MTL - Starchild Escapes Arranged Marriage-Chapter 1704 The victory of the devil (two more)

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Chapter 1704, The Victory of the Devil (Second)


Big Devil Kuji?

In the trial of the ball of the garden, the sudden entry of the match was made, and the pure love story of the "Young Boys Meet the Girl" and "The Red Lines of the Two" was written by the matchmakers, and became the end of the crisis when the devil was born and the world collapsed. See 1 wool 3 Chinese network

The great devil, Kuji, who has collapsed the world, is still playing a genius with a playful atmosphere, about "three days and three nights of the three sisters and the great devil and the evil spirits and the prince."

Although this route is not pure love at all.

The question is, after the collapse of the ball in the garden, as the incarnation of the origin of the world, did Kuji not disappear?

Her body, Yun Xi has seen in the retrospective memory of the worldly white princess, and is part of the inability of the creation of the world.

"Is there any thoughts about me... Darling..." Kuji glared at Yunxi’s ear, apparently only for a few days, compared to the long period of time as the body of the garden, which is almost negligible. Time.

However, for the great devil, Kuji, who has been sleeping in the ball of the garden for thousands of years, these days are much longer than all the years that have passed in the past.

After the ball of the garden collapsed completely because of the contradiction of the world view, as the body of the ball of the garden, she also disappeared with the smoke - it is impossible!

What is her body, it is one of the incarnations of the great abyss consciousness that lasted for a long time, unable to end the body of Shenaia.

Even the miraculous miracle creation that has been cut by someone and made into a ball of the garden has a characteristic that can hardly be eliminated.

Undead, not dying, this is the talent that Kuji has in the body of the **** Naina.

The self-destruction of the ball of the garden is not so much the destruction of world ethics as it is the intention of Kuji himself. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

And the last three days and three nights of the prince, she is the farewell to the world as the body of the garden.

As for the nature of its own, as early as Yushenjing, the eight feet from the real Huangquan was revealed to her.

In this regard, the memory of many fallen **** witches, and Kuji who realized the meaning of their own existence, finally chose the ending of "destroying the world."

The main line of the world is to prepare a blind date for the Princess of Heaven and Earth, and she does not accept it.

It’s okay to destroy such a world.

As long as she can spend the hot and hot time with the prince and enjoy the sweet and perfect ending of love, she can kill herself once.

For the great devil, Kuji, love is more important than the world.

This ending is also in line with the theme of the garden ball "love."

The love story of the Great Devil and the prince in the last days, that is the last chapter written by the ball of the garden.

If it wasn’t for the big evil **** Leviathan who suddenly ran in to correct the world line, the great devil, Kuji, almost succeeded in monopolizing the prince.

Finally, in the three-day, three-night story of the prince and the big devil and the three sisters and the gods, Kuji is also the most enjoyable one.

Who told this story to happen in the life ark that was transformed from her body, but she has an infinite home advantage.

And the prince is hot and hot, and the number of times the sorrows are applied, the three sisters of the shrine do not add up to her.

In the special CD of Leviathan's secret collection, the heroine of half of the events was Kuji.

Sometimes on!

Sometimes it’s down!

In an overwhelming manner, despising two-thirds of the three sisters of the Shinto shrine. .

When the clothes are faded, the white loose waist, the crispy scent ~ milk, all naked.

When I was intimate with the prince, the scenery was always light, light and light, tight and narrow, soft and soft, and gradually slipped, and the set was frustrated.

As a woman's charm, the great devil Kuji said that he is second, no one can say first.

As usual, the eyes that cover Yunxi are the most common operations for the big magic Kuji.

"Wait... Kuji?" Yunxi's voice was particularly shocking. It was an incredible feeling of seeing fantasy come true.

That Kuji, really appeared in the real world?

It is not the fantasy in the ball of the garden, but the real and unreal Kuji.

"Of course it is me……"

"Let Darling keep you waiting... It took a little time to recover from the abyss..." Kuji seized Yunxi's hands and verified his true body in the most overbearing way.

Well, such a huge, so heavy touch is that Kuji is right!

The pair of chests in Yunxi’s hands were extremely domineering, almost completely occupying the upper body of Kuji, and there was no open space that was not crowded.

It is like marshmallow and jelly. It feels like it is in the clouds. It is wonderful.

This group also contains a continuous stretch of strength, the hand presses up, a little loose, the palm is immediately bounced by this wonderful chest ~ part, the touch is unparalleled.

Compared with the 啪 模拟 simulation, the feel is even better, this is the authentic Kuji pie!

The sense of weight and weight that can't calm down and start to overflow.

Soft, smooth, with the elasticity of the hand that you want to push back.

Even if you don't rely on vision, but only with the palm of your hand, Yunxi can confirm this.

"This time... must be with Darling..." Kuji bites Yunxi’s ear and quietly speaks touching words.

At the same time, the weight of the stalwart, which seems to be unbearable in life, has already been overwhelmed by Yunxi.

"Wait... here is the territory of Leviathan..." Yunxi can't forget, here is the palace of Leviathan, and the dragon egg that Liviathan has just split is still hot.

After intimately absorbing enough Yunxi energy, the canopy beast Leviathan has happily bred a new batch of dragon eggs.

She said happily that these little guys who have absorbed enough love and moisture will grow better and healthier.

The Zaka Army of Fireworks will also become stronger because of the addition of these little guys.

"Don't worry, they can't see it here for a while." Kuji dared to invade the field of Leviathan, and naturally he was well prepared.

As part of the division of the inability of God, Kuji is born to be the qualification of the Great Devil.

This time intercepted the coordinates of an unnamed thing coming to the world of Seaia, the first masterpiece after her resurrection in the abyss.

"Time... is very precious..."

"Before Leviathan came back... enjoy it with Kuji."

The black ball envelops Yunxi and the great devil Wang Kui in the field of Leviathan, which is a more delicate operation than the evil spirit Traviska Pantai Kutli, only for the darkness of Yunxi.

"The home of someone else... the feeling of stealing... not bad..."

Kuji licked his own lips and smiled.

Ps: This round is the victory of the great devil Kuji!