MTL - Start From Soul Society and Cutting Through All the Worlds-Chapter 24 Do all people from other worlds have such long names?

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Chapter 24 Do all people from other worlds have such long names?

Hearing Shima Yosuke's words, the elf girl was obviously anxious, because what she wanted to express was obviously not like this, but this half-orc didn't seem very smart and completely misinterpreted his meaning.

It doesn't matter that Shima Yosuke misunderstood him. The elf girl didn't care too much at first. After all, she wasn't familiar with the other party. She was worried that Ye Cheng had also misunderstood her meaning, so she looked nervously at her at the moment. Next to the night city.

"Yosuke, you can't say that to be honest..." When she heard Ye Cheng's response, the elf girl was inexplicably relieved. Fortunately, Ye City was different from the orc and did not misinterpret her meaning.

However, just as the elf girl was thinking this, the second half of Ye Cheng's words almost made her angry.

“You can’t say anything. After all, she is a wealthy boss, so it’s normal for her to have a weird temper.

  Anyway, as long as she gives me money, I don't care what her attitude is towards me. "

To the other party who saved her from the poisonous dragon, the elf girl felt that she should have expressed her gratitude just now. It was just because of her personality that she did not express her gratitude clearly, but anyone who was not a fool should be able to see it.

However, the two guys in front of her were obviously not ordinary people. One was a guy who fell in the eyes of money, and the other looked at the analysis seriously, and finally nodded in approval.

“So, this is a special mission based entirely on monetary rewards, so you can completely ignore the attitude of the characters in the plot, as long as you get the reward, right?

 That's true. It's just a chance encounter anyway. As long as you can complete the task and get the reward, the rest is secondary. "

Hearing Shima Yosuke's serious analysis, the elf **** the side was immediately speechless. So you are a watermelon. Her client is still here. Is it appropriate to say such a thing in front of her?

“My name is Sutriluchira Zegarunellulea Agranzelga Elgar, as you can see I am an elf.

 Nanye City, please remember this name well, we will meet again. "

 The elf girl originally wanted to know more about Night City, but she always found it difficult to continue the conversation with this half-orc here.

 So after telling her name, the elf girl planned to leave first.

However, when they heard the elf girl announce her name, both Ye Cheng and Shima Yosuke were obviously confused in the wind.

This is the first time they have ever seen such a ridiculously long name, and the other party asked Ye Cheng to remember his name, which was really difficult for Ye Cheng.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute, can you say your name again? I didn’t hear it clearly just now.”

  "Sutrilu Chira Zegar Runel Lulea Agran Zelga Elgar, do you remember it now?"

Yecheng:  ̄ ̄), Yosuke, do you remember it?"

Yosuke Shima: _;) What was she doing just now, chanting a magic spell?"

Even though the elf girl reported her name twice, Ye Cheng still couldn't remember her name.

 But he really can't blame him for this. The incantation of Ghost Road is not short, but Ye Cheng can remember it. The point is that this thing is a complete sentence after all.

But the elf girl’s name is not only long, but the words are all unrelated and pieced together, as if they were in a Buddhist scripture. Who can remember this?

Moreover, every time you address someone, you have to pronounce such a long list of names. Yecheng is even afraid of shortness of breath, and may even bite his tongue.

If there is a scene where a person is about to die and gives his last words, if you just read this name twice, you won’t have a chance to say the rest of the words... I see, your name is Cui, it’s a very good name. .”

 Elf girl: ~_~;) It's not Tsui, but Sutrilu Chira Zegarunel Rulea Aglan Zelga Elgar."

 Yecheng: "Okay, I understand, Cui."

“Are you deliberately trying to quarrel with me? So I said, it’s not Cui, it’s Su Cuilu, Kira Zegarunelle, Lulea Agranzelle…”

“Cui, do you know, the meaning of Cui is emerald, just as beautiful as your eyes.

And in our area, only friends who trust each other will give each other nicknames and address each other. You can also call me Yecheng. Isn't that okay, Cui? "

The elf girl originally wanted to emphasize what she was saying, but was interrupted by Ye Cheng. After understanding the meaning of Ye Cheng's words, the elf girl...oh no, Cui's face also turned bright red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"If that's the case, there's nothing you can do about it. I'm not asking you to do this, but you insist on giving me a nickname."

After leaving such a sentence, the elf girl Cui turned around and left. Even as she turned around, she stumbled and almost fell down. She didn't know it was because of excessive shyness, but because she was weak due to exhaustion of her magic power.

But in short, the two straight men present did not pay too much attention to the girl's departure.

From their point of view, the elf girl's original name was too inconvenient, and the current name Cui is much better than the original name.

"Ye City, I haven't seen you for about ten days, but you are still as strong as before. Have you defeated the poisonous dragon that lives here?"

Yosuke Shima appeared here originally to defeat the Poison Dragon. However, he was not entrusted by the Adventurer's Guild. He only thought that the opponent was a BOSS after learning about the existence of the Poison Dragon, so he came here to upgrade and fight the BOSS. Equipped.

“Well, that’s the corpse over there. I don’t know what’s going on. This poisonous dragon is obviously dead, but the poisonous mist it sprayed before still permeates the surroundings.

If there is no way to dispel the poisonous mist, the surrounding villagers who entrusted them may have to default on their debts. "

Looking at the purple poisonous mist that enveloped the surroundings, Ye Cheng felt a little regretful for not stopping the elf girl Cui from leaving just now. There was no purifying ghost path in the ghost path, so looking at the poisonous mist that enveloped the surroundings at the moment, he had a headache as to what he should do.

"If you want to clean up the poisonous mist, I can do it with wind magic - swift wind transport!"

Under Ye Cheng's slightly surprised gaze, Shima Yosuke first recited an extremely lengthy spell, and then strong winds began to blow around him.

These strong winds are not irregular, but blow toward the center from all directions.

The poisonous mist is a gas. It will naturally move when blown by strong winds. The wind from all directions quickly compressed the surrounding poisonous mist into a sphere. In the end, this sphere compressing the poisonous mist was captured by Shima Yosuke. All the glass bottles that were taken out were stored inside.

 According to what Shima Yosuke said, it might be useful when facing enemies in the future.

 (End of this chapter)