MTL - Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life-Chapter 289 all thanks to you

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  Chapter 289 is all thanks to you

   During the sweep of the Liu family this time, Qiao Mai got hundreds of thousands of taels of silver alone, and more than 200,000 taels of precious medicinal materials. As for prescriptions, Qiao Mai is not rare at all.

  She threw Fangzi on the street, and was found by someone with a heart, put it in her arms and ran away.

  The Liu family is really depleted of people and wealth. Within a few years, their Liu family will not be able to turn around.

   Physician Liu also thought of Qiao Mai, but thought she was just a woman, and it was not surprising that she had a prescription, but it was impossible to steal the Liu family like this.

   To put it bluntly, the Liu family underestimated Qiao Mai.

   If Qiao Mai knew, he would definitely thank them for their underestimation.

  Another theft case came to an end, and the Liu family could only admit that it was unlucky. Every time Yuan Jiaqi and Liu Yuyi met, the other party felt guilty, but Yuan Jiaqi seemed to be okay.

  In mid-April, the results of the scientific examination were released, and Chuan'er was as brave as ever, because Yuan Jiaqi is now a first-rank official, so he has nothing to worry about.

   Directly won the first place in the Juren list with an excellent result, and once again won the honor for the Qiao family.

   Now, many well-known Shuyuans in the capital turned their attention to Chuan'er again.

  Feng'er was snatched away early, and Yun'er was also snatched away, now there is only Chuan'er left, Ling'er is still young, only twelve years old, Chuan'er is sixteen after the new year.

  Looking no worse than the Yuan family, if martial arts were mentioned, maybe the girl would like him even more.

  Even so, there was an endless stream of people who came to propose marriage, and Qiao Mai returned directly. Before he passed the Jinshi examination, he didn't talk about marriage.

  Many matchmakers secretly said that Mr. Yuan's family is too dumb, ah, just dumb, what can you do?

   Soon came the big day of Yunfeng and Murong, Zhen Guogong's family posted a post and invited almost all the people within reach in the whole capital.

   On the contrary, the Yuan family was exposed there, "My lady, it seems that our invitations here are useless?"

   "Then don't invite. When the time comes, our own master and servants will be seated together. It will be quiet if there are fewer people."

   "Ten tables have been arranged for the bridegroom, and ten taels of silver for each person who carried the dowry. No more table seats?"

   "Yes, we can have ten tables here, and there will be twenty tables in total. If there are too many tables, I will not wait for you."

   "Well, this is also very good. In the future, if you become an official, you don't need to communicate with each other. It's good to go to your in-laws."

   "In the eyes of the emperor, the exchange of ceremonies is accepting bribes."

   "Well, many people use birthdays, happy events, and funerals to achieve the goal of reducing their losses. However, since freedom, it has evolved into a custom, and no one comes to show that it is not festive at all."

  Qiao Mai raised his eyebrows, "You mean, our family is not popular?"

   "Hehe, if you have a wife, you will be popular. If you are a husband, you will like it no matter what. If a son marries a wife, the family will have more people, and the family will get better and better in the future."

   "Of course, in the future, when the son gets married and the daughter gets married, we will only get better."

  The husband and wife held hands and looked around the mansion. The housekeeper led people to make arrangements. In May, if you change your face, you will change your face.

   Now the sun is shining brightly. I don’t know if the weather will be so good tomorrow.

  The next day, the whole family was dressed neatly, all smiling, Yunfeng, wearing the wedding clothes prepared by his mother, pulled the welcoming team selected yesterday from his family to the courtyard.

   After Yuan Jiaqi and Qiao Mai finished checking, the matchmaker also broke up with each other.

  Today is the first time for the family to have a happy event, so it is natural for everyone to be happy. The whole house is filled with celestial music from nowhere.

  Yes, you can’t see the musical team, but only the music is Xianle.

   Besides the music, none of them had ever heard of it before. Several big speakers were placed on the roof, and four big speakers pointed in all directions.

  A cheerful pipa performance filled the corners of Jixiang Garden. The host was intoxicated when he heard it, and the servants walked happily when they heard it.

