MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 349 Seal of the Spider

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  The meeting room was quiet, except for the old man smoking, only the injured were grinning.

However, those who can grin here are still alive, such as Dorn the Thumb Killer, Naga the Mechanic, and Roger the Super Soldier. It is worth mentioning that the newly released Captain Roger has a fresh body. .

   Among the negotiating members of the powerful gang, this is the only one who has 'hanged up', but as we all know, this person has countless bodies, and he has died, but he has not completely died.

   As for the Steel Claw Gang, few were injured. The reason is very simple.

   A little friend was stabbed by a fighting little angel.

   So the face of the third generation of steel claw is as gloomy as water.

   This is undoubtedly a blow to the ambitious him.

   But there are also people who don't fit in with the atmosphere. A pirated product is squatting on the sofa at the moment, holding a book of Xiao Huangwen and watching it with relish, tsk tsk from time to time, feeling that the plot is rich and colorful, and there is no thought of taking the blame.

  Hong endured the illness for a moment, and took the lead to fire: "Little devil, I only left for a moment, and a few important prisoners were taken away. Don't tell me, it has nothing to do with you!"

  The pirate g rolled his eyes, stretched out his palm, and began to count his fingers, "I'll do the math for you, I won the battle, and I calmed down the field, but the system was hacked, the monitoring failed, and your support was not good."

   "It's better than me, someone, carrying the whole audience, but surrounded by pig teammates, what can I do?"

  The coyote and the alien white all turned black, but rarely did not refute.

   "But I heard that all the mechanical claw people I helped were destroyed by you alone, aren't you opening the back door for the attackers?" A high-level executive couldn't help but scolded.

   For the pig teammates of the powerful gang, the pirated g of Kuangpu Kuba is reluctantly willing to take care of him, but for others, the one with eyes on his head is completely taken seriously.

  Two Erlang's legs were upturned, his eyelids rolled, and his shoulders shrugged.

   "Yeah, hit me?"

The top management was furious, but the next moment, a terrifying gravity came from the ground, making his legs go soft, his buttocks sat down, and even the **** and chair exploded at the same time, slammed on the ground with a 'bang', and his face suddenly changed. Purple and purple, I don't know if there is any **** out.

  The third generation of steel claw slowly raised his head. On his right cheek, there was a knife mark left by a certain girl, and there were dense cracks around the knife mark.

  Although he looks terrifying, but after being hit like this, he didn’t actually collapse his body without being destroyed. This one is also very strong and terrifying.

   By the way, while the third-generation steel claw was hit by this knife, it blew up Xiao Yu's carbon atomic reactor with a punch.

   On the basis of the boss's business, Xiao Yu decided to exchange it with the other party.

  The third generation of steel claw slowly raised his head, his eyes were boiling with ferocity, and the pirate g was stared at by the other party's gaze, and for a while, all the hair on his body exploded!

   The scene in front of him seemed to have disappeared, replaced by various advanced mechanical weapons, flying from the sky, crawling on the ground, and swimming under the sea, all turned out of the muzzle, facing him coldly.

   But the pirate g is not angry but happy, "It's good, that little girl with a short stature and a flat chest can fight a group one by one, there's no reason why I can't!"


   Centered on the pirated version g, the terrifying gravity quickly brewed up. In the arsenal, the eyes of the military aircraft were red light, and it was not a military aircraft, but three military aircraft were turned on at the same time.

   "Haha, why should you take the children's words seriously?"

  Old Pava smiled and stretched out his hands to take a shot. The next moment, whether it was military aircraft or corporate will, all disappeared out of thin air.

   However, it is worth noting that one hand of the old Pava is intact, while the surface of the other hand is charred black and full of cracks, which is almost identical to the right cheek of the third generation of steel claw.

   If many onlookers realized that the two peaks of the city that never sleeps were not seriously injured as claimed by the media, they would never be in a relaxed state.

   Minor injuries and local permanent injuries are not the same thing at all.

  Old Pawa glanced around, his eyes paused on a hooded woman in the corner, and suddenly a wretched smile appeared.

   "It's not, it's not, it's just a small loss, don't worry about it, our loss is not small, is the other party's loss less?"

   "The girl's machine was severely damaged. It's impossible to get a similar machine in a short period of time."

