MTL - So I Am A Demon Descendent!-Chapter 46 Choice

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羡 Li Xianyu saw the face of the woman in front of her. She was cold and arrogant, her eyes were sharp, her skin was deceiving and she was bright and tall.

"Sister?" He opened his mouth to shout, but made a sound.

The uncle woman reached out his hand expressionlessly. The hand was about to touch Li Xianyu moment. Suddenly it seemed like he had touched a hot soldering iron, and screamed and retracted his hand.

The national emblem of Li Xianyu hanging on his chest exuded hot temperatures. The higher the national emblem temperature, the more fierce the grieving spirits. With such a scorching heat, Li Xianyu's consciousness seemed to get rid of some kind of control, the body shook, and the dilated pupils returned to focus. With clear eyes.

At the same time, her eyes became hot, and the spiritual stress turned on. The older sister changed her face, her face quickly paled, the paleness of the dead pork, the moist Phoenix Eyes became cataracts, and her lips became blue. She was shabby in red and shameless.

Before he died, his sister Shuiling became a ghost in red.

Li Xianyu: Σ (っ ° Д °;) っ

羡 Li Xianyu was startled, and 踉跄 backed away. In his consciousness, he had a dream just now, dreaming that his sister came to him. It was just a reaction now, not a dream, but a grudge.

How could there be a grudge in the apartment, and why did he come to hook him?

Is it because I am handsome?

I was puzzled in my heart, Li Xianyu kept running and turned around. After a few steps, the bare feet were caught by something.

Familiar taste, familiar recipe!

Li Xianyu turned his head with a pale face and grabbed him with a bare foot. A child was squatting on the ground with his hands around his feet. When Li Xianyu turned around, the child also looked up, pale and pale. On the small face, the eyes are two black holes, and the eyes seem to be buckled by life.

"Catch you." The child grinned, his teeth white.

Li Xianyu: (#? Д?)

His scalp was numb and he just wanted to call San Wu for help. He protruded a large blood-red hand from the corridor on the 19th floor and covered it.

Like the giant palm grabbing Li Xianyu's waist and pulling him out of the eighteenth-floor corridor, Li Xianyu soared in the clouds, and in the sight, the lights in the distance flashed over. When he landed, he found himself already Standing on the top floor of the apartment.

The night sky is vast and far away, the end of the line of sight, and the lights are endless.

A few meters behind him, there was an old man and a young man. The young man dragged a bronze little tripod in his hand and looked at him with a burning eye. The old man had a scar on his left eye that destroyed his eyes, and the remaining right eye squinted, staring at Li Xianyu.

大 The big hand broke into hundreds of deadly dissatisfied spirits, and fell behind the young man, apparently under his control. A pair of cataracts looked at Li Xianyu steadily.

Li Xianyu, who stood on the edge of the rooftop, shouted, "You, who are you?"

有 He was afraid of heights, standing on the edge of the rooftop, his heart beating, but he didn't dare to take a step inside.

Shen Mengzi didn't answer, looked at him for a moment, disdain: "This generation of the Li family is really a waste without foundation."

One-eyed old man said: "Li Wuxiang fell behind, Wushuang War Spirit was sealed in the black water spirit beads. This boy has been under the supervision and protection of the Dao Buddha Association since he was young. He has never touched the **** world. A few days ago, the family arranged a hidden stake in Shanghai. It is reported that Wushuang War Spirit reappears in the world. It is also his Li family's bad luck that happened to open at the Pantheon. Otherwise, after more than ten or twenty years, the blood community may have another tricky rising star. "

Shen Meng opened his right hand, and when the air was flowing, he inhaled Li Xianyu into his palm, pinched his neck, and cried, "So for us, the best opportunity is now, as long as he is in his hand, The War Soul of War is under our control. "

"Did you bring something out of the Pantheon for my dad ghost, or the address of the Pantheon?" Li Xianyu cautiously.

Xun Shenmeng saw the fear in the eyes of this young man, like a little elk who was thrown by a tiger, with timidity and caution.

I really am a useless ordinary person.

Shen Meng asked, "How about something? What about address?"

Li Xianyu looked at the chicken with a weak expression on his face: "My dead ghost father gave up the world early. I didn't know anything, but I didn't get anything. But my grandmother is different, she is clear, and I asked at night She's here, but she just doesn't tell me. "

His thoughts turned sharply, and whether the dog's life would survive, depending on whether they could be led downstairs. As long as Sanwei didn't respond, his dog's life would be saved.

Grandma Yun grandma just finished saying "how many eyes are staring at you", and the next moment someone forced him to come.

This familiar sense of sight is not the last incident of Qingqing Qiangpa.

Grandma's flag is really inserted one by one.

Shen Shenmeng sneered, "Since I don't know, what's the use for you, it's better to feed my grudges."

羡 Li Xianyu scolded in his heart, what use do you catch me.

The expression of horror was matched with the expression on her face, and she begged for a look.

To show weakness to the enemy is the basic skill of life-saving. People who jump too often can't live three episodes, especially those who have no strength and jump.

A short ten-second conversation paralyzed each other through a weak expression. Li Xianyu put out some useful information. The young man who was so proud and even too lazy to report to his family was heading for the Pantheon. Regardless of the position of the Pantheon or what the dead ghost brought back that year, at least he was carrying some kind of "desire".

As long as it is not a vendetta, he is temporarily safe.

The other party either wants to torture useful information from him, or captures him to contain and threaten his grandmother. There is no third possibility.

羡 Li Xianyu was thinking positively about the countermeasures in his mind, and tempted them to go downstairs to find his grandmother. If that didn't work, he would have to think of other ways, at least to not be torn up.

But he really underestimated the viciousness of the proud young man ~ ~ Shen Meng laughed: "You still have use value, I can't kill you for the time being, but your dad started killing, and many talents in my family in Shen It's in his hands, and it makes sense that I should collect some interest. Anyway, as long as you save your life, captives without legs will not escape from the palm of your hand. "

Li Xianyu sank in his heart.

The one-eyed old man stood idly by. He was accompanied by Shen Meng this time to get the family's advice, to **** the fledgling San Ye. San Ye ’s task this time was to catch Li family heirs and threaten Warriors, but in fact he was trying to test the reaction of Baoze and all parties.

However, San Ye didn't know the real thoughts of the elders. He always felt that his mission was to take back the Li family.

Shen Meng then turned around and teased: "San Ye, I am compassionate and give you a chance. You kneel down and give me nine sounds, I will not hurt you. Uncle Yuan, let me take a video for me, hello Go back and show off. "

The one-eyed old man smiled aloud: "The Third Lord's reputation is bound to skyrocket."

Li Xianyu drew a corner of his mouth: "Brother, can you change it?"

Shen Meng threw Li Xianyu on the ground, stepped out with his left foot, and laughed: "Okay, lick my shoes."

The look of Li Xianyu is uncertain. As the young man in front of him said, the other party just kept his life, and didn't say that he wouldn't hurt him. This boundary is too wide. Cutting the adult stick can also save his life.

He wanted to say a few words, make a flattery or something, but when he met the young man's eyes and saw the cruelty and murderousness, Li Xianyu knew that any language was weak.

He started to sweat coldly on his forehead, and he was still an ordinary person in nature. He had never experienced such an encounter.

Shen Meng seems to enjoy this intimidating pleasure, without urging, waiting sneerly for Li Xianyu's decision.