MTL - So You’re Such A Doctor Song-Chapter 86 Changqing, we are husband and wife

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Chang Qing was blocked and speechless. She suddenly admired her sister. At the time when she was enrolled at the university, Yan Lei saw her eldest daughter report to the medical school and persuaded her to take the exam. Later, she happened to be asked to take a photo set by a magazine agency in the street. After that, Chang Qing became interested in the entertainment industry, so she accidentally entered the circle. Relatively speaking, she has no plans for her life.

"I didn't mean that," Changqing said complexly, "Maybe everyone has a job that everyone likes."

"It's irrelevant to do this business," Song Chuyi turned her face slightly, her eyelashes were long and slender.

Chang Qing froze, "You don't like it, why go to study medicine?"

Song Chuyi went back to the living room, took an orange from the coffee table, and peeled it off. "When I was 12, my grandfather diagnosed a brain tumor. It was malignant. It was pretty good at the first operation. It barely succeeded. Recurrence, coupled with his own hypertension and diabetes. He was critically ill shortly after the second operation. In those days, I often watched him doing various treatments, which was very painful. He said several times that we should not save He ’s gone, he ca n’t stand it, and he died shortly afterwards. I was very angry at that time, thinking that my grandfather ’s death was because the doctor was useless. I always thought that if my medicine was better than these doctors, my grandfather would be sure I wo n’t die. Later, I always wanted to prove the reason. I went to study medicine after high school. ”

Chang Qing couldn't speak for a long time, so Song Chuchu felt strange to her. When he spoke, he always had a cold look with a slight sadness of nostalgia.

It must have been sad when his grandfather died.

Suddenly she felt a little bit remorse, and maybe she shouldn't have rashly said those words just now.

"Actually my mother died of illness, but at that time I was too young to understand anything. It seemed that I would have no mother when I was conscious," Chang Qing said, "but my sister is a few years older than me. She I hate the disease that took my mother's life, so I chose to study medicine. "

"Everyone has a different goal to learn medicine." Song Chuyi stripped off the veins of the orange. "Some people think that doctors have high salaries and good treatment, and some people are really proud of the profession of doctors."

"What about you, you are also proud of this profession"? Chang Qing looked up and saw his perfectly curved chin.

Song Chuyi said, "In the beginning, I just wanted to prove that the doctors were useless. But when it was my turn, I realized that some patients are really helpless. After all, you are not God. When my first patient died in my hands, I thought Give up, until I saw a lot of patients in the outpatient clinic after taking my prescription to cure, did I feel the satisfaction of being a doctor, doctor, do you see the kind of satisfaction that patients have recovered under your scalpel? Feeling is the reason why I persist in this business, and maybe your sister is also the same. If you really just hate the disease to take away your mother's life, she cannot persist for so long because this business is too tired and too bitter. "

He lowered his head and poked the orange, half into her palm. "The things in the computer looked disgusting at first. When I first came into contact with the disintegration, I was sick every day, and then I met a forensic doctor and I knew Their industry is even more shocking, but many people still need forensics, just like what people now need most is a doctor. "

He finished talking and looked at Chang Qing's lips, biting the other half of the orange back to the room.

Chang Qing really listened.

In her mind, an old hooligan who had only known to kiss her and take advantage of him instantly rose to a god-like height.

It's too great, it's just too great.

Like the scientists who have made great contributions to humanity.

And Song Chuchu is simply the most holy of doctors.

Compare him to himself.

Chang Qing suddenly started questioning her career and questioning her life.

Shouldn't she have listened to Yan Lei's words to study medicine at first, but thinking of the picture in the computer just now, she took a nap, which was disgusting.

Looking at the yellow oranges in her hand, she really had no appetite.

In the evening, Chang Qing went over and over by herself, and finally fell asleep, and suddenly had a horrible and disgusting dream.

After waking up, she sweated, and quickly turned on the light, still feeling scared.

Struggling again and again, finally holding the quilt to the living room sofa.

Robben woke up immediately and ran to the crowd with her on the sofa.

Chang Qing's contented hug dog was not so afraid.

At two o'clock in the morning, Song Chuyi got up and poured water. When she saw the people and dogs hugged in a ball on the sofa, she couldn't bear to pinch her brows.

Walked over and opened Robben directly.

Chang Qing was also awakened, staring at the tall and straight figure suddenly appearing in front of a messy furry and squinting eyes.

"Would you like me to set up a bigger kennel on the balcony with Robben?" Song Chuyi's extremely dark complexion taunted.

