MTL - Start From Soul Society and Cutting Through All the Worlds-Chapter 287 It’s okay if you don’t understand, but you can’t be without character.

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Chapter 287 It’s okay if you don’t understand. In short, you can’t live without strength.

“Sid, Valentine’s Day will be in a few days. Do you have any targets? Don’t let our brothers crash by then.”

 In the classroom, Jia Jia and Xiuluo were talking to Sid about the latest hot topics with great interest.

 It seems that there was no such thing as Valentine's Day in this kingdom, but since the rise of the Siyue Chamber of Commerce in the kingdom, as the forefront of fashion trends, the trend of Valentine's Day has also been driven.

Of course, the main reason why the Siyue Chamber of Commerce promotes Valentine's Day is to better sell their products.

Gamma has a deep understanding of business concepts and has completely absorbed the modern sales techniques that Sid taught her before.

If a product wants to sell well, qualified marketing methods and advertising are essential. But by binding chocolate to a day like Valentine's Day, they don't have to worry about not selling.

Just like now, the two guys, Jia Jia and Shuluo, learned that Valentine's Day is a good day to express love to the one you admire, and as long as they send the legendary chocolate, the success rate of this can be increased. At this time, the two people's bored hearts suddenly became restless.

 “Chocolate? Valentine’s Day…”

Hearing these familiar words, Sid was stunned for a moment, but soon he realized where such things should come from.

“Haven’t you heard of it? It is said that on Valentine’s Day, if you give a mysterious chocolate, you can make the opposite person you admire fall in love with you!

It is said that this mysterious chocolate is currently only owned by the Yotsukoshi Chamber of Commerce, so we plan to sneak away to buy it during the afternoon break. "

 Can you make the person you like fall in love with you just by giving him chocolate?

  No, no, no, Sid has never even heard of such chocolate, let alone seen it.

This is chocolate, not some shady chocolate mixed with love potions...

  Obviously, this kind of propaganda is completely nonsense at first sight. Sid can also guess that it is probably an advertisement by Gamma and the others.

As we all know, if advertising is not bragging, then what the **** can it still be considered advertising?

However, Jia Jia and Xiuluo looked like they were convinced of this kind of advertisement that was so false at first sight.

However, in order to make himself gregarious and to consolidate the "friendship" of their threesome, Sid finally agreed to go to the Siyue Chamber of Commerce with Jia Jia and Shuluo.

When they arrived at the entrance of the Siyue Chamber of Commerce, Sid and the others really realized what it meant to be crowded with people and guests.

 Obviously, Siyue Chamber of Commerce has successfully implemented the strategy of bundling chocolate sales for Valentine's Day, which is why it has attracted so many guests.

When he saw the long queue, Sid couldn't help but sigh. Although the modern marketing methods in the previous life were a surefire way to put it in a world with this medieval background.

 But the talent of Gamma that can completely absorb those marketing methods and use it in this era is really amazing.

These people lining up in long lines to buy things are here to buy things, or they are simply here to give money.

However, what makes Sid feel extremely regretful is that although the Siyue Chamber of Commerce is nominally his property, the money earned does not belong to him at all...

"These three guests, because our Chamber of Commerce is holding an event, and these three are the lucky guests we have selected, so they can enjoy VIP treatment directly without having to queue here." Jia Jia and Xiuluo looked at the big queue in front of them. There was a long queue. I originally thought that they might not be able to wait until the evening.

But who knew that just when they were at their wits' end, a young lady with long chestnut hair, a voluptuous figure, and a sweet appearance suddenly spoke to them while holding a sign.

Hearing what the other party said, Jia Jia and Xiuluo looked excited. They thought it was due to their luck, and they kept posing towards the beautiful young lady in front of them in what they thought were handsome poses.

But little did they know that Niu in front of them seemed to completely ignore the two of them, and his attention remained on Sid.

The so-called "lucky customers" are of course nonsense. New thinks of Sid. The Siyue Chamber of Commerce is originally the property of the "Shadow Courtyard". How could they let Master Shadow line up here with some trash fish.

“This guest, because you are the thousandth customer of our store today, you have even more special treatment. Please come with me here.”

After entering the Siyue Chamber of Commerce, New made another excuse and took Sid to the room behind the Siyue Chamber of Commerce. In this room, Gamma and a group of store clerks from the Siyue Chamber of Commerce had been waiting for a long time.

After Sid stepped onto the throne, Gama also took New and the Siyue Chamber of Commerce and other store clerks to kneel down in front of Sid.

“Master Shadow will make a sudden visit to the Siyue Chamber of Commerce today. Is he also here for that matter?”

Hyd had just sat on the throne, looking at the golden gold coins aside. Sid, who was using slime to secretly roll the gold coins into his sleeves, was stunned for a moment when he heard what Gama said at this moment.

 Hide: (_;, for that matter? What the **** is it? I don’t know why.

"Ah, that's what happened. I've indeed noticed it, so tell me your guesses and investigation results."

Sid naturally knows nothing about what Gamma said, but now he is wearing a vest of shadows. In order to maintain his image and character, even if he doesn't know anything, he still has to understand. Pretend to understand!

“As expected of Lord Shadow, can’t I hide anything from you?

Originally, I wanted New to report this matter to you in a few days, but Lord Shadow actually came here in person, so let his subordinates report the situation in person. "


The fact that I came to buy chocolates with the two idiots Jia Jia and Shuluo must not be exposed. In short, I must maintain this attitude of having everything under control now!

“Since the last riot in the royal capital, our name of ‘Shadow Courtyard’ seems to have completely entered the Diablos Order’s sight.

 Especially Lord Shadow's "Atomic Kill" shot, which aroused the vigilance of the Diablos Order.

And they know nothing about our "Shadow Courtyard". Even if they want to investigate us, they have no way to start, so they have recently been trying to induce us to take action in this way.

Of course, according to Lord Dark Night, because the "Shadow Courtyard" went too far last time, Alice, the first princess of the kingdom, had a very bad impression of the "Shadow Courtyard".

 Another reason why they did this may also be to ruin the reputation of our "Shadow Courtyard", and even intend to intensify the conflict between us and the Kingdom of Midgar. "

Gama said below, and Sid nodded above. Although he was confused and had many doubts, he didn't know how to ask questions at this moment in order to maintain his composure.

 (End of this chapter)