MTL - Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life-Chapter 282 has long been scrapped

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  Chapter 282 has long been abolished

Qiao Mai listened to their shameless conversation, and sneered, "Okay, a shameless first prince has left, and now a dog-headed second prince has come, who wants to occupy the courtiers at will just because he is a royal." Family business, yes, I found another excuse for myself to sweep away their family property."

  Since you don't want me to live, then I don't have to leave anything alive for you.

  Everyone sitting here today, I'm sorry, you must die, she rushed towards this table with a coercion.

   Little ordinary people, how could they bear it, and immediately fell to the ground one by one unconscious.

  Afterwards, she struck while the iron was hot, and swept away the houses of all the people present. Although this place is not comparable to the big prince's house, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat.

  Especially that master, who dared to send someone to burn her forest, she directly blew the wind blade, and made that master move his head.

   Just like that, the newly appointed county magistrate, who took office not long ago, confessed the lives of a whole table of people.

  For such a big event, after receiving the report, Wang Zhifu immediately took people there.

   Immediately, he came to a verdict. The county magistrate colluded with the local wealthy gentry. He didn't know what he was planning. It happened to be discovered by someone, so he was killed by an expert.

  This tall man? Prefect Wang couldn't help thinking of Qiao Mai.

   I sent someone to inquire again, and learned that someone set fire to the forest that night, and I inquired again with the people in the workshop, only then did I know that the county magistrate wanted to buy shares with white wolves.

Immediately, Wang Zhifu was so angry that his beard was raised. His mother, a little county magistrate, relying on the support of the prince behind him, dared to miss his family's property, and even wanted to set fire to the forest as a warning. If you don't want to think about it, whose industry is this.

  He thought he would be defiant with the backing of a prince? You must know that the Qiao family is backed by the Wang family, the Qian family, and the Zhen Guogong family, and the most important thing is that the real victim is Mrs. Qiao.

  He is a bastard, he will always cause trouble on his land, and he deserves to die.

  He went there in the morning, and he closed the case in the afternoon. He directly settled the case, saying that the county magistrate provoked people in the world and was assassinated.

  As for the people in the Jianghu, there are too many, whoever wants to check whoever wants to check, he can't find it anyway.

  Wang Zhifu dared to do this when so many people died. It seemed that he was really angry.

  He directly wrote a note, and reported the matter to the emperor in its entirety, so that the old man can make a decision.

  After the emperor saw the scriptures, he frowned and immediately called Jin Longwei, asking them to investigate the second prince. Whether someone took advantage of him, or he ordered his subordinates to occupy other people's property, must be investigated clearly.

  At the same time, the magistrates of several prefectures along the way from the capital to Tianshui Town also signed up.

   It is said that someone killed innocent people indiscriminately in broad daylight, and the emperor also sent Jin Longwei to investigate.

  The result of his return made him very angry. He obviously wanted to rob someone's horse, but he failed and was kicked to death by the horse, but he said that he killed people in broad daylight.

   Immediately dismissed the prefects who submitted the papers, and immediately sent someone to replace them.

  Why is the emperor so decisive? Calling black as white is obviously taking bribes, otherwise who would do this?

  Either they did not go through the investigation, died, and labeled people at will, for fear of hurting themselves.

  Such an official, do you want it? That’s it, because of Qiao Mai, the officials in the north have been cleaned up again, which is really gratifying.

  Wang Zhifu is rich, powerful, and dedicated to serving the people, no matter what others do, he has always stood firm in that position.

  The emperor has always known that Wang Zongsheng is a good person, but the officials in the capital are overcrowded. He is such a good official, he should go down and do some practical things for the people.

   Just like at the beginning, the Yuan family made great contributions, but he only promoted his rank and didn't transfer him to Beijing. The grassroots need good officials.

  Like those corrupt officials, it’s better for him to keep it under his nose, so that they don’t dare to talk about it, and they can do things for him well.

