MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 98 Cohabitation (below)

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Shi Feixia took out the key from his pants pocket and slowly fumbled to open the door.

This action, which can be done with closed eyes, is strange at this moment.

Layton, curious about his home, rushed in before him.

Very ordinary one bedroom and one living room. And it's the old-fashioned small hall.

Layton whispered in a circle, and then returned to Shi Feixia, who was closing the door, "You are a poor man."

Shi Feixia replied with a good temper: "Are you talking about civilians or the poor?"

Layton said it again and again, "Living in such a place."

Shi Feixia depreciated and said, "Even this kind of place does not belong to me. It is rented."

Rayton froze. Because he had never cared about the status of the humans who came to Noah's Ark in the human world before. This was the first time, and it turned out to be so painful ...

Shi Feixia took off his shoes, put them in the shoe rack, and smiled. "It's a pity that in the next seven days, you can only rely on this poor man."

Layton stood beside the shoe rack with his chest in his arms, thinking deeply: "I thought about it, I can come to the human world, it is also a kind of fate. So I decided to make it difficult to help the human world.

Shi Feixia blinked, "How can I help?"

Layton looked up like he had made a big decision. "I'll join your research institute."

"Do you know the research institute?"

Layton laughed mockingly: "In the dwarven race, I am a genius scientist."

Shi Feixia said "Oh": "So you have now decided to honor your dignity, and use your talents a little in our world?"


"So, what is your Ph.D.? Have you published any great papers? What awards have you received?"

"... how could I have these things in the world, but," Raidon lifted the Domino handset that Shi Feixia had given him when he opened the door just now. "My invention."

Shi Feixia's face was finally no longer indifferent, "Can it be mass produced?"

"Do you have an Aridacu absorber in your world?"

"..." The joy in Shi Feixia's eyes receded. "Although I don't know what an Ali Cry Absorber is, I don't think the name Ali Cry should appear in the human world."

Layton said: "Where is Kida Shaw gear?"

"Laugh cogwheels immediately?" Shi Feixia's eyes had recovered from the beginning of calm. "Is there anything that doesn't need to cry?"

Rayton and Shi Feixia looked at each other for a long while.

Layton conceded: "Let's do some research, what PhD ... what thesis did you just say?"

Shi Feixia killed him in a sentence, "Have you ever been to kindergarten?"


Like a gear, Rayton shook his head rhythmically.

Shi Feixia nodded and said that I understand, "I don't think the scientific research institute should want to be a nursery." After he said it, he passed over him, ready to find a broom and dustpan to start cleaning this house that had been unoccupied for a week.

Layton stood still for a long time, turning around, "I feel that what you said just now doesn't seem to insult the research institute, but insults me."

Shi Feixia swept across the floor, hearing the words just rolled his eyes.

Layton suddenly took out of his pocket for a while, and took out a handful of gold coins and said, "Will this work in the human world?" As a dwarf with a special hobby for gold coins, he really couldn't go without them.


Shi Feixia lost the broom, fluttered over and hugged him, charmingly: "Rayton, you are a young talent! The most useful person I have ever seen!"


Coming out of the **** shop, Shi Feixia was carrying tens of thousands in his bag, and his heart was very hot. He was afraid to sell too much for fear of being watched. He cautiously deposited large amounts of money into the bank before leaving thousands of dollars with him.

Layton followed him slowly. For him, a few gold coins were drizzle.

Shi Feixia looked at passers-by who were curious, and suddenly turned around and dragged Leighton into his arms.

"What are you doing?" Layton's ears flushed, and he struggled uncomfortably.

"I'll take you to buy clothes." Shi Feixia said, without a word, hit the largest local commercial street.

The taxi driver kept his eyes on the back seat while driving.

Shi Feixia was really impatient with what he saw and couldn't help but said, "Brother, what are you looking at?"

The driver saw someone finally talk and immediately said enthusiastically, "What is the relationship between you two?"

Shi Feixia's biggest headache now is to ask the relationship, so he kicks the ball back vaguely, "What do you say?"

The driver pondered: "Look at the body shape at first glance, it feels like father and son."

Shi Feixia's eyes twitched.

"Later a closer look, not like the father and son at first glance, but the father and son in another relationship."

Rayton's eyes narrowed.

The driver paused, then looked into the rearview mirror and said, "What is the relationship between you guys?"

Shi Feixia smiled slightly: "You guessed it."

"Ha?" All right? how is this possible?

