MTL - Starting from Zero-v23 Chapter 41 Deep rescue

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"It's up to you. ~,"

"Understand." Everett stopped before the aisle, and then a pair of hydraulic shears folded forward at the top of his arms. Reaching out to support one of the diagonal support beams, the hydraulic shears immediately began to increase strength, and I only heard a jingle sound that the steel beams with adult thighs were cut neatly, and then Efriethe grabbed the middle section backwards In one fell swoop, the obstructing beam running across the entrance was cleared.

After clearing the first beam, the remaining part is treated in the same way as before. When you see the obstructing beam, cut it on both sides and throw the middle part out. Of course, not all locations are so convenient. Some places still maintain their original appearance because the supporting beams support the stones above them. Once the supporting beams are taken away, the stones above begin to fall, but this None of it was for Everett. No matter how big the stone is, he can directly carry it out and throw it away, even if it is very large, it can be jammed, and it can be cut into small pieces before being thrown out.

In this way we quickly passed this passage, and then saw a large space in front. This place should be the passageway extending in from the outside, but it was blocked by the collapsed earth and stone in the middle. There is no collapse here, so it looks quite wide.

The eight people who followed us are not only guides, but also have an understanding of the structure of the underground tunnels. It can even be said that these people are actually experts in this field, but they are all based on experience. There is no theory.

One of the guides looked at the situation and said, "It looks like the landslide below is not as severe as expected."

"Did you all come to check it before?" I asked in amazement.

The guide said quite helplessly: "We are not like you, we dare not move those supporting beams that cross the aisle, and no one dares to come in."

"No!" I said puzzledly while looking at the information in the spiritual network: "I saw a machine dog in Longyuan's support! Why didn't I send in?"

This robot dog is actually the kind of robot dog we used when we dealt with the traitors of humans in the United States. This robot dog is actually not a military device. This thing does n’t look good, but it ’s us. An important profitable project of Longyuan. Because the scope of application of this robot dog is too wide.

Let ’s not say on the battlefield. This thing runs faster than a motorcycle. The armor protection is better than a light tank. More importantly, it is flexible to dodge and difficult to be hit. It is the best for both offensive and offensive battles. equipment. Many soldiers on the battlefield have special feelings for this robot dog. Because on the battlefield these robot dogs are more reassuring than their comrades. In addition, these robot dogs can also be used to mine detonation. For example, if you encounter a suspected roadside bomb, you can let the robot dog go up first to see if there is a real explosion, at least there will be no casualties, and the robot dog itself is very It will rarely be destroyed by car bombs. After all, its protective effect is close to that of light tanks, and its small weight and volume will not cause it to have too high an explosive force, and its survival rate is very high. In addition, robotic dogs are also the best choice in situations where ventilation pipes or sewers need to be drilled. The frontal cross-section of this gadget is very small, it can go in the narrow passage that people can't enter, and there are wheels in the claws of this thing, which is much faster than people in ventilation ducts or sewers, which is very easy to use.

The above is still the military category, and civilians still have a lot to do.

The civilian version of this robot dog is mainly divided into three large models: enhanced version, standard version, and home version.

The enhanced version is actually a simplified version of the military version. Its armor strength is only half that of the military version, and it can withstand short-range shrapnel damage. As long as it is not directly hit, the ordinary rocket launcher does not have any killing effect on it. In addition to the direct hits of anti-material weapons and individual rocket launchers in individual weapons, basically it can be ignored, so it is very useful for police departments or industries such as company security, banking, and armed escorts. Of course, this model has no weapons. Except for a few military versions, most robot dogs, including more than half of the military versions, are not equipped with weapons. After all, the main function of the robot dog is not to use it as a firepower point.

In fact, the enhanced version is enough for most civilian industries. After all, even if there is no weapon, it is very easy to kill people, because whether it is the retractable blade-like claws on its claws or the teeth in the mechanical mouth, it is enough to hurt people. Of course, civilian teeth are not high-frequency vibration blades, but ordinary metal spikes. But think about the mouth of the trap, all of which have fangs like small daggers. A bite is definitely not a joke. Besides, the bite force of this thing is enough to bite the car engine out of the hole.

The standard version is much weaker than the enhanced version. The enhanced version is a simplified model after reducing the material strength on the basis of the military version and removing some functions, but it is essentially a military type, but the standard version is different. This model is a separate version of another design, which is very different from the military version. The first is that this version has a lot of appearances. There are military versions that look at the type of robot dog at first glance, and there are some that will deliberately become like a plush toy.