Chang Qing sat up in a huff, "You think I want to sleep with a dog, not yet."

"Not what?" Song Chuyi raised her eyebrows.

Chang Qing blushed and dropped her head, "I'm afraid, seeing those things in your computer, and having a nightmare, I dare not sleep in the bedroom."

Her voice was sweet, and her figure in her pajamas was sweet.

Song Chuyi stooped and hugged her suddenly.

Chang Qing was startled, and when she turned around, she found that he was holding him and walked into the room. She screamed, "What are you doing?"

"Aren't you afraid, sleep with me?" Song Chuyi looked down, her mouth seemed to smile. "I don't want to go to your room. Your room is too scary." Chang Qing struggled. She now really has a shadow on his room.

"Then go to your room," Song Chuyi turned her head.

When she opened the door of her room, Chang Qing was struck again with full shyness, and her legs trembled on his wrist. "I don't need it, I can sleep alone, I'm not afraid".

"No, I don't want my wife to go to hug the dog again in the middle of the night. You better hug me if you want to hug me." His body quickly replaced him to bear.

Chang Qing was pinned by his chest, and he heard the phrase "wife" more nervous and shy to hide.

Song Chuyi let go of her a little, and quickly hugged her back, and in order to help her settle, he bit her earlobe with a bad breath and warned: "Hurry up, I won't take care of you Up. "

The hot breath sprayed on her earlobe, and Chang Qing's body suddenly froze.

She didn't dare to move immediately, and even sighed, she just thought about the real meaning of "taking care of you".

Her face quietly warmed again.

After more than ten minutes, Chang Qing heard a uniform breathing sound coming from behind, thinking he was asleep, and her body moved slightly, trying to escape from the bend of his arm.

As a result, Song Chuyi's voice came again in his ear, "Why don't you sleep?"

Chang Qing was embarrassed. "You hold me. I'm not very comfortable and can't sleep."

"This way," Song Chuyi's voice was high, suddenly suddenly low, "how else would we do something to help sleep?"

Chang Qing's head was so confused by his voice that he didn't think about it and asked, "What is it?"

As soon as her voice fell, Song Chuyi's body suddenly moved, and Chang Qing just opened her mouth, and the seductive lips of the orange petals were sealed by him.


"Why not, last time," Song Chuyi leaned her waist to send in her arms, bowed her head and kissed her.

His kiss was like a breeze. Changqing, the little tender grass, had no experience, and after a while, it was soft and let the hair blow through the skin.

When the coolness came from his body, Chang Qing suddenly stunned, bowed his head, and his clothes were already missing.

She froze, and flinched into the bed, "Song Chuchu, I'm afraid."

The peach eyes were soggy and trembling, Song Chuyi just leaned on her little pink face and said softly, "Changqing, we are husband and wife."

Chang Qing's heart seemed to stop suddenly. She stared blankly at the bright and hot eyes above, and said weakly, "But we will divorce in one year."

"But what if I don't want a divorce?" His voice was hoarse, and Chang Qing's brain and nerves suddenly hurt as if exploding.

Dark kennel.

Robben was silently complaining to his master. At this moment, the sound of a weak mosquito and fly came suddenly from the quiet room.

Robben immediately raised his ears and listened for a while, and ran quickly to the hostess's door with his calf.

Yes, it is from here.

The sound is quite miserable.

Luo scratched the door anxiously.

No one paid attention to it, and soon came a cry.

"Song Chuchu, can I forget the pain today?" Chang Qing closed her eyes tightly, begging pitifully, tears falling from the corner of her eyes, and the ears were full of men's breathing and gasping.

Song Chuyi's pupils gushing with yin and irritable light gazed at her for a while in the dark, rose without a word, put on her pants, and went out.

There was a banging sound from the bathroom door outside, and Chang Qing was quickly relieved to wrap herself in a quilt.

From small to large, except for her naughty broken knee and a few stitches when she was a child, she never tried this kind of pain, it was terrible.

Chang Qing sucked her nose, hid her face in the pillow, and wiped it dry. It was deceiving on and in TV, but why are so many people keen on this kind of thing, is she having a problem?

The thought flashed, and Chang Qing shook her head hard, which was impossible.

She's normal, especially normal, just.

Chang Qing bit his finger.

Suddenly remembering something, I dragged the sore body down to the ground and locked the door.

Five or six minutes later, Song Chuyi came out of the bathroom, twisted the door, and locked it. He calmly knocked on the door, "Yan Changqing, open the door for me."