MTL - Single Mom in the Eighties-Chapter 21 home visit

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At noon, Director Wang took the three of them to the cafeteria to have a sumptuous stir-fry, and arranged for them to take a lunch break at the small guest house in the factory.

In the afternoon, Yan Ruxu borrowed the phone from Director Wang's office to call the kindergarten and learned that Kangkang had already gone to the kindergarten. Then, Director Wang personally led them to visit the factory area. The factory area is very large, and there is no need to visit all the places. They only visit the places related to filming, such as the studio, sound engineer, prop room and so on.

Yan Ruxu and Jiang Yun imagined themselves as ordinary readers, looking for interesting points in the factory area, and then listened to the emphatic introduction of the factory staff. The two introduced while listening, and at the same time sorted out the writing ideas of this report.

With the camera on his back, Chen Yang followed the thoughts of the two of them, taking pictures along the way, but sometimes his mind wandered, and the camera couldn't help but focus on Yan Ruxu.

Several people cooperate with each other, and the efficiency is very high.

In the afternoon, when it was almost 4 o'clock, their visit to the factory came to an end.

Yan Ruxu looked at his watch and said to Director Wang: "Director, let's come here first. The next two days of interviews will be in charge of editor Jiang and editor Chen. feel free to contact."

"Okay, you three have worked hard today, Editor-in-Chief Yan, come and play with us if you have a chance, and when our factory's new movie is released, I will give you movie tickets!"

Because it was almost time to get off work, Yan Ruxu didn't ask everyone to return to the club, but went straight to get off work. Yan Ruxu also went directly to the kindergarten to pick up the child, so the three of them still don't know what happened in the office after they left.

The next day, Jiang Yun and Chen Yang sat in the office for a while and then set off for the Red Star Factory, while Liu Shu and Wang Yani did not come until they left. Not long after, Yan Ruxu received a call from Wang Yani, saying that her stomach was not feeling well and she was going to ask for leave for a day, and asked her if Liu Shu was here. Yan Ruxu replied no, Wang Yani briefly explained what happened yesterday to Yan Ruxu, and then said:

"Editor Yan, what happened to Liu Shu yesterday was quite serious. The crying was so loud that the whole building could hear it. All the leaders in the club came. Secretary Gao called Liu Shu into the office and talked for a long time. If so, I think she seems to have a problem with you..."

"I see, thank you. Take a good rest and think less. The mother's emotions have a great impact on the baby. If you comfort the baby a lot and talk to him, he can feel it." Yan Ruxu said.

"Well", Wang Yani has been taught by Yan Ruxu throughout her pregnancy, and she is extremely convinced by Yan Ruxu, wishing to write down all the lessons taught by Yan Ruxu in a notebook.

After putting down the phone, Yan Ruxu pondered about Liu Shu.

She is not close to Liu Shu and has no personal friendship, but she can often chat about children. She is a leader, so she will definitely raise some opinions and demands on Liu Shu's work, but she is not harsh or mean, so she should not put so much pressure on Liu Shu and make her cry.

As for the other colleagues in the office, Jiang Yun is a simple person who is devoted to working and has no interest in fighting in the office. Both Wang Yani and Chen Yang are younger than Liu Shu in terms of seniority and age, and they usually respectfully give way She, let alone cause any pressure on her.

If work and workplace problems are ruled out, then it can only be family.

The collapse of an adult is often only in a flash. Maybe yesterday was an inadvertent point that burst out all the anger and grievances in Liu Shu's heart.

Thinking about it, Yan Ruxu rubbed her temples.

In the current unit, the employees have to worry about life, old age, sickness and death. Yan Ruxu is Liu Shu's leader. Even if she is younger than her, she probably has to shoulder the responsibility of enlightening and educating her.

Someone knocked on the door and came in: "Editor Yan, Secretary Gao asked you to go to his office."

Yan Ruxu agreed, guessing that Secretary Gao was looking for her because of Liu Shu.

Yan Ruxu went to the office at the end of the second floor and knocked on the door.

"Come in," came Secretary Gao's voice.

Yan Ruxu opened the door and came in. Secretary Gao was sitting drinking tea and reading a newspaper. The steam in the teacup wafted up, the smell of old tobacco, scented tea, and the smell of ink from new newspapers mixed together a strange smell.

"Xiaoyan, you are here, come in quickly, sit, sit, do you want tea?"

Secretary Gao is in his fifties, with a cheerful face. He used to be a political cadre when he was in the army, and later transferred to Dazhong Daily. The leader is Dinghaishenzhen.

Although he is not very good at business, he is still very good at ideological education. However, I have the same problem as many political cadres, that is, I don't speak directly, I have to go around a lot of circles to get to the point, and I can't express my meaning more tactfully.

Yan Ruxu said directly: "Secretary Gao, I'm not thirsty. You came to me because of Liu Shu's affairs?"

