MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 740 capital star thing

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Real Human Empire, Capital Star. royal palace.

"What a powerful force, this is thirteen, no, fourteen fourth-level extremes gathered together, one of which should be Shaluo with the Orion arm, and the other thirteen have a sense of existence... It seems that the sea of ​​​​forces has never encountered it before. , is the new fourth-level limit, and their sense of existence is very similar, they should be from the same race, but is this possible?"

Empress Erimia was fidgeting in the palace. She stood in front of the delicately carved railings on the balcony, staring blankly at the starry sky, frowning slightly, showing a hint of worry.

"Daughter, do you feel it?" The Empress Dowager's voice reached her ears, and then, the Empress Dowager herself appeared at the door of her room.

"Queen, do you feel it too?" The queen turned around.

The Empress Dowager nodded, came to her daughter, and said, "That's right, it's not just me. I'm afraid those old guys in the Senate who have a deep connection with the Force Sea have already felt this strong sense of existence, It's unbelievable."

"That's right." The queen nodded gently, "Thirteen fourth-level extremes are from the same race, but they have never met before. This kind of thing has almost never happened since the original force sea was created. "

"This matter must be given the greatest attention." The empress dowager said, "Thirteen fourth-level extremes, this probably means thirteen god-core legions led by extreme powerhouses. Looking at the entire empire, there are only those Only the old veterans with the fourth-level ultimate strength can build such a legion with themselves as the core, and each of them has one. And the royal family, since your father died, there is not even one. Sandvor was able to eliminate the invasion The Allied Forces of the Fifteen Clans of the Empire’s Persian Arm swept across all directions and killed many fourth-level existences when they counterattacked the Persian Arm, and his Regent King’s Guards also contributed a lot.”

The most important thing about the God's Core Corps is the God's Core. Legions can be recruited at any time, and warships can be built, but the existence of the fourth level as the core cannot be replenished at will.

The most powerful combat power of the empire is the God Nuclear Corps. A few months ago, the reason why the empire's fleet was able to use 2 million warships to take over the 35 million fleet of the 15 clans of the Persian Arm Annihilating. It is because the empire has dispatched dozens of **** nuclear legions.

Under normal circumstances, it is not common to see the God Core Corps led by the fourth-level extreme powerhouse. This is because most of the people with the fourth-level extreme strength are the best among the high-ranking nobles of the empire. They have basically lived for tens of thousands of years. They have a vast network of contacts under the management of the upper echelon of the empire, enjoy a deep-rooted status, and have countless people serving them. They generally only order other people to go to the battlefield instead of going to the battlefield themselves.

Among them, Sandvor is an anomaly. He is the youngest extreme powerhouse among the upper nobles of the empire (he is also over 20,000 years old). He is ambitious. His guard fleet is the most active on the battlefield for nearly ten thousand years. An army of extreme strongmen.

At this time, the presence of thirteen unknown extreme powerhouses burst out from the Perishian arm. It is conceivable that this is such a shocking news for the recently precarious empire.

Empress Erimia closed her eyes again to perceive it carefully, and said to the empress dowager: "Mother, it seems that the thirteen mysterious extreme powerhouses are trying to eliminate a dozen or so fourth-level existences in the Orion Arm Expeditionary Army." .”

"They took advantage of the temporary inability of the empire to expand their territory. They came to Yingxian to pick peaches. Now that they have encountered such a crisis, they asked for it themselves. Don't feel sorry for them." The empress dowager said, "The most important thing now is to figure out The details of the thirteen extreme powerhouses, and then get in touch with them to see if we can establish a friendly relationship with them, and whether Sandwoll can take the lead. If I guess right, with Sandwolf's character, he It should have already left."

"Then I'm going to prepare..." The queen nodded.

"Slow down." The empress dowager stopped, "I'll just go. There is an important matter in the capital circle recently, have you forgotten?"

"Of course I will not forget the promotion of the new awakening potion." The queen shook her head and said.

According to the policy promulgated by the royal family, the promotion of the new awakening potion is first in the capital circle, because the capital circle is the only place that the royal family can control.

Over the years, due to the promotion of Sandwolf, the authority of the royal family has been weakened a lot, and it has been severely suppressed by the local nobles. reputation.

Today, Sandover's arrogance has not been suppressed. Although Sandover has lost a lot of positions in front of the royal family recently, he still maintains suppression of the royal family in many ways, just like the Senate, the imperial court, etc. Wait.

If this continues to develop, Sandwoll can still initiate a civil war at any time, which will bring huge troubles to the royal family, even if Sandwoll is defeated at that time. The royal family's control over the place will also be minimized, causing the entire empire to be driven into a vicious circle by this act of rebellion. Then chain rebellions will emerge one after another, one Sandvor will fall, and more Sandvor will rise.

