MTL - So You’re Such A Doctor Song-Chapter 68 play games

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Fu Yu looked at everyone, "How about playing dice together, guess the numbers, and those who guess the numbers will drink."

"General Manager Fu, Dr. Song does not drink," Lin Yun reminded.

"How about those who do n’t want to drink?" Fu Yu spread his hands, he had thin cocoons on his hands.

Feng Taichang and others immediately agreed, and Zhan Mingwei nodded quietly.

Song Chuyi seemed unable to refuse, but nodded.

There are exactly ten people playing dice, five men and five women.

When seated, Zhan Mingwei suddenly waved to Chang Qing, "Come, sit here."

Fu Yu took the dice's hand for a meal, and Director Feng Feng trembled in his heart. Did n’t he just tell the director a few days ago that Fu Yu looked at Yan Changqing, what is the director doing now?

Guan Ying also looked at Fu Yu, and he looked down as if he hadn't heard the dice.

Chang Qing walked over and was sitting between Zhan Mingwei and Song Chuyi. She was next to Song Chuyi on her shoulder, and she smelled the clear fragrance of him, like grapefruit.

"Guess it", over there, Fu Yu has shaken the dice and reminded with a smile, "Be careful, don't guess."

Chang Qing counted the positions. There were two sieves inside him, exactly ten people. The more he guessed later, the greater the risk, and she happened to be the third to last, with a risk index of 70%.

She squinted at Song Chuyi, who was tasting coffee lightly.

She glanced at the reluctant Guan Ying who smiled, and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Drink or play adventure."

The table suddenly became lively, and Chang Qing looked back and found that Chief Feng was in the middle.

"I am at will", Feng Chang seeing Fu Yu full of interest, he laughed, "General Fu, you command".

Fu Yu smoked a cigarette and laughed, "Drink the bar, it's white."

Feng Tai drank.

In the second round, Feng Tai shook the dice. This time it was Guan Ying. Feng Tai hehe said, "If you don't, let's kiss Mr. Fu."

Fu Yu's face sank, Feng Tai suddenly realized that he was busy and changed his mouth, "Let's drink."

Zhan Mingwei shook the ashes, "It's not good for a woman with such a large glass of white wine to drink, and the woman changed to a red bar."

"Thank you for the care of the exhibition bureau," Guan Ying saw Fu Yu, who was silent, nodded and smiled.

After forgetting seven or eight times in succession, everyone also successively hit several times. When it was the turn of Zhan Mingwei to roll the dice, Song Chuyi unfortunately guessed.

"Dr. Song can't drink, it seems he can only take big risks," Fu Yu smiled with interest.

Zhan Mingwei's mouth was tilted, and he used a toothpick to fork a piece of mango in the plate. "Otherwise, let Miss Yan let her eat this mango with her mouth"?

Suddenly quiet in the lively small booth.

Almost everyone's face was condensed, especially Fu Yu, her smile was stiff in her eyes, and Guan Ying's eyes were confused.

The piece of mango in Zhanming Wei's hand is small and pathetic. If you feed it with your mouth, the chance of touching your lips and lips is very high. Even if you don't, you will inevitably have a breath blending.

Chang Qing's unbelievable face was red and red. "Dr. Song lost. It was his adventure. It has nothing to do with me."

"Yes, Director Zhan is not very reasonable," Fu Yu immediately said in a low voice.

Feng Tai also anxiously winked at Director Zhan, but he was as interested as he did not see. "The editor-in-chief Cao also kissed Miss Chi just now. It ’s not reasonable to get to Dr. Song and Miss Yan, Chu Yi What do you think? "

He turned towards the cold man next to him.

Chang Qingxin raised it and stared at the side.