MTL - Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985-Chapter 490 culture

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He Gui didn't look at the information, but took out a document and said, "Africa, you can contact Assistant Lin, she has a charitable organization coming to her, and your side will mainly be in the Middle East, China subregion."

"Okay, boss." The person in charge of Beijiang Seed Industry nodded.

Then He Gui looked at the information, mainly the price of this year's purchase of northwest growers.

There are several issues involved, which can be said to be more complicated. Of course, the main reason is that He Gui is more conscientious. If he is a black-hearted capitalist, he will not be so worried.

The soybeans purchased this year are used as seeds, although it is said that He Gui provides them to other order farmers for free, whether domestic or foreign.

But He Gui also provided it for free for his own benefit, for the long-term benefit in the future.

So He Gui is going to buy according to the seed price, but if he buys according to the seed price, then because of the high price, many growers will blindly follow suit next year, and the price will not be higher next year.

The second point is that because there were not enough seeds at that time, some of the seeds were not semi-arid soybeans, but local soybeans. Now we have to do a good job of screening and processing, and we can't tell the truth.

The third is local interests, which must be taken into account, after all, we will still operate there in the future.

"There's something wrong with this plan." He Gui looked at the plan inside and said.

This plan is to increase the purchase price of farmers, but not too high, and then convert the money of farmers into money for local infrastructure such as roads.

"The farmers' money is still given to the farmers." He Gui knew the situation in the Northwest.

Even if it is the so-called coal city, do you think it is the common people who get rich? The common people have just suffered, there are coal ash and dust everywhere, and you can’t say what you have to say, otherwise... Hehe, there are no good people who open coal mines... No, there are no good people who open mines.


"Isn't it easy to deal with this next year?" the person in charge of Beijiang said.

It is really difficult to deal with. This year you will give seven or eight yuan per catty, and next year you will give one yuan per catty.

He Gui chuckled: "The market economy, when I came back and thought about it carefully, we were still wrong. We shouldn't have divided what should be given to the farmers. It's not fair to them. Moreover, the market economy is also normal, and there are many valuable things. It’s worthless, and next year we can let the wind say too much or something, and we have applied for a patent on this soybean, we don’t care about other domestic buyers, and it’s obviously impossible to trade it abroad.”

The person in charge of Beijiang Seed Industry flattered immediately: "The boss, you have a conscience. If you change to another boss, you will try to lower the purchase price regardless of how high your selling price is."

"Let's not talk about it. We don't care about other people. In addition, we can use part of the funds to carry out some other economic projects in the Northwest. You can find someone to work out the plan and show it to me when the time comes. If there is water shortage there, we can get some primary Just agricultural product processing." He Gui continued.

"Okay, boss." The person in charge of Beijiang Seed Industry nodded immediately.

"According to my method, make a new purchase plan, and the purchase price should be a little lower than the price of breeding rice." He Gui continued.

"Okay, boss." The person in charge of Beijiang Seed Industry immediately picked up the materials.

"You go out and find Assistant Lin, see what she's doing there, and come up with a plan together. We must do a good job in supervision."

"Okay, boss."

He Gui has also figured it out now. His original intention was to give farmers a little more. Although the plan said that the farmers also benefited indirectly, it went against his original intention. Most places in the Northwest have a lot of land. It will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars more, which is conceivable for the help of farmers in the northwest.

Earning more is the luck of the farmers, and the price will be lower next year, which is a market economy.

As soon as He Gui was processing the documents, Kailina called: "Honey, the high-yield oily soybean seeds and the semi-arid soybean seeds have obtained special permission."

"So fast." He Gui was a little surprised. Is the process of this American capitalist so fast?

"We have reached some agreements with the big boss... We will not interfere with the infrastructure in the Midwest." Kailinna said.

He Gui knew exactly what Kailinna was talking about, what kind of agreement? Is the spoils conference good?

"And then?" He Gui asked again.

"We're going to buy a large number of machines to reclaim the farms in the Midwest during the winter. We're going to give you a huge order, but you have to give us a preferential price." Kailinna said.

"That's no problem, how about I give you the status of a regional distributor?" Of course He Gui agreed.