  The old man pulled the old lady to sit in the corner, "Have you seen the musical instrument team?"


   "This girl is so rare, not to mention, it sounds really nice."

   "Yeah, it sounds really good. I really don't know if there is anything more surprising than this."

   "There must be, just watch."

   When the auspicious time arrives, the sound of firecrackers blares, and the gate of Jixiang Garden is covered with red firecrackers as a red carpet.

  The common people were watching and seeing the arrangement, they all knew that a happy event was going to be held in this house.

   "Look, look, the groom officer,"

   "Wow, handsome,"

   "I heard that this is the residence of Lord Yuan, Minister of the Ministry of Officials. That must be his eldest son."

   "I heard that he is still a fourth-rank military general."

   "Promising, already a fourth rank at a young age, and will definitely be a great general in the future."

   "The whole family is promising, the second son is also a fourth-rank military general, and the third son is now a juren, but he is still young, so he will definitely have a future."

   "Look quickly, several sons and young ladies from their family have come out, are they going to pick up the bride together?"

   "appears to be"

   "My God, look at the horses they ride?"

   "I'm sorry, even the horse their housekeeper rides is extraordinary, what kind of horse is that?"

   "My God, are you blind? It's a **** BMW. Wow, I saw six horses at once. How rich is Mr. Yuan's family? They actually have one horse."

   Their eyes were right, indeed, the two brothers were all snow-white BMWs, which Qiao Mai just gave them yesterday.

  I was so happy that I almost didn't fall asleep all night. Because of her young age, Linger went to pick up the bride today, and Qiao Mai let her ride the Dongzao.

  She has long occupied Dongzao, but unfortunately, Dongzao is too proud to pay her much attention. Fortunately, Qiao Mai promised to give her a horse when she gets married, otherwise, Linger dared to hold Qiao Mai for a long time.

  Four brothers, plus the housekeeper and a servant, gathered six people to open the way ahead.

   Followed by the Chuichuidada team, followed by eight sedan chairs, and finally some officers and soldiers to prevent confusion.

  The woman who carried the dowry was ventilated on that side, so there was no need to make preparations here.

   A group of people left on auspicious time, Qiao Mai and the others were sitting in the living room, the old lady looked at her with a smile.

   "Raising children is like completing a task. If you get married, you will be able to take it easy in the future."

   "Yes, from now on, the family will be handed over to the eldest daughter-in-law. When the second daughter-in-law enters the house, the family will be handed over to them. I have to travel between Tianshui Town and the capital from time to time, so ah, the family cannot do without people."

   "I'm too old to help you much"

   "Who said that the small animals in the house are all thanks to you."

   "Haha, I love this"

   "Zihan is not too young, is he?"

   "He also won the exam this time. He said that he wanted to start a business first, and we would let him have a family first. We didn't force him."

   "Well, I watched this child grow up. I must pick a good one. Character is the most important thing."

   Zhen Guogong’s side is also ready. Two hundred and sixty dowry is the first in the capital. No matter how unhappy the Duke’s wife is, she can’t change anything. At this time, she is still smiling and entertaining the guests.

  The ceremony table behind the accounting desk was full of gifts, and the gate of the Zhenguo government was busier than the market.

   Yunfeng and the others rode horses and fired cannons, blowing and beating all the way to the front of Zhen Guogong's mansion.

  Seeing the bridegroom official coming to welcome the bride, Duke Zhen’s firecrackers started, and lasted for almost two quarters of an hour before stopping.

  The singing ceremony official shouted loudly, and the bridegroom officer led the people off the horse, and went to Zhen Guogong, while accepting the test of Zhen Guogong.

  Wow, wow, the guests gathered around, no matter how literary or martial, just this handsome appearance convinced everyone.

   Not to mention that smile, how many girls were dumbfounded and how many beautiful women were ashamed.

   There are also Yun'er, Chuan'er, Ling'er, whichever one is taken out, they are also dragons and phoenixes among the people. The young masters and ladies of the noble families in the capital really sighed when they saw this.

  (end of this chapter)