  The old emperor doesn't look stupid, but he can still see the difference between Yuan Jiaqi's family.

  For example, the snack shop in his family that is making money every day, such as his workshop, such as the new wheat.

   These were not created by a scholar from the Yuan family. I heard that he is devoted to his wife, so his wife must be a different kind of person.

   After all, **** is still old and spicy. It is not easy for the old emperor to think of it that others can't see through.

  The weather is getting colder and colder. Under Qiao Mai's talisman in Jixiang Garden in the capital, the whole house is refreshing and pleasant. The kang is very hot, and there have never been any insects and ants.

   The Yuan family thought they lived here comfortably, and the old man and the old lady also wrote to their son, saying that they would live in the capital from now on.

  But Wang Zongsheng was worried, why didn't he come back to celebrate the New Year? Is it better over there than here?

  Thinking of the house in Tianshui Town, if it was better than there, what would it be like?

  The family of three decided to go to the capital for the Chinese New Year. No matter what, they had to see the new house and their sluggish daughter.

   Although the princess has not been abolished until now, she is still under house arrest.

  The old princes and the others had nothing to do. Wang Jiaru was honest for a while, and after being released, she did not change her nature.

  So the old concubine sent someone to put her under house arrest again. This time, she said that she will be locked up in the palace for the rest of her life until she is corrected.

  If the Wang family hadn't sent money to honor the old prince every year, Wang Jiaru would have been deposed long ago.

  She was so exasperating that such generous people as the old prince and the old concubine couldn't bear it.

  Go and have a look during Chinese New Year this year, and talk about Jiaru.

  In fact, they had a good plan, but they also knew that it was impossible. Otherwise, the old man and the old lady had been in the capital for such a long time, and they would not have gone to see it.

  Knowing that it’s useless and still angry, it’s better not to go.

  The first snow in northern winter fell on November 28th.

  It was very big, and it fell down like a piece of paper in a hurry.

  People in Jixiangyuan in Tianshui Town are very self-conscious. They know what to do when the month arrives. Under the leadership of Shopkeeper Niu, Qiaoji Snack Shop has always been very prosperous.

   When she was all right, she even asked Shopkeeper Niu.

   "Old Cow"

   "The subordinate is here."

   "You have worked so hard to make my shop so good, do you want something?"

   Shopkeeper Niu was taken aback, "Master, I really don't want anything from my subordinates. I'm already old and I don't want to get married again. It would be great if someone can provide for me."

   "You don't need to talk about the issue of pensions. You have done so much for the Qiao family, so I will naturally give you pensions."

   "Then the subordinate has nothing to ask for. If I follow you today, I will eat well, wear warm clothes, no one bullies me, and be so happy every day. This is what I want in my life."

   "Well, if one day, you need something, just tell me, as long as I can do it."

   "Yes, master."

As soon as the twelfth lunar month entered, the steward of Shexian County came to pay the bill. Qiao Mai carefully checked and posted the account, and told the steward to make arrangements for everyone. It was the Chinese New Year, and those who should give out red envelopes and rewards should not be stingy , Let everyone have a good year.

  The steward smiled, and all the employees of the Qiao family were also happy.

   Working with Qiao's family is a real blessing!

  Mayor Qian knew that she was going back to the capital for the New Year, so he prepared the New Year ceremony early, as did the other family, for fear of being rude.

  Qiao Mai also accepted them with a smile, and she didn't take a big one, and prepared gifts one by one.

  Backing to the capital this time, she brought five women and two cooks from her home, who were used to her, and she didn't want to change anyone else.

  Nurse Jin and Linger also packed up their things in the middle of the twelfth lunar month.

  Departing on the 16th day of the twelfth lunar month, two carriages for people and ten carriages for goods, headed for the capital together.

  The mothers-in-law were sitting in the carriage behind, and Nanny Jin, Linger and Qiao Mai were sitting in a carriage.

  (end of this chapter)