MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 3 Spinning Gears of Destiny (Mengxin seeks everything)

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  Chapter 3 Spinning Gears of Destiny (Meng Xin seeks everything)

  Xu Bai graduated in September a year ago, and after graduation, he joined the Fengcheng Police Department.

  When he was a trainee, Xu Bai followed his master at that time, behind the current team leader, and the first case he handled at that time was this Liu San.

   And Su Meng just joined the police station this year, following Xu Bai, the first case to be handled, the protagonist is this Liu San again.

You can say that.

  After joining Su Meng and becoming a regular, there is an apprentice who takes his apprentice to deal with Liu San once, this Liu San will become an existence like a family heirloom.

  But Liu San is different from other criminals. Liu San belongs to the kind where there are no big mistakes but a lot of minor problems.

  In the past year alone, this Liu San, who used to pick the lock and cheat, has been dealt with countless times.

   Even yesterday, because he ran to someone else’s house to steal, the owner of the house came back early. When he was discovered, he was beaten to death and was rushed to the hospital for treatment.

   As a result, it was less than twenty-four hours, and then?

   "No, Master"

  Su Meng, who turned off the vehicle by the side of the road and stopped, seemed to have thought of something, looked at Xu Bai: "I remember that when Liu San was sent to the hospital yesterday, he was almost seriously injured and unconscious."

  Xu Bai nodded.


   "Master, Liu San was seriously injured yesterday. It hasn't been 24 hours yet, so he will be discharged from the hospital?"

  “…although he lives here, it doesn’t have to be him inside.”

   "What do you mean, master."

   "Maybe it's his cronies or something."


  Su Meng's eyes lit up: "It must be his cronies."

  Xu Bai smiled.

  Although Liu San is considered a typical social scum, it does not mean that social scum has no friends.

  People flock together, and things form groups.

after awhile.

  Xu Bai and Su Meng got out of the car, looked up, and looked at the old apartment building in front of them, which was built more than 30 years ago and now looked a bit dilapidated.

   There are many old apartment buildings like this, but most of them are concentrated in the DC area.

  Xu Bai glanced at the corridor on the eighth floor, looked away, turned his head to look at Su Meng who got off the bus: "Let's go... what are you doing?"

  Su Meng took out a few cards from his pocket and spread them on the hood. His originally cute expression turned a bit serious at the moment.

  Xu Bai frowned, walked over, looked at Su Meng who had a serious expression and muttered in his mouth, and then disrupted the cards on the hood: "What are you doing?"

  Yesterday when he took Su Meng out to carry out the mission, Xu Bai saw it when he got off the car, but Xu Bai didn't ask at that time.

  Su Meng has a devout expression.



  Xu Bai opened his mouth, feeling like he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

at this time.

  Su Meng drew out a card, opened her eyes, gave a yah, and looked at Xu Bai: "Master, she is the goddess of surprise."

  Xu Bai didn't understand, so: "So..."

  Su Meng put away the card, her tone was very firm: "There must be a surprise waiting for us this time."

   The corner of Xu Bai's mouth twitched.

  The surprise he wants most now is to remove the bug that the system cannot be upgraded. Apart from that, Xu Bai doesn't want any surprises.

  Xu Bai thought in his heart, and shook his head speechlessly.

   "Let's go."


  Su Meng looked at Xu Bai's face, stuck out her tongue, put the Goddess of Surprise card back in her pocket, followed Xu Bai's pace, and walked towards the apartment building in front of her.

This kind of old apartment building does not have elevators, and the stairs are a bit narrow, and there is even an inexplicable unpleasant smell in the corridors, but when the two of them reached the stairs on the eighth floor, this kind of There is another taste added to the bad smell.

  Su Meng couldn't help but frowned: "Master, what kind of smell is this, it's a bit weird."

  Xu Bai also asked the same question, but unlike Su Meng who just joined the job, Xu Bai is no stranger to this smell.

   "The smell of blood."


  Su Meng exclaimed, subconsciously pressed her right hand to her waist, and pulled out the pistol with twelve bullets issued by the police station.

  Xu Bai also subconsciously prepared to take the gun.


  Xu Bai touched an empty space.

  Su Meng looked at the empty holster on Xu Bai's waist, and was slightly taken aback.

   "Master, where is your gun?"

  “…was confiscated by the team leader.”


Xu Bai shook his head. Two months ago, before Su Meng came, he caught a human trafficker when he was on a mission alone. Later, the human trafficker complained to him that he had already surrendered, but Xu Bai returned him two gun.

  Because there was no second police officer to testify, the team leader temporarily confiscated his gun. At the same time, Su Meng just came over, so Xu Bai lost his gun and brought back a Mengxin.

