MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 730 battle on colony

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Although the combat power of the Loya people is very powerful. But compared to the massive Zerg army, these mechs are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers. They killed three Zergs, and then thirty rushed forward.

The prolonged battle covered the surface of their mechs with a thick layer of flesh and blood, and also put their spirits in the most tense state.

If you are not careful, you may be torn open by sharp claws coming from a certain angle.

The Zerg probably has the best fighting instincts in the entire galaxy. Their movements are sudden and without warning. Their instincts allow them to choose the most suitable time to attack, and their well-developed nerves allow them to shorten the reaction time to within a millisecond. !

The Loyas are not to be outdone. Some of them are high-level mechas, moving like ghosts, moving forwards and backwards, as if getting rid of the theorem of inertia. No matter whether they accelerate or change direction, they are impeccable. They rush into the sea of ​​insects and kill all directions. Every punch and kick carries a huge force that crushes everything, and blood gushes out wherever it passes.

A puppy rushed towards this kind of mecha. It was a white mecha, about 3.5 meters tall, with a streamlined design. It looks very concise.

Before the puppy approached, the white mecha punched out like lightning, directly smashing the puppy's head into the chest cavity. What's more, the mecha's fist had a strange force field, which was inside the puppy's body. It burst out and instantly blasted the whole puppy into pieces!

A row of Hydralisk's flying needles pierced the puppy's shattered flesh, and hit the white mech. The white mech stretched out a hand indifferently, and an invisible force field emanated from the palm, and the flying needles stopped immediately. In the air, he waved his hand to the side again, and the flying needle immediately shot to the side, hitting more than ten puppies right through!

Dozens of puppies rushed up from behind and surrounded the white mecha. The white mecha raised its hand and pushed it to the left and right sides. The force field suddenly expanded, forming a ring-shaped explosive shock wave that immediately wiped out all All the puppies flew out, and the puppies that flew out became like cannonballs, and knocked down a large group of Zerg units behind.

At this time, a row of spikes suddenly protruded from the ground under the feet of the white mecha, and the lurkers who were lurking underground seized the opportunity and attacked the white mecha!

The white mecha tiptoed, and a series of phantoms flashed across the fuselage, appearing fifty meters away in the blink of an eye, dodging the lurker's blow. However, an unknown sphere suddenly fell from the sky. When it was close to the ground, the sphere suddenly exploded and turned into a giant net with fluorescent green, instantly engulfing the white mecha!

This is the signature skill of the Zerg Queen Bee - Ensnare. This poisonous and corrosive net can slow down the speed of the target by more than double.

The white mecha that was hit was emitting blue smoke all over its body, and at the same time it made a sizzling sound. The net was pulled into the outer shell of the mecha, leaving deep marks, and at the same time, the movement of the white mecha slowed down a lot.

The fearless Zerg took the opportunity to rush up and submerge the white mecha. After a while, a bright light burst out, blowing away many nearby Zerg units. After a long time, the light dissipated, only Seeing that the white mecha and the Zerg units covering it had disappeared, he and them were all gasified.

The battle continued, and the white mecha was not the first high-level Loya mecha to be eliminated by the sea of ​​insects tactics, nor would it be the last.

As time went by, the outer wall was cut by the mammoth one after another, and a large number of Zerg units rushed in through these large openings. The flying dragon army in the sky provides cover for the ground troops. A large number of worms are patrolling the Loya military base. Whenever they encounter an enemy, they will hit it without hesitation. Some of them will explode into attack power, and some will bounce back to the next one. Target.

The defensive troops of the Loyas died one by one, but the Zerg army outside seemed endless, and they were invincible. Even if the Loyas had an advantage in some parts, they would be wiped out soon.

Originally, the number of Zerg army that launched the attack was fifty times that of the base defenders. After the hand-to-hand combat, this numerical advantage was immediately reflected.

In addition to the frontal battlefield, the Zerg also sent cockroach troops to break through the underground passage of the outer wall. When the first batch of cockroaches appeared inside the base, the Loyas called out the final reserve team and paid a huge price to kill all the cockroaches. Eliminate, blow up all the caves.

However, before the cockroach troops were completely wiped out, they had cooperated with the Zerg army attacking the outer wall and occupied many important parts of the outer wall.

An hour later, the Zerg army captured the outer wall and rushed into the base like a tide. They quickly paralyzed the last air defense facility in the base.

In the sky, a group of lords landed. They brought a large number of troops and dropped them directly into the core area of ​​the base.

Another batch of cockroach troops opened up the underground passage, and the Zerg launched a general attack on the Loya base from the sky, the ground, and the underground at the same time.

