MTL - South Korean Entertainment Industry News Record-Chapter 671 Paradox game

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Sunny looked at Li Juli blankly, listened to the outrageous words, and then digested it for more than a minute, then smiled.

"Well... this is really not my confidence, even if I don't care about that guy, what do you think Quan Baolan has a chance to do?" Sunny is confident, the key is that this guy is safer than being awake.

"...This time, it's really hard to say!" Li Juli smiled bitterly and said, "This time it's not so much a competition with you, it's better to say that Baolan is competing with herself, let's play this house wine with her. "

"What do you mean?" sunny wondered.

"She said you... Forget it, there are a lot of messy reasons for this, in short, this girl is very clever once, and ran us to promise her that if she can complete the three steps of holding hands, hugging, and kissing today, we will later Do my best to help her, Xiaomin can no longer report to the wind, I will also come forward to help and make suggestions, it will be very troublesome." Li Juli said in a mess, and she didn't know why, because the whole process was messy.

Afterwards, Li Juli was not without doubts. Baolan alone could not have come up with such a complicated strategy. There must be someone behind the scenes as a dog-head military strategist, and this style of behavior is very familiar, 80% of which is Park So-yeon.

First, he used the team and years of relationship to run on Xiaomin, saying that Xiaomin was shaken, and then he slapped and rolled in front of him, making him upset, and then suddenly changed his style and analyzed his weaknesses and strengths with himself, saying that he was just comparing Sunny has only known each other for a few years. They are all short people. She has all the conditions that sunny has. As long as she keeps in touch with Zhang Che during the production of this album, she is still very confident in digging corners.

Li Juli was annoyed to death, and sarcastically said, "So much of what you said is false. If you are really capable, let someone kiss you and try!"

Unexpectedly, Quan Baolan waited here completely, and made a contract with Li Juli for three chapters, and when it was done, Li Juli's unconditional support was required.

At that time, Li Juli didn't care. You were all stripped and sent to the door without looking at them, and you still expect them to kiss you? But what Li Juli never expected was that Quan Baolan moved out of the birthday Dafa, and the birthday party went crazy. I really didn't know it would happen.

This is also the reason why Li Juli made that call. She was really panicked. She had a stake in the game. She had to let Zhang Che come, and she had to fulfill her promise to help at the birthday party. Just Zhang Che's emotional intelligence, so It's even worse when I come here stupidly, so I can only ask Zhang Che to bring Lord Sunny, so that at least someone will be on guard.

"Anyway, come on tonight, after saying this, I have to fulfill my obligation to help Baolan!" Li Juli sighed and said.

"Why...why tell me this?" Sunny looked at Li Juli strangely and asked, "It's better not to say, if I didn't take precautions, maybe you really succeeded?"

"To be honest, I don't think Baolan and that guy are a good match, not even you, but Baolan is my sister, and you are not, so I can only grieve you into the fire pit!" Li Juli looked at her nails and said .

"Well...thank you!" Li Shungui said strangely, "Since it's a fire pit, I hope you stay far away. I always feel that the good match you are talking about is yourself!"

After hearing this, Li Juli stared straight at Sunny, feeling as if she had met a donkey's liver and lungs with kindness. After ten seconds, she rolled her eyes, stopped talking, and Shi Shiran walked away.

Only sunny stayed where she was, thinking about things with a headache.

Sunny thinks a lot, but it's not a little white flower who just debuted. Sunny thinks that Li Juli said these words to herself, although it means a warning, but it is also a kind of pressure. This elder sister said something nice, and she thought about it for herself, but if she was too nervous and reacted too aggressively at this banquet, then Zhang Che would be embarrassed and the image of sunny in Zhang Che's heart would also drop a lot. It is the most deadly!

On the contrary, in Sunny's view, holding hands and hugging a kiss is a family game, even if the whole team supports unconditionally, and Sunny doesn't care about making suggestions, falling in love is always a matter of two people, not the more people the more beneficial, Besides, there are more than people...there are nine of them, who dares to have more than them?

Sunny is more worried about Li Juli's attitude. I tested it today. It seems that Li Juli is not optimistic about Quan Baolan's pursuit of Zhang Che, and she has no intention of taking action personally. If this is the case, it will be easy tonight, but If this is also a smoke bomb, then...

I have a headache, how can I come to a birthday party like Longtan Tiger's Den... Forget it, I hope I think too much, the top priority is to be optimistic about the people in my family, just hold hands and hug, want KISS? Ask me first.

The routine of the birthday banquet, sunny is also familiar with it. Although everyone's gameplay is different, it is nothing more than a few variants. Except for the different scales, the routines are similar.

At the beginning of the show, when the venue was clean and tidy, everyone took a certified photo and uploaded it, and then the crowd danced.