Secretary Gao nodded with a smile: "It seems that you already know, so I will save trouble. Liu Shu was in a bad mood yesterday. I talked to Liu Shu. When her husband came to pick her up, I went to her again. The husband chatted, although they didn't say it clearly, but I listen, this problem should be in the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Liu Shu is our colleague, our class sister, she is in a very bad situation now, we can't let her go in spite of.

I was thinking that if we can solve it, we can solve it by ourselves, and we don’t need to trouble the comrades of the Daily News, so I have an idea, just you and me, go and see Liu Shu, and see if there is anything we can help. "

Yesterday, Secretary Gao tried his best to appease Liu Shu's emotions, and his mouth was dry. After Liu Shu finally stopped crying, she came back to her senses, but she refused to say what was the reason.

Director Gao is good at clichés and extracting useful information from limited conversations. He is also good at understanding the family situation of each employee. In his faltering conversations with Liu Shu and Liu Shu's husband Tan Xinming, he extracted the reason for Liu Shu's collapse: the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Liu Shu is unwilling to say, there must be her reasons, either because she is afraid of embarrassment, or because she is afraid of affecting the harmony of the family, but now the family relationship has seriously affected her personal emotions, you know, with such emotions, there is no way Work or live well.

He is the biggest leader of the magazine, that is, the head of all employees of the magazine. He has the responsibility and obligation to help them solve problems in work and family, and let her return to normal work and life. But he is a man after all, some things are hard to say, but he quickly thought of a suitable candidate, Yan Ruxu, who is not only Liu Shu's direct leader, but also a smart and wise woman.

Yan Ruxu was surprised. She knew that Secretary Gao was looking for her because of Liu Shu, but she didn't expect that she was asked to play the role of a close sister. Yan Ruxu had never tried this role, and felt that she was not good at it. And when Liu Shu didn't intend to ask for help, Yan Ruxu felt it was inappropriate to want to help her wishfully.

"Secretary Gao," Yan Ruxu said, "Liu Shu and I have been in the same office, but she has never confided to us about the unhappiness with her family. Privacy. If we rush to help her, intervene in her life, and understand the secrets she wants to hide, it may be counterproductive. I know you are kind, but she has a strong self-esteem, even if we can She has helped, but in the future we will still be in the same office, and if we look down and see each other, Liu Shu may have a grudge in her heart."

Secretary Gao put down the teacup in his hand, lowered his head to think for a while, and said, "Xiaoyan, what you said has some truth, but Liu Shu's current situation is very serious. If we don't help, the consequences will become more and more serious. The more serious it is. Xiaoyan, stop thinking about your own gains and losses. If you are afraid that Liu Shu will have opinions on you, I will talk to her when the time comes. It is for her own good, she can understand!"

When Yan Ruxu was about to say something, Secretary Gao put the lid on the teacup and made a moderate noise.

"Xiaoyan, this is a task entrusted to you by the organization, so don't refuse it anymore!" Secretary Gao said that when it comes to this, it is a final conclusion, and Yan Xu is not allowed to have any doubts.

Yan Ruxu knew that this was a difference in ideology caused by the times, and she was unwilling to argue with Secretary Gao, so she agreed.

"Xiaoyan, you really deserve to be the key training target in our club, and your ideological awareness is high! In this way, let's strike while the iron is hot, and we will go there in the afternoon!"

"Okay, Secretary Gao, I'll follow your arrangement." Yan Ruxu said, but she thought in her heart that it's best not to delay picking up the children.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Secretary Gao applied for the car of the Daily News to take them to Liu Shu's home.

The driver, a veteran, called Secretary Gao the chief, said, "I'll wait for you here," and sent them off the car.

Liu Shu's family lived in the family courtyard of Huayang University, which was about 20 minutes' drive away from the magazine office. It was located on the west side of the Huayang University campus. According to the house number, Secretary Gao and Yan Ruxu found Liu Shu's home.

Liu Shu showed off in the chat that her husband, Tan Xinming, is 34 years old this year. After obtaining a postgraduate degree early last year, he soon became an associate professor. He is now the youngest associate professor in Huayang University and has a bright future.

This is the house assigned to Tan Xinming by Huayang University. According to the distribution of three people, the structure and area of ​​the house can be seen from the outside. One and a half rooms, about 30 square meters. There is a very small yard, separated from the neighbors by a not-so-thick wall, and a shed with asbestos tiles is built against the wall, which is regarded as a kitchen and utility room, in which there are briquette stoves, coals, and pots Kitchen supplies such as bowls and pans.

A rope was set up in the yard, and the clothes probably had just been hung up, and water was still dripping down. Yan Ruxu looked at it carefully, and there were several brightly colored dresses, which obviously did not belong to Liu Shu who only wore white, black, blue and gray everyday.

The door was ajar, and there was a faint sound coming from inside. Secretary Gao knocked on the door, and after waiting for a while, an elderly female voice came from inside: "Who is here?"

It sounds full of spirit.

The author has something to say:

The next chapter has entered V, with 30,000 more characters!