MTL - Smallholder Farmer-~ The tenth section of the three mud houses

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Dig in the mud, cut on the wood hill! This tile can not go to the ground, one pen and two tiles! Three houses, say less than five thousand! It’s just the roof, and the wall on the courtyard is also safe! Yuxi looked at his brother's distressed face, some funny! Later, in fact, seven thousand tiles, also bought some green bricks! I spent a total of three hanging and half money!

The porch plus two small inverted seats also used the tile roof, and the inner courtyard wall also used tiles! It was the grandmother with the aunt and the jade from the mud, and the old tile that came out of the mud was added with the new tile cover! This old tile is not much, and it is broken, but it can be used! Save a lot of new tiles is not!

The big wall is naturally grass top! If you don't cover it, you can't make it, this summer's rain can cross half!

The ground floor of the wing room is still there. It is two feet high above the ground. There are four foundations in the east and west. The patriarch smiled and said: "When your brothers and sisters grow up, the silver hands are gone, or repair them!" Nod!

The fruits of labor are in front of us, everyone is tired and happy!

There are four rooms in the chicken ring, pigsty, latrine and firewood house on the inner wall of the inner courtyard. It is relatively short, and it is also the old tile and some new tiles. This is because the jade has been scrapped for a long time, and it is said that the grandmother agreed to take all these necessary houses to the wall of the inner court! Not on the foundation of the wing! Still tired of the uncles playing more stones, but also a foundation! However, this foundation plays, compared with the outer court, slightly flattered, and the basic room foundation, it is really no match!

However, it’s awkward, it’s a small house that’s almost seven or eighty!

Doors and windows, naturally, the uncles in the family, the woodwork is good, the wood is used to fight, naturally it is a volunteer, not collecting money, but also by the mind of the jade, hit a big window, so the light is better! Originally, you can have An Mingwa on the roof. But this kind of tile is expensive. You can get one or two silver pieces. You can't stand it. You can only get light by opening large windows! One room opened three windows, two front windows, one rear window! The light is great! The sun can shine directly into the house!

In addition, I spent two hundred dollars to buy: window paper, red lacquer, black lacquer, large door knocker, two pairs used on the two courtyard doors, two large door knockers on the hall and two courtyard doors, and two other The room is equipped with two medium rings and two iron locks!

Outside the courtyard door! This is a very good double door! Through the atmosphere! This is the meaning of the patriarch, how to say, this model can not be lost!

In the three rooms, the biggest one in the middle is the church house. The jade watched, there were more than 30 flat and forty flats, hanging the door knocker, double opening the door, pushing the door open, empty, nothing, just behind the soil The brick separated by a dark room, opened a side door, made a stove out, the stove is made by the seven uncles in the second room, four different sizes of the stove, on the stove, this uncle is in the seven halls Under high standards and strict requirements, there is no need to work **** the stove surface. This blue-paved stove has a small wall of fire wall with blue bricks on the side! The stove of such a sub-base is not gray, and it is usually well-finished! Valerian is very fond of this stove!

Except for the stove and the fire wall in the whole kitchen, nothing! Fortunately, my aunt saw the machine fast. When the foundation was laid, three flat, three-sized stones of similar size were used to make stools. One piece was slightly flatter and made a small dinner table! At the moment, there is definitely no money to buy a table bench!

Yes, this buns aunt is creative! Although sitting now, cold and cool, summer is definitely good!

One or two are people who will live! Yuxi now can't keep up with her thoughts! After all, after a poor life, Fan Xiaoqian still has a gap!

This spacious main room is made into a kitchen and a dining hall and a hall! However, it is really spacious enough, and the jade that has been in the pigeon cage for 30 years is very satisfied! There are more than 120 rooms in three rooms! What concept!

Then, the two brothers and sisters used the left and right sides of the hall to make the bedroom. In the two new rooms, the two bandits, the dishes were beautifully lit, with the bamboo mats edited by the four uncles and the blue bricks. In the face, my aunt lived with Yuxi! There is nothing in the house, that is, the cover of each person is placed on the raft! Plus a few pieces of clothes piled up!

