MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 679 Yafei's Advice

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Chapter 679: Yafei’s Advice

After Yang Ying and Dao Feng entered the conference room, without saying a few words, Yang Ying asked, "Your Excellency Yafei, are you here to discuss matters concerning Fort Amendel?"

Ya Fei nodded, then shook his head again: "There is nothing much to say about the issue of Fort Almendel. Although this fortress has made great contributions in the history of the Kusta Empire's suppression of the rebellion in the Dida star field, it has wiped out countless Tens of thousands of battleships, but at that time the Kusta Stars had Karagunis, which could resist the sabotage of the fourth-level storage sneaking into the fortress. Now that Karagunis has fallen, to take down the fortress, I only need to open a It is enough to sneak in the wormhole and then wreak havoc, there is no need to invite the two to discuss something, I sent this invitation for another matter.”

Yang Ying asked: "What's the matter?"

"Before I talk about this, I would like to thank the two of you and the three lords of Protos for rescuing those poor children of our family." Yafei said, "Without your help, I am afraid they would not have disappeared. In the day-to-day concentration camp, life is precarious."

The transfer of 100 million singer captives is coming to an end. Most of the singers went home happily, but there are still a very small number of them. Al, learning the art and way of life of the protoss, even if he paid the price of freedom and stayed as a slave, he would not hesitate.

Their pursuit of art and beauty is very amazing, which Cass also admitted, but he still rejected them as the speaker of the Protoss Supreme Council.

Yafei also didn't want to offend the Protoss because of this, and turn a good thing into a bad thing. A few days ago, she had issued a compulsory recall order. After receiving the order, the latter batch of singers were very reluctant, but still Obeying the gods in their hearts, they obediently boarded the last batch of ships.

After thanking her, Yafei fell into a brief silence, as if thinking about how to speak, Yang Ying didn't urge her, he knew that the more Yafei was like this, the more cautious she was going to say.

Yafei pondered for a moment, then said slowly: "As far as I know, Leo, who escorted those poor children from the Kusta Stars, was ordered to pick more buyers, but after communicating with the Protoss once , I quickly changed my mind, I would like to ask, is Leo saved by a fourth-level spell of mind control by Protos?"

Although the masters of the third level can also use mind control spells, Leo himself also has the limit of the third level and cannot be controlled by the third level. To change his mind, only the fourth level can control his mind. save hands.

"Yes, there is such a thing." Yang Ying replied straightforwardly.

"Then afterward, Protos attacked the Berklake starfield, and many Berk people turned against each other, and there were countless surrenders." Yafei said, "Is there also a factor of mind control?"

Yang Ying didn't answer for a while, just looked at Yafei.

"I asked this question a little too abruptly." Yafei sighed, and said in a worried tone, "Your Excellencies, it's not that I, Yafei, want to meddle in other people's business, but that the method of mind control really makes people feel uncomfortable. People are worried. You two, and the three lords of Protos, don’t have much contact with the mainstream world of Orion Arm. You don’t know the mind control spell, which is really disgusted by all races..."

Yafei explained the reason. It turns out that the spell of mind control is too disruptive, just like a nuclear-armed country bullying a non-nuclear country. It has an overwhelming advantage. However, if two conflicting parties have nuclear weapons If it is not the case, it may turn into a nuclear war, causing immeasurable consequences.

Just imagine, if the fourth-level existence of the two parties controls each other, the world of ordinary people will not be messed up in the end.

Therefore, there has been a tacit understanding between the more than twenty fourth-level survivors of the Orion Arm, and they must not use mind control to deal with ordinary people.

However, mind control is very different from nuclear bombs. Once a nuclear bomb explodes, the entire planet will know about it, but mind control is an extremely secretive behavior. It is too difficult to supervise all fourth-level existences, so this tacit understanding is just a fluke after all. It's just on the surface.

For example, in the Millennium War between the singers and the Custas, the fourth-level existence of the two sides has long been torn apart. Both Yafei and Karagunis secretly controlled the other party's dignitaries more than once, which in turn affected a local war, and even The outcome of an all-out war.

However, although this tacit understanding is superficial, no one will openly challenge it. Mind control is generally recognized as an evil deed, and Protos has recently made a big splash, which has attracted quite a lot of attention. If it is determined that the process of conquering the Berks If mind control has been used, it is likely to cause widespread fear.