You should know that He Gui's mining machinery and excavators have hardly entered the market in Europe and North America. The reason is that the market there is almost full. After all, an excavator will not be scrapped in a year or two.

The large-scale machinery used for land reclamation is produced by He's Machinery Group. The main market is the third world and the mainland.

It is enough to keep the basic market of the mainland market.

"Yeah, of course." Regional dealers have discounts and rebates.

In fact, the excavators in the Mainland are cheap, solid and durable.

"Then I will come over tomorrow to sign a contract and place an order. This time the matter is basically over." Kailinna said.

He Gui didn't ask specifics. Although the call technology has been encrypted, in the eyes of the intelligence agencies in the United States, the so-called encryption is a joke.

He Gui still remembers that a certain department in the United States couldn’t open a certain suspect’s mobile phone. This is just a reverse advertisement. If you really believe it, then store the secret in it, and the mobile phone company will check it for you. .

In fact, relatively speaking, Android is not confidential, it is relative.

The app of a certain type of mobile phone must be suitable for his system. His system will read your permissions and your information, and the mobile phone will not notify you. The other app has contributed to Lilan. Who is the mobile phone with? Naturally, I understood that those who use mobile phones are just leeks.

There is no deep interest relationship between Android mobile phone manufacturers and apps....

Let's put it this way, if you look at the wallets that come with Android-branded phones, will there be any reminders? no? You can't modify it at all, and you can't uninstall it....

Without a secure mobile phone, even the mobile phone of a certain leader in Yingying has been monitored by hackers. The American intelligence department is not as good as these hackers?

He Gui is also very curious, what's the deal with this agreement? Did the opponent surrender, or something else.

Then He Gui called He's Machinery Factory and informed him that this time the export must do a good job in related work, not to say that there is a difference in treatment or something, but the after-sales, maintenance, etc. of He's Machinery in the United States. Work to be done.

Let the American farmers know that the tractors and excavators produced by Ryan, the richest man in the world, are also easy to use and cheap.

To be honest, He Gui's title as the richest man is still very useful. At least if people ask which country Land Rover is from, they will know that it belongs to the oriental man.

This is also an opportunity for He's machinery to enter the western developed countries. The western developed countries have strong mechanical strength and a high market share.

For so many years, He Gui has no plan to enter the western market, because the domestic market demand is simply too large, and the supply is almost in short supply.

He's Machinery's market share in the mainland has reached more than 90%. This is partly because of He's Machinery's own performance and after-sales maintenance. There are hundreds of after-sales maintenance service outlets across the country, and the other one has a little It’s not enough to win, it’s the project He Gui invested or participated in. If you want to use other foreign excavators and machinery, then you don’t want to take much money away.

In recent years, He Gui has invested a lot in real estate, industrial parks, ports, highways, oil and gas pipelines, etc. If you don’t use the machinery in He Gui’s factory, you won’t be able to earn much money there, so now there are many The engineering team must use expensive machines, and the more machines are sold, the cheaper the after-sales service outlets will be, and the prices of parts will not remain high. This has formed a giant effect, and the higher the market share, the better the service. Well, the lower the price of parts, the more people there are to do aftermarket repairs.

Just like many people like to buy VW, they are interested in the components of VW, which have a high market share, and any repair shop can provide accessories.

This time, Kailinna took the initiative to introduce the machinery of the He Group. On the one hand, it was based on his own cost considerations. The conditions in the Midwest of the United States are harsh, and there are many farms involved. If they all buy agricultural machinery from Western developed countries, then the overall The funds must be more than 20 to 30% more, and the larger the amount of funds involved, the more the 20 to 30% Next ! Current Page 1/Total 3 Pages

Many, and many large orders in the West need to be customized in advance, and they will be delivered after a certain period of time, not immediately, because their production tasks are formulated and their workers do not work overtime.

What capitalists pay attention to is profit. Karina and others want to cultivate all the farms in the Midwest of the United States this winter, and they need a lot of equipment.

If you order from the United States, there will be a surcharge for such an urgent order.

The only choice is He Gui's He's machine, and not everyone's machine can run in the cold wind of North America.

