MTL - Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985-Chapter 43 Kamibuki

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Li Yundong, a reporter from Ming Pao, was a little confused. Why did so many foreign media come to the press conference?

Australian Liji, American, John Bull, Gallic Chicken, Prussian, Foot Pot Chicken, Wanwan, Malaysian Xidong, Asan, Maoxiong.

The local reporters of the Hong Kong government are all in a daze. These foreign reporters are equipped with much better equipment than their own. It is enough for them to have a camera.

"Hey, what's the big deal?" Li Yundong greeted an American reporter beside him.

The American reporter looked weird, then ignored Li Yundong, leaving Li Yundong behind.

After waiting for several hours, the door of the Peninsula Hotel finally opened, and these high-spirited reporters from the West rushed in. Several local reporters from the Hong Kong government were directly kicked on the ground by the foreign reporters behind them. Li Yundong was stepped on a lot.

"Mr. Ryan, I'm a reporter from America Online. May I ask when your new book will be published." He Gui stood with Governor Youde, but an American reporter turned the microphone on He Gui.

The bodyguard hurriedly stopped him, and He Gui pointed to the reporter and said, "This girl, are you a Muggle?"

"Haha!" The rest of the reporters laughed.

"As for the new book, I will hold a special press conference tomorrow. Let's take a look at this first. Governor Youde is very helpful to my personal career development." He Gui pointed to the Governor of Hong Kong.

"Everyone, I am very happy that Mr. Ryan has achieved his career in our Hong Kong government. Today's bidding will be very successful."

"More than 400 well-known international companies participated in today's bidding."

"The final transaction amount reached 15 billion US dollars..."

The reporters from the Hong Kong government couldn't squeeze in at all, they could only hear voices, 15 billion US dollars, what kind of concept is this... I really want to see who is in front of me, but it's a pity that these white-skinned big guys won't give face .

"Hong Kong welcomes businessmen from all over the world to invest."

Youde was very high-spirited. Seeing these media people, it was like he was in the United Nations. After Youde finished speaking, these reporters looked at He Gui.

"I hope the Hong Kong government will get better and better in the future, and I hope everyone likes the mysterious oriental health care products. Of course, please use them strictly according to the instructions, thank you."

He Gui was about to leave after speaking, and a reporter immediately asked, "Mr. Ryan, what is the function of this drug?"

"This is to solve the problem of men's health. Please ask our engineer, Mr. Hans, to answer it for everyone." He Gui is not afraid of being shameless. If he doesn't hype at this time, when will he hype it.

"Mr. Governor, the next step is that the Group wants to build several large entertainment shopping malls on Hong Kong Island, with a total investment of approximately two billion U.S. dollars." He Gui whispered to You De.

Of course Yod knew that it was time for him to pay, and asked with a smile: "A good idea?"

"Comprehensive entertainment center, including shopping and entertainment."

He Gui whispered for a while, and then went to the celebration hall. This time, He Gui drank fruit juice, for fear that he would drive drunk, ahem, after all, this is a new car. Of course, it does not mean that you must drive, but if you are drunk, you will be incapacitated. It's up to you.

At the banquet, everyone's interest in He Gui was far from being a colonial governor, not only Youde, but also other high-level members of the Hong Kong government. For this Ryan, they also felt overwhelming pressure.

"Honey, do you know what people say about you these days?"

"Oriental mystery writers sell spring medicine."

"The magical oriental magician is actually a witch doctor."

"Haha, haha." The next afternoon, Kailinna called. One can imagine how the western newspapers would associate the mysterious oriental writer with Brother Chun.

This kind of hot spot has detonated the whole world, from the Americas to Australia, from Europe to Siberia, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

Looking at the newspapers of the Hong Kong government, it is written in big handwriting that the new rich man of the Hong Kong government has a personal income of four billion Hong Kong dollars a day, and Handing Pharmaceutical Group has a daily turnover of 15 billion US dollars.

What a genius fantasy writer, with a total sales volume of over 100 million, but Youde has very few pages, and of course there are some flatterers.

Kailinna also took advantage of this storm and sang the first song, Hero, the phone calls of pharmaceutical companies all over the world were buzzing, and they all asked when they could order the mysterious oriental health care product.

Those who did not get the sales qualification wished to commit suicide. The bidding pharmaceutical companies urged to sign a formal contract one after another, and those who signed the contract and placed orders increased their orders one after another. Unfortunately, they could not add more.

In the morning of the next day, well-known media from all over the world came to the Banshan Villa. Comrades from a certain Chinese agency saw He Gui, who was all fleshy, doing Tai Chi.

"This is our famous health-preserving kung fu in China."

"See if my trajectory is repeated, does it look like the trajectory of the planets in the solar system?"

"This is our ancient oriental nation, which evolved according to astrology, which is what you call astrology."

"From the perspective of Western the older you are, the less suitable you are for strenuous exercise, but our exercise is better than swimming. It can exercise every muscle, bone, and concentration in your body."

"And it only needs an area of ​​one square meter. You don't need to dig a swimming pool in the backyard, and there is no danger of drowning..."

The western media kept taking pictures. Who would have thought that Mr. Ryan's muscles were so beautiful. Many female reporters took a closer look at Mr. Ryan's butt.

He Gui was wearing cloth clothes like a vest, and he was talking nonsense while doing Tai Chi.

After playing a lap, He Guicai officially accepted the interview.

"Mr. Lane, may I ask if you wrote Miss Karina's lyrics and music?"

"Yes. In fact, each of us is a hero. It just depends on whether we need heroes."

"Parents become heroes in order to protect their children."

"The police will also become heroes in order to protect ordinary people."

"It's just that we ordinary people haven't encountered the environment where we can be heroes."

He Gui was blowing for a while, facing the West, it's over. Anyway, the West likes this kind of thing, especially the media, who say that there are many people like pigs and freedom.

Of course, the reason why firefighters in the United States had to check their bodies after working for two hours was actually related to 9/11. According to statistics, because of dust and harmful substances, among the 1,500 firefighters who participated in the rescue at that time, there were Various diseases, many people died in despair, but there is no compensation for a penny, because the capitalists have lost a lot, how can they compensate you.

Therefore, firefighters in the United States will never go to places that are dangerous during their missions. Many times, these firefighters will say that it will be fine after the fire is over, but now it is very dangerous...