"Orion arms, the fourth-level beings who treat mind control as a child's play are often isolated." Ya Fei said, "Most people are unwilling to approach such fourth-level beings because they worry that their consciousness may be blocked at any time. Influence, the reputation of abusing mind control is too bad. If the consequences are serious, it may even lead to a situation of mass attack. If possible, I hope that the two of you can help persuade the three lords of Protos not to use it openly. Mind control."

Yang Ying could feel that Yafei's proposal was sincere, and it was a friendly suggestion from the face of those 100 million singers. In fact, Yang Ying had doubts about it a long time ago.

The mind control exercised by the fourth-level beings, from the ordinary people transplanted with thinking protection chips to the third-level mental power users, is powerless to resist. It is impossible to get the ninth place in the race.

Not only the Berkes, but also the eighth-ranked Hessian, and some other races do not have the protection of the fourth-level existence. It may be because of this "tacit understanding" that they can become a high-ranking advanced civilization.

Of course, in addition to this, the small number of fourth-level deposits is also an important factor.

There are only more than twenty fourth-level survivors in the Orion Arms, and most of them are like the Tibbutz House, who have no interest in race and politics at all.

And those fourth-level beings who need to protect a race also have a lot of things to restrain their energy. The more prosperous the race, the more various affairs will be, and the more their energy will be restrained internally.

The fourth-level beings are gods, not the tools of the race. It is too much to require every fourth-level being to be dedicated to race considerations.

The above are the important reasons for the vigorous development of the Orion Arm races today.

The fourth level of storage is not free to do whatever you want.

"I understand." Yang Ying said, "It is not our wish or Protos's wish to oppose the mainstream consciousness of the entire Orion Arm. I will advise Chairman Cass to be careful about the issue of mind control."

"Then I'm relieved." Yafei smiled, "The attack on Fort Amendel is about to begin, and I have foreseen that we will surely win."

"Your Excellency Yafei, why don't the three of us go to the Fortress of Amendel and wreak havoc right now, so as to open a wide avenue for the fleet." Blade proposed aloud.

"It's exactly what I want," Yafei said happily.

As soon as the words fell, Daofeng opened a wormhole with a wave of his hand, and stepped in first.

Yang Ying and Ya Fei looked at each other, Ya Fei was not humble, and followed in, followed by Yang Ying herself.

On the other side of the wormhole is a vast space in the shape of an empty cylinder, with a base area of ​​at least one square kilometer and a height of more than ten kilometers.

In the center of this space, there is a huge transparent pillar that pierces the sky, with a diameter of about 200 meters. It is as beautiful and magnificent as the Milky Way. Ordinary people will admire it when they take a look at it.


The moment the wormhole appeared, a piercing siren sounded.

"As expected of Your Excellency Blade, this is the core of Fort Yafei said, "Destroy this place, the fortress can only rely on backup energy, which can at least reduce the energy output of the fortress by seventy-five percent. "

Yang Ying felt it in his heart, and said: "The commander of the fortress already knows that the fourth-level beings invaded the fortress. Before the fall of Karagounis, many traps were set up in the core area, and they are about to be activated now."

As soon as the words fell, millions of runes suddenly appeared in the void, turning into blood-red fierce flames and burning towards the three of them.

"There are so many ferocious flames. Karagounis probably spent several years setting up this trap. This blow is even more ferocious than the strong moves he made himself!"

Ya Fei's voice was straightened up and she didn't look surprised. Obviously, she had foreseen the backhand left by Karagounis.

"How can a fallen being be fierce?" Yang Ying raised his hand and pointed, and the fierce flames gathered on his finger as if covered by a net of nothingness, forming a small flame .

The little flame didn't look much bigger than a finger, but it seemed to contain the brilliance of a sun. After beating twice, it suddenly struggled and changed into the appearance of Karagounis, and the face shape was very similar, like a shrunken version of Karagonis. Gunness.

"Is there still a virtual soul that only has a little wisdom and can handle some simple things... It's just empty." Yang Ying raised his hand to put the flames away, and the jumping little Karagounis didn't even have time to resist out, it dissipated in Yang Ying's palm.

"Excellent." This is the first time Yafei has witnessed Yang Ying's attack, and she thinks that if she deals with this fierce flame trap by herself, she will have to be very energetic, unlike Yang Ying, who can take this fierce flame away with a wave of her hand .

This can only be done if one is a whole realm higher than her.