MTL - Start From Soul Society and Cutting Through All the Worlds-Chapter 387 The origin of Dragon Ball Night City’s identity

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Chapter 387 The identity of Dragon Ball Night City

As the spaceship landed and the cabin opened, several figures slowly woke up from their slumber and walked out of the spaceship.

Among these figures, in addition to Raditz, whom Sun Wukong and others knew, there were two figures, one tall and one short.

 The tall Saiyan among them is a bald man named Napa.

The other Saiyan was wearing a blue battle armor and had black hair that reached the sky. He was clearly the Saiyan prince Vegeta, whose pride was inversely proportional to his height.

As for the last figure in the spaceship, he was almost pulled out of the spaceship by Raditz.

The other party is an extremely beautiful woman with an appearance similar to that of an Earthling, except that she has a pair of small antennae on her forehead and a pair of white wings on her back.

How could such an obedient child destroy their planet? That prophecy must have been wrong.

When Yashiro was still a baby, he was also sent to a planet called Naria. The girl who picked up Yoshiro at that time and raised her up was the girl captured by Vegeta and the others.

  The originally expected Saiyans did appear, but in addition to them, the other party also brought a strange woman this time.

 Sun Wukong and others originally wanted to ask Ye Cheng who the other party was, but they found that Ye City, who usually had a very good personality, actually opened his mouth and cursed at Vegeta and others.

Yecheng, who was still a baby at the time, only had a few points of combat power to survive, while Liliana had nearly a hundred combat powers at least. It was almost easy to kill Yecheng, who was powerless at the time.

There is no other way. The Saiyans, a fighting race, are currently serving as Frieza's lackeys. They are burning, killing, looting and committing all kinds of evil everywhere. They are notorious in the entire universe.

  Bulma put on the combat power detector and scanned the opponent for a while, and found that this woman's combat power was only 98 points.

You still have Saiyan blood in your body, but you have forgotten the pride of Saiyans and just play family games with such garbage. It is extremely boring! "

Liliana firmly believes that the future can be changed. Night City will destroy Naria in the future, probably because of the lack of good teaching.

 Not only was she obedient and sensible, but she was also gentle and kind, which made Liliana even more convinced that her previous actions were correct.

As Night City gets bigger and bigger, many people also discover that Night City is the Saiyans, a fighting nation in the universe, and signal Liliana to hand over Night City.

The beautiful and timid girl suddenly became emotional when she saw Ye Cheng: "Ye Cheng, sister is fine. As long as you are fine, sister will be relieved.

 Your choice is right. They are all bad guys who enslave our planet. My sister has long believed that you will not join them. "

The words of the spaceman girl immediately stunned Sun Wukong and others who didn't know what was going on. The spaceman opposite was actually Ye Cheng's sister?

  No, no, no, but no matter how you look at it, Yashiro is a pure-blooded Saiyan, and they basically don’t look like the same race. How can they be siblings?

“It’s very confusing, isn’t it? This guy from Night City is just like you Kakarot. Just because he was raised by the natives of the planet where he grew up, he regards the other person as his family and the garbage planet as his home.

Even if this child will become a bad guy in the future, right now, he has done nothing, right?

Liliana hesitated again when she thought of this. After much hesitation, she finally decided to take Yecheng back to raise her.

 When he was still a child, the other party should not have been his opponent, right?

Liliana made up her mind and quickly brought Yecheng home and began to raise her carefully.

Even though it was for the sake of her own planet, it was really…

 Obviously, Raditz and two other men, one tall and one short, looked like Saiyans like Yoshiro.

The people on the planet Naria look similar to people on Earth, but their life span is three times that of normal people on Earth, and they have the magical ability to "predict the future."

Saiyans are warlike and violent by nature, and her Yoshiro is obedient and polite, which is completely different from those Saiyans who go around destroying people!

In order to avoid being hunted by the Naria stars, Liliana finally had no choice but to take Ye Cheng, who was still a child, to live in the mountains, and she lived there for more than ten years.

Even a fool can see that the biggest reason why Ye Cheng suddenly becomes emotional is because of the young woman who appears next to the Saiyan.

 And if you just educate the other person well, then the other person will definitely not grow into a bad guy.

  However, Liliana resisted to the death the orders of her own race, and stated that Ye Shiro was her child and not a Saiyan at all.

Just like Sun Wukong who fell to the earth, was picked up by Sun Wuhan, and raised up.

Just as she expected, Ye Cheng grew up day by day, but both in terms of character and character, he was simply too good to say anything about.

 The cosmic girl who adopted Yecheng and grew up as a child, and calls herself Yecheng’s sister, is called Liliana, and she is also from the planet Naria.

Liliana originally planned to do this in order to prevent her planet from being destroyed in the future.

But the woman who was with them couldn't tell from her physical features. She was obviously not a Saiyan.

 But when she saw Ye Cheng, who was still just a baby, she put her hands down helplessly several times while she raised her hands high.

 For such a dangerous existence, the Naria people naturally hope to eliminate it as soon as possible.

Liliana was also quite surprised when she saw such a future. She never thought that a mere baby would bring such a big disaster to her planet.

And when she met Ye Cheng, who was still a baby, on the mountain, Liliana triggered the Naria star's ability to predict the future. In the future she saw, Night City was the culprit responsible for the destruction of Naria.

This ability to "predict the future" cannot be used actively, and even many Naria people have not been able to trigger this special ability in their lives.

"Vegeta, you bastard! You actually brought her here. Is this what a proud Saiyan prince does?"

Ye City has grown up, and its combat power has also improved through training. Naria, with an average combat power of dozens per capita, will soon be unable to find anyone who can fight with it.

But for his own experience, Yecheng did not choose to retaliate against the Naria planet because Liliana did not want him to do so, so Yecheng repaid kindness with kindness, ending the years-long internal war on Naria planet, and was even dismissed for this. Civilians were eulogized as heroes.

 (End of this chapter)