   "The old-fashioned androids, Mrs. Hongmeng, including the members of the headquarters who were injured by Lord Jidai, how much fighting power can the opponent have left?"

   "Steel Claw's Mechanical Claw Human Legion is in continuous production, and we have a strong helping one who is not damaged. As for the Deep Web Weaver, ahem, we express our deep condolences for the sacrifice of the ninth lady."

   "As for the members of the four major families who were taken away, not to mention that we have dug up the encrypted files in their brains, even if I was rescued, so what?"

  Old Pava smiled weirdly, snapped his fingers, and the next moment, three figures floated up from the table.

   "The avatar, the patriarch Miyamoto, the avatar, the black eagle patriarch, the avatar, the patriarch Xiao, plus the patriarch Kobayashi who took refuge in us, can replace their deities at any time as long as we want."

   "Roger, how long does it take to make a cloned body?"

   "You don't need three days. If a clone has a lifespan of less than half a year, one day is enough."

  Old Pava spread his hands, "Look, the problem is solved."

"What we really want to confirm is that this girl who suddenly came out, and the special mercenary group involved in the situation in Asia, as well as Mrs. Hongmeng and the old-fashioned android who interfered with us in the middle, were hired by which party. "

   "The identity of the enemy has been confirmed."

With the words of the old Pava, the voice of artificial intelligence sounded, and pictures appeared, various arrows marked their relationship, and in the center of these pictures was a yawning lazy person sitting in a dilapidated storefront young people.

   "Huh huh huh-"

  The pirated g boy Kongmeng's eyes widened.

   "This melancholy look, the stubborn stubble, the aura of the wind, the attitude of a strong man who is indifferent but in the center of the crowd, isn't this me!?"

   Many people looked at this new member of the powerful gang in astonishment. Is this person behind the scenes?

"Oh, didn't I tell you," the old Pawa said without changing his face: "He is your brother, the kind that was born to him. Later, in order to **** the family property, he beat you to amnesia, and I picked you up. ."


  The face of the pirate changed, and he suddenly realized, "It turns out that I am a rich and powerful son, no wonder I always wonder, where did my aristocratic aura come from! So it is!"

In the presence of   , some of the corners of the mouth twitched, some of the corners of the eyes twitched, Dorn couldn't help but complain, but Naga pressed his face with a finger.

"Unexpectedly, a reasonable opponent," Old Pava coughed dryly and said, "If I remember correctly, this one also has a super hacker friend, so what happened in Cyberspace means that It's through."

  With the help of the power of the corporate giants, it didn't take long for all the materials of the senior engineers to appear in the hands of everyone.

   "A prosthetic doctor, where does so much energy come from?" A high-level executive frowned while flipping through the documents.

   "Wait," a high-level executive suddenly thought of something, pulled out a photo from the confidential information, and showed it.

  I don't know who took the photo secretly. The scene is in the iron sand desert. It is a man and a woman. The woman is sitting on the floating platform of the spaceship.

"is her!"

   The face of the third-generation steel claws sank.

   In a city that never sleeps, it is impossible to have two corporate giants.

   Similarly, it is impossible for two military groups to appear on a plate continent.

  Duo Hi-Tech, which emerged from the iron sand desert, is surging forward at an unusual development speed.

   Cooperate with Maas, stand out in the bidding conference, undertake military orders everywhere, acquire upstream and downstream industrial chains, and even continue to launch small wars to earn more orders.

   This ambitious gesture does not look like a newcomer at all.

   Being on the same continent as this peer, one can imagine the pressure he feels.

   And the head of this new military group is this mysterious woman - Du Zhaodi.

   "This is that woman's lover? So it is!"

  Three generations of Steel Claws immediately understood why this ordinary prosthetic doctor had so many resources.

   Old Pava opened his mouth. He always felt that the other party's thoughts might be different from reality.

  This man is the man behind the real horror, the existence behind that woman.

   The man standing behind the woman and the lover seem to have the same meaning.

   Does this still need to be explained?

   Old Pava rarely showed a tangled expression.

   The deep web weaver who had been silent for a while suddenly spoke up.

   "That is to say, what is certain at present is that this man is still in the city that never sleeps."

   "According to his recent transaction records, he acquired the bankrupt Life Industries, and those seriously injured are most likely to be lurking in these places."

  The artificial intelligence of the enterprise has marked several places, one of which is the human experiment center where the senior engineer is located.