In order to change this situation, the two Supremes put their ideas on the new awakening potion. They first announced that the promotion of the potion would start from the capital circle as a pilot.

The title of the capital circle refers to a star field. The territory of the real human empire occupies half of the Milky Way, that is, two spiral arms. In this huge land, there are a total of sixty star fields, and the capital circle is one of them one of.

The total population of the capital circle is 300 billion, of which there are about 50 billion real humans, and 300 million of them are imperial nobles. Among the 250 billion sub-humans, there are only 1.5/10,000, because Awakened by various encounters the day after tomorrow, this number is completely negligible in the face of the number of 250 billion.

The royal family decided to distribute new awakening potions to the unawakened subhumans in the capital area first. This work is nearing completion. The productivity of the imperial pharmaceutical industry is very strong. In the pharmaceutical factory on the outskirts of the capital, 250 billion doses of potions have been completed. Ninety-five percent of the time has passed, and the distribution work is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

The feedback from all parties is optimistic and enthusiastic. Ninety percent of the demihumans in the metropolitan area have awakened, and the probability of not awakening after drinking the medicine is only one in a million. After all, there are always some people whose genes have mutations that make their bodies unable to respond to this medicine. This is known in scientific research. It's totally normal.

In the eyes of people in other parts of the empire, this data is already a typical manifestation of miracles turning into reality. It obviously means that the era of national awakening is coming, and this era was only mentioned in ancient history.

According to the planned timetable, the remaining promotion work of Capital Star will be completed within three days, and the official pharmacy promotion plan will be announced to the public at that time. Empress Erimia has been busy with these these days. The game between the royal family and local nobles around the new awakening potion will officially start in three days.

For this reason, the empress dowager persuaded her daughter to let her go by herself. As the empress dowager of the real human empire, she is not afraid of thirteen extreme powerhouses. Convince those mysterious extreme powerhouses, but at least it is more than enough to protect yourself in front of them.

"Indeed, the disclosure of the official plan in three days' time will definitely shock the entire empire. Before that, I still have a lot of work to do, and try to keep the changes that will happen then under control. This operation can only be handed over to the queen mother." The queen thought for a while, and then said, "Well, let the two royal priests go with the queen mother. I think His Excellency Yang Ying and His Excellency Blade will not refuse, um... and Katerina."

During these days, the empress and Katerina have gotten along very well, and the relationship between the two is very close. Therefore, when calling out the name "Caterina", the empress did not add the word "Your Excellency".

The Empress Dowager smiled, nodded and said, "Okay, wait for my good news."

After leaving her daughter's bedroom, the Empress Dowager came to a side hall, which was the residence of Yang Ying, Dao Feng and Katerina.

Before entering the gate of the side hall, the empress dowager heard a burst of laughter like silver bells, of course she could recognize that it was the voice of her other daughter. UU reading www.

"Sophie, you are here to disturb Your Excellency Yang Ying again." The empress dowager walked into the side hall while talking.

"Mother..." Bai Bai dragged his voice, and threw himself into the arms of the empress dowager.

"Hey, go find your sister, I have something to talk to Your Excellency Yang Ying." The Empress Dowager patted Bai Bai's head and said softly.

"...Okay." Although Bai Bai didn't understand what was going on, she was not self-willed. She knew that the queen mother must have important matters, so it was inconvenient for her to know. So she turned her head and said goodbye to Yang Ying and others in a ladylike manner, then turned and left the side hall.

"Your Majesty the Empress Dowager, what can you do with us?" Yang Ying knew in his heart that the Empress Dowager should come, but he still asked, because even a fourth-level limit has a limited sensing range, and things that are too far away cannot be sensed. Not to mention crossing the spiral arm, with a distance of tens of thousands of light-years, he should not be able to sense the thirteen mysterious extreme powerhouses appearing in the Percyon arm.

The reason why the queen can sense it is entirely because she holds the sea of ​​force in her hands, the reconnaissance network that once spanned the galaxy.

The Empress Dowager briefly introduced what happened to Yang Ying and others, and then asked: "Your Excellency Yang Ying, I hope to meet those mysterious extreme powerhouses. Would you like to take a trip with me?"

Yang Ying nodded and replied, "Of course."

"No problem." Blade replied.

"Let me go too." Katerina also smiled.

"That's great." The Empress Dowager smiled, "It's not too late, let's go."

With that said, the empress dowager tore open the wormhole with her hand, and stepped in first, followed by Yang Ying, Katerina and Daofeng.

(There are only two chapters today, and I owe you a total of two chapters now, let’s make up when the opportunity arises)

【...Chapter 740: Things About the Capital Star has the fastest text update...】@!

(to be continued)