MTL - Star Reborn: Into the Wild with Cubs Live Streaming-Chapter 441 throne of empire 1

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   Chapter 441 The Throne of the Empire 1

  Yin Xuehan immediately began to communicate with his second treasure. This was definitely agreed by his second treasure. If he didn't agree, he would never become the **** of this world.

"Erbao, why did you agree to become the Heavenly Dao here? Don't you plan to leave this demon world with your parents?" Becoming a Heavenly Dao can be said to be tied here, even if you leave, you can't leave for too long of.

   "Mom, I want to challenge. The rules of heaven here are so interesting." Er Bao was very excited. Although he is only three weeks old now, he knows a lot of truths, especially things like rules.

  To be honest, if he hadn't grasped the core of the rules of Tiandao, he wouldn't be able to become Tiandao.

   "Long Xuri, don't you miss your parents?" Yin Xuehan was a little depressed.

"Mom, I'm here, so you can come and see me too, can't you? And I have mastered the rules of heaven here, and I just caught the woman who murdered my mother, so that she won't make any more troubles." Erbao was very firm. , the rules of heaven in this world, he has only mastered part of the lower planes now, and next, he needs to attack the higher planes.

  Yin Xuehan knew that her second son was very sure. She really had no way to force her son, so she could only agree in the end.

   "Erbao, protect yourself!" Yin Xuehan knew too well that they couldn't follow Erbao all the time, so she was really worried about leaving him alone in this world.

  Erbao smiled, "Don't worry, mom, I have already mastered half of the rules of the heavens here, and it only takes a few minutes to master the rest of the rules of the heavens."

  Yin Xuehan looked at the second treasure, and then was stunned for a long time. For some reason, she suddenly felt that her second treasure might have been a great power in her previous life. Otherwise, how could she be so proficient in the rules of heaven?

  But no matter who the child was in his previous life, he will be her son in this life.

  Yin Xuehan sighed. In the end, after Yin Xuehan and Long Xu sent Dabao and Beibei back to the academy, she returned to the demon world by herself, and she had to accompany her second child for a while.

  Long Xu is still arranging the affairs of StarCraft. According to Long Xu, he has set up a cabinet, which is to assist the emperor in handling government affairs.

  Long Haotian and his wife have reached the foundation building stage, and they have already left the customs. Long Haotian has no interest in political affairs, and now he is more interested in cultivation.

  Grandpa Long was a little unhappy during this period, because his grandson proposed that if the Long family no longer manages the empire in the future, the cabinet will take over.

  Grandpa Long is not happy, he doesn't want to let go of the empire that the Long family has conquered.

  Long Haotian felt a little helpless towards his old father, so Long Xu finally proposed to let his parents have another child.

  Long Haotian began to think about this issue. He knew that he had no way to change his son's thinking, and now he had the same thinking as his own son. Even Pang Linlin wanted to practice cultivation.

  When Long Haotian talked to Pang Linlin about having another one, Pang Linlin asked, "Would you teach him how to practice when he has another one? As long as he cultivates, he will definitely not care about political affairs, but if you don't teach him how to practice, will you have the heart?"

  Long Haotian was stunned. His children naturally hoped that he was alive, and his children were also alive, but anyone who practiced would be attracted.

Thinking of this, Long Haotian thought of his eight little grandchildren at this time, he looked at his wife with sparkling eyes and said, "Why don't we just issue the royal announcement directly, as long as they are direct descendants of the royal family, they must We have to manage the country for ten years, and our family, Axu, has managed it for ten years. Adding his eight children, it will be ninety years. It is estimated that Axu’s child will have another child by then. This rule will continue to be implemented. We don't need to worry any more."

  Pang Linlin looked at her husband with a smile, "Your Majesty thinks your daughter-in-law will obediently bring the children back, wasting their ten years of cultivation?"

  Long Haotian was directly choked by his wife's words, isn't it, he thought but Yin Xuehan would give in?

  Ten years may be a big step, and wasting ten years may delay the ascension of one's own son and daughter-in-law.

  Long Haotian was speechless, "Then what do you say?"

  Pang Linlin clenched her fists, "Let's give birth ourselves!" They couldn't control Yin Xuehan's child, but they could always control their own child, right?

   "Are children really not allowed to practice?"

"Cultivation is naturally possible, but if you have an heir, you can let the heir succeed you, can't you?" Pang Linlin smiled and said that she has a good relationship with her daughter-in-law now, and she doesn't want to drag her down. So now I can only go up by myself.

   I have to say that this mother-in-law has true love for Yin Xuehan, knowing that it is impossible for Yin Xuehan to let the children waste time managing an empire, after all, the place they yearn for now is the fairyland.

  Pang Linlin had a private chat with Yin Xuehan about this topic, but Yin Xuehan had an idea. She told Pang Linlin that she should have the avatar technique. When Long Xu practiced the avatar technique and let his avatar technique inherit the throne, it would be the same.

  Pang Linlin immediately became excited when she heard that, "Then hurry up, mom doesn't want to waste time here, mom also wants to go to the cultivation world to practice."

  After all, my own Dabao and Beibei have said that the aura in this cultivation world is rich, and it is more effective in cultivation.

  Pang Linlin didn't want to waste any more time.

  She couldn't help but said, "If I had known this, then the offshoot of the Long family wanted the throne, so I gave it to them earlier, and it saved us from worrying about this issue here."

  Yin Xuehan thought for a moment at this time, "If we bring a child back from the side line, with our current ability, it is enough to brainwash him into a person who will devote himself to the empire."

  Pang Linlin's eyes immediately lit up when she heard this, "You can have this, first brainwash him, and then give him some strategies for governing the country, and our family will be able to get rid of it completely."

  Yin Xuehan whispered, "The most important thing is to see grandpa's attitude."

  Pang Linlin said, "I'm going to talk to your father, he doesn't have the heart to manage the empire now." My husband absolutely agrees with this idea, and the most important thing is that they can be quickly separated from the country's government affairs.

   Moreover, the entire empire still belongs to the Long family. The most important thing is that they find an emperor who works hard to govern, which is worthy of the love of the people of the empire.

  After Pang Linlin made this suggestion to Long Haotian, Long Haotian immediately agreed. After all, he felt that it would be better to sell someone else's child than to use his own.

Most of the offshoots of the Long family were kicked to remote stars by Long Xu, but on the side of the empire, there are also some offshoots of the Long family who did not participate. The number is not many, but there is only one family with only two children left, a boy and a girl. , the boy is already sixteen years old, and the girl is only eleven years old. Their parents died in an accident.

  These two children were not qualified to participate in the Long family collateral line, so Long Haotian summoned these two children into the palace.

  (end of this chapter)