After another two hours, the fighting at the base gradually subsided. The resistance of the Loya people failed in the end. The supreme commander of the swarm, the cerebrum Orgen, successfully controlled the supreme commander of the Loya base, and got a lot of useful information from this person's mind.

Orgen used this supreme commander to open the Loya's underground material storage warehouses. It was supposed to be self-destructed before the base fell, but Orgen controlled the supreme commander in time and interrupted this process.

The warehouse group stores all the materials prepared by the Loya people for this colonial planet, such as various industrial materials, biological materials, special materials and so on.

The cockroach troop once again played the role of excavators. It took them half a day to dig 50 kilometers underground, opened a huge cave there, and opened the passage from the warehouse group to the cave.

Then, a large number of worker bees entered the warehouse group, and they carried various related resources down to the cave. A small number of worker bees still chose a place in the cave, and began to transform into Zerg buildings on the spot.

By the second day, the cave had become a nest of Zerg.

Thousands of bug queens laid eggs in the nest. The Loya people's reserve resources were all used for the development of the nest and the next generation of Zerg units. The Zerg army also lost a lot in order to capture this base. They need to get enough here. Supplementary sources of troops to cope with the tasks of the next stage.

At this time, the expeditionary force of the Loya people was rushing back, and they opened up a total of hundreds of colonial stars during this period of time. They are all located in two adjacent star fields, and now a small half of these colonial stars have fallen into the flames of war with the Zerg, which has brought them huge losses.

However, due to the expedition to the Zerg star field, they are still sailing at the fastest speed in hyperspace, but they are still three or four days away from their colonial star field.

During this period of time, the Zerg has extended its tentacles to nearly half of the colonial planets. Taking the No. 14 colony of the Loya Empire as an example, the Zerg has established underground passages extending in all directions on the planet, and even their own. Unclear underground lair.

These lairs are dotted all over, distributed in every corner of the entire planet. Unless the entire planet is sent to the sky, it is almost impossible to perfectly eliminate the Zerg on the entire planet.

Similar things happened in the colonial planets of other races. The Zerg race took root deeply with their tenacious vitality, rooted in the depths of the planet. They were determined to carry out Master Yang Ying's protracted war and guerrilla war plan to the end.

In the next few days, the main fleets of various races returned to their respective colonial planets one after another, and began operations to wipe out the Zerg. They easily restored the base on the surface, but the Zerg did not show any persistence.

However, when the troops of various races entered the base, problems began to arise. The Zerg came to sneak attacks almost every day and night, and some sneak attacks even happened during the day.

The sneak attacking Zerg troops are elusive. They will suddenly dig a path from the ground and attack the defenders in the base. The army continued to bleed, and the total number of casualties gradually increased.

All races know that the Zerg has built secret lairs underground, but those obvious passages leading to the surface have been blocked long before the main fleet of each race returns. If each race wants to find the nest of the Zerg, they can only find it by themselves. to dig.

With the full search of all races, some lairs were discovered, and these lairs were quickly wiped But this is only a small part of the hidden Zerg.

More nests were preserved, and as time went on, the Zerg continued to build new nests, and these nests became deeper and deeper.

The deeper the ground, the higher the pressure and temperature, but for the Zerg, this is not a problem. They can survive in the harshest environment, even if there is magma everywhere. The air is full of deadly radiation, moisture and air are full of toxins, and ultra-high pressure or ultra-low pressure, these environmental factors will not kill the Zerg, but will promote the evolution of the Zerg, allowing them to adapt.

After the main force of each race returns, it will be more difficult for the Zerg army to rampage again. Therefore, the cerebrates no longer make waves, but lie dormant and accumulate the number of troops. They only harass each race from time to time to lower the morale of each race.

While vigorously encircling and suppressing, while hiding and partial counterattacks, the two sides fell into a stalemate. Under such circumstances, the hundreds of planets in the Zerg star field became much deserted.

Although all races have left a small number of troops to form a shrinking combined fleet, intending to suppress possible counterattacks in the Zerg star field, but for the Zerg, this shrinking combined fleet is nothing to be afraid of.

Moreover, since the colonial planets of all races were bought, the conflicts within the United Fleet were fierce, and it was difficult to unify orders. Although the coalition forces invited the patron saint of the Republic of Garland, Bedak, as the leader, contradictions are contradictions, even if they are suppressed on the surface. There will still be an undercurrent in the dark, and various problems are complicated, which makes the efficiency of the combined fleet drop to the bottom.

(The busy days have finally come to an end. From tomorrow, we will resume two updates a day!)

[...Chapter 730 The battle text on the colony planet is updated the fastest...] @!

(to be continued)