MTL - Star Reborn: Into the Wild with Cubs Live Streaming-Chapter 461 juggling celestial beings

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  Both Yin Xuehan and Long Xu were on their way at high speed. After both of them were out of the novice ascension area, they could finally teleport.

   This time, the two of them traveled quickly, and most importantly, those who were watching could no longer catch their figures.

  Without the feeling of being watched, Yin Xuehan and Long Xu felt much more relaxed, and walked a lot easier.

   And on the next road, during their teleportation, the distance between the two people is really getting closer.

  Finally, after a month and a half, the husband and wife were reunited. The husband and wife met each other and smiled, and then they held hands, chose a direction and teleported away without saying anything.

  The fairyland is really vast, but because the two of them didn't have a good experience after coming out of Feisheng Pool, so the two of them didn't plan to enter various cities in the fairyland.

   With the teleportation of the two people, it is even more difficult for those people to catch their aura, and as time goes by, these people can no longer find the trace of Yin Xuehan and Long Xu.

   This made these people a little depressed. After all, they wanted to recruit Yin Xuehan and Long Xu into their group, but looking at the current situation, they seemed to be avoiding them.

  Yin Xuehan and Long Xu settled down in a deep mountain. In this area, they didn't sense any human traces, so the two of them stayed there.

  After the cave was opened here, time passed, and it took a whole year for the two of them to ascend to the fairy world.

  The husband and wife can finally enter the portable space, and they finally returned to the sky garden. Everyone in the sky garden really worked too hard.

  Since Yin Xuehan and Long Xu ascended, everyone else wanted to follow in their footsteps and ascend.

   As for the return of Yin Xuehan and Long Xu, after the others learned about the experience of ascension to the fairyland from the two of them, they immediately became lazy one by one. They didn't want to work hard anymore, how could they break it?

  Especially at the Ascension Pool, someone had specially set up obstacles, which made everyone feel a little unbearable.

   After all, don’t immortals give everyone the impression that they are pure-hearted and ascetic? And what's going on here?

   It was also thanks to Yin Xuehan and Long Xu who directly gave everyone a strategy, the children began to continue to practice.

Now counting the big treasures, Beibei and Erbao have the fastest cultivation speed, Erbao has now passed the position of heaven in the demon world to Long An, there is no way, now Long An is a step behind, as for Long An, the emperor over there, passed directly to Grandpa Long's eighth son. That guy is very capable, and most importantly, he cut off contact with Grandpa Long and Grandma Long.

Grandpa Long and Grandma Long are still in the realm of comprehension. As for Mao Mao and Doudou, although they were not arrested in the end, it was as if they had been punished by the gods. Their cultivation had never improved again. Grandpa Long Grandma and Long also followed the two of them into bad luck.

  Although he said that Grandpa Long had looked for other children, everyone avoided him, but he didn't find them again, so in his heart, the idea of ​​relying on brothers and sisters to support Mao Mao and Doudou was not implemented.

In the third year when Yin Xuehan and Long Xu ascended to the fairy world, Dabao, Beibei and Erbao all ascended, and the three of them ascended. Yin Xuehan and Long Xu made a lot of preparations, and they also refined a batch of teleportation arrays. , these teleportation arrays can be directly teleported to their current location.

  However, Dabao, Beibei and Erbao all refused, because they wanted to go through the journey of their parents, and Beibei was lucky enough to land in the Feisheng Pool where Yin Xuehan stayed.

  The second treasure is the Ascension Pool where Long Xu stayed, but the big treasure has landed in a brand new place.

  The three children have studied the strategies of Yin Xuehan and Long Xu, and know that they are being watched now. The three of them have done many unthinkable things, and these things have attracted the people behind them to come out frequently to find the three of them.

Although the cultivation bases of these people are not weak, but Dabao, Beibei and Erbao have a lot of means, and they are supported by Xiaofei's shop, so the three of them have played these people around this time, like It was like walking a dog, walking these people around the fairyland, when these people realized, the three little guys had already returned to Yin Xuehan and Long Xu's side.

  Both Yin Xuehan and Long Xu admired the boldness of their children.

  Yin Xuehan and Long Xu's cultivation base has been raised to the level of a fairy king, and it is still possible to protect their three children.

  Dabao and the others angered those people and made them start looking for them all over the fairy world, but the situation was the same as that of Yin Xuehan and Long Xu, they found a lonely person, and the three of them suddenly seemed to disappear.

   Time passed and another five years passed, and this time it was time for the Three Treasures, Four Treasures, Five Treasures, Guoguo and Taotao to ascend.

  With the lessons learned from their elder brother and the others, the first thing these five little guys do after ascending is to hide their appearance. They don’t want to be a target for their elder brother, after all, their looks are too similar.

  Although it is said that they hide their own appearance, their behavior is the same as Dabao and the others, directly playing these people again.

  That behavior and actions are not to mention bad.

   Originally, those people did not connect these five guys with Dabao and the others, but their actions were too similar, and they were tricked by the same trick again. Now these people were a little bit upset.

  One by one was particularly unwilling, God knows they have been offering bounties for five years, but they haven't gotten any news from Dabao and them at all.

  Yin Xuehan is a little speechless now, what should I do if my children are too crazy? The only thing she hopes now is that her elder brother, parents, and Long Xu's subordinates will be more honest when ascending one by one, and don't make trouble again.

  Yin Xuehan and Long Xu's cultivation base is getting higher and higher, and the two of them have finally been promoted to the level of Immortal Emperor after fifty years.

  And in these years, people related to Yin Xuehan and Long Xu have been offered rewards by the whole fairy world, but in the end they all became unsolved cases, and no one could find their traces.

  When Yin Xuehan and Long Xu reached the level of immortal emperors, they finally established a large palace belonging to them in the immortal world.

  The appearance of the two people was revealed, and the entire fairy world was in an uproar. After all, the husband and wife had also been offered a reward.

  Those who had offered rewards to Yin Xuehan and Long Xu were all dumbfounded after knowing that these two had been promoted to the level of immortal emperors.

They have been looking for Yin Xuehan and Long Xu all these years. After all, the image of the two of them crossing the catastrophe is really attractive to them. They really only want to build a good relationship with these two people, but they did not expect that they have now been promoted to The level of the Immortal Emperor has become an unattainable existence for them.

  Yin Xuehan and Long Xu intend to stay in the Immortal Realm for hundreds of years. After all, they have just established their own palace. At least they will not continue to ascend until other people have a firm foothold here.