MTL - Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life-Chapter 35 don't want to kill

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  Chapter 35 Don't Want to Kill

   “The eggs of a poultry called quail are eaten like chicken eggs.”

   "I don't want that one first, the doctor said you can't eat food made of hair."

   "Sweet corn or? Freshly cooked."

   "Then let's have two."

   "Well, I'll go in and get it, wait a minute."

  Qiao Mai unlocked the door and entered the courtyard, barred the door behind his back, entered the house and returned to the space.

  She took a basket, put a watermelon at the bottom, put a box of strawberries and three melons on top, and put two ears of boiled corn on top.

  He came to the gate of the courtyard and opened the door. The man didn't leave, he was waiting at the door.

   "This is what I can get out now."

   "How much silver in total?"

   "800 Wen for watermelon, 500 Wen for strawberry, 30 Wen for three melons, 20 Wen for two ears of corn, a total of 1350 Wen."

  Yuan Jiaqi counted out one or two or four silver coins from the money bag at his waist, and handed it to Qiao Mai with both hands.

   "It's too much trouble, so there's no need to type zero."

  Is this a tip? This man can do it, he's very good at it.

   "No, I don't take advantage of customers, just wait."

  She went back to the house to fetch some ears of corn and put them in the basket.

   "I don't need the basket, just use it when I come back to buy things next time."

   "It's because I didn't think thoroughly."

   "Hurry up and go home and watch the kids."

  When she mentioned children, her voice was much gentler. People who have children naturally know the love that parents have for their children.

   Just because he is so kind to children and treats people with humility and courtesy, we know that this man's character should be passable.

  The man was about to carry the basket when a childish voice sounded.


  Yuan Jiaqi quickly turned around and walked over, hugged him in his arms, and touched his forehead.

   "I still have a little fever. Dad bought you the watermelon you want to eat, and other fruits. Take the medicine before taking it, okay?"


  Qiao Mai took a look at the child in his arms, at most four years old, who looked like Yuan Jiaqi.

   "Call Auntie!"

   "Hello, Auntie."

  Qiao Mai smiled at the little boy, "You are also good, you must take medicine if you have a fever, so that you can recover quickly."

   "Auntie, I can listen to my father, I don't need to be coaxed by my father, I am not afraid of the pain of medicine."

   "What a good boy!"

  The man held the child in one hand and the basket in the other, and smiled at her.

   "I'm bothering you!"

   Seeing the father and son walking westward, she turned and walked into the courtyard.

   Just as she entered the door, out of the corner of her eye, she saw two shadows sneaking past in the east.

  Years of secret agent career immediately made her wary.

  Go to a corner of the courtyard to look at Dongzao, and then lock all the doors of the East and West Wings.

   Originally, I wanted to make a meal for myself in the kitchen, but when I thought of those two shadows, my appetite suddenly disappeared.

  If thieves come to her yard, it’s just a simple theft, as long as they don’t destroy her things, she is willing to let them live.

  If it was aimed at him, Qiao Mai's eyes twitched, and a trace of killing intent flashed across.

  She also locked the kitchen door. The two shadows should have come to step on the spot just now. If they want to enter the house, they should be in the middle of the night.

  Thinking of this, she was no longer in a hurry, and entered the bedroom and inserted the door into the space.

  Ling'er is almost six months old and can crawl around on the ground. Qiao Mai removed all the obstructive places in the house.

   Small things were even put away to prevent her from stuffing them into her mouth and getting stuck.

  When she is not around, if Linger wakes up, she will crawl all over the ground to play by herself.

  Qiao Mai ordered a wooden ball for her at the carpenter's shop, and told her to wake up and roll it to play, like some angular ones, I don't think about it for the time being.

  When she entered the space, the little guy had already woken up and was playing with the wooden ball.

   Seeing mother coming, she patted the wooden ball and smiled at her.

  Qiao Mai changed her diaper, wiped her butt, put on a clean one, and cleaned her hands.

   "Baby, my mother will cook for you, so please play nicely?"

  Now she doesn't have to carry Linger back and forth, seeing that she is not pestering herself, she gets up to make milk powder for her.

