MTL - Star Martial God Technique-Chapter 270 The truth?

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Chapter 270 Truth?

Hong Meng demon species?

Overall strength?

Ling Yu’s eyes are full of excitement, which is what he dreams of!

"I can definitely, thank you Master!" Ling Yu exposed the color of piety, arched his hands, took over the demon species in the hands of Feng Yijian.

He looked down. It was a black seed. There was a faint silk thread flowing inside. It was like a blood vessel. He bit his teeth and looked up and swallowed this monster. It’s down.

The hunter-like monster entered his body, and he suddenly screamed screamingly. He felt something growing in his body and kept entering the meridians of his body.

"Ah!" Lingyu screamed and kept rolling. "Master, I am going to die. I am like a blast, master, I am so painful, you kill me!" /

Ling Yu’s nails are constantly tearing on his face, just like splitting the entire head.

"Lingyu, to withstand the pain, to integrate the power of the demon, you can become a real strong!" Feng Yijian quietly looked at Ling Yu, who was almost crazy, swallowed the Meng Meng demon, there are There is a great possibility that the body will explode and die, but these things, Feng Yi Jian Shen did not tell Ling Yu.

Ling Yu feels that his body is bursting open. He is constantly struggling with pain, and his consciousness is slowly blurred. At this moment, he has not even had the strength to commit suicide.

Feng Yi Jian Shen looked down at the struggling Ling Yu, and passed a faint light in his eyes, but he said with concern on his mouth. "Ling Yu, you must hold on, you must be able. You want Want to take you down at the foot of Ye Xinghe, think about taking away your woman's Ye Xinghe, are you willing to make him live so handsome? You must integrate the Hongmeng demon!"

Feng Yi Jian Shen kept talking, condensing the power of the body, injecting the power of Yan Wu into Ling Yu's body, helping Ling Yu to integrate the Hong Meng demon species.

Times are like a shuttle. For a long time, Ye Xinghe was practicing in the courtyard of the unfamiliar old man, waiting for the news from Ming Yu Jian Zun, Hu Yanzhuo and others.

Although I don't know where Xia Yuning's father was being held, it is certain that Xia Yuning's father is in the palace.

Just, it’s not that simple to explore the palace. It’s a matter of careful discussion.

Ye Xinghe sat quietly, his mind fluttering, and once again entered the realm of the gods.

In the quiet heart of the lake, the nine-star column rises from the ground, and there are stars in the sky. It seems that there are hundreds of millions of mysterious forces that have flowed to the star pillars and then into the Dantian of the Yexing River.

The pillars are very mysterious. According to different arrangements, some powerful tactics can be formed. It is said that a powerful strongman in ancient times built a huge star-column array and tried to repair the whole body. A palm blasted out, the power of the star-studded stars, like the doomsday storm, directly destroyed a huge empire.

Ye Xinghe does not understand why this star column is in his mind.

Just as he was concentrating on the power of the stars, a huge blue dragonfly swept through the sky, its tail swaying leisurely, as if swimming in the water.

At this time, a white light cluster suddenly appeared. In the white light, it seems that there is still a faint red mansion. This light group madly hits the blue dragonfly.

Blue 鲤 did not dare to show weakness, began a fierce counterattack, banging, and a horrible force escaped, Ye Xinghe felt that the whole body was like a burst of general, painful wailing.

Seeing Ye Xinghe in the cultivation suddenly struggled to twitch, Xia Yuning also refused to wear clothes, and quickly hugged Ye Xinghe and put it on the bed. She was very nervous. I don’t know if Ye Xinghe happened. whats the matter.

At this moment, Ye Xinghe is still stuck in the deep thoughts and can't wake up.

The group of white light and blue dragons fought fiercely, and no one could do anything about it.

A magnificent voice sounds in my mind.

"A little enchanting, dare to do it!" This voice is exactly no one.

"There is no phase of the seal, you are no ancestor!" A Qingyue female voice rang.

"Let's recognize me, it seems that you are a enchanting, live alive!" The voice of the old man, like a thunder, full of fierce power, is about to burst in the mind of Ye Xinghe.

"I was a blue dragonfly raised by the Emperor of Heaven, followed by the cultivation of the Emperor of Heaven, and got the true biography of the Emperor of Heaven, and has lived for thousands of years now," said the Qingyue female voice.

"Oh? Are you a disciple of the Emperor of Heaven?" Hearing this voice, the voice of the old man became gentle, and the Emperor of Heaven was one of the strongest peaks of the Terran, and he suppressed many demon kings, but he The side, also followed by a lot of demon strong, these demon strong have received the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven, and obey the vows reached with the Emperor of Heaven, does not harm humans.

"My thoughts are attached to him, but it is not malicious, but to assist him in cultivation." The Qingyue female voice said calmly.

"In this case, I can't pursue this matter." The ancestors said calmly.

"Thank you." The female voice rang again, and the voice disappeared.

After a moment, Ye Xinghe woke up in a long way. At this moment, he was sweating and exhausted. If the two forces continued to fight, he would not be able to bear it completely.

Open your eyes and you will see Xia Yu squatting beside you. Looks anxious and has tear marks on his face.

Xia Yu Ning hasn't had time to put on his clothes, just wearing a robes casually, faintly visible round shoulders and delicate collarbone, beautiful.

When I saw Ye Xinghe woke up, Xia Yu Ning cried out and threw himself on Ye Xinghe, choked. "You finally woke up and scared me!"

"I'm fine." Ye Xinghe shook his head with a wry smile, a little powerless to say, seeing Xia Yu's sad heart, Ye Xinghe couldn't help but patted Xia Yu's shoulder.

Recalling everything that has just happened, Ye Xinghe is still worried. He vaguely understood a lot of things, the Qingyue female voice that just sounded in his mind, a bit like Shangguan. When I think about it again, Shangguan’s abdomen was injured, and the blue dragonfly in Ye Xing’s mind was seriously injured. Could it be this blue dragonfly, which is the idea of ​​Shangguan’s?

Why is Ye Xinghe and the official residence asking this blue shrine, the Shangguan is very angry, not willing to talk about it?

The Shangguan is a Yaozu, and is a blue **** that has been passed down by the Emperor of Heaven?

These thoughts made Ye Xinghe’s heart full of shock.