MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 756 imperial civil war

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Two days later, the Imperial Civil War broke out in full force. The thirty-six star domains dominated by the aristocratic territories announced their separation from the empire in a short period of time on the grounds of the royal family’s perverse actions, and reorganized into a new political entity—the Atlantis Alliance. The entire empire was thus divided into the empire and the The two major groups of the alliance, both sides began to mobilize for war, gather troops, and attack with the whole army.

Sandoval led the Regent King's Guards and Empress Erimia to compete for the command of the Imperial Space Force, which is generally considered to be the fuse of this war.

The Imperial Space Force rested for two days, replenished energy supplies and ammunition supplies, and then set sail again. Queen Erimia stood on the parade stand next to the main channel of the military port, watching batch after batch of warships pass in front of the parade stand, and they were about to go to the battlefield.

The empress dowager was standing a little behind, and Yang Ying was also there. The fleet passing by in front of him was so vast that it could not be seen at a glance. The battleships were arranged in a neat formation with one hundred ships as a unit, and sailed slowly. However, the demeanor is strict and the atmosphere is dignified.

Yang Ying looked at it for a while, then turned to the Empress Dowager and asked, "Your Majesty, how is the situation of the noble rebel army?"

"Your Excellency Yang Ying." The Empress Dowager replied, "The Empire has two of the four main spiral arms of the Milky Way. According to your habits, they seem to be called the Centaur Arm and the Swan Arm."

"That's right, that's right." Yang Ying nodded. The swan arm is also called the 3,000 parsec arm in Earth astronomy. It doesn't matter what it's called. The important thing is that the imperial capital circle of real human beings is on the swan arm .

"According to the imperial tradition, most of the aristocratic fiefdoms are placed in the arms of the people and horses, away from the core of the empire. This is to prevent the aristocrats from mobilizing private soldiers to rebel. This measure has indeed made it difficult for the aristocrats to affect the status of the royal family for a long period of history. But now it also makes it difficult for the royal family to affect the territories of those great nobles." The empress dowager said, "During this rebellion, the thirty-one star regions with the centaur arm announced their separation from the empire almost at the same time, and the thirty-two star regions with the swan arm Among the sixty-three starfields, the five starfields close to the arm of the centaur also rebelled, and thirty-six starfields out of the sixty-three starfields rebelled, and four-sevenths of the empire's territory has fallen."

"It seems that it will take a lot of effort and time to take back those planets controlled by the nobles." Yang Ying said, pointing to the fleet that passed in front of him, and said, "Their goal of this army is where?"

"Monagu Starfield." The Empress Dowager said, "Our goal at this stage is to clean up the rebel forces in the swan arm first, that is, the five rebellious starfields. Monagu Starfield is one of them , The fleet in front of us is composed of five of the 30 fleets of the Imperial Space Force, with a total strength of 500,000 warships. There are also four fleets of the same size that will go to the other four battlefields. See them soon."

"If possible..." The queen's telepathy suddenly joined in, "I really hope that this civil war will never break out, so that those complicated conflicts can be resolved through negotiations in a relaxed environment."

"That's a good idea." The Empress Dowager smiled, but her tone changed, "But it's impossible. If it was ten years ago when your father was still there, you might be able to ease the conflict through negotiations, but even if you He can't solve those contradictions, let alone you? Now the internal environment of the empire has deteriorated to the point where it cannot be resolved without a war. Whether you like it or not, this civil war is inevitable, the problem is just It's just a matter of time."

After more than half a day, the inspection work was over, and Yang Ying and the two Supremes did not return to the palace. Instead, they came to the Imperial Army headquarters built on the capital star.

It's just a rather splendid building, with a pyramid shape on the outside, seven floors high, and five floors underground. The surface of the building is covered with various complicated decorative patterns, and all kinds of ornamental green plants are planted around it.

Like other buildings on Capital Planet, it has a long history. Of course, the only thing that is old is the building itself, and the equipment inside is the most advanced.

After the outbreak of the civil war, information from all over the world flew in like snowflakes. As the supreme being of the empire, the Empress had no chance to rest at all. Fortunately, everyone is a fourth-level existence, so it is not difficult to stay awake.

Yang Ying did not participate in this battle, the Queen and Empress Dowager's subordinates were not without available people, and there was no need to rely on Yang Ying for everything. Before Yang Ying appeared in the empire, they relied on their own wrists to deal with Sandvor. Over the years, Sandvor has not been able to swallow the royal family, not because he is soft-hearted, but because he can't do it.

In the next few days, battle reports from all over the country came to the headquarters.

