MTL - Start From Soul Society and Cutting Through All the Worlds-Chapter 261 Sid, are you cosplaying?

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Chapter 261 Sid, are you cosplaying?

Clea Cageno was well-known, and Diablos targeted female children, so it was only natural that he was targeted.

The better the test subject, the higher the magical adaptability to the Diablos factor may be, and the greater the possibility of becoming a "son of Diablos".

 The so-called Sons of Diablos are the children of orphans or poor families that the Diablos Order targets. As long as there is a little bit of magic adaptability, it will be kidnapped, and then cultivated, trained, brainwashed and repeatedly administered potions in a special setting.

 Those who survived were called the Sons of Diablos and were divided into three levels.

 The son of Diablos at the third level is a defective product and is mostly used as an abandoned son. Because the spirit has been broken, there is no need to worry about leaking information.

 The second-level Sons of Diablos have a relatively stable mental state, and very few first-level ones have one of the best combat capabilities.

 The highest-ranking Son of Diablos will receive the title, also known as the Named Son.

Ye City had previously learned from those people that the people who kidnapped Claire were not ordinary human traffickers, but crazy organizations that used human children as test subjects. He knew that things were going to be bad, so he immediately followed the traces. Find Claire.

 But when Night City found Claire, they found that she had been injected with medicine, and the magic power in her body was also in an extremely unstable state at this moment.

“Tsk, has the magic gone rampant? Is this the so-called Diablos factor?

If this continues, Claire's consciousness and body will be swallowed up by this thing! "

Using the long sword in his hand to violently pry open the lock of the prison, Ye Cheng saw Claire curled up on the ground and exuding a terrifying aura.

At this moment, Claire has fallen into a coma and is unconscious, but there is a powerful aura undulating on her body, which should be the power of the so-called Demon Diablos.

“There is no other way but to treat the situation as if it were a dead horse. Since the magic power is running amok, it should be able to be suppressed and controlled as long as the magic power is properly manipulated.”

Yecheng said to himself, while he reached out and began to sort out the magic power that was running rampant on Claire's body.

Over the past few years, Ye Cheng has mainly learned magic manipulation and compression before entering the mysterious space.

 Because before the plug-in was added to the account, although the magical power of Night City itself was stronger than ordinary people, it could not be said to be extremely huge.

 At least for the human race, his magic power is remarkable, but it cannot break through the limits of the race.

It is also because he knows that his magic power is inferior to other races in this world, so when he cannot improve his own magic power, Ye Cheng can only improve himself through other methods.

Through continuous research, Ye Cheng discovered that the magic power of the same quality and quantity, after a certain amount of compression and close operation, will be several times more powerful than before.

It is also because of this that in the past few years, Yecheng's magic power manipulation and magic power compression skills have reached a very impressive level.

Yecheng held Claire in one hand, while a magic circle appeared in the other hand, and based on the power of breath perception, it began to channel the rampant magic power in Claire's body.

Since it was the first time for him to perform the operation, Ye Cheng was quite concentrated. However, just when he was about to finish channeling the magic power in Claire's body. Two figures slowly walked out of the dark corridor. Judging from their age alone, these two figures should not be old.

 Because they are not tall, one of them is wearing a hooded black robe, and the other is a girl with long golden hair.

The pointed ears on both sides also indicate that this girl is not an ordinary human being, but a so-called elf.

 “I am the shadow, I dwell in the shadows, and I hunt the men of darkness!”

Looking at Ye Cheng, who was holding Claire in front of him, and the slightly fluctuating magic power on her body, the self-proclaimed "shadow" character suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at Ye City.

Kleia disappeared, and as her younger brother, Sid naturally couldn't ignore it. However, after Alpha's investigation, Sid found out that his sister Cleia had been kidnapped to this place.

After the two of them cleaned up a large number of trash fish along the way, Sid was obviously stunned for a moment when he saw Night City.

 After being stunned for a brief moment, he suddenly covered his face with his hands and began to laugh inexplicably, as if he didn't know what he was thinking of.

“Hahahahahaha, I understand. On the surface, he is a shining example of a noble child, and even has the template of a brave man, but secretly he is also a part of the evil in the darkness?

Such plots and reversals are common. If this is the case, then it will be up to me, Shadow, to hunt this last darkness with my own hands!

 Alfa, please step back a little, he is not a character you can defeat. "

Hearing what "Shadow" said, the elf girl named Alpha nodded and retreated to the rear obediently.

Just when "Shadow" drew out a thin sword and was about to attack Ye Cheng, he heard what Ye Cheng said in front of him, but his body froze in place.

“Sid, are you doing special cosplay? Or performance art?

If we are here to rescue your sister Claire, then our purpose is the same. You won’t think that I am in the same group as the person who kidnapped Claire, right? "

Hearing Ye Cheng say such words with a face that couldn't help but laugh, "Shadow", who had originally planned to show off, stopped dead in his tracks, and looked at Ye Cheng from his hood in shock.

Since his identity has been revealed, "Shadow" simply no longer hides his identity. Instead, he takes off his hood in front of Ye Cheng and reveals the childish face under the hood.

And this face was none other than Sid, whom Ye City had met at the Kageno house before, and who was also Cleia's biological brother.

 “How did you recognize me?”

At this moment, Shadow... no, it was Sid who looked at Night City with an extremely shocked expression. You must know that he was not just a cross-dresser. The magic power and aura on his body were different from those when he was Sid Kageno. A world of difference.

 But even so, Ye Cheng actually recognized his true identity at a glance!

It wouldn't matter if it was someone who was very familiar with him, but he knew Ye Cheng... no, it should be said that the number of times they met was quite limited, but Ye Cheng recognized him accurately!

This is his first appearance as "Shadow". In the past, he was known as "Handsome Thief Killer".

Sid thought about this "Shadow" vest and the matching lines for a long time.

Originally, he wanted to show off quietly as a "Shadow Powerful Person", but he didn't expect that Ye Cheng would recognize him just after he made his first appearance in the vest!

 His true identity can be seen at a glance. Can he still be considered a powerful person of shadow?

 (End of this chapter)