Machinery is a strange thing to say. You say that it is not good if the weather is too cold, and it is not good if the weather is too hot.

According to the Western blood theory, He Gui's machines belong to the German system, so there is no problem in using them in North America.

While the West says that everyone is equal, it divides families and blood.

However, because there are many countries in Western history, most of the surnames can be said to be of royal blood...

Although He's Machinery Factory didn't know how many machines Kailinna wanted, they could think of ordinary orders, and the boss would not order them, so they urgently placed orders to the surrounding parts factories.

The spare parts factory placed an order for material supply, which also alarmed the local area and participated in the coordination.

Karina arrived the next morning, but fortunately, she was in a private jet, full of energy.

"This is the list for this time. I hope to see them within two months." Karina took out an order document.

He Gui took a look and found that there were quite a lot. Large excavators needed 1,500 units, small excavators needed 3,000 units, and there were also stone screening machines and deep plowing machines for land reclamation.

The total size exceeds 10,000 units, which is really a big order.

"Do you need so many?"

"The Midwest is much bigger than you think. The farms over there are almost the price of cabbage. We cultivate them this year, plant food next year, and apply for infrastructure improvement in the second half of the year." Kailinna said.

"Should be no problem, how to solve the soybean matter?" He Gui asked curiously.

"This way." Karina took out some information.

He Gui was very surprised when he got the information, it turned out to be internal strife?

The Soybean Association and soybean futures dealers actually surrendered unconditionally. Not only did they surrender, but they also sold some of the guys behind this incident.

"Tsk tsk, these people are unlucky, and I'm also very surprised, these soybean futures traders have eaten so many contracts together, is there something wrong with their brains?" He Gui said pretendingly.

Kailinna also didn't know if He Gui knew the news in advance. Few people knew about the conspiracy of the Soybean Association and Soybean Futures Company.

However, Kailinna and the others are the vested interests this time, and they will definitely not delve into it. Moreover, He Gui is very sensitive to data, and he may not necessarily be able to detect anything from the futures trading data.

"Now these conspiracy initiators have been resigned, and a group of promising people have been replaced." Kailinna said very euphemistically.

He Gui smacked his lips. You must know that there are a lot of people in organizations like fbb. It is a great thing for people like Kailina to have people of their own in key positions.

This time, Kailinna and the others made money again, and they installed their own people in it. The road ahead is getting wider and wider.

"Then what do you think about my establishment of soybean futures trading on Hong Kong Island?" He Gui asked.

"Of course not. Now everyone hopes that the futures trading will be normal, because those soybeans are now ours, and even the Chicago Board of Trade has negotiated with us carefully." Kailinna continued.

He Gui understood that those genetically modified soybeans had already been seized.

The biggest losses here are the futures companies, the second are those investors, the third are those companies that actually reserve soybeans, the fourth are farmers, and the fifth are pesticide companies and seed companies.

Because no matter what kind of company it is, it will go bankrupt at worst. Anyway, the boss's personal money is already in his pocket.

"Now that high-yield soybeans and semi-arid soybeans have obtained special planting permits, we will start trial planting in South America. After a few months, when the planting results come out, the seed agency company can go public to collect money." Kailinna continued Said.

He Gui nodded. This is the common practice in the West. When the market is favorable, it can earn a lot of money by going public.

In the afternoon, He Gui brought Kailina to meet with the person in charge of the Northern Xinjiang Seed Industry, and asked the two to hand over any problems in the future, such as establishing a breeding base in South America. The first batch of planting this year needs technical personnel to follow up.

He Gui and Kai Linna flew to the mainland the next day.

Kailinna also brought a professional procurement team this time, but He Gui didn't have many people here, because He Gui returned to his own factory.

"These are all He's machinery?" Kailinna was on the plane and saw the huge factory building below, which could not be seen at a glance.

He Gui nodded: "Yes, more than 1.5 million machines of various types were sold here last year."

Ho's machinery produces a wide range of products, such as large, medium and small forklifts, excavators, loaders, mining machinery and so on.

Although it is not the first time for Kailinna to see this kind of super machinery factory, it is the first time for He Gui.

