MTL - South Korean Entertainment Industry News Record-Chapter 767 restructure

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"Did you let the donkey kick your head? Don't you want to discuss such a big thing with me first?"


"It's okay if you don't discuss it with me, at least come up with a decent plan or a manual, there's nothing, do you think it's just playing a family? When people don't exist anymore?"


"Well now, the chief financial officer will definitely report to LOEN company. The next meeting will be the operation representative of LOEN company. Let me tell you, now it's not about you alone, it's about the whole company."


"What are you, don't say nonsense like not letting you talk, have you thought about what you want to say?"


"What am I, let me tell you, if Lao Cao hadn't been thinking about his friendship here for so many years, he wouldn't have spoken today, and he would have told them the head office of the messy things you said, just yours. A hammer in the east and a stick in the west, but also doing industrial optimization? Dream about it!"

"...Is it that serious?" Zhang Che was puzzled and asked cautiously.

"What do you think?" Li Cailin said angrily, "Industrial optimization, how complicated things are, let's not talk about input and output, advantage and risk analysis is clear, and the simplest statement has to tell shareholders, optimization can be more than now. What do you get, do you have these, do you think that the shareholder can support you except for those of us who play with you?"

"Then what should I do?"

"Old Cao is quite interesting, I said for a week, he will help to delay it for a week, what you just said is a briefing meeting, he will not regard it as a general meeting of shareholders, but if you dare to tell me nonsense in a week, you Wait, let me take care of your broken company."

Li Cailin was really stubborn this time. She thought that Zhang Che had finally made progress and knew how to think independently about the operation of the company. As a result, when she heard it, she had some ideas at first, but later she was just talking to herself. As soon as he figured it out, he decided whether to optimize it or not, and how to optimize it has not yet been discussed, but he just arranged the work. Even if there is no LOEN in Li Cailin, he can't tolerate this kind of nonsense.

It is said that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. If Zhang Che didn't act like that at the beginning, Li Cailin would not have known that there was such a big fire now, but when the fire was over, he had to find a way to deal with the aftermath.

"Tell me, according to what I know about you, you shouldn't have the brain to think about industrial upgrading or not, optimization or optimization. What the **** is going on? Is your brain really squeezed by the door?" Li Cailin got angry. , and finally began to ask why.

Zhang Che had no choice but to tell Li Cailin about the agreement he made with Li Xiuman and Li Xiuying at sunny's house. Of course, he omitted Li Xiuying's attitude and said that Li Xiuying was a little worried.

"That's no wonder, it turns out that the old fox from the Li family was chasing you, no wonder you thought of some kind of industrial optimization." Li Cailin said thoughtfully, "It's a matter of your life, no wonder you're in a hurry!"

"It's not just that reason, I really feel that way. Our stall is too big and too complicated to handle." Zhang Che also said seriously, "I really seriously thought about it. I plan to increase investment in artist operations and reduce expenditure on TV dramas and variety shows. After all, good works on variety shows and movies are hard to come by. If the profits of variety shows are not at the level of "produce", there is not much profit space in itself, so the potential is the greatest. It's Solzhi and the others."

"You can tell me that, but you can't tell the shareholders that, some things, I believe in you, Suizhi believes in you, but LOEN will not be so emotional, they only look at profits, even if they know it will be better if they change, but if The risk of change is too great, and they would rather not change.”

"You need to convince them, but it's not empty talk. You need to convince them through reports, data, and simulations, telling them that the risk of change will not be great, and the investment will not be much, but the future benefits will be huge. Simply stupid."

"I said, can anyone believe that?" Zhang Che scratched his head and asked.

"As long as there is enough data to support it, why don't you believe it, and no one is a fool, who doesn't know the risks, what is needed is a reason to be tempted, and you can really treat people as fools by speaking with white teeth like you!" Li Cailin rolled her eyes and said.

"Then... what should I do now?"

"What? Go back and write the report! Show me the draft today, we will discuss it tomorrow and the day after, and I will contact LOEN to send someone to attend this meeting next week."

"Then what... I want it today? Can it be tomorrow? Today Shun Kyu will wait for me to go home... Okay, okay, I get it! I'll do it as soon as possible, don't stare at me like that, I feel like I owe you hundreds of billions of dollars Sample."

Zhang Che returned home at twelve in the middle of the night. In fact, his report was still unfinished. Li Cailin couldn't bear to see that guy's sad expression as he got closer to the middle of the night, so she couldn't help putting him back.

