MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 9 Improved tool

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"Is this stone for sale? I want three." Xu Xin said straight to the point.

"It depends on the conditions you give." That side is also very smart.

Xu Xin thought for a while and said, "You should have a lot of green stones, I have a lot of green wood here, I will provide you with 50 green wood to help you build the crafting table, and you will give me 3 blue wood. Stone." Xu Xin directly turned against the guest.

I haven't returned there for a long time, so I must be thinking.

"60 green wood, and, I want your red berries."

"Yes, but red berries need to be exchanged for iron ore, 20 iron ore for one."

"make a deal."

[The other party initiates a transaction with you, stone (blue)*3 in exchange for wood (green)*60]

Is it so resolute? Xu Xin reluctantly canceled the trade and said, "I don't have that much green wood now, so I have to go down and chop some. Let's trade berries first. How many do you want?"

"...Three first."

Xu Xin initiated the transaction.

[You initiated a transaction, red berry · big (blue) *3 in exchange for iron ore (green) *60]

[The other party accepts the transaction and obtains iron ore (green)*60]

[The other party initiates a transaction with you, stone (blue) * 1 in exchange for none]

"Huh?" Xu Xin was a little confused, what did you mean, is this going to give him one?

"I'll give you one first, you can quickly make a new axe to chop down trees, and I'll give you the remaining two when it's finished." The other side explained.

Kind of cute. Xu Xin couldn't help but smile, but it seems that the blue stones on her side may not be too small, perhaps the same as the large number of red berries in his hand.

Xu Xin accepted the deal, sent her a favor, and immediately made a new axe.

[Improved version of stone axe (green): It can cut down trees of blue level and below, because it has become tougher and sharper due to the addition of higher-level stone materials, with a durability of 200. 】

So comfortable, you can actually cut down blue-level trees! It seems that we must have a good relationship with this Li Wenxi.

He suddenly remembered that he had also found a blue-grade poplar tree. The function of blue-grade wood may be similar to that of blue-grade stones. Now that he has this axe in his hand, it seems that it is time to put that A blue tree was cut down.


On the other side, in a tree house a circle smaller than Xu Xin, a girl with short hair was carefully looking at the red berries in her hands. A simple novice short-sleeved shorts, tall figure, from the exposed fair and firm arms and legs, it can be seen that she often works out to keep in shape.

"With the eyesight effect, can you get 2 hours of night vision ability... As expected, blue-quality items really have additional abilities." The girl muttered to herself.

This is a two-story tree house, each floor is about 50 square meters, and at this time Li Wenxi was on the second floor, sitting in front of the screen.

Li Wenxi walked to the first floor of the tree house and looked at the various stones and iron ore piled up on this floor. Yesterday, she saw that the trading platform would be opened today. She knew that these stones and ores should be able to be traded for good things, so she did a whole day of mining work, which really made her very tired.

In order to carry these things, she traveled back and forth for an unknown number of times. Fortunately, her tree house is very close to the mine, and her physical fitness is much better than that of ordinary girls, so she can carry them all back.

But even so, today, her limbs are still sore, and her legs are shaking a little when she walks. After all, she is overloaded with carrying all day, and even if she exercises regularly, her body can't bear it. So she didn't plan to go out again today, and wanted to use these things to trade some other materials on the trading platform.

"This guy seems to be very powerful. The synthesis table has already been made. Yesterday, I cut down a tree for a long time, and I didn't even see a shadow of green wood. It was all white." Li Wenxi propped up her trembling legs and returned to the second one. He lay back on the wooden bed and sighed, "He's a big guy, but it seems that there is no source of iron ore, so we should be able to cooperate with him."

Li Wenxi's tree house is located next to a mine, and there is a small stream passing by. She stopped when she came here because she felt that there are two kinds of resources in this location. If you walk aimlessly, it is better to take root here.

"The low tree house is only more than 20 square meters and only has one floor. Could it be that my tree house is more advanced than theirs?" Li Wenxi was a little overjoyed. She is only a sophomore student. into this unknown world.

"I don't know what that guy's tree house looks like, maybe mine is better!" Li Wenxi was delighted, and continued to lie on the bed sideways, flipping through the text in the chat hall.

So far, only Xu Xin has asked about her iron ore, and she thinks it is. After all, at this stage, everyone has not even made a synthesis platform. They can only use the identification platform to identify the level of materials. Survivors can only rely on Mongolia to obtain materials. So iron ore is useless for the vast majority of people at this stage.

"If that anonymous guy is really trustworthy, it's not impossible to sell him a few pieces of blue iron ore." Seeing that he couldn't see anything from the chat hall, Li Wenxi's thoughts returned to Xu Xin.

She put all the blue-quality materials on the second floor. At this time, there was an ore that looked obviously different from ordinary iron ore on her identification table, emitting a blue light. Because she has stones (blue), her tools can collect blue ore (blue): When smelting iron ore, you only need to add one piece to smelt iron blocks ( Blue), affordable and easy to use! 】

Suddenly, Xu Xin sent her a message.

"Hey, why did this guy come back so quickly?"


On the other side, Xu Xin took the newly made stone axe (green) and came under the tree house. The bottom half of his tree house has not been cleaned up, and it is basically poplar, with half and half of white quality and green quality.

He swung his axe towards the nearest poplar (white).


The poplar tree snapped, fell to the ground and broke into five pieces.

"Really?!" Xu Xin's eyes straightened when he saw the sharp axe in his hand. He remembered that it took five strokes to chop off a white-quality poplar tree?

He chopped down a poplar (green) again, once, twice.

"Crack!" The poplar (green) fell down forever.

"This... this is too strong!"

Five times the efficiency, one axe tops five axe, is this the power of blue-quality materials! It's no more useful than some ghost red berries!

So Xu Xin, like a **** of war, cut down all the remaining trees under his tree house, and the ground was covered with white and green wood.

Because it is under the tree house, there is basically no need to carry it. He only needs to grab the wood and let the tree house take him up. Soon, he piled up all the wood on the first floor, and then initiated a transaction with Li Wenxi. .

[You initiated a transaction, wood (green)*60 in exchange for stone (blue)*2]

Sure enough, it seems that as long as the materials are in the tree house, they can be traded anywhere.

[The other party accepts the transaction and gets a stone (blue)*2]