He's Machinery is a private enterprise, so the annual data will not be reported. He's Machinery consumes tens of millions of tons of steel every year.

The 1.5 million units He Gui mentioned are finished products, and there are various parts and components?

Most of the parts are purchased from the supporting factories, but some core hydraulic pumps, engines and the like are still the core factories.

He's Machinery Factory is becoming more and more influential in northern Jiangsu. According to official reports, the machinery is exported to dozens of countries at home and abroad.

That's right, such as Southeast Asia, Africa, and Central Asia, there are at least dozens of them in total.

The person in charge of the factory came to pick her up at the airport in person. If the boss came alone, the person in charge would not have come to pick her up. However, as Kailinna is a customer and a major customer, the person in charge came in person.

The person in charge is a professional manager, but Zhang Hong's younger brother has been in charge of the logistics here, checking and balancing each other.

Professional managers and logistics supervisors check and balance each other, although Zhang Jun is He Gui's confidant.

But as veterans, there should be checks and balances, otherwise, once these veterans drift away, it will not be good for the factory.

"Thank you, our order is quite urgent this time." Kailinna didn't talk nonsense, although theoretically speaking, He Gui's factory was no different from Kailinna's own.

But Kailinna is a Westerner thinking, thinking that everyone should do their own thing, and if Kailinna wants to get the dealer qualification, she will inevitably have to deal with this place frequently in the future.

The factory has the interests of the factory, if it is not done well at that time, no matter how expensive it is to come forward, everyone will lose face.

The person in charge of the factory is a professional manager who just needs to be responsible for the factory. The person in charge thought that He Gui was going to say something, but he didn't expect that He Gui would just listen and not interfere.

The person in charge breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, as a professional manager of a large group, what he is most afraid of is the boss's relatives and related households.

However, as the richest man in the world, He Gui will not interfere with the management of the person in charge of the company under his name. Of course, if he doesn't get good results at the end of the year, He Gui will definitely do it.

It's not that He Gui doesn't want to take care of it, but that there are too many companies under his name, and each industry is different. I know the general direction, and the specific management is different in each field, and the means and methods of operation are also different.

It is impossible to use retail experience to manage a machinery factory.

So what kind of teachers on the Internet often make plans for other companies, but what about the last feathers?

Different industries have different attributes. Maybe this teacher is very successful in a certain field, but in another field, he will fail.

You use the experience of managing a restaurant chain to formulate an automotive product sales...this part is different.

The person in charge is not only responsible for the operation of the factory, but also responsible for the future of tens of thousands of people, so He Gui usually just gives pointers to the general direction and ignores the rest.

This time, Kailinna came to discuss business cooperation, and Westerners have a relatively clear distinction between public and private affairs. Besides, Kailinna didn't say anything, so He Gui didn't need to speak up.

The person in charge picked up the information and said, "Ms. Karina, we need a detailed assessment of this, give us a little time?"

"Okay, how long will it take?"

"Three o'clock in the afternoon is enough." The person in charge said.

"Well, I hope it's good news." Kailina also knows that these orders are in other companies, and you can't get them for a year.

You must know that the investment in farms in the Midwest of the United States is not small, many of which are financed by banks, and should be developed as early as possible, Next page! Current Page 2/Total 3 Pages

Benefit as early as possible, then you can repay part of the bank loan in advance, and then reduce the interest a lot.

He Gui said at this time: "The mainland is about to enter winter, and some orders in the north can be delayed, and you can discuss it with the other party."

The person in charge nodded: "Okay, boss, we will consider it."

Kailinna must have lived with He Gui when she came here, and there was still some time before lunch, so He Gui brought Kailinna here to put away the things she carried with her.

"Ryan, I feel that you have met the conditions of a chaebol now." Kailinna looked at He Gui and said.

When He Gui heard this, he asked with a smile, "Why?"

"I can tell by seeing your relationship with the person in charge here today. The person in charge is responsible for the factory, and your boss's priority is still behind. This is actually the secret of a company's long-term survival."

"I have seen most of the companies, whether they are in the mainland or our western companies, if the professional managers unconditionally implement all the boss's needs, then this company will not be far from failure."