  Su Meng thought for a while, and handed the gun to Xu Bai.

   "Master, here you are, you are better than me."

"…Need not."

  Xu Bai glanced at the pistol handed over, and looked up at Su Meng: "Don't give your gun to others, at any time, including me."

  Su Meng blinked her eyes and let out an oh.

  But although Xu Bai didn't ask for Su Meng's gun, he didn't show his strength either. Instead, he changed his position and let Su Meng walk in front of his half body.

   After all, at this time, whoever has a gun is the most powerful.

  As the two approached, the smell of blood in the air became heavier and heavier, and the smell of blood came out through the gap in the room of their target 804 this time.

  Holding the gun, Su Meng, who was leaning on the right side of the door, looked at Xu Bai on the left, with a nervous expression.

  Xu Bai, who was leaning on the left side, stretched out three fingers, signaling silently.

  Su Meng bit her lip and nodded with a serious expression.

Seeing this, Xu Bai slowly put down his fingers, waited until the three seconds counted, then dodged, facing the door of 804 in front of him, then raised his right foot, and directly kicked it hard. door.

  Despite the 22-year system, so far, it has not broken through the ninth level.


Xu Bai also noticed that with each level up, his physical fitness has changed significantly. When he was only in the sixth level, he was already a high school athlete when he was in high school. This excellent physical quality is why he was favored by the Federal Jingzhou Law Enforcement University. He was given a place to enroll before he graduated from high school.

  After Xu Bai graduated from high school and raised his level to level nine, when he entered Jingzhou Law Enforcement University, his physical fitness was already at the top of his peers and even the more than 30,000 alumni of the entire university.

  The explosive power of Xu Bai's kick can be said to be no less than that of a smashing hammer.


Accompanied by Xu Bai's kick, which was no less than a door-breaking hammer, the door broke open without any accident, and there was a loud noise. The whole door flew towards the inside, and then smashed hard against the wall behind. superior.

  Su Meng took a deep breath, stood by Xu Bai's side, held guns in both hands, looked vigilantly and nervously into the room.

   After all, this was her first time approaching a real crime scene, and it was understandable that she was nervous.

  Xu Bai also sensed the nervous little apprentice behind him, said in a low voice, "Don't be nervous", and then cast his gaze into the room.

   into the eyes.

  On the floor of the living room, there was a pool of blood, and in that pool of blood lay a dead body.

  The corpse was lying on its back in the pool of blood, the clothes on the upper body were torn off, and some organs that looked like parts were randomly thrown on the body or on the pool of blood.

   Good guy.

   What a surprise.

   This is a murder case.

  Xu Bai was thinking in his heart, and from the corner of his eye, he saw the baseball bat beside him, and he was holding it in his hand, and then he walked into the house slowly.

  Su Meng stood vigilantly beside Xu Bai.


  Xu Bai was next to the corpse, squatted down to confirm the state of the **** corpse, then looked at the two rooms connected to the corridor with closed doors, and pointed: "Over there."

  Su Meng pursed her lips, her little face was a little pale, and she nodded.


   This corpse brought Su Meng a lot of shock, but now the danger has not been lifted, Su Meng can only look away quickly, so as not to vomit at this time.

  Su Meng took a deep breath, tightened her gun-holding hands, and walked cautiously towards the two closed rooms.

   Seeing this, Xu Bai followed.




Almost when Su Meng had just walked to the first room headed by him, there was a bang, and the first door made a loud bang, and then the whole door was separated, and with a bang, it directly hit the door. on the opposite wall.

  Xu Bai immediately pulled Su Meng, who was walking in front, to the back, otherwise, Su Meng would be slapped on the wall by the blasted door.

at this time.

  A black figure suddenly sprang out from the room.

  Su Meng's eyes widened uncontrollably, subconsciously held the gun, and pulled the trigger.


   Just when Su Meng was about to pull the trigger, a black shadow as nimble as a monkey quickly rushed in front of her, and then slapped Su Meng's gun-holding hands with a palm from bottom to top.


   The pistol pulled the trigger, and the bullet instantly sank into the ceiling above.

"Step aside!"


  Xu Bai quickly pulled Su Meng towards the back, pulled Su Meng behind him, and when Hei Ying slapped him, he quickly bent his right arm to block his chest.

  Hei Ying slapped Xu Bai's right arm directly, making a bang.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   "Huh, warrior?"

  Xu Bai's right arm hurt, and he couldn't help but moved backwards. He took three steps back and then stabilized his body. Then he looked at the black shadow that made the sound, and was slightly taken aback: "Liu San?"

  This kind of strength should be possessed by that Liu San who was out of breath after running 50 meters?

  Xu Bai was dumbfounded.


   Adorable and cute, I want everything!



  (end of this chapter)