MTL - Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985-Chapter 493 Misunderstand

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This idea is very good, and He Gui didn't think of it. In fact, He Gui would have thought of this if he was rich and powerful now. You must know that he bought some machines from Da Mao back then, but he got a lot of them.

But it's normal for me to be negligent, and the workers of He's Machinery Factory can see this business opportunity.

He Gui looked at the estimation report below and found that the amount involved was not small.

The United States is a country with a lot of resources, but it also wastes the most resources. When the manufacturing industry in the United States was hollowed out, a lot of equipment and factories were basically abandoned.

It's not that it's abandoned, but these involve a lot of debt, such as the bankruptcy of Detroit, which is the largest city in the auto industry.

Most of these devices are assets mortgaged by the bank, but the bank does not pay enough to deal with these devices.

When disposing of waste items in the United States, most of them have to be paid, and some of them have to be sorted and sent to the recycling station by yourself.

And this kind of large-scale machinery is even more labor-intensive. If there is no way to repair it in situ, only a trailer can be sent back to the repair shop.

Some people say, this is also a good deal, right?

In fact, it is not cost-effective, because on the one hand, there is insurance, and on the other hand, it delays the progress of the project.

Unless the repair over there is a high-priced private repairman, if it is after-sales, I don’t know how long the wait will be.

Have you ever seen someone whose car glass was smashed, call the police, and then a week, half a month before the police come?

In the United States, as long as there is no personal threat to the police, basically the police will not appear immediately.

And most of the time, it's not like in American dramas, often rushing desperately.

Most of them are unwilling to face the robbers' guns head-on.

And this is divided into regions. If it is a rich area, it will come soon.

In some other areas, the police will not come at night because it is too dangerous.

Therefore, there are a lot of machines in the United States that are scrapped but not scrapped, or repaired but not repaired.

We can only wait for the insurance company to deal with it centrally, which is why the old ships are dismantled in Bangladesh and disassembled by the third brother.

The labor is cheap, but in the United States, a cutting and welding worker must have one or two assistants.

Then you need your own safety measures, protective equipment, and high-risk subsidies.

Then when dismantling, it will pollute the environment, as well as oil pollution and garbage in the cabin.

This is why the U.S. Navy sold aircraft carriers for one dollar in history. This is because the aircraft carrier is kept secret, otherwise it would have been sent to other places long ago.

Fortunately, this shipyard received a subsidy, otherwise it would not be demolished.

He Gui personally instructed the machinery factory to reward the two workers who were first discovered, and to reward excellent workers.

The excellent workers selected by He's Enterprise have many advantages. First, they can share the house. As long as you have worked in the enterprise for fifteen years, the house belongs to the workers.

The two of them can at least share a house. If they have a house, they can exchange it for a car or something, but they basically don't discount it.

Now that Kailinna has taken over, He Gui doesn't care about it, and then deals with the documents.

When He Gui was processing the documents on Hong Kong Island, Beijiang Seed Industry also issued the soybean recycling price for this year according to the documents, and the price was unified in all regions.

Generally speaking, the purchase price of seeds for breeding will be higher than the price of general grain.

Generally speaking, the highest price is 300%, and the price of 300% is only for the second-level fine varieties.

That is to say, the price of other grains of the same kind is one yuan, so the purchase price of improved seeds is four yuan.

However, the protein content of semi-arid soybeans is high, so the price of ordinary soybeans will rise by 20%, and then on this basis, it will rise by 300%.

However, there is no way to refer to the price of soybeans now. It is too tragic, so I combined it and gave a super high price of five yuan per catty.

Northwest Huining!

This is an extremely arid place. Even if there is a bitter water well in this place, it is a great wealth, but such a place has also raised generations of people.

The per capita land area here is actually a lot, but there is a saying that nine out of ten years will not be collected, that is to say here.

The main products are buckwheat, corn, millet, upland rice, peas and potatoes.

It can be said that potatoes feed these people on the Loess Plateau.

The difficult conditions have also created the title of the champion county. The children here know from an early age that the only way to get out of this ravine-ridden yellow land is to study.

In the past, when you looked down from the sky, it was a piece of yellow, but in modern times, with the warming of the climate, there is more and more precipitation in the Northwest, and you can see dots of green on the satellite map.

The planting area here is also the largest this year, because no company dares to guarantee the price for farmers to grow soybeans.