Those who want to drink will get together to drink and play games, and those who don't want to drink... Well, Zhang Che alone doesn't want to drink, so he will be alone.

But today Zhang Che discovered that what was different from the last Li Juli birthday banquet was that even though Mrs. Sunny was carrying a wine glass, he still stayed by his side, leaning on Zhang Che halfway as if he was drunk. , Although Zhang Che is very cool, yes, he still feels a little uneasy.

Zhang Che doesn't know how to drink, so he's not good at those games at the wine table. Last time at Li Juli's birthday party, he just wanted to be alone, but today it seems very strange, knowing that he doesn't know how to drink, but Quan Baolan took the lead, along with Park Zhiyan, Han Enjing, and Park Suyan, and moved the main battlefield in front of Zhang Che, with Li Juli behind him to help with suggestions, Park Hyomin and Li Yalin waiting on the side, and Mrs. Sunny on his side was stunned. Don't be afraid, there is a one-to-seven posture.

Zhang Che glared at Park Xiaomin several times, this girl turned her head away from Zhang Che every time she was eating, but Sunny was not surprised at all. Although she complained in her heart, she did not miss a single bit of her face.

At the beginning of the game, it was still a traditional game of dice. Zhang Che didn’t understand it at all, and he didn’t know how to play it, so Mr. Sunny drank a lot. After playing it, Zhang Che felt that it was not the way to go. He just wanted to end his role. In this game, who knew that little girl Li Yalin took out a pile of wood and put it on the table.

In this game, Zhang Che knows that it is to pull out the building blocks, and then there are a bunch of instructions on it. You must follow the instructions. Otherwise, you will be drinking. It's a bit of a truth or dare. is yours.

This game is usually played at parties, and birthday banquet tables are rare, mainly because the atmosphere is not right. This game is a bit quiet, and it doesn't match the style of ordinary artist birthday banquets like nightclubs.

Zhang Che looked around strangely and didn't understand why this game appeared here, but the few people around didn't seem to have any doubts, so Zhang Che didn't know what to say.

According to the seats, it should have been a lottery, but Mrs. Sunny wanted to sit next to Zhang Che. The girls on the opposite side didn't insist, just put Quan Baolan on the other side of Zhang Che and it was over.

At this time, as stupid as Zhang Che, he knew that something was not right. Isn't this the same as the beginning? Sitting on the left and right, Zhang Che was suddenly restless.

This building block game, Zhang Che occasionally uses in the show, but basically it is a prank version, but today, God knows what this girl Li Yalin thinks, it is actually a couple version, Zhang Che is the first to play Yes, the first one I drew was actually granting a wish to the person around me.

Look on the left, look on the right, there is no choice at all, Zhang Che said to sunny, "Shungui, what do you want?"

Li Shungui glanced proudly at everyone present, especially the resentful Quan Baolan on the other side, followed by a moment of hesitation, and finally resolutely raised his head, put on a coy look, and said, "Kiss me!"

Zhang Che was stunned for a moment, but it wasn't strange, it was mainly because he was in front of so many people... a little embarrassed.

However, my girlfriend, what's the matter? Hold up Mrs. Sunny's and kiss her face fiercely.

Mainly because there are so many people, it’s better to kiss your face, but it’s not good to forcibly distribute dog food.

Then it was Mr. Sunny's turn. He carefully pulled out a building block and put it in front of his eyes, and it suddenly lit up.

"Kiss the person on your right on the cheek!"

Without any hesitation, he hooked Zhang Che's neck and put the lipstick on Zhang Che's face fiercely.

"Hehe, go on, go on!" Han Enjing on sunny's left started her sequence with a dry smile, and then pulled out a building block, fortunately, it was a simple song or something.

Next was Li Juli, who took out a piece and placed it on the table.

"Give the third one on the right a full body massage for 5 minutes!"

Li Juli casually glanced at the third person on the right, her normally flat expression froze.

The third on the right is Zhang Che, who is sitting awkwardly at the moment, while Li Shungui is thinking with a playful face, while the other people, one of whom is counted as one, all have expressions of wanting to laugh and not daring to laugh.

"Well, Ernie, you wouldn't say that drinking fines is such a disappointment, right?" Park Hyomin said with a smirk, she saw Li Juli reaching for the wine glass.

Just kidding, when Li Juli, who has always been on top, was in trouble, she Park Hyomin didn't want to miss it, not only her, but Zhang Che and Sunny, who didn't want to see her joke.

"Haha, isn't it just a massage, wait!" Li Juli rubbed her wrists, stood up gracefully, walked behind Zhang Che, and squatted down gracefully.

Putting both hands on Zhang Che's shoulders, he said softly, "oppa, is it okay here?"

The word "oppa" shook Zhang Che's body, and he always felt that things were going to be bad.