MTL - Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985-Chapter 530 strange result

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【Shuttle to get rich started in 1985】【】

Irongrass is a small red grass in the wild, but it is grown in He Gui's laboratory, and it is slightly black, which is different from the wild ones.

The growth was more luxuriant inside the laboratory than outside. He Gui directly harvested some of the leaves and weighed them.

"How should this be done? Should it be directly added to the ferroalloy, or should it be smelted separately first?" He Gui thought to himself while weighing.

Soon He Gui made a decision to smelt it alone first, because the iron content in the iron grass is still very high.

It can reach about 40% of the weight of iron grass after drying.

After some operations, the iron grass was melted into a small piece of iron lump.

In order not to destroy some other metallographic features of the iron element in the iron grass, He Gui still adopted the traditional high-temperature smelting method instead of using a frequency conversion furnace.

Looking at some dusty things like pig iron, there are too many detection directions for this thing, but first of all, it must be made into other shapes for detection.

As a metal detection, it can be divided into hardness, toughness, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, heat insulation, and high temperature resistance.

He Gui already had a direction in his heart, the space can only say that these plants are more excellent, and the rest does not have any special abilities.

This small piece of iron lump was made into several thin wires, and then made into a piece of iron sheet.

The first is to test in terms of hardness. Since it is going to be done, it is necessary to do a comparative test, that is to say, make a piece of iron of the same material for a hardness test.

After some tinkering, the data of the hardness test has not changed much. The slight gap may be that the purity of the two materials is not the same.

"Could it be that it's for nothing." He Gui muttered in his heart, but this was still the beginning.

The second step is the conductivity test that He Gui is looking forward to.

However, the test results in terms of conductivity are still the same, and there is no big fluctuation at all. On the contrary, the resistance is higher than that of the same type of iron wire, which is probably also a problem of purity.

After a lot of work on thermal conductivity and so on, it didn't work.

"Isn't it really a waste of time? Do you want to experiment with other kinds of grass?" He Gui's laboratory not only has iron grass, but also several other kinds.

"Is there anything else that needs to be tested?" He Gui touched his nose, really not knowing what to do next.

In the afternoon, He Gui went back to the villa on the farm, turned on the computer, and checked carefully. In terms of metal testing, besides what he had already tested, what else needs to be tested, and how else should he be tested?

However, there are too many directions for a piece of metal to be tested, but most of these directions will continue with some changes in some general directions.

"Perform a magnetic test tomorrow." He Gui thought about doing the last test tomorrow. If it doesn't work, it seems that he can only promote the iron grass as a plant.

He Gui was not disappointed at all. After all, the impact of space on plants is only on the plants themselves, and it does not mean that they will completely change the plants.

In addition, there are several other grasses, and we will test them one by one at that time.

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【Shuttle to get rich started in 1985】【】

He Gui looked at the news again and found that our rocket launch in the mainland has signed a contract of 28 billion US dollars this year.

"The asking price is really cheap." Seeing this, He Gui felt that the money he was holding was not so hot in his hands, and the asking price was really cheap.

The US$28 billion contract seems huge, but it only accounts for one-tenth of the total value of global satellite launches. However, He Gui feels that it is better to let the bullets fly for a while. After all, many other satellite companies are still waiting and watching.

28 billion US dollars is only a matter of a few hundred satellites, and there are not yet 1,000 satellites. You must know that many old satellites have to be eliminated every year in the world, and many satellites have to be launched. The annual output value is hundreds of billions of dollars.

Of course, Hainan has become the rocket’s Internet celebrity base, but the rocket was recovered twice on the offshore platform at the beginning. Later, the launch party saw that the rocket recovery technology was very mature, so it did not recover it on the offshore platform.

Recycling directly on land, the cost of recycling on land is lower, and the cost of using an offshore platform is very high, and it is also more complicated to perform a series of operations on the offshore platform after recycling.

It can be said that the low-cost launch of rockets brought about the subsequent outbreak of the market and the readjustment of the market. Many foreign satellite launch companies have announced that they are going to go bankrupt.

Of course, these satellite launch companies announced that they would go bankrupt. In fact, there are two aspects. The first is to allow the authorities to spread some military secret technologies to civilian use, such as rocket recovery technology and multi-satellite technology with one arrow.

The second is to ask the authorities to allocate funds to these companies.

This is normal in the West. In many cases, the company distributes the money to the shareholders, and then when there is a problem with the company's operation, it will be blamed on the government authorities, and then the government authorities have to use funds to subsidize these companies. After earning money in the future, the money was distributed to shareholders.

He Gui looked at the news again and found that foreign satellite launches are now facing two difficulties. The first is the recyclable system and the reusability of the rocket.

This recyclable rocket in the Mainland has a very high reusability rate of each part of the parts, basically no parts will be replaced, and the reusability rate has reached the level of at least 20 times.

The rockets of foreign satellite companies can also be partially reused, but it is still very rare to reuse them 20 times, and of course it is not impossible.

However, the mainland also has a multi-satellite plan that can deliver more than 20 tons of payload into orbit at a time, so this is another big problem for foreign satellite companies.