The contract signed between Beijiang Seed Industry Company and local farmers guarantees an income of 200 yuan per mu...

Even in 2003, the income of 200 yuan per mu was very low, but the farmers here were very motivated, and of course it was not solely because of the guaranteed minimum income of 200 yuan per mu.

It is more because most of the water cellars here were donated and built by He Gui.

The water cellar is to store rainwater in a cellar, which is why the roofs of many houses in the northwest are all surrounded by water towards the middle of the yard.

Because this water is what everyone needs, the water in this cellar must be planned for use.

To what extent is the drought here? It is said that in the past, people here only took baths three times in their lives. They were born, married, and died.

It is true that a can of clean water in TV dramas can cause a family shock.

The weather is not good this year, and everyone is used to it. In a good harvest year, the crops will be harvested until the Chinese New Year, because there is a lot of land.

"Tsk tsk, this is weird. This soybean looks like it's going to die at noon. I also said that I took three thousand yuan for nothing this year. I didn't expect it to be fruitful." In a village in the countryside of Jiuliwan, several The old man was smoking and chatting under a poplar tree.

"Yeah, ye just didn't die, I looked better in the afternoon, and I saw it the next day, and I came back to life."

"Well now, the driest days are over."

"However, the yield is not very high. I think it can cost two hundred catties per mu."

"The sunny land on your side has a lower yield, and the shady land on our side is estimated to be three hundred catties."

"That's not bad. Look at those who grow buckwheat and peas. They have nothing. They have died of drought long ago."

"Hey, Mr. Chen, you bastard, what are you talking about?" Several people watched an old man emerge from the bottom of the ravine, carrying a few things in his hands.

Chen Da grinned: "These donkeys are begging for goods, and they ran to the ground to eat my beans, and they were caught by me..."

As Chen Da said, he picked up the thing in his hand. It turned out to be a mouse. The mouse here is different from the one in the south. It is like rabbit hair, but it has a long tail.

It's not the plateau pika, the pika has a short tail, it's a kind of mouse.

"Chen Da, you didn't ask for it tonight, there are snacks." Another old man said.

"Ha, that's, that's, my several slopes, this year I will grow several thousand catties of beans."

Many of the farmers here belong to the same family on a hillside, and some are even far away on a mountain, with as many as one or two hundred acres.

As I said before, there is a saying here that you will not accept it for ten years, and there is another sentence that you will not accept it for ten years. There is too much land, and once there is more rain, it will take two months to collect food for a few people who receive food close to the New Year.

"Yes, I just don't know what the price is this year. I asked last time. Beans in the county are very cheap, so what is the price of beans this year?"

"Some harvests are good. Take a look at some in our village that don't grow beans. Buckwheat and peas are all harvested, and potatoes are fine."

The modern northwest is still an important producing area of ​​potatoes, which is why we list potatoes as one of the staple foods, because many, many people already regard potatoes as a staple food.

And the food is also very simple, usually boil a pot and then eat it with chili noodles and salt. Of course, modern life is better, and rice noodles are also available, but I am used to saving.

Corn is not much planted here. Corn actually needs a lot of water and is not drought-tolerant. It can only be done near the Yellow River, as well as in southern Gansu and southern Shaanxi.

Pingba River Valley is also possible.

"It's true, people are not enough, people are not enough."

"Let's go, go back and get some scallions to stew these things. It's so beautiful."

"Tomorrow, I'll go to the field to have a look. Now these scourges are pointing at our beans."

"Let's go then. I heard from the town that the price of beans this year is not bad?"

"I don't know, Boss He shouldn't treat us badly."

"That's right. If it weren't for Boss He, the water cellars in our family wouldn't be that big."

"That's right."

A few people walked towards Zhuangzi. Many places in the northwest are populated by farmers. This actually has something to do with history. You must know that there were many bandits in the northwest in history, and the climate was harsh, so everyone lived together. , each other has a care.

"The harvest has been pretty good in the past few years. Sophora japonica and jujube can also be sold for pocket money every year."

"Well, one year's salt money is enough."

"Planting beans next year, no matter what, is much better than nothing."

"It's you..."

Several people went together. In the past, everyone would bring a catalpa and a basket when they went out, and pick up sheep dung on the road. However, since the beginning of harvesting acacia flowers and roses, these ravines have been allocated to private individuals. , no one herded the sheep anymore.