This standard version is weaker than the enhanced version in all respects. The shell is only aluminum alloy and can carry ordinary pistol shells. However, some powerful pistols can still penetrate through, but they deal with human bodies. It is more than enough anyway. In addition, the internal skeletal system of this model uses not high-strength military special steel but is divided into many models. The more expensive ones use titanium alloy or carbon fiber, and the cheaper ones are ordinary steel or aluminum alloy. Anyway, What model do you want? In fact, the shell of this model is not static. If you like it, there are armored shells for sale. Of course, the price is prohibitively expensive, but the rich will not care.

In fact, in addition to materials, the standard version of the computer performance and battery performance and various internal devices are actually weaker than the military version and the enhanced version. This model is actually used for security by ordinary companies. After all, it is not much. Companies buy security robots, and robotic dogs are much cheaper by comparison.

Needless to say, the home version is for ordinary people to buy and play. Of course, it's not really a toy for you. You can use it as a trailer when you go out to buy a dish. Within 50 kilograms can be carried directly to your back home. When you are in a mad mall, you can carry a part-time bag and use it as a stool when you are tired. The pretty girl can also be a bodyguard when going out. Although more than half of the models in the home version are only engineering plastics, as long as the other party does not have a gun, this stuff can still easily put down one or two strong men. Even if there are many people on the other side, it's okay to give you time to escape. What's more, this gadget has its own networking function. You can call the police network immediately by calling this alarm, and it is faster than calling the police.

Of course, the features of this home version can be more than that. In fact, there are many derivative functions. For example, the automatic electric heating function of the plush version can be used as a hot water bottle in winter. In addition, it can be used as an emergency power supply when power is cut off. It is still possible to temporarily replace the downlight or flashlight, and you can also connect external electrical appliances, although the air conditioner and rice cooker cannot be moved. Charging your personal mobile terminal is fine. In addition, people with poor health can use family medical centers as long as they spend money on loading medical aids and supporting software. Although it can't cure the disease, you can always monitor your physical condition, taking care of the elderly, pregnant women and children is very easy to use. In the event of an accident, it can automatically help you call a pre-made contact for help. Of course, such as fire alarm, anti-theft, and disaster relief are optional modules. As long as you can think of small functions, this robot dog has almost all.

Anyway, the function of the robot dog is really convenient and practical. Longyuan's annual sales of 5 million units are not blown out. That's really true that it can circle the earth several times.

According to the information I downloaded from the Mind Network, the contact of our group should have brought twenty military robot dogs. Bring it for no reason but don't use it.

It was only when I asked a few people over there that someone remembered it. "By the way, it seems that it was indeed a machine dog that was sent in before, but it disappeared when I ran in. I didn't know where I was going. I couldn't receive a signal due to radiation interference. I don't know what happened now.

This is more reliable. This is a uranium mine. The radiation intensity under the ground is very high, and ordinary people can lay their bodies directly in less than five minutes after being exposed to this environment. The electromagnetic signals are strongly disturbed here, even if our mind network does not receive the signal from the robot dog. It is said that if the robot dog is here, the other party belongs to military equipment. It should be automatically connected to our network, but now there is no signal, which is obviously the result of interference by radiation.

Now that the dog has gone down, I am not too anxious. At the speed of robotic dogs, we should find people or relics that need to be rescued faster than we can. We only need to receive information and process it in the past.

The passages from here are basically free of landslides, and the road is very smooth, but there are still a lot of stones on the ground, but they have not reached the point where they can block the road. Considering that this place has a lot of space anyway, we simply activated the propeller to grab the eight people and flew in. Anyway, the six-lane wide passageway was eight meters high, and there was no pressure when flying.

I have to say that the passage is deep enough. We flew forward along the passage to stop for seven or eight kilometers. There were a lot of collapsed sections along the way, but most of them just collapsed in half. Big, we did n’t even bother to slow down and flew directly, but this place was not good, because the first completely collapsed passageway finally appeared here, and it was really hard to live without clearing it up.

In fact, it is completely collapsed, but it is not really completely collapsed. At least there are some small gaps. Looking at the traces above, you can clearly see that the twenty robotic dogs have passed through here, because all the plum blossoms are on the ground. His footprints, near one of the openings, also had steel bars broken by the teeth of the robot dog, which should be obstacles cleared by the robot dog as it advanced.

We didn't change places either. We dug the hole where the robot dog drilled, and quickly opened the narrowest place. After this small hole, the remaining half was buried, but one was very The large dome just fell off and propped up an inclined plane. The triangular channel below is full, at least it can be drilled in the shape of this type of Frette. The average person can also pass by riding a motorcycle, right Naturally, it is not a problem for us.