What he meant was that at first glance, the taller man was the father, and the younger man was the son. But after a closer look at the faces of the two, I felt that the young and handsome man was the son, and the older one was the dad ... How could this relationship be established?

Are they both sons and fathers of each other?


Is it impossible to establish mathematical chemistry from biological ethics to chemical logic? !!

Until the destination, Shi Feixia and Layton got out of the car, the driver still can not extricate themselves without mathematical theory.


Although Shi Feixia rarely comes to Commercial Street, he is no stranger to everything here. Because when I was in the hotel's current room manager, many guests would ask about the business street. So he familiarly led Rayton into a children's clothing store.

Rayton refused to enter after seeing the three words in the children's clothing store.

"What are you doing?" Faced with the curious eyes cast around him, Shi Feixia covered his face and drank.

The corners of Rayton's mouth were high. "You should remember how the money in your pocket came from?"

Shi Feixia was weak, "Well."

"I gave you gold coins, and you actually used it to buy me children's clothing?" Rayton stared at him fiercely.

Shi Feixia rolled his eyes, "Well, there are three stores here, you decide which one you want to enter."

Layton snorted slowly and stepped back slowly, finally seeing the signs of the three stores-

Angel children's clothing store.

Angel maternity shop.

Angel bridal shop.


After a few minutes of hesitation, Layton silently walked into the children's clothing store.


Shi Feixia personally found him a pair of cute denim overalls with a pink t-shirt and a beige beret. I bought several sets of spares in other colors.

Layton protested silently throughout.

Stepping out of the children's clothing store, Shi Feixia turned into the optical store and bought him a pair of large black-frame glasses similar to Harry Potter.

"I don't have myopia."

"I know, this is used to cover up ugliness."

"... where am I ugly?" Layton grabbed his glasses in disapproval. He is clearly a beautiful man in the dwarves!

Shi Feixia paid his money while stopping his move, comforting him: "This is the racial aesthetic difference."

Rayton was silent.

Shi Feixia led him a few steps. When he saw that he was downcast, he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Rayton slowly raised his head, glanced at him, sighed again, and lowered his head.

"Tell me what's wrong, I'll take you to eat delicious food." Shi Feixia was tempted.

After struggling for so long, Rayton was indeed hungry, so he gently said, "It's not an aesthetic difference."

"..." Shi Feixia was surprised. What he said casually kept him tangled for so long?

Rayton said: "Isfer and Omedendo are very good. We also think."

Shi Feixia worked hard with Layton, trying not to think about where he came from, trying to treat him as an old friend, trying to ignore the past, but whenever he thought he was successful, A voice jumped out and shouted: You are wrong.

"But there is no way, we dwarves have always grown like this." Rayton twisted his clothes.

Shi Feixia sighed and squatted down, slowly holding him in his arms, "I think this kind of Rayton is very nice and cute."

If he was in Noah's Ark, he decided that he would not make such a move to Layton, and Layton would not say such a thing to him. But here is the human world. To Layton, it is the strangest place among the nine realms and the most different from the other realms. Sudden fear came into play at this moment with a frustrated borrowing question.

And Shi Feixia, also tried his best to play the role of master, showing the best side of human world.

"Well, do you want to eat?" Shi Feixia patted his back and whispered.

Rayton said: "Sure."

Shi Feixia let go of him, stood up, took his hand and said, "What are you waiting for?"

The tall man and the short man walked to the food court with joy again.

Although Shi Feixia asked Rayton to wear children's clothes to match the image of his father and son, he was really fed up with all kinds of speculations, but he never thought that he would appear in front of Qian Luyou in this image. .

In particular, there was a tall, handsome and successful person standing beside her.

"Hi." She greeted generously.

After staying in Noah's Ark for so long, Shi Feixia's calming time is no small matter. Although his heart has turned over the river, in the face, he still keeps the clouds light and light, "It's been a long time."

Qian Lu said, "Come to dinner?"

Shi Feixia nodded.

Qian Luyou said, "I heard, you resigned?"

Shi Feixia nodded again.

The successful people around Qian Luyou were a little impatient. "I'll pick up the car."

"Oh, I forgot to introduce it," she smiled. "My boyfriend, You Pengnan, ceo of mcg. Have you heard of mcg?"

Dried plums?

Shi Feixia held back a smile and nodded.

Now that Qian Luyou has been introduced, You Pengnan is not good enough to ignore it anymore.

"Shi Feixia."

You Pengnan apparently knew Shi Feixia, and immediately asked, "Where can I go?"

Layton replied: "Noah Hotel Director and Front Desk Manager."