Both sides of the ravine are now densely populated with acacia trees, which are very drought-tolerant, and as long as there is one, it will continue to spread along the root system, and there are also roses planted.

In the past, a kind of camel grass grew in this big ditch, because there was a layer of hoarfrost on the ground under the ravine, which was saline-alkali, and no grass grew, only camel grass.

Now there are abundant vegetation in the gully, and wild jujube can grow anywhere except the bottom.

"Notice, notice." As soon as they walked to the manor, they heard the big horn in the manor.

"Notification, notification, puff." The loudspeaker yelled twice again, and then blew twice.

"Notification, notification, I received the latest notification from the county that farmers who have signed a soybean seed recycling contract with the seed company this year, the purchase price of soybeans has come down, ten yuan per kilogram."

"Listen up, everyone, ten yuan per kilogram, be careful when collecting soybeans, don't waste them."

"Another thing to say is that this year the harvest is based on the seed price, because this batch of seeds will be exported abroad, so everyone must check the quality."

"The other thing is to warn those who are careful, ten yuan a kilogram of soybeans is not sold in the market. This is a new variety cultivated by the seed company. Even if you steal it, there is no place to sell it."

"In addition, the village organizes people to take turns to watch on the top of the mountain at night to prevent anyone from touching our beans."

"Participating in sentry, each person is subsidized five yuan a day, which is provided by the county. In addition, soybeans are not allowed to be sold across regions, that is, they are not allowed to be sold in other counties. If you catch one, pack up."

A simple method from Beijiang Seed Industry made the counties in the Northwest act like thieves against each other.

Beijiang Seed Industry adopts the foreign exchange settlement method... That is to say, if I buy soybeans in your county, I will get US dollars for your county, and then your county will exchange them for RMB for me.

To be honest, He Gui had too much foreign exchange, and He Gui's foreign exchange could not be used that much. This was also an idea that He Gui thought of at that time.

"Has the captain been fooled by Donkey Day? Ten yuan is a kilogram, and pork is not even ten yuan a kilogram."

"That's right, I asked in the county, and the soybeans they sell retail are only one yuan and sixty-one kilograms."

These farmers are right. Historically, the United States came up with such a trick because of its trade deficit. In fact, our mainland has soybean reserves. Historically, American institutions have said that this year’s soybean production in the United States has been abundant, and the price has continued to fall.

In fact, there was an oversupply of soybeans in 2003, and then the price dropped all the way. When the price of soybeans rose later, the mainland sold 860,000 tons of soybeans, thinking that they had made a profit.

Later, a certain organization in the United States said that soybean production was reduced. Historically, in April next year, soybeans reached the highest price in history, more than 4,000 a ton.

Then there is Barbie Q. More than 80% of the more than 1,000 domestic squeezers have closed down. Then foreign squeezers took advantage of the trend to acquire those in the mainland, and it was at that time that a certain fish entered.

The price of soybeans is lower now, so the inland area is only a few cents a catty.

"Notify again, notify again..."

"At 7:30 in the evening, the head of the household came to the drying yard in the village for a meeting..." The loudspeaker stopped.

"Does it seem to be true?"

"Go, go and ask."

"Go and ask, my good boy. If it's really ten yuan a kilogram, I'll call the boss back. I can't sell it for thirty to fifty thousand."


Immediately, the village was in a panic. The peasants' grain was not only five yuan a catty, but even one yuan per catty was not seen.

After the villagers got the affirmative answer, they went home immediately, and some of them went to participate in sentry, fearing that people around them would steal.

You must know that although the folk customs in the Northwest are simple and honest, but because of poverty, there are also people who steal. If you take a hundred catties of this thing, it is five hundred yuan.

Starting today, all counties will start checking at every intersection, and all cadres will go to the countryside, especially where the two counties meet.

You must know that this is foreign exchange. Where are the chances of obtaining foreign exchange in these counties?

Moreover, Beijiang Seed Industry is also planning to invest in some enterprises. Although it is a primary agricultural product processing enterprise, it is also an enterprise.

Fortunately, there are experiences in this area in various places, and strict defense is strictly guarded. In addition, it does not rain in the northwest, but the temperature is a bit low at night.

But this scene puzzled the American satellites, because the American spy satellites found that there are many light spots in the northwest plateau at night, which is not normal.