After drilling from this side, it was a passage again, this time we flew another two kilometers, and then we saw the third blocked passage, but this was not completely blocked. There are several large holes in the ground, and it can be clearly seen that the robot dog just cut them out. These robot dogs are not worse than real dogs, or should be stronger, at least the real dogs must not be able to dig holes in the cement board.

There is a large pile of cement and rigid concrete on the ground of this place, apparently the top of the cave that has fallen from above, but now there is an obvious passageway in it. At a glance, it was clear that the robot dog had cleared it out. However, this channel is really small, and we need to expand it in the past.

This time we did not wait for the tunnel to be completely excavated, but we dig until we can drill in the past, and Everett was left here to continue digging. His volume is too large and the channel behind Definitely more difficult to leave, waiting for his words will delay us to save people.

After leaving Everett, we took the remaining eight guides and drilled through the narrow tunnel just dug out. Then we found that the landslide was less than ten meters behind and there was another landslide point, and I used electricity. The results of the magnetic induction scan showed that the landslide was more than fifty meters thick. It takes a long time to dig in.

"Find, there must be other passages here." I started to let everyone spread out and find the entrance, because there was no passage opening on the landslide of more than 50 meters in front, indicating that the robot dog did not drill through, and here There is no robot dog, which means that the robot dog must have found another way.

Sure enough, one of the guides said immediately after dispersing, "Don't look for it, I know there is a section of maintenance passage outside the main passage. Those robot dogs should pass there."

"lead the way."

Following the guide, we found a small door on the edge of the collapsed aisle. This door has become very deformed. But at least it can get through. The back passage is halfway to the tower, but the triangle below can barely allow us to climb over.

Climbing forward along this narrow aisle for less than fifty meters, we found a cement board in front of it in the aisle, but there was a round hole on the cement board. Such a regular circle was obviously cut out by the robot dog. The back passage that is drilled out from here is a perfect passage without landslides, but there are many cracks on the wall and it seems that the damage here is also very serious.

This maintenance channel is not the same as the main channel. It seems to be going down all the way, and the **** is quite large, but fortunately, it has not encountered a blockage at the back.

After walking a certain way forward, we suddenly stopped because the passages in front were all submerged under the water.

"I rely, what's the situation?"

"It should have been cut off the groundwater during the landslide. Then there was a leak," said a guide.

Another guide did not seem to agree with this guide's opinion: "Should not. The terrain here is actually very high, there should be no groundwater. This may be water leakage from the pipeline. There may be a water supply pipeline in the maintenance channel."

"Whatever it is, it seems we need to swim in the swimming pool." I jumped first as I said. Our team is all heavily armed, and even the guides have simple power armor and a helmet with an oxygen circulation system. It is not a problem to make a temporary guest appearance. After all, the radiation protection equipment itself must be waterproof. Otherwise, what radiation protection is there once there is a leak?

In fact, the underwater passage is not long. After walking a short distance, we found a closed iron door, but strangely, no robot dog was found. The military version of the robot dog is waterproof and has an underwater thruster. Although it is not fast, it can be moved in the water, but we did not find them here. This is obviously wrong, because I found it before launching. What about their footprints?

The gate that blocked the passage was very deformed and closed. The robot dogs couldn't close the door even if they passed, so they definitely didn't go through the door. The problem was where they passed.

We checked briefly and found that there was a passage through which the robot dog could pass. This is a thick pipe that was originally used to transport fresh air underground. The internal space is just enough for the robot dog to pass through, but the problem is that we absolutely can't drill through from here.

"It seems we need to find a way to open this door."

"Come on." Xiaochun slowly walked over and ejected the laser cutter from his wrist, then began to cut the door. She did not open a hole in the door, but simply cut off the deformed position, and then put the laser and bumped the door with her shoulder twice to open the door ~ ~ but the back was still full of water The channel, fortunately, less than ten meters forward, was separated from the underwater environment because of the rising terrain.

After returning to the air, my first reaction was not to observe the surrounding environment, but to find that the signal from the robot dog was faintly received, but the signal was very unstable. Obviously, we were very close to the robot dog.

"Fast, forward, I feel the robot dog."

The people who had just crawled out of the water followed me and started running. Although the passage here is not wide, there is no landslide, and it is fairly smooth.

Not far forward, we found a hole in the previous snorkel. Footprints on the ground showed that the robot dog should have returned to this passage from here, and I felt that the closer we were, I even had I can receive the complete signal, but I still ca n’t exchange information effectively, but the signal became clear instantly after I hit a broken wall that was blocked by money, because I found that the robot dog was in the main channel in front of me. Among them, but not twenty, but only eighteen are left, and two have fallen to the ground on one side, and the remaining eighteen are surrounded by one. The circle surrounded a creature I had never seen before.

"My God ...!" (To be continued ...) u