MTL - Star Reborn: Into the Wild with Cubs Live Streaming-Chapter 436 Trial Road 2

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  Chapter 436 The Road to Trial 2

"Vice President Miao, did you put the fire-avoiding beads and water-avoiding beads on the two children so casually?" A real person said in disbelief. I have never seen the shadow of water-avoiding beads and fire-avoiding beads!

Miao Lin smiled, "This is the ability of the children's parents, I don't have this ability, besides, this is a family's chance, I suggest you don't think about my two disciples, they are my apprentice."

   Miao Lin is not only leaning against the academy, but also the elder brother of the city lord of Tianyuan City, so even if other people have something on their minds, they have to think about it first.

  Yin Xuehan never thought that this Miao Lin would protect her two children so much, but who let her own these things?

  At first, she was still thinking about giving the children's master something, but now it seems that a pair of beads is enough. These fire-avoiding beads and water-avoiding beads are obviously considered big treasures in this world.

  Miao Lin didn't even think that because of her maintenance of her two little apprentices, she won the favor of the big benefactor. From then on, all kinds of treasures can be said to be softened.

  At this time, Dabao and Beibei have passed the first level. You must know how many children who came to the academy were trapped in the first level.

  Although they have been admitted now, the more passes they pass, the brighter their future will be.

  Although it is said that Dabao and Beibei are so easy to pass because of magic weapons, the teachers and dean of the college also believe that magic weapons are also part of their strength. After all, this kind of magic weapon is not something everyone can have.

  The second level is a level of literacy. The characters here are the same as ancient Chinese characters, so Dabao and Beibei can easily pass this level.

The teachers who watched the trial saw that these two children had a 100% pass rate, and some people couldn't help looking at Miao Lin, "Deputy principal, these two children know so much, you should teach them What?"

  Miao Lin looked at the man coldly, "Since my apprentice has passed the literacy test, there is no need to waste time on literacy."

  The man choked for a moment, shrank his neck and stopped talking.

  The third level is the intelligence test. The test here is the IQ. The teachers think these two children should be stumped, right? After all, most children are still stuck in the first level.

But what they didn't expect was that these two children passed this level as if they were playing. The IQ of these two little guys is definitely high, but think about it. It can also be explained.

  The fourth level is to test the cultivation level. Some monsters begin to appear here. Under normal circumstances, only the third level of Qi training can pass.

Miao Lin knew the cultivation level of her two disciples, so she was not worried at all, but the other teachers were not very happy at the moment. These two children have passed the fourth level. Why are their disciples now? Still stuck at the first level?

In fact, this road of ice and fire is actually just a blindfold. If you really go up, you won't get hurt at all. Of course, if you have poor psychological endurance, it's normal to get hurt. difficult to explain.

  Dabao and Beibei have also passed the fourth level, and then it is the fifth level. The fifth level is a test of endurance, and this is actually the really dangerous level.

   Not long after Dabao and Beibei entered the fifth level, the two little guys sat down cross-legged and accepted the test.

No one knows what they went through. The two little guys were already sweating profusely after staying inside for half an hour, but the two of them didn't back down. Even though they were sweating profusely, they were serious persevere.

   At this time, a child has finally passed the first level, but when this child ran out, his feet had burn marks.

   This kid passed the second level very quickly, but when he reached the third level, he was stumped. He kept using his brain, but his IQ seemed to be flawed.

  Beibei persisted for an hour and a half, but couldn't hold on anymore, and then withdrew.

  As for Dabao, he persisted for two hours, a little better than his own sister.

  The two little guys passed the level. Miao Lin excitedly took her two little apprentices to rest. She felt that the two children must be tired and hungry after going through the level for so long.

  The teachers and deans could only look at their backs enviously.

   "Why, I don't have such an apprentice?"

   "I also want to have an apprentice like this."

   "Say it like someone doesn't want it."

   "Oh my god, they two are too powerful. I feel that if they were my apprentices, I would not be able to teach them now."

"I also have this feeling."

  Several teachers expressed that they also felt this way. It is said that the cultivation of these teachers is only in the foundation building stage, and they are only teaching children to be enlightened.

  Miao Lin took the two children back, and asked Mrs. Rong to make delicious food for the two children.

  Dabao and Beibei didn't expect that their master specially arranged a chef for them, and the most important thing is that Madam Rong's cooking is really delicious, and these meals are also spiritual food.

   The two little guys ate to their heart's content, it was really delicious.

  Miao Lin asked the two of them to rest directly. At this time, several students had already withdrawn from the trial without passing a single test. Their teachers were a little speechless.

  Actually, these teachers have reminded their disciples about the trial, but they did not expect that after reminding them, the grades are still so poor that they don’t even have the courage to pass a test.

  To be honest, these teachers were too ashamed to look up at the principal, they really didn't want to recognize these disciples.

  The dean waved his hand and said, "These children have good aptitude, but their minds are too weak. But knowing that they can't pass the first test, it is courageous to come out directly. The real people will worry a lot in the future."

   "Yes, Dean!" The teachers breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, saying that they were too ashamed to look at the teachers around them just now.

  But thinking of the dean saying that their disciples have courage, they looked at the trial again. There are still more than a dozen disciples standing in the first level, not daring to move forward or back.

  Thinking about it this way, they feel a little more comfortable in their hearts. At least their disciples have bravely withdrawn, right?

  Miao Lin didn't go to see it anymore after taking Dabao and Beibei away. She ran back to show off to her brother.

  Of course, if you can take the opportunity to get some treasures for your two disciples, that would be the best thing.

  Miao Feng was a little speechless, why did this sister keep turning her elbows outward?

  But there is no way, who made him only have such a younger sister, so he can only spoil her.

  Yin Xuehan's side, she has already given Miao Lin a gift, and she packed a bunch of beads, which are fire-avoiding beads and water-avoiding beads.

After seeing Miao Lin holding the gift she asked for from Miao Feng, she teleported directly to the gate of the college. Although it was said that teleportation was possible in the city, she couldn't directly teleport into the college, so she waited at the gate That's right.

  (end of this chapter)