It is visible at night, but not during the day, and the light spots are still very dense at night.

In fact, those farmers who patrol at night have rechargeable flashlights. In addition, farmers guard their own soybean fields because there are mice, rabbits, and badgers.

Some animals have suffered. This is something that can’t be helped. In fact, farmers have been fighting wild animals all the time. One wants to eat and the other does not let them eat.

As a result, America's spy satellites changed their orbits frequently, and some Qingbao personnel were sent to the Northwest to understand the situation.

Although the spy satellites of the United States are awesome, there is no way to distinguish what these moving light spots are doing in the dark night.

Moreover, the traces of the light spots were found to be intermittent, as if they were avoiding something.

In fact, the people on patrol are tired and take a rest, or the farmers themselves get up and take a stroll in the field to look at their own soybeans.

But now the counties in the Northwest are very wary of strangers, fearing that it will be people from surrounding counties who will spread the news.

Because some counties have already released news that a catty is 20 cents more than the purchase price next door...

Don't underestimate the two cents, ten catties is two yuan, one hundred catties is 20 yuan, be good.

Zhang Duoduo is one of them. Zhang Duoduo himself studied abroad and was secretly developed into a Qingbao employee by a certain department in the United States. He also got a good resume in the United States, so that he can enter some big companies after returning. For a large company, it is convenient to collect information.

In fact, the United States does not only do this to us, but also to the whole world. It’s not that a veteran foreign student next door is asked to be an informant by a certain department of the United States, and then he can graduate smoothly and get a good resume. Of course, you can also get a lot of money at the same time.

However, the foreign student did not agree, so not only did the foreign student not get his diploma, he was also expelled.

The reason for finding it is also very strange, so don’t think that foreign schools are all good. When these schools export knowledge, they also export values.

These same schools dare not violate the requirements of a certain department, and even if the school does not collude with a certain department, a certain department can create a lot of false appearances, so that you will be expelled from the school, or even disappear...

Zhang Duoduo came back from abroad, and relying on his dazzling resume, he entered a company in Chang'an. In the company, everyone knew that Zhang Duoduo liked photography.

Generally, this kind of peripheral Qingbao personnel, on the one hand, can have the opportunity to contact high-level officials, and on the other hand, they have some hobbies, such as photography, painting, outings and so on.

Originally, a department in the United States sent Zhang Duoduo to Baian Aircraft Company, but unfortunately, Baian Aircraft Company does not recruit people who have studied abroad or have overseas experience.

Baian Aircraft Co., Ltd. first recruited young employees from some enterprises, and later recruited a group of young veterans. In He Gui's view, except for researchers, other skilled workers can learn.

For example, assembly, such as CNC machining, skilled workers are also simple repetitive tasks, and CNC machining can also be set up by dedicated people.

As for the later Baian Aircraft Company, relying on many people from Da Mao and Er Mao in the north, as well as its own technical personnel, gradually established its own training system, recruiting talents from military academies, universities, and some factories. young people.

In terms of machinery, it does not mean that a person with a high degree of education is capable. Of course, as the general public, the only way to select talents is to look at their education background.

Zhang Duoduo originally thought that if he joined the media, he would be able to get to know Baian Aircraft Company. After all, in the mainland, the role of a reporter is still very important.

But Zhang Duoduo didn't have a chance, because he couldn't find the management organization of Bai'an Aircraft Company. Anyway, no one from any organization in Chang'an knew what was going on inside.

Zhang Duoduo was planning to go there twice for filming, but he was asked vigilantly by the local villagers when he was only 20 to 30 kilometers away. Zhang Duoduo knew he couldn't do it.

Baian Aircraft Company has a good relationship with the surrounding villages. Tens of thousands of people eat and drink, how much money is spent every year, and also supports local farmers to grow vegetables in greenhouses, and also organizes training courses, teaching driving, excavators, schools, and highways. It was done well.

Most of the farmers in the inland are very simple, so the surrounding villages know that Bai'an Aircraft Company is a secret factory, and Bai'an Aircraft Company has rewards, as long as they catch suspicious people, they can get rewards.

Zhang Duoduo was very confident this time. In Qiongkala on the northwest side, he got his press card, and he couldn't treat him with good food and drink, because the bureaucracy in Chang'an Province is actually very big.

