear that if the accelerator was too high, others would notice something.

But even so, under his control, the speed of the plane increased by an unknown amount.

In fact, the current climb speed of the aircraft will only reach Mach 2, but this speed is just the beginning. It can be said that the aircraft has no power at all.

Just as Li Zhenhua touched the door push rod and was about to accelerate again, Cui Tianzhi's voice came from the communicator in his helmet.

"Li Zhenhua! Give me an honest answer, boy, how fast have you driven, and do you know how many meters above you are now? Are you planning to kill yourself?

You honestly lower the speed and altitude for me. When you come down, you can see if I beat you, kid, and it's over! "

Cui Tianzhi's irritable voice came from the helmet communicator, but he had already flown so high at this time, wouldn't it be a fool to go down now? And Cui Tianzhi also said that if he wants to beat himself when he goes down, then he can't go down even more.

It is said that there is no turning back when the bow is opened, let alone people have already noticed it, so it is better to do it openly.

After figuring out these key points, Li Zhenhua didn't plan to hide on the plane anymore, it was just a hand that didn't leave the throttle pusher, and he pushed it to the middle position in one go.

He didn't intend to answer Cui Tianzhi's words at all. He was staring at the speed meter in front of him with all his attention at the moment. He wanted to know how fast the plane could fly in reality. How is the data obtained in different.

And now the speed displayed on the instrument is indeed very high, with odd and complete displays on it. 42120km/h.

Sure enough, this speed was almost the same as the speed he obtained in the laboratory. When he pushed the throttle lever to the middle position, the surprised expressions of these people on the ground climbed up their faces again.

Because in an instant, the plane they could still see disappeared from their sight. Although the performance is better than that of the flying saucer, it is almost the same.

After Wang Yuesheng could no longer see the plane in the air, he hurried to Cui Tianzhi's side and stared at the instrument showing the speed.

When he saw the speed, he thought the instrument was broken, but when he thought about the plane that had just disappeared before his eyes, he believed in the data displayed on it.

But after all, he is not an expert in this field, he is just shocked that the plane can reach such a speed, but this speed has some other meanings in Cui Tianzhi's eyes.

Immediately he converted it, 42120km/h has a speed of Mach 34.38, and the fastest aircraft is now the x43 drone of the country, which is only Mach 9.8.

But the speed of Mach 34.38, what the **** is this? Is this the speed that should appear in the world? Suddenly he thought of another criterion for judging speed, and immediately calculated it silently in his heart.

11.7km/s, this is what he was thinking at the moment, and he was even more surprised when he got such a speed. After converting to this value, the speed of the plane has actually reached the second cosmic speed, or slightly exceeded~www Thinking of this, Cui Tianzhi calmed down first, looked at the two leaders standing beside him, who were also staring at the appearance, and he said to them with a little dejection.

"Two heads, let's leave this test flight alone. The performance of the plane so far shows that we really can't make any guiding opinions on the plane."

When Cui Tianzhi said these words, Wang Yuesheng and Juntou felt inconceivable at the same time, they didn't understand why there was such a huge difference in his attitude.

When they were still wondering, Li Zhenhua, who was driving the plane, retracted the throttle of the plane in just fifty seconds, and the speed of the plane dropped immediately, almost equivalent to turning off the engine.

The speed from as much as Mach 34 suddenly dropped to a relatively static state, but Li Zhenhua and the pilot on the plane did not experience any physical discomfort!

They are all alive and well.
