MTL - Start Binding: High-quality Male God System-Chapter 15 The seven days of National Day are full

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  Chapter 15 The seven days of National Day are full

  About the topic of transfer student exams, the three of them actually didn't talk too much.

   The questions involved are basically those, and the students who want to take the exam will know it when they think about it, so there is no need to talk bluntly.

  Because of the reference cases in the past, the two couldn't help but have an indescribable admiration for Li Songlin's decision.

   This should be the shock brought by pioneering, after all, no one in Shangye College has tried it before, right?

   Just when they were talking about this topic and couldn't continue, the bell rang in time to break the embarrassment of preparing to arrive.

   "Ding Dong, please come forward to pick up the meal on the 17th;" ^3

   "Ding Dong, please come forward to pick up the meal on the 18th;" ^3

   "Ding Dong, please come forward to pick up the meal on the 19th;" ^3


  The horn sounded, and the three of them got up together and went to the ordering counter to take their lunch.

   "Suck ~ **** ~"

  Meng Lang smelled the aroma of the chef cooking live dishes, and started to eat in a good mood.

   One mouthful after another, like the Tyndall effect, directly paying homage to one's internal organs.

  The sound of chewing, the slowly filling stomach, and the lunch time is over in a short time!

  In order to study better in the afternoon, Li Songlin planned to go back to the dormitory to rest first. As for Yuan Haonan and Meng Lang, they decided to study on their own.

  Looking at the two of them, he didn't persuade them much, but rushed to the dormitory alone.

  Everyone has their own decisions and plans, and there is no need to collide with their own ideas.

   What if you win? What if you lose?

  Walking on the way back to the dormitory, Li Songlin moved his eyes and looked around, and gave himself a set of binocular exercises for a limited time.

  He once thought that this method was really easy to use and effective. After all, no matter how much he played with mobile phones in the third year of high school, he was not nearsighted.

  And most of the same age have already worn glasses or invisible, and feel uncomfortable when looking at them.

   I don’t deny that there are people who look good with glasses, but that must be because of their good background.

  For him, not being short-sighted is something to be proud of, and it was one of the few things that made him commendable in the past few years!

  Send yourself up to the fifth floor after studying, return to the dormitory, turn on the air conditioner, set the alarm clock and fall asleep.

  One month is long enough for him to develop a regular life routine.

  Thinking about it carefully, as a socially-phobic otaku who loves to read novels, his day and night are reversed.

  After three years of this kind of life and rest, his eyesight has not declined, and he has not died, which can prove that he has a body that can withstand beatings.

   Without the system binding, his life would not have changed so much.

  One of the big reasons is that I was actually an ordinary person in front of me;

  When the novel just started, it was barely able to sign a contract. If it weren't for the later increase in IQ and physique, and I made a revision of the previous content, the effect would definitely not be what it is now.

  In fact, Big Bear was not very enthusiastic in the early stage, and he couldn't be more clear about this.

   Later, when his grades improved, his recommendations increased. Of course, editor Daxiong cared more than expected!

  The opportunity for many is that he has been adjusting and modifying some bugs in the original novel, so there are these comments that book friends say are getting better and smoother.

   Otherwise, it is also a life that will be cut directly after eating.

  Publishing books on the platform of the Qidiandushu Chinese website APP itself has rules for writers, and it is impossible for you to keep pulling wool, isn’t it?

  Generally speaking, a novel can make a profit of at least 4,500.

  Afterwards, you basically have to guarantee a daily update of 4,000 in order to get 1,500 for the new book support period.

  After the third month, if the standard 500 is not reached, the book will basically lose its profit value.

  Because it didn’t meet the standard, there will be no basic salary in the later stage. It’s all right to generate electricity for love, but in the end, just do what I don’t want to do!

  Fortunately, he was lucky...

   In terms of novels, I have not worried about it so far. After all, there are enough manuscripts and the future is bright.

   With the pillow on this head, Li Songlin fell into a deep sleep over there;


  The breathing rhythm is very frequent, and with the exchange of breaths, the body slowly rises and falls.

   Whenever someone comes in, he can feel his high-quality sleep that is about to overflow.

  According to the other three members of the dormitory, Li Songlin can go to the sleep live broadcast, with a little breathing sound, and a very honest sleeping position. It is not very suitable for doing this.

   "The boundless sky is my love, the flowers are blooming at the foot of the rolling green hills, what kind of songs are the most joyful..."

  The climax was played on a loop, and Li Songlin, who was full from his afternoon nap, took the phone and turned it off.

   This operation is done with eyes closed, which shows its proficiency.

   And it is not simply to hang up the alarm clock, but to enter the clock intuitively and turn off the alarm clock setting.

  I didn't stay in bed for a long time, I closed my eyes and stood up for a minute or two, then sat up abruptly.


   Rubbed his eyes, stretched straight, and quickly got out of bed to wake up!

   You can't relax on the bed, or you may fall asleep again in a few seconds.

  For his regular life and rest, how could he allow himself to break his plan?

   After a little cleaning, and some more water (drinking water), I finally set off for the library without haste...

  When they arrived, Meng Lang and Yuan Haonan were wandering their heads bit by bit.

  He came to say hello, and without accident, he saw two people lying on the seat in front of him and fell asleep.

  Looking at them resting, Li Songlin carefully opened the book in a very good manner, and started to study energetically...

   Looking at one side falling into a deep sleep and one side full of energy, he also knew why he gave himself a forty-minute nap time.

   Such an arrangement can really improve efficiency;

  The reason why they care about efficiency is naturally related to the high-quality male **** system.

   After all, its attribute points are obtained based on the effective reading time of 10 hours, so you must control your learning efficiency.

   If you don’t understand it when you learn it, if you are vague, then it is very likely that the system will judge it as invalid learning time, and you will not be able to obtain attribute points.

  This is a waste of time and effort, why bother?

   Li Songlin also summed up an arrangement after experiencing several lessons.

  In his current life, many people may find it boring and too tense.

  But he himself has never had such an idea, after all, what he has learned is his own.

   Instead of wasting time, it is better to spend time carving yourself.

  Going for a one-day National Day trip, he spent the remaining six days on regular study and life, and the attribute points are constantly accumulating...

  As time passed, his mastery of the content of the exam for the transfer students was gradually strengthened.

  (end of this chapter)