In fact, for Mr. Sunny, now is the time to get off work, especially when he has re-proved his girlhood. The schedule has been constant recently. Mr. Sunny has pushed a lot of schedules and squeezed some schedules to accompany him. Parents, you are paying your debts right now.

So, Zhang Che was actually coming off work on time.

After holding a small "re-check-in" welcome ceremony with Mr. Sunny, the two of them drank a little wine, and took advantage of the long-lost wine to be ashamed and not ashamed for a night, and then Zhang Che left Mr. Sunny who slept soundly early in the morning. , I went to work on time with panda eyes.

After working hard for three or four days, Zhang Che finally got the report out of the way, and then discussed and approved it at the internal meeting. In essence, it is still those things, but under the guidance of Li Cailin, I have refined all the things, and added a lot of data that looks very correct, but I can't make mistakes at all, but I always feel that something is wrong when I look closely. The whole report seems convincing. increased power.

What Zhang Chunru really learned was not this kind of specious falsification, but Li Cailin's adjustment of the entire plan. At first, Zhang Che just expressed the need to increase investment in artist operation and management, and did not consider other things. After taking over, Li Cailin not only optimized the industrial structure, but also made a series of adjustments to the company structure to adapt to possible changes in the process of industrial adjustment.

According to Li Cailin, this is the way to solve the problem. Zhang Che's method is to do it first, and then consider solving it when there is a problem, which is completely irresponsible.

According to the plan passed internally, the company will first carry out structural adjustment, subdivide the company's departments, and establish a new administrative department, which will be in charge of Li Cailin, but the actual person in charge is still Jinji University, Li Cailin is too busy on both sides, and can not always let The big agent of Jinji has to give people an official name. Then Jin Jida left, and he had to recruit new agents to fill the broker's room. Zhang Che made the final decision and asked Jin Jida to recommend him to come in. No matter what he was doing, Jin Jida was not such a person.

The next step is to separate the variety show production team to set up the variety show production department. At present, there are two programs in the works. It can't be said that the focus is not on them and the department will be cancelled, but the personnel will be streamlined, and the person in charge will be Zhang Che.

The music department is still Li Haoyang's responsibility, but this brother can do music, but he is not interested in administrative work. He has to find an assistant to assist him in management. Because there are not many things, Li Cailin's meaning is from those who are unwilling to leave the company. There are also trainees who are ambitious to transform into administration.

Then there is the artist management department. This department will be the focus in the future. The planning room will no longer be a separate department, but will be merged into the artist management department. This department needs an experienced director to do the whole set of management operations. Zhang Che will go to Ji Zhonghua. Talk to that brother, is there any suitable person to recommend. As for the other makeup teams, assistants, traffic teams, etc. to be re-staffed, the recruitment of new trainee teachers, and the fixed time for recruiting trainees every month, etc., there are a lot of miscellaneous little ~ In fact, if possible, according to the normal practice, a special branch should be set up like the Variety Department. After all, there is a completely different operation model, and even the Artist Management Department has two scores for idols and actors. Let’s do it in blocks, take a look at S.M at the extreme, they set up a branch directly, but… the money is not enough, if you do this, the input-output ratio will be higher, LOEN will definitely not agree.

With this kind of plan, after Zhang Che finished speaking in front of the LOEN representative, they didn't make a decision on the spot.

You must know that this is the plenipotentiary representative sent by LOEN, and ordinary things can be decided on the spot. Even if it is a little difficult, it will nod according to the basic rules of investors' non-interference in operations, but now people actually say that they want to go back Company report?

Is it still too big?

"It's not too big, have you forgotten why LOEN bought our company's equity in the first place?" Li Cailin said.

"Uh... Variety show production department?" Zhang Che suddenly realized that people initially took a fancy to the company's variety show production ability and thoughtfully invested in it. Now that variety shows are put on hold to develop their artists, it is no wonder that the representative wants to report back to the head office.

Playing music, professionalism, artist management... It's a little bit worse, but there is an IU, which is enough.

Just because you don't want it doesn't mean you can't. With people's financial resources, they don't worry about the so-called three big things.

But having said that... Speaking of LOEN, Zhang Che remembered it again. He seemed to have a fellow from the Celestial Dynasty thrashing around there. I don't know how the thumping is now?

By the way, do you want to say hello to MBC and put it into the "Real Men" program group?