Zhang Duoduo chose Huining because Huining is known as the No. 1 county. After all, Zhang Duoduo must have a reason to interview.

Zhang Duoduo took the bus first, and in the bus, looking at the wide highway, Zhang Duoduo murmured in his heart: "He Shoufu is really out of his mind, there is nowhere to use the money, how many years will it take to build this thing, if I will go abroad to buy islands and big yachts..."

But when he turned his head and thought of He Shoufu's tens of thousands of tons of yachts, Zhang Duoduo felt even more uncomfortable: "Why don't we say that He Shoufu is doing things in it this time? No matter how awesome He Shoufu is, he was targeted by a certain department of the United States... Humph, If you don't die, you have to shed your skin."

People like Zhang Duoduo already have problems in their hearts. Their hearts are not in the mainland, so seeing the booming development of the mainland makes them feel particularly uncomfortable.

The highway exit from Chang'an to Huining is not in Huining, but in Dingxi.

After getting off the expressway from Dingxi, Zhang Duoduo didn't feel anything wrong at all, but what Zhang Duoduo didn't know was that when he got on the bus, the conductor had his eye on Zhang Duoduo.

why? Zhang Duoduo's accent is not Huining's, and he is not dressed like that.

Now the counties in the northwest are wary of each other. This is everyone's private acquiescence, and the higher-ups don't know.

Moreover, the driver and the conductor knew that they could not pick up and drop off customers on Dingxi's side, so Dingxi colluded with the people from Huining next door to get the soybeans from his side.

As soon as the car entered the territory of Huining, there was a checkpoint. The conductor got out of the car first and whispered to the inspector.

Of course, the inspector knew the local bus. After getting on the bus, the leader said, "Take out your ID card."

Zhang Duoduo was a little confused, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Check the thief, where are you from, where is your ID card?" the leader asked.

"I work in Chang'an, here is my ID card." Zhang Duoduo took out his ID card.

"What are you doing in Chang'an? Why is your ID card from Suzhou Province?" The leader picked up Zhang Duoduo's ID card and asked.

Zhang Duoduo immediately said: "I am a reporter from a certain newspaper, and I am here to interview..."

"I think there is something wrong with your certificate. You came to interview, who did you contact with us?" The leader asked directly.

"How could it be fake? What's the point of contacting? I'll just come to the door." Zhang Duoduo was not surprised at all. After all, he had to be contacted first for interviews before, but this time he came in private, how to contact?

"I think you are a fake reporter, take it away..." The leader thought that Zhang Duoduo was sent by the superiors to interview and expose certain situations on his side, so he said immediately.

"What are you doing, what are you doing? I'm really a reporter..."

"Paralyzed, are you a member of the tomb robbery gang from outside? You're a reporter who came to interview and didn't contact us. You were sneaky. This press card is fake at first glance." The leader shouted while tugging.

Zhang Duoduo immediately shouted: "I'm going to sue you..."

"Zizizi!" Accompanied by a sizzle sound, Zhang Duoduo was convulsed by the electric shock and fell limp to the ground.

"Take it away, it's against the sky." The people below are rude when they do things. Besides, even if you are a real reporter, so what, the big deal is to deal with me, the leader. I will be dismissed and go home to rest for two months. , Change to another place and continue to work.

The rest were checked, and they were all local people in the county. These people went out to work and went back to collect soybeans, and they were not allowed to say anything.

Zhang Duoduo woke up and found that he was locked in a room with severe back pain, which seemed to be a sleeping place.

"Boy, listen to me, be obedient, otherwise it won't be a big deal for us men to attack. If you dare to scream, I will smash a tooth of yours." The boss here has already been greeted, and Zhang Duoduo is told not to make trouble. Well, as for how long it will take to release it... Hehe, let's talk about it after the soybeans are collected.

"where is this place?"

"Papa papa, from now on, you have to raise your hand before speaking, and the boss can only speak when the boss agrees." Zhang Duoduo was slapped in the face.

" I want to sue you..."

Then I had an old punch, if I hadn't been ordered, there would have been worse...

Zhang Duoduo is neither the first nor the last. A certain department in the United States found something was wrong. A dozen people were sent in the first wave. Why is there no news?

You must know that these dozen people went to different places, and they went there with different identities. The whole army was wiped out at the same time and was discovered?

"This is a well-organized major event. Find out as soon as possible and activate higher-level Qingbao personnel."