  It would be great if there is a feeding bottle. You can give her the feeding bottle after making the milk, and Linger can drink it by herself.

   After feeding the child, she drank a bowl of red ginseng water, then took Linger to the edge of the field, let her play ball, and she planted peanuts in the field.

  After she finished planting peanuts, the child fell asleep holding the ball.

  Hold her into the house, put a list on her stomach, and prepare everything that will be sold tomorrow.

  Come to the cabinet, take a deep breath, open the cabinet door, take out a silent pistol from inside, unload the chamber and take a look, it is full of bullets, then push the chamber and put on the safety.

  As soon as she flashed out of the space, she sat cross-legged on the kang, put the pistol in her arms, and picked up the thick, smooth wooden stick from the kang cabinet.

  Look out the window, hoping that the two figures are not coming towards her.

  She didn't want to kill, and she didn't want to get other people's blood on her hands. When she came here, she just wanted to live her life in a normal way.

  If someone insists on forcing her to kill someone, then she doesn't mind, she doesn't want to, but it's not impossible.

  The moon is heading west, and it will be midnight soon.

  She didn't feel sleepy at all, she closed her eyes and listened to all the sounds in the courtyard.

  Suddenly, the sound of a bird chirping reached her ears.

  Based on her experience, this is not a real bird call, it is someone imitating a bird call.

  After the sound stopped, after a while, two soft landing sounds came.

  Qiao Mai kept his eyes closed and used his ears to tell the difference. There were two people who came, and they were both men who knew a little bit of kung fu.

   After they entered the hospital, they didn't rummage around, but approached cautiously and went straight to her bedroom.

  She clenched her fist, and it was really aimed at her.

  Death, or report to the police after being caught?

   No, you can’t let these two people die. If they die, the bad guys behind the scenes will be proud. Let’s arrest the police, shall we?

  Even if the two of them don’t reveal the person behind it, it will still make the person nervous and afraid for a while.

  She opened her eyes, jumped, and came to the door silently.

  In the crack of the door, a bright dagger was pulling the door latch. She raised the wooden stick with both hands, ready to meet the enemy.

  The door was bolted open, but no one came in. Qiao Mai suddenly thought of something, and quickly took out a gas mask from the space, and covered his nose and mouth tightly.

   Sure enough, a wisp of white smoke floated in from the outside.

   These two thieves are really careful. They always use smoke to deal with a woman.

  She sneered, staring at the door, after a while, poked her head in, and whispered to the people behind.

   "Drop that bitch!"

   "I'm searching for money in the room, are you going to **** that bitch?"

   "I don't look good, I don't want to go to it."

   "Then I'll come, you go to search for money?"

   Hearing this, Qiao Mai understood immediately.

  These two thieves should be entrusted by others to humiliate themselves deliberately, and make some money by the way. After all, they have been in business for so long, how can they not have some private money?

  The first one had just leaned in more than half of the body, Qiao Mai hid behind the door, when she saw the second head.

  The stick in his hand hit the heads of the two people twice in succession at lightning speed.

  The thief fell to the ground before he could react.

  She has mastered the strength when beating people, neither will they die, nor will they bleed, only fainting.

  The voices of the two are not familiar, and there is no need to light a lamp to see who it is, they definitely don't know each other.

  Qiao Mai threw the stick, scratched his hair, then rushed to the yard, shouting with the loudest voice.

   "Come on, catch the thief, **** **** it, you came to steal me, a poor man."

  In the dead of night, shouting this voice can startle people's souls out.

  Neighbors on the left and right, people in front and behind the house got up from the kang one after another, put on their shoes and ran towards here with a lamp in hand. The courtyard door of Qiao Mai's house was still stuck.

   "Open the door, open the door, open the door quickly, what's the use of not opening the door if you just shout?"

  Qiao Mai opened the door in a panic, and a lot of people rushed in, both men and women.

   "Where's the thief?"

  Qiao Mai pointed at the room with trembling hands, "Bad, bad guy, yes, in the room."

   "Don't be afraid, let's go in together!"

  (end of this chapter)