   "The death of the ninth spider woman is by no means the end, but another beginning, and the deep web weavers will not forget everything!"

   The representative of the Deep Web Weaver said somberly, and then disappeared out of thin air.

   After everyone else had left, the third generation of steel claw suddenly said: "I can feel that this spider's computing power has improved slightly."

Old Pawa touched his chin, "And her anger is beyond my expectations. Of the nine spider girls of the Deep Web Weaver, six of them devoured their own superiors, and one spider girl died, how could they be? so angry?"


   "It's not important," the third generation Steel Claw took out a cigar and put it in his mouth, looking down from the hundreds of floors of high-rise buildings, "Try it?"

   "Let's try it out then," Old Pava squinted and smiled, "A duel between experts, this is not the way to play in a corporate war."


   in the brain

   Aiduolu and Ahong are squatting in the corner of this white space, sweating profusely, sweat dripping continuously, turning into a data stream.

   At this time, A Hong was holding a fan and fanning the girl.

   "Hey, time is up, it's your turn to fan me!"

   "Fart, there are ten minutes left."

   "After talking for half an hour, you can't say anything!" A Hong was furious.

   However, under the strong suppression of this former girl idol, A Hong finally persuaded, and obediently helped the other party to fan the wind, while complaining while fanning.

   "Hey, what did you ask my senior sister to do? Why did her original form come out."

  In the center of this brain, a huge flame bird the size of a football field was suspended in mid-air, as if falling into a semi-sleep state, the huge wings flapped from time to time, and the terrifying data flame was born.

"It has suffered a lot of injuries, and is now undergoing a logical reorganization," the senior engineer frowned with his arms crossed: "Strange, is it really as the news said, it is the hands of the deep web, this code style, it doesn't look like it. ."

   "Forget it, just wake her up."

  The two features of the prosthetic doctor, "Gene Editing" and "Energy Infusion", and the three features of the Internet traitor, "Top Programming", "Punk Soul", "Special Transformer", all five features are on.

With the blessing of    five characteristics, senior engineers can control codes beyond grades.

  The space began to be distorted, the data was frantically bred and regenerated, and a meteor shower began to fall around the flame bird. Every 'meteor' was a piece of 'human code'.

   Soon, the flaming bird gradually disappeared, leaving only the body of the bird of paradise suspended in mid-air, and various codes oozing from the skin to reconstitute the clothing.

   "Hey, why do you know my sister's precise body data! This is not something that can be seen at a glance like the measurements."

   A Hong couldn't help but said angrily.

   "It's scary, this old pervert."

  Aiduo leaned towards Ahong with a pale face. Does this kind of man who can look at him at a glance really exist?

  The senior engineer squinted at the other party, "The mountain is not high, the water is not deep, you know a hammer!"

   Soon, the flame bird opened its eyes, the body composed of data did not change, only the iconic bird-shaped scar had a black spider mark.

   "Mother City started?"

   Bird of Paradise nodded and said straight to the point: "Deep web weavers are trying to resurrect the ancient evil god."



  Another encrypted network node

  The previous messenger appeared again and walked into a huge spider temple.

  There is a spider goddess in the temple. The statues are connected by data cables, while the nine main statues in the middle are completely compiled with network cables, and a large amount of virtual data is surging and bubbling in it.

  Mr. Patchwork, Nightmare, and the upper ranks of the Deep Web Weavers of the Holy City organization all stood on the periphery of the statue.

   Among the nine statues, eight have heads.

   There is only one of them, and the head is gone.

The    messenger lifted his hood, revealing an old face that was familiar to the senior engineer. It was the old woman who sold memory chips in Santo Domingo.

   And this old woman also has another identity, that is, the old spider, the gang leader of the former deep web weaver.

  Mr. Patchwork has cracks all over his body and looks quite bad, but he still has a stingy tone.

"Alright, we'll take action. You have to intervene, forget about it, and even sneak a sneak attack. Now, it's alright, stealing chickens won't kill you, and the spider's holy seal has been snatched away. I'll see what you can use to resurrect the spider goddess. ."

  The old woman stared at the center of the nine withered statues, the looming huge black shadow, and said with a heavy tone:

   "The Holy Seal must be taken back - at all costs!"

  Starts with Mechanical Hunter