The war went on fairly smoothly, and the major star regions of the Centaur Arm seemed to be busy organizing a new alliance government, eager to fight for power, and preparing the army. These troops, which were originally private armies of various nobles, should be under the unified command of the alliance government ? If yes, who should be in charge? The nobles who surrendered their private army. How should its interests be protected?

These problems have slowed down the footsteps of the rebel army. It seems that they don't pay attention to the five rebel star fields of the Swan Arm. The vicinity of some key planets in the star field.

"It seems that those people in the alliance also want to use the five star fields to delay our time, so that they have time to integrate their forces and deal with internal conflicts." The queen said, "It is not difficult to see from the means of the alliance. The fleets they sent are obviously not only to assist in the defense, but also to monitor the nobles of the five star regions, so that they have to do their best, which is equivalent to the role of the supervisory team. Once the alliance is dissatisfied with those nobles, they can easily attack them Lao really a cold strategy."

"Sandover should be very clear." The empress dowager said, "With the power we have here, it is not difficult to eliminate the Swan Arm's rebellion. In his eyes, those five star fields are doomed to be lost. Of course not He would care about the thoughts of those nobles. He did this only to maximize the value of the five star regions. His goal from the beginning should be to split the entire arm of the army from the empire and cut the empire in half. After we take back the five star fields. This war has just begun."

The subsequent situation was as the Empress Dowager expected. The five rebel star fields in the Swan Arm were quickly regained by the empire. It took a total of twenty days from the beginning to the end of the battle.

After several battles, the Alliance Army has hardly won a single one, but it has also successfully delayed the imperial army's footsteps. While retreating, they also planned to destroy the major planets in the five star fields.

All kinds of production equipment were destroyed or dismantled, and valuables were taken away by them when they retreated. All kinds of materials were also guns if they could be robbed, and destroyed if they could not be robbed. Let the ordinary people on the planet fall into a situation of lack of supplies, so that the empire that took over had to distribute a large amount of disaster relief supplies to the people.

This greatly increased the logistical pressure on the empire, making these five star fields a burden for the empire.

During this period of time, Sandvor has also rectified the internal contradictions of the people and horses, and the framework of the new coalition government has basically been established.

The regular army of the alliance was also established. This army gathered thousands of private troops of the great nobles (those who can build a private fleet are all big nobles, at least earls, and small nobles do not have the strength and qualifications to build a fleet). There are tens of thousands of private armies of the great nobles, and only a few dozen or hundreds of ships.

Among them, those with tens of thousands of private troops are generally veteran-level nobles, and they are all fourth-level existences, and top veterans like Sandover, who have the fourth-level limit, even have a private army of more than 100,000 warships!

The number of top veterans is not many, counting Sandover, the total is only eighteen, but the total size of their private fleet is as many as four million ships, which is almost as different as the total number of all private armies of other nobles combined!

In other words, the number of the regular army of the alliance has reached 8 million warships, which is more than twice that of the imperial space army!

Subsequently, Sandward was elected as the grand consul of the alliance government, which is the position of the head of the alliance. His first order after being elected as the grand was to let the alliance army counterattack the empire!

The target he chose was the Darson Starfield, which is a starfield located in the middle of the empire, one of the thirty-two starfields in the Swan Arm, but it is close to the Alliance's Centaur Arm, which is not within the five rebel starfields. is the territory of the empire.

In order to deal a heavy blow to the empire, and rely on this victory to suppress the last voice of opposition in the camp, Sandvor decided to take command in person and lead a fleet of six million to the Star Field of Dasen!

The reason why there are still two million fleets in the arm is because the empire has stretched for hundreds of thousands of years, and its orthodox status has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people since the establishment of the alliance. There are military forces rebelling against the alliance everywhere in the arms of the people.

Some of the troops stationed by the original imperial army in the arm of the horse were expelled, some were defeated, and some were under pressure and hid in the dark. They gathered those who were dissatisfied with the alliance and organized a rebel army. , Constantly harassing the alliance's rear production line, so Sandvor must leave a considerable fleet for suppression.

The royal family got the news before the alliance's fleet to go to the Darson star field. Although the alliance left a fleet of two million, the fleet sent out was already twice the size of the imperial fleet. Or Sandover himself.

There is even news that several top veterans have also joined the ranks of this fleet. As extreme powerhouses, they will obviously bring great growth to this alliance fleet.

Facing the alliance's offensive, Yang Ying took the initiative to find the two supreme beings and asked to join the battle, because in the Dasen star field, there was a place where he had stayed for two years - Glacier Star!

He once learned pharmacy at Glacier Central College, and was promoted to a fourth-level existence.

【...Chapter 756 The Imperial Civil War has the fastest text update...】@!

(to be continued)