"Enterprises must have their own independent thinking, and cannot be influenced by the boss's ideas, let alone take the boss's words as orders." Kailinna said while looking at He Gui. Kailinna seemed to remember that He Gui personally participated in the filming, Personally formulate the company's strategy, and now it has grown to this point, and it has completely stabilized the foundation.

He Gui shook his head and said: "Professional matters are left to professional people. If a person in charge does not have the ability to judge, then he is not a qualified person in charge."

"Ryan, do you believe this? How many companies in the mainland don't take the boss's words as orders? A powerful company often declines from within, and it's best not to have a strong personal label, otherwise, later People can't do their jobs," Carina continued.

He Gui nodded, trying to downplay his personal label. He Gui will not promote his own personality cult in the company, and he will not engage in success studies to fool everyone. The so-called corporate culture, look at those companies in the West, everyone is simple. employment relationship only.

Let's engage in corporate culture here, what can we do? Than working overtime? Than flattering? The boss went up and bragged about how he was successful, and what would happen to those present if he succeeded.

Really wait until these bosses succeed, people will not remember what brothers? Don't squeeze brothers, where's your own success?

The so-called corporate culture, to put it simply... is just a picture.

Of course, if the boss sends 200 red envelopes every time he holds an event, everyone agrees with this...

What a waste of time to listen to your bragging. Boss, you've finished bragging. Isn't the accumulated work still to be done?

He Gui thinks of some of the modern times who are often in the limelight, and the ending is not so good, but they are considered successful, and I feel aggrieved for sure. Whoever snatches your hen that lays eggs is also aggrieved.

He Gui said: "I basically don't ask about the company's specific operations now, but just take care of it in a general direction."

The enterprise under He Gui's name is to cultivate its own unique business philosophy and try to downplay He Gui's personal influence as much as possible.

The big boss likes to point fingers and intervene in every link, and basically the company has collapsed.

Just like Bald Qiang likes to beep beep to the front-line command at the headquarters, looking at the map to command.

Business operations will encounter various problems, and business development will also encounter problems. If you have to ask He Gui about everything, on the one hand, He Gui is too busy. Dare to make up your own mind.

"And it's definitely a good idea for you to arrange Zhang Jun to do logistics." Kailinna said again.

He Gui nodded, confidant, relatives can take positions in the company under their name, but remember not to be the person in charge, otherwise it will play tricks on you.

There is a balance between the person in charge and the confidant. With the confidant around, the person in charge dare not act Similarly, if the confidant wants to act recklessly, the person in charge will not sit idly by.

Of course, collusion is also possible.

So He Gui said: "In fact, we still need a complete system, management system, and reward system."

Kailinna nodded: "Now our university over there is studying your business philosophy, especially the dividend distribution for all employees of the Prosperity Supermarket in the Mainland, which has never really existed before."

He Gui shook his head, why only the supermarket class can do this.

Many people don't know that there is a lot of loss in supermarkets, especially in the area of ​​fresh food.

Moreover, some supermarkets and certain brands will privately give more commissions to shopping guides, so shopping guides will recommend them to customers regardless of whether the goods are good or not.

So where will these brands make up for the extra spending?

quality, cost.

Of course not to say fake, shoddy.

Not just employees, how much benefits can a store manager of a chain supermarket get in a year.

When a customer buys Liby to wash clothes and goes back to take a closer look at Liri, what will he think in his heart.

Why are many modern supermarket chains losing money for a long time.

Because you can eat from top to bottom for extra money.

For example, fresh food, some rotten fruits, if the employees are not motivated, they don’t care at all, because a large supermarket has a group of people to load, a group of people to screen, and a group of people to weigh.

Anyway, with such a small salary, the weigher will do what the loader does, and if it is rotten, it will be thrown there, and the next loader will take it away.

But the customer experience is definitely not good.

Moreover, some store managers will also buy some low-quality things. Once customers go back to eat fruits, they will basically not buy them a second time.

"Which school is doing it, they can find me, and I can let them come to my supermarket for internship." He Gui chuckled.