Even if the rocket technology has caught up with the mainland's recyclable rocket technology in the past, it is still a problem in terms of multiple satellites with one arrow.

Even if the two technologies are equal to the satellite launch companies in the mainland, foreign satellite companies have no chance of winning in terms of labor costs, fuel costs, etc. in the mainland. This is also the trouble faced by the Western authorities.

If the appropriation can make the satellite company's technology and strength equal to that of the mainland, and also equal to or even more advanced than the mainland in terms of launch costs and cost performance, then the appropriation does not matter.

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【Shuttle to get rich started in 1985】【】

The Western authorities are afraid that these funds allocated to these companies will be like falling into the water, and the products they produce will still not be able to compete with the mainland.

"It deserves it!" After reading the news, He Gui knew the difficulties that the Western authorities encountered in rocket launches.

This thing is not subsidized just because it is a subsidy. If it is a classified satellite, it is fine. The annual market for non-classified civilian satellites is only a few hundred billion U.S. dollars. Which government dares to say that it will subsidize all of them.

According to the current market situation, the government at least said that it would subsidize more than 50% of the expenses.

Once it is said that this subsidy policy has come down, will the rocket launch company and the satellite company join forces to falsify the subsidy?

That's for sure. In this regard, the West is actually the master. Some methods can be said to be not only blatant, but also very ruthless.

On the second day, He Gui came to the laboratory again to continue testing the metals extracted from the iron grass.

"Huh?" When He Gui tested the magnetism of this metal, he found a strange phenomenon, that is, the metal seems to interfere with the magnetism, which is wrong.

What is magnetism? Strength is actually a wave.

"Could it be this thing?" He was moved in his heart, and quickly took out the iron plate although it was not big.

Then I came to another laboratory, which has not been opened for a long time. This is when He Gui was making cloaking materials. The laboratory here is mainly used to test cloaking materials.

"This is actually a natural stealth material, what the hell?" He Gui thought with his brain, but he didn't figure out how the iron directly absorbed the radar waves. What is the principle?

The iron directly absorbs the radar waves, so what is the need for wave-absorbing materials?

"Could it be that during photosynthesis, the iron grass absorbs light elements and mutates these iron elements. Light is actually a kind of wave!" He Gui conducted the experiment again and confirmed that his experiment was indeed like this. A piece of iron plate can absorb the waves irradiated on it in various bands. After thinking hard, He Gui came to this guess belatedly.

"Then the value of this thing is high. You must know that the price of stealth materials is very expensive. Not to mention its research and development costs, its manufacturing cost is not low."

"And the stealth material is still facing aging, replacement, maintenance, etc. If this kind of metal can be used for stealth, then the effect will be too great."

"In 2003, the supersonic stealth bomber came into existence, and we no longer need to care about the aerodynamic layout." He Gui was very happy. With this kind of material, there is no need for any aerodynamic layout at all, and the design is limited. It will be much less.

"Large-scale planting first for the time being, and then talk about it later." He Gui felt that the scale of planting on his side was a bit too small, and planned to continue to expand the scale of planting.

Fortunately, He Gui has a modern temperature-controlled greenhouse. Now in the temperature-controlled greenhouse, except for some rice seven bananas, cherries, strawberries and vegetables, the rest are basically empty.

"Brother-in-law, what should we do after these materials arrive?" Gao Zhong scratched his head after looking at the materials opened by He Gui and asked. His brother-in-law wanted these materials more than a year ago, but the quantity he wanted was relatively small.

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【Shuttle to get rich started in 1985】【】

"Mix these materials into the soil to form a ridge, and then I will plant the plants cultivated here on it." He Gui made a gesture, and then said.

Gao Zhong immediately understood that there are a lot of heavy metal ores in these ores.

"Should we take protective measures for this, these heavy metal elements may spread underground?" Gao Zhong suggested on the side.

"Okay, you can figure out what to do, anyway, I will leave it to you, and do it as soon as possible." I will nod, since Gao Zhong said so, I must also solve it, although plants can absorb the heavy metal elements inside , but it is also necessary to prevent heavy metal elements from penetrating into the ground.

After He Gui's explanation, don't worry about it. It will definitely take a while here, so I happened to come back to deal with things here after the Spring Festival in 2004.

When I plant iron grass on a large scale in the future, I can provide materials to relevant units. This thing can be said to be the gold that grows. Gold is not so expensive. The annual output value of these greenhouses is not several hundred million. You must know that many listed companies have an annual output value of only a few hundred million.

In addition, what makes He Gui look forward to is that there are several plants of the same type. I don't know if there will be any other changes.

This is also the reason why He Gui needs so many metal ores, it is to prepare for the subsequent planting.

Next, He Gui smelted and tested the materials needed for aircraft engines in the laboratory.

All mechanical manufacturing starts with materials, and the materials must be qualified, although He Gui has the formula and craftsmanship in his hand.

But after all, we still have to make it ourselves first, and all the necessary materials have been prepared long ago. As long as these things are pulled out, Xifei will send them all up.