Three houses, plus the courtyard wall and the inverted seat, all the white and white walls are covered with white lime. All the wooden windows and wooden doors are painted in deep red, which is similar to the color of the chestnut. The village is called red. Chestnut color,

The brothers and sisters of the second brother and sister, even if they live together! Yuxi is a bit staying, what is this? How much money does this project cost? It took a lot of money to hang three and two hundred pieces of accessories? A total of three thousand and a hundred words, more than seven thousand eggs, just let the dynasty think about it! This money is saved! A little hanging! The power of the family is really big! This also made Yuxi see the power of this ancient clan (family) for the first time!

The whole new home, the place where Yuxi is very satisfied, is convenient for water use! There was an old well in the yard, and there was no railing, but it was rare. In the same year, the special stone of Xiaoshigou was used to build the shaft wall, and the regular craftsmanship was also inlaid with green and white stones. It hasn't been used for many years, and the patriarch makes people come to the well! Actually, I dug a lot of silt out and washed the bottom of the well clean. It was about three meters deep. When the water was re-soaked in the well and the water was finished, after three times of washing, the well was three times. Good water, really good, eat this well water taste right, only re-put the fine sand into it! Because I thought about the safety of the three people, I also moved a few big bluestones on the side! Don't have any fun! Anyway, the mouth is shallow, and when you throw the bucket, you can hit the water, leaving the ground where you stand!

"When the baby, this has a well, it is much more convenient. The village does not have a well in every house. This old house has a well. It is luck. Just take a shallow well and get more than a dozen silvers!" ”

"Oh, patriarch, this well, I am still full of sweetness, it is a sweet water well!"

Grandma laughed and tried her mouth and said loudly! These words have been agreed to by the big guys. After all, everyone has drunk the water in this well, really sweet! This well-watered boiled dish is different!

According to the rules, this new house has been completed, to warm the house! That is to ask the people in the village to have a meal, lively, and add popularity to this new house! But how many of these two brothers and sisters are, everyone knows!

The housewarming banquet was done, and the jade was moved to death. It was actually home with food and rice, and put together to warm up the room for these two brothers and sisters! The benches are brought and brought back by the guests themselves!

On the twelfth day after the separation, after the warm house feast, Shen Shi, the three turned to the circle to see the three houses, their respective cover on the hoe! There is a pot on the cooktop and a bowl on the fire wall!

"Brother, we are much better than when we were separated. On average, there is a room for one person!" Yuxi comforted her brother very happy! The three of them sat together on the elder brother's shackles, and the six eyes stared at a string of money placed on the banquet! There are no scorpions in this house! How can I live!

"Brother, we have a place to sleep now, this is not afraid, this bunch of money, we buy chicken to feed, and pigs!"

"Hey, pigs we can't afford, there are so many donkeys to eat Besides, catching pigs, the difference is seven or eight hundred yuan!" After all, the aunt is Know the market price! Three people, a total of five hanging money, that is, 5,000 big money, 3700 Wen repaired the house, spent nearly 460 books to buy food, oil, pot, quilt or something, on the pig's large intestine but eat 22 pairs, total 44 Wenqian, just calculate it, only 796 yuan in hand! The numbers are very geeful! Jade thought in my heart!

The grain you bought was also eaten up. It’s hard to raise your hands and raise your feet!

Counting it, the three decided, go inside the advanced town, this labor tool must have! The ground has to be dug up! This is a must for the plate, the vegetables must be bought, and you can’t reach out to the people in the village! Chicken chicks say that they have to feed, aunt embroidered Kung Fu is good, but also to pick and do! The little girl of Yuxi naturally has to do it! Otherwise, eating is a problem!

The matter of entering the town the next day, even if it is fixed,

That night, Yuxi was lying on the raft, and the body was warm and squatting underneath. I felt a little hot, and I was surrounded by aunts! This time, but it was burned in the daytime. (I had to burn it for a few days, and the water was dry before I lived, but there was no way. The three said that they would not be able to live, it’s better than living in the open air!) Looking up With tall slabs and a hole in the corner of the building, after doing a ladder, you can go upstairs and take a bamboo mat!

A new life, so beautiful! Look at the big windows, the moonlight that passes through the vertical railings! Yuxi looked at the moon in the sky. The ancient life was really interesting. Who would like to get it? These thousands of eggs can be exchanged for three houses and a big yard. When I think of my new house, Yuxi’s heart is beautiful! This price is modern, and the foundation money is not enough!

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