After being busy in Hyundai for a while, in 2004 we started to prepare for the Chinese New Year.

The new year has begun, and various companies have begun to issue year-end bonuses and benefits one after another. The proportion of year-end bonuses in He Gui's company is not low. The year-end bonuses are based on the performance of each employee throughout the year. There are not only bonuses for length of service, but also attendance and other bonuses.

After He Gui dealt with matters in the capital for two days, he flew directly to Baiyangdian.

Baiyangdian is very lively every winter. The local area of ​​Baiyangdian relies on the Han and Tang Film and Television City to promote tourism. Every year on the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, there is a scene like a temple fair.

The temple fair in Kyoto will be in the year after the year, alas, I will be in the year before, and I don’t charge stall fees, water and electricity bills for the vendors who come, it is said that the organizers of the temple fair in Kyoto have protested several times...

However, Baiyangdian is a county-level unit and does not belong to your capital, so there is a lot of traffic here in the middle of the twelfth lunar month every year.

In addition, the high-speed rail is now convenient to travel, so from the 15th day of the twelfth lunar month to the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month, it is crowded, and many people from Kyoto come here to purchase.

You must know that the things in the temple fair are more expensive than here, that is because the booth fees in the temple fair are expensive.

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【Shuttle to get rich started in 1985】【】

And here, there is no booth fee, no water and electricity bills, so the price naturally has an advantage.

In addition, there is a sun shed here, where it is warm to eat, drink and have fun.

There's even a large indoor fishing facility.

The most famous one is Baiyangdian Winter Catch, and Baiyangdian Winter Catch was He Gui’s idea.

Because when the Han and Tang Film and Television City was built, some areas of Baiyangdian were cleaned up and deeply excavated.

Later, part of the land at Baiyangdian was developed, and part of the area was cleaned up, so the depth here is relatively acceptable.

Winter fishing attracts many people every year. The winter fishing here is purely wild. There are all kinds of fish, such as bream, mullet, grass carp, carp, big crucian carp and so on.

There are also more than ten catties, seven or eight catties, but relatively few. After all, they are caught once a year in winter, although only in some areas, because some areas no longer belong to the local area. Compared with the mansion developed by the How Group, it includes a piece of water .

The He Group developed mansions and excavated a series of waterways on the original land to ensure that there would be a small pier behind each villa, so that the owners could fish at home.

Although the usable area of ​​the land has been reduced, the quality of the mansion has been greatly improved.

The excavated soil is made into hills and the like, forming a unique landscape.

The He Group has done this, and other real estate groups have followed suit, so the water area of ​​Baiyangdian has been increased invisibly. Of course, there is no way for Baiyangdian to feed the fish inside, so these owners must report of.

He Gui is sitting in the yard behind his mansion, a few Mandia yews are the only green.

There is nothing in the lake at the back. In the first few years, you can still see the stalks of those lotus flowers. In these years, there are more fish and wild ducks, and the stalks have long been covered by fish, wild ducks, The swan or something is ruined.

And because the management of Baiyangdian provided food for these wild animals, some birds that were supposed to fly south also stayed.

It's true, I can eat and drink enough at my own home, so why fly to the south?

"The taste of this tofu is incredible." Yang Hai also has a mansion here, so he brought his baby here after the holidays, regardless of his daughter-in-law working in the capital.

"It's made of semi-arid soybeans. There are very few on the market, and ordinary people will only be able to eat it next year." Outdoor barbecue in winter, although it is said to be outdoors, is actually a sun room with a fan on the barbecue grill, UU reading www .uukanshu. There are several stalls in com, anyway, whoever is pleasing to the eye will eat together.

"Tsk tsk, five yuan a catty of soybeans, it is said that next year two yuan a catty, many people want to plant next year." Yang Hai ate a piece of tofu skin.

"It's useless. Only the northwest is suitable. This is a semi-arid area. The south and northeast can be planted, but the yield cannot be raised. If there is too much rain, there may be no harvest." He Gui shook his head and said.

"That's true, how much income do you have this year?" Yang Hai looked at He Gui and asked.

"It's not much. The money comes in here, and the money goes out there."

"Tsk tsk, take out 100 billion U.S. dollars to lend loans in South America, isn't this guy a lot of interest a day?"

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【Shuttle to get rich started in 1985】【】

"You have misunderstood here. I am depositing 100 billion US dollars in the bank, and I will get some deposit interest. Do you want to borrow money?"

"I can't spend all my money in my life, so I'm just wondering, how do you spend trillions of dollars?"

"Hehe, my industry is not trillions, and there are still many companies that will go public one after another."

"Your oil and gas pipeline is also making a lot of money, the international oil price is so high..."

"Luck, luck." He Gui didn't expect that the world's police would be caught in the mud, causing the international oil price to skyrocket for more than half a year.

"How about bringing me with you when you arrive on Hong Kong Island in a few days?" Yang Hai asked in a low voice.

"Tsk problem." He Gui was still wondering, did this guy say these words to slap his own horse? I didn't expect to turn my head and say this. There must be other reasons for this guy's abnormal movement.

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